25th Medieval Dublin Symposium

Date: 05 Oct - 05 Oct 2024
Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Venue: Neill Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub

The 25th Medieval Dublin symposium is organised by the Friends of Medieval Dublin with support from the Department of History and the Trinity Long Room Hub and is presented as part of the Dublin Festival of History showcasing new research in the history and archaeology of medieval Dublin. The purpose of the annual Medieval Dublin Symposium is to provide a way through which specialists, amateurs, historians, archaeologists, teachers, students, and everyone whose talents and interests are required to make complete the business of history, excavation and post excavation, can collaborate and provide us, and the Dubliners of the future, with a clearer picture of the early growth of this remarkable city.
Programme 25th Medieval Dublin Symposium:

9.30–9.40 Introduction, Seán Duffy

9.40–10.30 Exciting new Viking discoveries from excavations at the edge of Kilmainham, Antoine Giacometti

10.30–11.10 A man of all kingdoms? The rise and fall of Echmarcach RÇ«gnvaldsson (d. c.1064), Russell Ó Riagáin

11.10–11.40 Break

11.40–12.25 St Lorcán Ua Tuathail and the sieges of Dublin, 1170–71, Jesse Harrington

12.25–12.50 Reimagining St John’s priory, medieval headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller in Kilmainham: a Covid ‘sanity project’, Ruth Johnson

12.50–14.00 Lunch (not provided)

14.00–14.45 Excavations of a multi-phase site at Molyneux House, Bride Street, Dublin 8 , Chris Coffey

14.45–15.30 “Which should we hang first, the holly or each other?”: Henry II’s Christmas court at Dublin, 1171 , Denis Casey

15.30–16.00 Break

16.00–17.00 Wood Quay 50th Anniversary Event

The commencement of the Wood Quay excavations in 1974: a reappraisal, Pat Wallace

The event is free and all are welcome. No registration is required. For event details Contact: Prof Seán Duffy <sduffy@tcd.ie> / Dr Caoimhe Whelan <secretary.fmd@gmail.com>

Please let us know if you have any access requirements, such as ISL/English interpreting, so that we can facilitate you in attending this event. Contact: sduffy@tcd.ie

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