Cómo habitar la rabia: de la indignación a la transformación

Date: 14 Jun - 14 Jun 2024
Time: 11:00 - 13:00
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

This workshop is organised by the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies. This activity is part of the project 'Mediatization of women's rage: frames of intelligibility and communicative strategies for politicizing transformation' (PID2020-113054GB-I00) funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ with the support of the Cervantes Institute Dublin.

In recent years we have witnessed a series of digital mobilizations against sexual violence articulated in global movements such as #MeToo or localized movements such as #SeAcabó in Spain. In a society that sanctions and legitimizes the use of emotions based on the location in the gender hierarchy occupied by the subject who expresses them, it is necessary to understand how digital practices that denounce sexual violence visibilize productive ways of articulating rage in digital public discourse. This will allow us to explore innovative ways of inhabiting rage that facilitate questioning the hegemonic frameworks through which we understand violence. During the session we will work with a practical case study that will help us contextualize how the collective expression of focused anger operates in digital discourses serving as a tool for social change.

This workshop will be led in Spanish by Sonia Núñez Puente and Diana Fernández Romero, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Please register here.

En los últimos años hemos asistido a una serie de movilizaciones digitales contra las violencias sexuales articuladas en movimientos globales como el #MeToo o locales como el #SeAcabó en España. En una sociedad que sanciona y legitima el uso de las emociones en función de la jerarquía que ocupa el sujeto que las expresa en el orden de género se hace necesario entender cómo las prácticas digitales que denuncian las violencias sexuales visibilizan maneras productivas de articular la rabia en el discurso público digital. Así exploraremos los modos innovadores de habitar la rabia que señalan el cuestionamiento de los marcos hegemónicos en los que entendemos las violencias. Durante la sesión abordaremos un caso práctico que nos ayudará a contextualizar cómo opera en los discursos digitales la expresión colectiva de la rabia enfocada a servir de herramienta de cambio social.

Please let us know if you have any access requirements, such as ISL/English interpreting, so that we can facilitate you in attending this event. Contact: barbourc@tcd.ie

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