Dr. John Gallagher
Assistant Professor, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.
Email J.Gallagher@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1638https://www.tcd.ie/civileng/people/jgallag9/Biography
Dr Gallagher is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Systems Modelling and Director of TrinityHaus Trinity Research Centre in the Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering. He is also a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) and holds a Education for Sustainability Development (ESD) Research Fellow within the University. Since Dr Gallagher's joined the Department, his research has focused on applying the 3M method (measurement, modelling and mitigation) to inform the development of passive engineered and nature-based solutions that deliver healthy indoor and outdoor spaces in a sustainable manner. His environmental pollution research focuses on reducing air pollution in and around buildings and transport hubs, improving environmental quality (air, noise and temperature) in urban green spaces. His work on low-carbon and resource efficient design of energy and infrastructure systems has informed contributions to standards development. Dr Gallagher has published over 50 papers in these areas in high impact international journals and international conferences, and to date he has been awarded over €1 million in research funding (from EPA, SFI, SEAI, Erasmus+, INTERREG NWE & AA, and HORIZON 2020). He currently leads of a team of 9 researchers (6 PhD students, 2 postdoctoral researcher, and 2 research assistants). He has also produced professional research reports for a range of organisations in areas of water (EPA, An Foran Uisce), air pollution (Dept of Housing), low-carbon transitions (agriculture for Welsh Government, low-carbon buildings for Dublin City Council). Dr Gallagher also a member of a number of National and International research groups including the Environmental Science Association of Ireland, the Future Urban Ventilation Group, and was a member of the executive committee of the Universities Transport Studies Group as well as the U.S. Transportation Research Board 'Air Quality and Climate Change' committee. He is an Editor for the Discover Civil Engineering journal, acts as a reviewer for a range of journals, as well as international organisational report (World Health Organisation, World Green Building Council).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Gallagher J, Harris IM, Packwood AJ, McNabola A, Williams AP., A strategic assessment of micro-hydropower in the UK and Irish water industry: identifying technical and economic constraints, Renewable Energy, 81, 2015, p808 - 815Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, J., Styles, D., McNabola, A., Williams, A.P., Current and future environmental balance of small scale run-of-river hydropower, Environmental Science and Technology, 49, (10), 2015, p6344 - 6351Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, J., Styles, D., McNabola, A., Williams, A.P., Inventory compilation for renewable energy systems: the pitfalls of materiality thresholds and priority impact categories using hydropower case studies, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20, (12), 2015, p1701 - 1707Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, J., Baldauf, R., Fuller, C., Kumar, P., Gill, L.W., McNabola, A., Passive methods for improving air quality in the built environment: A review of porous and solid barriers, Atmospheric Environment, 120, 2015, p61 - 70Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Gallagher, J., Styles, D., McNabola, A., Williams, A.P., Making green technology greener: achieving a balance between carbon and resource savings through ecodesign in hydropower systems, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 105, 2015, p11 - 17Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- McNabola A., O'Luanaigh N., Gallagher J., Gill L., The development and assessment of an aspiration efficiency reducing system of air pollution control for particulate matter in building ventilation systems, Energy and Buildings, 61, 2013, p177-184Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Gallagher J., A modelling exercise to examine variations of NOx concentrations on adjacent footpaths in a street canyon: The importance of accounting for wind conditions and fleet composition, Science of the Total Environment, 550, 2016, p1065-1074Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Brady, J., Gallagher, J., Corcoran, L., Coughlan P., McNabola, A., Effects of Long-term Flow Variation on Micro-Hydropower Energy Production in Pressure Reducing Valves in Water Distribution Networks., Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management, 2016, p1-9Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Abhijith KV, Kumar P, Gallagher J, McNabola, A, Baldauf R, Pilla F, Broderick BM, Di Sabatino S, Pulvirenti B., Air Pollution Abatement Performances of Green Infrastructure in Open Road and Built-up Street Canyon Environments - A Review, Atmospheric Environment, 162, 2017, p71 - 86Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Morgan, D., Gallagher, J., Daly, T., McNabola, A, Reducing energy consumption and increasing filter life in HVAC systems using an aspiration efficiency reducer: Long-term performance assessment at full-scale, Journal of Building Engineering, 12, 2017, p267 - 274Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jeanjean, A.P.R., Gallagher, J., Monks, P.S., Leigh, R.J., Ranking current and prospective NO
2 pollution mitigation strategies: An environmental and economic modelling investigation in Oxford Street, London, Environmental Pollution, 225, 2017, p587-597Journal Article, 2017, DOI - Crespo Chacon M., Rodriguez Diaz JA., Garcia Morillo J., Gallagher J., Coughlan P., McNabola A., Potential Energy Recovery using Micro-Hydropower Technology in Irrigation Networks: Real-World Cases Studies in the South of Spain, 3rd International EWaS (Efficient Water Systems) Conference, Greece, 27-30 June, 2, (679), MDPI, 2018, pp1-8Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- Gallagher, J., Basu, B., Browne, M., Kenna, A., McCormack, S., Pilla, F., Styles, D., Adapting Stand-Alone Renewable Energy Technologies for the Circular Economy through Eco-Design and Recycling, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 13, (1), 2019, p133 - 140Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Gallagher J., Coughlan P., Williams AP., McNabola A., Innovating for low-carbon energy through hydropower: Enabling a conservation charity's transition to a low-carbon community, Creativity & Innovation Management, 27, 2018, p375 - 386Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- J. Gallagher, C. Lago, How parked cars affect pollutant dispersion at street level in an urban street canyon? A CFD modelling exercise assessing geometrical detailing and pollutant decay rates, Science of The Total Environment, 651, 2019, p2410--2418Journal Article, 2019
- Merida Garcia A., Gallagher J., McNabola A., Camacho Poyato E., Montesinos Barrios P., Rodriguez Diaz, J.A.,, Comparing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of On- or Off-grid Solar Photovoltaics with Traditional Energy Source for Rural Irrigation Systems, Renewable Energy, 140, 2019, p895 - 904Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Ueda, T., Roberts, E.S., Norton, A., Styles, D., Williams, A.P., Ramos, H.M. & Gallagher, J. , A life cycle assessment of the construction phase of eleven micro-hydropower installations in the UK, Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 2019, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2019
- Kumar, P., Druckman, A., Gallagher, J., Gatersleben, B., Allison, S., Hoang, U., Hama, S., Tiwari, A., Sharma, A., Abhijith, K.V., Adlakha, D., McNabola, A., Astell-Burt, T., Feng, X., Skeldon, A., de Lusignan, S. & Morawska, L., Air Pollution, The nexus between air pollution, green infrastructure and human health, Environmental International, 133(A), 2019, p105181-Journal Article, 2019
- Zhang, N., Wang, H., Gallagher, J., Song, Q., Tam, V.W.Y. & Duan, H., A dynamic analysis of the global warming potential associated with air conditioning at a city scale: an empirical study in Shenzhen, China, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 81, 2020, p106354-Journal Article, 2020
- Carravetta, A., Fecarota, O., Ramos, H.M., Mello, M., Rodriguez-Diaz, J.A., Garcia Morillo, J., Adeyeye, K., Coughlan, P., Gallagher, J. & McNabola, A., Reducing the Energy dependency of Water Networks in Irrigation, Public Drinking Water, and Process Industry: REDAWN project, Proceedings, EWaS3 2018: The 3rd EWaS International Conference on "Insights on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus", Lefkada Island, Greece, 27-30 June 2018, 2, (11), 2018, pp681-Conference Paper, 2018
- Martínez J, Pastor J, Sancho J, McNabola A, Martínez M, Gallagher J., A functional data analysis approach for the detection of air pollution episodes and outliers: a case study in Dublin, Ireland., Mathematics, 8, (225), 2020, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Considine B, Gallagher J, Kumar P, McNabola A, Numerical investigation on the ingress of particulate matter from ambient air into the inlet of a building air handling unit, Indoor Air, 00, 2021, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Considine B, Kumar P, Gallagher J, McNabola A., A numerical analysis of particulate matter control technology integrated with HVAC system inlet design and implications on energy consumption, Building & Environment, 211, (108726), 2022, p1 - 16Journal Article, 2022
- C. Devereux, J. Coscia, K. Adeyeye, J. Gallagher, Energy security to safeguard community water services in rural Ireland: Opportunities and challenges for solar photovoltaics, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 47, 2021, p101377Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Kemi Adeyeye, John Gallagher, Aonghus McNabola, Helena M. Ramos, Paul Coughlan, Socio-Technical Viability Framework for Micro Hydropower in Group Water-Energy Schemes, Energies, 14, (14), 2021, p4222Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Chunshui Lin, Darius Ceburnis, Wei Xu, Eimear Heffernan, Stig Hellebust, John Gallagher, Ru-Jin Huang, Colin O'Dowd, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, Supplementary material to "The impact of traffic on air quality in Ireland: insights from simultaneous kerbside and sub-urban monitoring of submicron aerosols", 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Perillo H., Broderick B.M., Gill L.W., McNabola A., Kumar P., Gallagher J., Spatiotemporal representativeness of air pollution monitoring in Dublin, Ireland, Science of the Total Environment, 827, (154299), 2022, p1-27Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Considine B, Gallagher J, Kumar P, McNabola A., The impact of street level particulate emissions on the energy performance of roof level building ventilation systems, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 233, (105310), 2023, p1-13Journal Article, 2023
- Paul Coughlan, Roberta Bellini,Aisha Bello-Dambatta, Richard Dallison, Katrin Dreyer-Gibney, John Gallagher Ian Harris, Aonghus McNabola, Djordje Mitrovic, Madhu Murali, Daniele Novara, Sopan Patil, Alex Rigby, Panagiotis Ritsos, Isabel Schestak, Ajeet Singh, Nathan Walker, Prysor Williams, Researching Green Process Innovation Across Borders and Boundaries Through Collaborative Inquiry, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 59, (4), 2023, p556 - 584Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Feehan, A., Nagpal, H., Marvuglia, A., Gallagher, J., Adopting an integrated building energy simulation and life cycle assessment framework for the optimisation of facades and fenestration in building envelopes, Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Barwise Y, Kumar P, Abhijith KV, Gallagher J, McNabola A, Watts JF., A trait-based investigation into evergreen woody plants for traffic-related air pollution mitigation over time, Science of the Total Environment, 914, (169713), 2024, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2024, URL
- Considine B, Gallagher J, Kumar P, McNabola A, Long-term assessment of energy consumption reduction in a building ventilation system with passive particulate matter control technology in the fresh air intake , Energy & Buildings, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Hana Brunhoferova, Silvia Venditti, Joachim Hansen, John Gallagher, Life cycle performance and associated environmental risks of constructed wetlands used for micropollutant removal from municipal wastewater effluent, Cleaner Environmental Systems, 12, 2024, p100162Journal Article, 2024
- Mérida García, A., Gallagher, J., Rodríguez Díaz, J.A., McNabola, A., An economic and environmental optimization model for sizing a hybrid renewable energy and battery storage system in off-grid farms, Renewable Energy, 220, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Evelise Pereira Barboza, Federica Montana, Marta Cirach, Tamara Iungman, Sasha Khomenko, John Gallagher, Meelan Thondoo, Natalie Mueller, Hans Keune, Tadhg MacIntyre, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Environmental health impacts and inequalities in green space and air pollution in six medium-sized European cities, Environmental Research, 237, 2023, p116891Journal Article, 2023
- Celia Somlai, Craig Bullock, John Gallagher, Plastic packaging waste in Europe: Addressing methodological challenges in recording and reporting, Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 41, (6), 2023, p1134-1143Journal Article, 2023
- Hashad, K., Yang, B., Gallagher, J., Baldauf, R., Deshmukh, P., Zhang, K.M., Impact of roadside conifers vegetation growth on air pollution mitigation, Landscape and Urban Planning, 229, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Kemi Adeyeye, John Gallagher, Helena M. Ramos, Aonghus McNabola, The Social Return Potential of Micro Hydropower in Water Networks Based on Demonstrator Examples, Energies, 15, (18), 2022, p6625Journal Article, 2022
- Armando Carravetta, Giuseppe Del Giudice, Oreste Fecarotta, John Gallagher, Maria Cristina Morani, Helena M. Ramos, Potential Energy, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Hydro Power Pressure Reduction on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148, (5), 2022Journal Article, 2022
- John Gallagher, Laurence Gill, The Life Cycle Environmental Performance of On-Site or Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems for Domestic Homes, Water, 13, (18), 2021, p2542Journal Article, 2021
- Walker, N.L., Styles, D., Gallagher, J., Prysor Williams, A., Aligning efficiency benchmarking with sustainable outcomes in the United Kingdom water sector, Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Merida García, A., Gallagher, J., Crespo Chacón, M., Mc Nabola, A., The environmental and economic benefits of a hybrid hydropower energy recovery and solar energy system (PAT-PV), under varying energy demands in the agricultural sector, Journal of Cleaner Production, 303, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Gallagher, J., Delivering energy recovery solutions, International Water Power and Dam Construction, 67, (11), 2015, p28-29Journal Article, 2015
- Jin, M., Zhang, L.Y., Peng, Z.R., Li, X.B., Gallagher, J., The impact of dynamic traffic and wind conditions on green infrastructure performance to improve local air quality, Science of the Total Environment, 917, 2024, p170211-Journal Article, 2024
- Leaching performance of concrete with recycled plastic fibers in, editor(s)Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Jamal Khatib, Francesco Colangelo, Rabin Tuladhar , Reuse of Plastic Waste in Eco-efficient Concrete, Elsevier, 2024, pp311 - 337, [Galvin, A.P., Lopez-Uceda, A., Gallagher, J., & Barbudo, A.]Book Chapter, 2024
- Jin, M., Zhang, L., He, H., Peng, Z.R. & Gallagher, J., The Impact of Street Tree Configurations on Local Air Quality in Dynamic Traffic Conditions in an Urban Street Canyon, Transport Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 7-11 January 2024Conference Paper
- Guo, J., Gallagher, J., O"Mahony, M, Caulfield, B., Analysing the Impact of Diesel Train Movements on PM2.5 Levels in Dublin Heuston Station Using Random Forest Models., ENVIRON 2024 Conference, Waterford, 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Kelly, S., Gallagher, J., Charly, J & Caulfield, B., The Green Transition of the Irish Vehicle Fleet: Assessing Future Impacts on Non-Exhaust PM2.5 Emissions.Conference Paper
- Chunshui Lin, Darius Ceburnis, Wei Xu, Eimear Heffernan, Stig Hellebust, John Gallagher, Ru-Jin Huang, Colin O'Dowd, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, The impact of traffic on air quality in Ireland: insights from the simultaneous kerbside and suburban monitoring of submicron aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, (17), 2020, p10513--10529Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Javier Martínez Torres, Jorge Pastor Pérez, Joaquín Sancho Val, Aonghus McNabola, Miguel Martínez Comesaña, John Gallagher, A Functional Data Analysis Approach for the Detection of Air Pollution Episodes and Outliers: A Case Study in Dublin, Ireland, Mathematics, 8, (2), 2020, p225Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Gallagher J.,Gill L.W., McNabola A., Optimizing the use of on-street car parking system as a passive control of air pollution exposure in street canyons by large eddy simulation, Atmospheric Environment, 45, (9), 2011, p1684 - 1694Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, J., Gill, L.W., McNabola, A., Numerical modelling of the passive control of air pollution in asymmetrical urban street canyons using refined mesh discretization schemes, Building and Environment, 56, 2012, p232 - 240Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher J., Gill L.W., McNabola A., The passive control of air pollution exposure in Dublin, Ireland: A combined measurement and modelling case study, Science of the Total Environment, 458-460, 2013, p331 - 343Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- McNabola, A., Coughlan, P., Corcoran, L., Power, C., Williams. A.P., Harris, I., Gallagher, J., Styles D., Energy Recovery in the Water Industry using Micro-hydropower: An Opportunity to Improve Sustainability, Water Policy, 16, 2014, p168 - 183Journal Article, 2014
- Gallagher J, McNabola A, Styles D, Williams AP., Life Cycle Environmental Balance and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential of Micro-hydropower Energy Recovery in the Water Industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 99, 2015, p152 - 159Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, J., Styles, D. & Chadwick, D., Evaluating the efficacy of Glastir Efficiency Grant Schemes from 2014 to 2016: a review of carbon and ammonia emissions across the Welsh livestock sector, Welsh Government, 2016Report
- Gallagher, J. & McNabola, A. , Mapping Research Excellence and Capacity at EU level for the Horizon 2020 Topic SC5-01-2017: Exploiting the added value of climate services: From climate service concepts to piloting and proof-of-concept. 2015-CCRP-SS-4, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016Report
- Gallagher, J. & McNabola, A., Mapping Research Excellence and Capacity at EU level for Horizon 2020 Topic CIRC-02-2016-2017: Water in the Context of the Circular Economy. 2015-W-SS 20 SSS 2.2. The next generation of water systems and services - large scale demonstration projects, Environmental Protection Agency, 2015Report
- Jin, M., Apsunde, K., Broderick, B., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D. & Gallagher, J., Evaluating the impact of evolving green and grey urban infrastructure on local air quality around city square parks, Scientific Reports, 2024, p18528-Journal Article
- J. Gallagher, STATION-AIR - Investigating the impacts of urban railway STATION hubs on AIR quality in its environs., National Air Event, Kilkenny, 15 March 2023, 2023Conference Paper
Research Expertise
TitleDistributing our Water Resources: Utilising Integrated, Smart and low-Carbon Energy (DWR UISCE)SummaryProject Website: www.DWR-UISCE.eu Twitter:@Dwr_Uisce Improving the efficiency of water distribution in Ireland and Wales is at the core of the project ethos. This wil lbe achieved by developing new low carbon, energy-saving technologies and services. We will trial energy recovery technologies (micro-hydropower, drain water heat recovery and smart network controls) at several demonstration sites in both countries before being launched on the market. We will build a capacity for innovation in the water industry through our cluster of organisations interested in sustainability in the water-energy nexus.Funding AgencyEuropean Regional Development FundDate From01/09/16Date To31/02/23
TitleImproving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe (iSCAPE)SummaryWebsite: www.iSCAPEproject.eu Twitter:iSCAPE_project The iSCAPE project works on integrating and advancing the control of air quality and carbon emissions in European cities in the context of climate change through the development of sustainable and passive air pollution remediation strategies, policy interventions and behavioural change initiatives. It tackles the problem of reducing air pollution impacts, focusing on the use of "Passive Control Systems" in urban spaces, on policy intervention and behavioural changes of citizens lifestyle. Projections and real-world physical interventions will be applied on the urban tissue in the selected cities assessed for future climate change scenarios and representative of different cultural & lifestyles in Europe. Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe.Funding AgencyEuropean CommissionDate From01/09/16Date To31/08/19
TitleLCA of Traditional & New Construction of Residential Projects in DublinSummaryThe aim of this study is to quantify the embodied carbon, energy and resources of buildings components used in residential developments in Dublin. The study was undertaken for Dublin City Architects to inform their Departmental working group on future directions for low-carbon and resource efficient construction. The findings are intended to inform the design decisions and choices in materials by City Architects in their projects going forward.Funding AgencyDublin City CouncilDate From01/06/19Date To31/09/19
TitleReducing Energy Dependency in Atlantic area Water Networks (REDAWN)SummaryProject Website: www.REDAWN.eu Twitter: @RedawnAA Significant potential currently exists to save energy, reduce costs and minimise environmental impacts in European water networks by improving the energy efficiency of water suppliers and users in the region. REDAWN will develop both the technology and policy to realise this potential, and generate understanding to help overcome any technological, institutional and social barriers to exploitation. The project aims to develop an adequate institutional, social and technological environment to foster greater resource efficiency in water networks including irrigation, public water supply, waste and storm water, and process industry. It will adopt next-gen micro-hydropower energy recovery technology in built water networks in the Atlantic Area, including in Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom.Funding AgencyEuropean Research Development FundDate From01/09/17Date To31/08/20
TitleHydro-BPT - Towards a More Sustainable System of Water Supply in Ireland and Wales: Exploring Opportunities for Hydropower in Break Pressure TanksSummaryThis project will advance the sustainability of the process of water supply in Ireland and Wales by exploiting the potential for energy recovery that exists at Break Pressure Tanks (BPTs). Water supply is a core service on which civilised society depends and it involves considerable energy consumption and CO2 emissions (water treatment, pumping and monitoring).Funding AgencyEuropean Regional Development FundDate From2011Date To2015
TitleAnalysis of Packaging Waste Generation and Measurement (Re-Wrapped)SummaryThe aim of this study is to critically compare alternative methodologies from across the EU for the compilation of packaging waste statistics. To determine the reliability and comparability of these methodologies based on the point of collection, the accuracy of accounting and the influence of the behaviour of producers and households.Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection AgencyDate From01/04/19Date To31/03/21
TitleA Market Assessment for an Innovative HVAC inlet component that reduces energy demand and extends filter lifespan in a HVAC systemSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From01/04/19Date To30/06/19
TitleWOW! Wider business Opportunities for raw materials from WastewaterSummaryThe WOW project aims to create a transition in the URBAN WATER CYCLE: from a linear approach which ends up as sewage, to a circular approach in which raw materials from sewage are recycled for biobased products. This reduces CO2-emmissions and use of natural resources. WOW! revealed market potential and interest in the 5 products which will be produced: PHA (a completely biodegradable bioplastic), bio-oil, acetic acid, biochar & biodiesel. Currently 2 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) are signed by end-users interested in our products & techniques, and 4 in the process of getting signed. A resolution on removing legal barriers for circular use of raw materials from sewage was accepted by the North Sea Commission (covering more than 150 coastal regions) and discussed with EC in relation to harmonising EU law on circular economy and sewage.Funding AgencyEuropean Regional Development FundDate From01/09/2021Date To31/12/2023
TitleAn investigation of the passive control of air pollution in the urban environmentSummaryThis was a doctoral research project to advance the knowledge and understanding of the potential and performance of passive forms of air pollution mitigation in the built environment. This required a combination of air pollution measurement and modelling studies and the development of advanced knowledge of air flow and pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon environment. https://youtu.be/-VgnDOAOKCoFunding AgencyHEADate From01/11/08Date To31/10/12
TitleAER projectSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2015Date To2016
TitleTransforming Rural water communities as positive Climate and Energy districtsSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01/09/2023Date To28/02/2025
TitleAn investigation of the effectiveness of Technical Guidance Document J (TGD J) provisions regarding flue outlet locations for solid fuel burning appliances at preventing smoke particles entering the dwelling or neighbouring dwellingsSummaryFunding AgencyDHLGHDate From01/09/2024Date To31/01/2025
TitleHybrid solutions for Renewable Energy Systems: achieving net-zero Atlantic ea energy consumers & communitiesSummaryFunding AgencyInterreg Atlantic AreaDate From01/01/2024Date To01/12/2024
TitleNatural Ventilation InnovationsSummaryThis funding supports preliminary research and preparatory work for an upcoming ERC proposal submission in October 2019Funding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From23/01/19Date To22/10/19
TitleCo-I: Reducing Energy Consumption in Air Filtration Systems (RECAFS)SummaryThis project aims to advance new technology aimed at reducing the energy consumption of HVAC systems up to 40% through the addition of new sustainable air pollution control technology reducing the loading of particulate matter on HVAC filters.Funding AgencySustainable Energy Authority of IrelandDate From01/04/19Date To31/03/22
TitleGOGREEN ROUTES: Resilient Optimal Urban natural, Technological and Environmental SolutionsSummaryGOGREEN ROUTES delivers a focus on 360-Health, building upon the reciprocal benefits gained from human-nature interactions, sustainable physical activity, engaged citizen science and pro-environmental behaviour. GOGREEN ROUTES will initiate a process of solution conceptions which will impact well beyond the timescale of the project. Individual behaviour and lifestyle choices contribute greatly to natural capital, ecosystem conversion and biodiversity loss. These impacts are projected to worsen as the size and wealth of the global urban population continues to increase. Thus, opening minds to a new wealth of possible solutions are essential for addressing health and environmental challenges. Urban green space is associated with a wide-range of health indicators explained by a) mitigation (e.g. improved environmental quality (EQ)), b) psychological benefits (e.g. increased resilience), c) enriched biodiversity (e.g. enhanced immune function), e) safety and social cohesion and f) increased physical activity.Funding AgencyEuropean CommissionDate From01/04/20Date To31/07/24
TitleSTATION-AIR: Investigating the impacts of urban railway STATION hubs on AIR quality in its environsSummaryThe overall objective of the STATION-AIR project is to support the effective management and mitigation of air pollution in the environs of large urban railways hubs in Ireland. To meet this objective the following specific objectives are proposed: i) compile and review the available information on best international practice for the assessment and management of air quality arising from large urban railway hubs; ii) apply this best practice to the Irish context considering several detailed case studies and pilot sites; iii) provide an assessment of the impact of large railway hubs in Ireland on localised air quality in residential and urban areas; and iv) develop recommendations for the mitigation of air pollution emissions contributing to transport related air pollution (TRAP) in the environs of urban railway hubs.Funding AgencyEnvironmental Projection Agency, Department of TransportDate From31/03/2022Date To31/09/2025
Pollution and contamination, Earth and related environmental sciences, Electrical engineering, Civil engineering, Atmospheric sciences, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering,
- Professional Award in Development for Future Research Leaders in Wales 2014
- Second Place - Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air (European Commission) 2018
- 2020 Teaching Hero Nomination 2021
- Trinity Fellow 2024
- 2023 Haagen-Smit Prize Best Paper 2024
- Irish Green Building Council
- ESAI (Environmental Science Association of Ireland) Council Member and Communications Officer
- NSAI Committee on Circular Economy (TC048/SC29/WG02) 2020
- External Examiner 2021