The Trinity Long Room Hub runs a major public engagement initiative which aims to share the insights and benefits of Arts and Humanities research with diverse communities across Ireland and the world. On this page, you will find upcoming events as well as links to watch and listen to past events. You will also be able to connect directly to special playlists with our ongoing signature events. For more on our public events, sign up to our newsletter here.
Our ongoing signature series include Behind the Headlines, which offers background analyses on current issues and creates a space for informed and respectful public discourse; the Annual Edmund Burke Lecture, bringing leading public intellectuals of our time to Trinity College Dublin; and The Annual Humanities Horizons Lecture which was established to provide a significant contribution to reflection on and advocacy for the Arts and Humanities.
With thanks to the John Pollard Foundation for supporting the ongoing development of the Behind the Headlines series, and to the Fallon family for their support for the Edmund Burke Lecture Series in honour of Padraic Fallon.
Trinity Talks: Dublin’s Hidden Histories
Dublin’s Hidden Histories is the latest series of ‘Trinity Talks’ from the Trinity Long Room Hub and Near FM.

Behind The Headlines
The Trinity Long Room Hub’s ‘Behind the Headlines’ discussion series offers background analyses on current issues by experts drawing on the long-term perspectives of Arts & Humanities research.

Annual Edmund Burke Lecture
The Trinity Long Room Hub Annual Edmund Burke Lecture is supported by a generous endowment in honour of Padraic Fallon by his family.

Annual Humanities Horizons Lecture
The Annual Humanities Horizons Lecture was established to provide a significant contribution to reflection on and advocacy for the Arts and Humanities.
Trinity Arts & Humanities Research Festival 2023
A new festival celebrating cutting-edge research and creativity at the heart of Trinity's Arts and Humanities.

Out of The Ashes (2018-21)
Exploring cultural loss and recovery across the centuries. Led by Prof Peter Crooks in association with the Beyond 2022 Project & the Making Ireland, Identities in Transformation & Manuscript, Book and Print Cultures themes.
Human + Tech Talks
The Trinity Long Room Hub and ADAPT present a new discussion series ‘Human+ Tech Talks’ which showcases the pioneering research topics of the fellows in conversation with their multi-disciplinary teams.
Trinity and the Changing City
Trinity and the Changing City is organised by the Identities in Transformation research theme, led by Daniel Faas, Department of Sociology, and is supported by the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute.
The Hublic Sphere
The Hublic Sphere Podcast is dedicated to the public humanities. It is produced by Early Career Researchers at the Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College with assistance from Near FM.
Fellow in Focus 23-34
A series of 'in conversation' events featuring Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellows and their TCD academic partners.
Europe's Violent Memories (2013-16)
A series exploring how war, its traumas and memories were pivotal to forming European identities in the 20th century. Organised by the Trinity Centres for War Studies and for European Studies in association with the Trinity Long Room Hub.

Literature and Resistance
A multiannual discussion series organised by the Trinity Centre for Resistance Studies in partnership with the Trinity Long Room Hub, examining the ways that literature can function or be understood as resistance.

Sonic Spaces Discussion Series
Organised by Jennifer O’Meara, Department of Film, as part of the Creative Arts Practice Research theme in association with the Trinity Long Room Hub. It aims to encourage reflection on our relationship to listening and its significance.
Trinity Arts & Humanities Research Festival 2024
See the programme for the Trinity Arts & Humanities Research Festival 2024.