Professor Desmond O'Neill
Email Des.ONeill@tcd.ie Phone3531 4143215www.ageandknowledge.ieBiography
As a medical undergraduate of TCD, Prof O'Neill spent a year in Marseille as a volunteer with a NGO working with older people, and with electives in Hamburg. He subsequently trained as a geriatrician in St James's Hospital and the University of Bristol. Following an appointment as consultant geriatrician in Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham he returned to Dublin and currently is the senior academic in Medical Gerontology at the TCD campus at Tallaght University Hospital. His focus of research (h-index 45 (Scopus), 56 (Google), 251 (i10)) is rooted in gerontology and the neurosciences, with a strong emphasis on liaison with the humanities. He has pioneered a number of initiatives, including first Medical Director of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland; founder-Chair of Council on Stroke of Irish Heart Foundation; co-PI on first Irish longitudinal study on ageing (HESSOP-2); co-PI on Irish National Audits of Stroke and Dementia Care; founder-editor of first Irish gerontology journal 'Irish Ageing Studies Review'; chair of Irish government Working Group on Elder Abuse, producing blueprint 'Protecting Our Future'; co-founder National Centre for Arts and Health; member of team that developed the European Masters in Gerontology; co-PI on first Irish Cochrane Review on ageing; and founder member and subsequent president of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. He has subsequently led on the Irish Traffic Medicine Programme, which has developed innovative Certificates in Traffic Medicine and Road Safety with the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. He has been extensively involved in the Age-Friendly University initiative, successfully proposing to adoption in TCD and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, and on the steering committee of the founding Age-Friendly University, Dublin City University. He has been honoured as the first Irish gerontologist to be awarded Fellowship of the Gerontological Society of America, and first Irish geriatrician to be awarded Fellowship of the American Geriatrics Society. From a humanities perspective, he co-chairs Medical and Health Humanities in TCD's Long Room Hub, and is a former Chair of the Humanities, Arts and Cultural Gerontology Advisory Panel of the Gerontological Society of America. A singular pleasure has been five Christmas BMJ papers: the music of grief, gout expressed in music, the perils of advocacy through wheelchair Barbie, Jellyatrics - Jelly Babies at 90, and the pervasive ageism of the Economist magazine.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Rapoport MJ, Weegar K, Kadulina Y, Bédard M, Carr D, Charlton J, Dow J, Gillespie I, Hawley C, Koppel S, McCullagh S, Molnar F, Murie-Fernández M, Naglie G, O'Neill D, Shortt S, Simpson C, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B, Marshall S, An International Study of the Quality of National-Level Guidelines on Driving with Medical Illness., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 108, 2015, p859-869Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Kahvedžić A, McFadden R, Cummins G, Carr D; O'Neill D, General practitioner attitudes and practices in medical fitness to drive in Ireland, Journal of Transport and Health, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Ars longa, vita longa, Lancet, 385, (9973), 2015, p1064Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Goyal M, Demchuk AM, Menon BK, Eesa M, Rempel JL, Thornton J, Roy D, Jovin TG, Willinsky RA, Sapkota BL, Dowlatshahi D, Frei DF, Kamal NR, Montanera WJ, Poppe AY, Ryckborst KJ, Silver FL, Shuaib A, Tampieri D, Williams D, Bang OY, Baxter BW, Burns PA, Choe H, Heo JH, Holmstedt CA, Jankowitz B, Kelly M, Linares G, Mandzia JL, Shankar J, Sohn SI, Swartz RH, Barber PA, Coutts SB, Smith EE, Morrish WF, Weill A, Subramaniam S, Mitha AP, Wong JH, Lowerison MW, Sajobi TT, Hill MD, Randomized assessment of rapid endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke., The New England Journal of Medicine, 372, (11), 2015, p1019-30Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- O'Neill D, Geriatric Medicine and Cultural Gerontology, Age and Ageing, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Transport, driving and ageing, Rev Clin Gerontol, 25, (2), 2015, p147 - 158Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Ciblis AS, Butler ML, Bokde ALW, Mullins PG, O'Neill D, McNulty JP, Neuroimaging referral for dementia diagnosis: The specialist's perspective in Ireland, Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 1, (1), 2015, p41 - 47Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Kennelly S, Drumm B, Collins R, O'Neill D, Romero-Ortuno R, Older Persons attending the Emergency Department (OPED): a retrospective cohort study, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp90Meeting Abstract, 2015
- O'Neill D, Towards an understanding of the full spectrum of traffic-related injuries among older people, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp99Meeting Abstract, 2015
- O'Neill D, Gormley M, Multi-modality of transport and ageing: findings from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp100Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Perspectives on self-neglect from old age psychiatrists, Bartley M, Cooney C, O'Brien J, O'Neill D, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp101Meeting Abstract, 2015
- O'Neill D, Briggs R, Holmerova I, Martin FC, Towards Standards of Medical Care for Physicians in Nursing Homes, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp102Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Coary R, Briggs R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Dementia-Related Activity In The Acute Setting... A Need For Dementia-Friendly Hospitals, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp104Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, 'There's No Point In Bringing The Patient Along For Lip Service': Multidisciplinary Care Planning Meetings With Older People, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp159Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Nabeel S, Dyer A, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Romero-Ortuna R, Kennelly SP,, Baseline Characteristics Of Older Persons Attending The Acute Care Interface: The Older Patients At Risk (OPAR) Study, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Dyer A, Nabeel S, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, The Availability and Importance of Obtaining a Collateral Informant History in the Acute Setting, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp278-9Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Rapoport MJ, Weegar K, Kadulina Y, Bédard M, Carr D, Charlton JL, Dow J, Gillespie IA, Hawley CA, Koppel S, McCullagh S, Molnar F, Murie-Fernández M, Naglie G, O'Neill D, Shortt S, Simpson C, Tuokko HA, Vrkljan BH, Marshall S, Quality of medical fitness to drive guidelines: an important issue for older people, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp286Meeting Abstract, 2015
- McHale C, Collins R, Coughlan T, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Factors contributing to non-attendance in a geriatric medicine outpatient department, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp326Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Briggs R, Holmerova I, Martin FC, O'Neill D, Towards Standards of Medical Care for Physicians in Nursing Homes, European Geriatric Medicine, 6, (4), 2015, p401-403Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Nurturing and protecting the longevity dividend, CORS State of the Art Symposium: Falls and Fractures in the Oldest Old, Stockholm, 12-13 May, 2015, The Sahlgrenska Academy Clinical Osteoporosis Research SchoolInvited Talk, 2015
- O'Neill D, The Pleasures and Perils of Academic Promiscuity, British Geriatrics Society Spring Conference, Nottingham, 29 April-1May, 2015, British Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2015
- O'Neill D, Unlocking The Demographic Dividend, 8th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics, European Region , Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 2015, International Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics, European RegionInvited Talk, 2015
- O'Neill D, The Social Dividend of Ageing, Public Health für eine alternde Gesellschaft:10. Gemeinsamer Österreichisch-Deutscher Geriatriekongress, Vienna, 26-28 March, 2015, 10. Gemeinsamer Österreichisch-Deutscher GeriatriekongressInvited Talk, 2015
- O'Neill D, Driving and older people: a major theme for gerontologists and geriatricians., Stress und Altern - Chancen und Risiken: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, Halle (Saale), 24-27 September, 2015, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 5ppInvited Talk, 2015, DOI
- O'Neill D, Age-attuning Health Care, Berzelius symposium: Personalized Geriatric Medicine, Stockholm, 20-22 August, 2014, Svenska LäkaresällskapetInvited Talk, 2014
- O'Neill D, Famous Hospitals: The Meath Hospital, Dublin, Hektoen International, (Spring), 2015Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Briggs R, Coary R, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Acute hospital care: How much activity is attributable to caring for patients with dementia?, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (1), 2016, p41 - 44Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The philosophy of industrial action, J irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, 17, (4), 1988, p181 - 182Journal Article, 1988
- O'Neill D, Burglary and the elderly, Care of the Elderly, 2, (1), 1990, p18 - 19Journal Article, 1990
- Lloyd-Sherlock P, Ebrahim S, McKee M, Prince M, Ferrucci L, Greengross S, Gorman M, Gutman G, Kirkwood T, Kritchevsky S, O'Neill D, Pruchno R, Vellas B, A premature mortality target for the SDG for health is ageist, Lancet, 385, (9983), 2015, p2147-2148Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Factors Influencing the Clinical Stratification of Suitability to Drive after Stroke: A Qualitative Study, Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 29, (3), 2015, p253 - 271Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Shea E, Timmons S, Kennelly S, Siún A, Gallagher P, O'Neill D, Symptom Assessment for a Palliative Care Approach in People With Dementia Admitted to Acute Hospitals: Results From a National Audit., Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Carr DB, O'Neill D, Mobility and safety issues in drivers with dementia., International psychogeriatrics / IPA, 27, (10), 2015, p1613-22Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Buckley M, O'Neill D, Ageism in Studies of Rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63, (7), 2015, p1470-1Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, O'Neill D, The informant history: a neglected aspect of clinical education and practice., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (5), 2016, p301-302Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Byrne C, Naughton A, O'Neill D, Is driver licensing restriction for age-related medical conditions an effective mechanism to improve driver safety without unduly impairing mobility?, European Geriatric Medicine, 6, (6), 2015, p541-44Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M.L. Butler, A. Ciblis, J. Durkin, A. Bokde, P. Mullins, D. O'Neill, J. McNulty, Neuroimaging in dementia: a national survey of non-radiology specialists, radiologists and radiographers in Ireland, Insights into Imaging, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, 6-10 March 2014, 5, (Suppl 1), 2014Conference Paper, 2014, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Agnes Martin: the fragility of innocence, Lancet, 386, (9996), 2015, p846Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, Armstrong J, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Characteristics and Outcomes of Older Patients Attending an Acute Medical Assessment Unit., Irish medical journal, 108, (7), 2015, p210-1Journal Article, 2015, URL
- O'Neill D,, The patient's choice and preferences, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Oslo, 16-18 Sept 2015, 6, (Supplement 2), 2015, ppS2Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- A. Fallon, A. Dyer, S. Nabeel, T. Coughlan, R. Collins, D. O'Neill, S.P. Kennelly, Frailty in older patients attending an emergency department, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Oslo, 16-18 Sept 2015, 6, (Suppl 2), 2015, ppS12Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- Naughton A, O'Byrne C, O'Neill D, Driver licence restriction: effective to improve older driver safety without unduly impairing mobility?, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Oslo, 16-18 Sept 2015, 6, (Suppl 2), 2015, ppS110Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- O'Neill D,, Matters arising from The BMJ's stance on assisted dying, BMJ, 351, 2015, ph4883Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Unlocking the demographic dividend through the sciences of ageing, Inaugural Presidential Lecture, RCPI, 30 Sept, 2015, Royal Academy of Medicine in IrelandInvited Talk, 2015
- O'Neill D, Burdensome aspects of care rather than carer burden, Lancet, 386, (10001), 2015, p1340Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Haustein S, Siren AK, Framke E, Bell D, Pokriefke E, Alauzet A, Marin-Lamellet C, Armoogum J, O'Neill D., Demographic change and transport. European Commission, Brussels, European Commission, February, 2013, 1-94Report, 2013, URL
- O'Neill D,, Accident patterns in the ageing population: non-collision injuries on public transport and injuries of single pedestrians, 3.2, Brussels, European Commssion, Dec, 2013, 1-13Report, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D,, Towards an understanding of the full spectrum of travel-related injuries among older people, Journal of Transport and Health, 3, (1), 2016, p21-25Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, de Medeiros K, Research perspective on humanities and health gerontology, Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, Florida, USA, 18-22 Nov 2015, 55, (Suppl 2), 2015, pp545Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- O'Neill D, Moss H, Donnellan C, Aesthetic health, hospitals and older people, Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, Florida, USA, 18-22 Nov 2015, 55, (Suppl 2), 2015, pp545-546Meeting Abstract, 2015
- O'Neill D, Mind the gap: are the participatory arts for everybody?, Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, Florida, USA, 18-22 Nov 2015, 55, (Suppl 2), 2015, pp546Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- O'Neill D, Late-life creativity, Lancet, 386, (10009), 2015, p2135Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Khan WU, Mohamad Onn Yap IA, O'Neill D, Moss H, Perceptions of music therapy for older people among healthcare professionals., Medical humanities, 42, (1), 2016, p52-56Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Dyer AH, Nabeel S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Cognitive assessment of older adults at the acute care interface: the informant history., Postgraduate medical journal, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Cherubini A, Petrovic M, O'Neill D, Approval for medicines in older people - time for a more focused approach., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (5), 2016, p363Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Gargan ML, Kok HK, Kearney J, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Ryan D, Torreggiani W, Doody O, Added Value of Stroke Protocol MRI Following Negative Initial CT in the Acute Stroke Setting., Irish medical journal, 108, (10), 2016, p302-4Journal Article, 2016, URL
- O'Neill D, Ageing with Style, Review of Youth, by Paolo Sorrentini , Lancet, 387, (10019), 2016, p639Review, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Jenkins E, Mawhinney R, Cosgrave E, O'Mahony S, Guest C, Moss H, Rethinking the medical in the medical humanities., Medical humanities, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Gallagher P, Curtin D, de Siún A, O'Shea E, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Timmons S, Antipsychotic prescription amongst hospitalized patients with dementia., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Dyer AH, Briggs R, Nabeel S, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, The Abbreviated Mental Test 4 for cognitive screening of older adults presenting to the Emergency Department., European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Frailty in Emergency Departments, Lancet, 87, (10029), 2016, p1720Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, O'Neill D, Chronic stroke disease., British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005), 77, (5), 2016, pC66-9Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Do geriatricians truly welcome ageing?, Age and Ageing, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, O'Shea E, de Siún A, O'Neill D, Gallagher P, Timmons S, Kennelly S, Does admission to a specialist geriatric medicine ward lead to improvements in aspects of acute medical care for older patients with dementia?, International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Timmons S, O'Shea E, O'Neill D, Gallagher P, de Siún A, McArdle D, Gibbons P, Kennelly S, Acute hospital dementia care: results from a national audit., BMC geriatrics, 16, (1), 2016, p113Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Drug treatments in Alzheimer's disease., Clinical medicine (London, England), 16, (3), 2016, p247-53Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Driving and dementia in, editor(s)Ames D, O'Brien JT, Burns A. , Dementia, Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, 2016, [Fallon A, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Wir Werden Älter: Einfach Kompliziert, 5. Internationaler Kongress für Geriatrie und Gerontologie, Villach, Austria, 13-14 May, 2016, Austrian Society for Geriatrics and GerontologyInvited Talk, 2016
- Perehudoff K, Petrovic M, O'Neill D, Cherubini A., A survey of geriatric expertise in medicines evaluation at national regulatory agencies in Europe: There is still room for improvement!, European Geriatric Medicine, 7, (5), 2016, p430 - 433Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, O'Neill D, Missing in the Media: Cancer and Older People, J Am Geriatr Soc, 64, (7), 2016, p1512-1513Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Shanahan D, O'Neill D, Dental Implants and Older People - Knowing the Drill, European Geriatric Medicine, 7, (6), 2016, p504 - 505Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Driving and dementia, Alzheimer's Review, 3, (3), 1993, p65 - 68Journal Article, 1993
- Briggs R, Dyer A, Nabeel S, Collins R, Doherty J, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Dementia in the Acute Hospital: The prevalence and clinical outcomes of acutely unwell patients with dementia., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Dyer A, Nabeel S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Cognitive impairment in the emergency department: the role of the informant history, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii1 - ii1Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Walshe M, Dooley S, Hopper T, Doyle R, McCabe R, Moore M, O'Neill D, Profiling communication ability in people with dementia: development of a new instrument to inform management of cognitive communication difficulties, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, Co Kerry, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii3 - ii3Published Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- McHale C, Briggs R, Fitzhenry D, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins R, Connolly A, Austin N, Freeman J, Duignan E, Mooney C, Kennelly S, Percpetions of safe functioning within the context of people attending a multidisciplinary memory assessment service, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii11 - ii11Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Dyer A, Briggs R, Nabeel S, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Detecting cognitive impairment in the emergency department: utility of the AMT 4?, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii13 - ii13Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, O'Shea E, de Siún A, O'Neill D, Gallagher P, Timmons S, Kennelly S, Does admission to a specialist geriatric medicine ward lead to improvements in aspects of acute medical care for older patients with dementia?, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii19 - ii19Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick D, O'Neill D, The older motorcyclist, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii26 - ii27Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Karpinski S, Dowling M, O'Neill D, Proton pump inhibitors in geriatric medicine rehabilitation and long term care units, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii27 - ii27Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, Moola R, Armstrong J, Briggs R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins R, Kennelly S, Incorporating the OPERA instrument to identify and direct the care needs of frail older patients in the AMAU setting, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii29 - ii30Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Xidous D, Grey T, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Dementia-friendly hospital design: using thematic analysis to identify key issues for patients, family members and staff in Tallaght Hospital, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii33 - ii33Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Wade R, Harte R, O'Neill D, Lanigan J, An exploration of nurses' perception of barriers to mobilizing patients on a geriatric medicine/stroke ward and strategies to improve this, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii34 - ii34Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Moola R, Fallon A, Briggs R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Armstrong J, Kennelly S, Operationalising routine delirium screening with the 4AT for older patients attending the AMAU, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii36 - ii36Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Teh HL, Buckley M, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Delirium in acute stroke: incidence, risk factors and outcome, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii50 - ii50Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- McHale C, Briggs R, Fitzhenry D, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins R, Doherty J, Connolly A, Austin N, Freeman J, Tobin F, Duignan E, Mooney C, Lawson S, Driving prevalence amongst people attending a multidisciplinary memory assessment service, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii51 - ii52Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- McMahon C, O'Neill D, Clarity on social media? An appraisal of available information regarding dementia on social media website, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii55 - ii55Meeting Abstract, 2016, DOI , URL
- Gogarty H, Robinson S, Lawson S, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D. , Oropharyngeal dysphagia in end of life care., European Geriatric Medicine., European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Venice, 2-4 Oct, 4, (Suppl 1), 2013, ppS16-7Meeting Abstract, 2013, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick D, O'Neill D, The Older Motorcyclist, European Geriatric Medicine, 8, (1), 2017, p10 - 15Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Cultural Gerontology: nurturing the longevity dividend, Polish Geriatrics Society Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 21 Oct, 2016, Polish Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2016
- Moss H, O'Neill D, The Role of the Curator in Modern Hospitals: A Transcontinental Perspective, Journal of Medical Humanities, 2016, pEpub ahead of printJournal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Protecting the global longevity dividend, Lancet Global Health, 5, (2), 2017, pe116 - e117Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- McGarvey C, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Ageism in studies on the management of osteoporosis, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Grey T, Kennelly S, de Freine P, Mahon S, Mannion V, O'Neill D, Towards a building typology and terminology for Irish hospitals, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Suen KFK, O'Neill D, Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and driving - risk, medication and fitness to drive, Irish Medical Journal, 110, (5), 2017, p571Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Murphy SJ, Lim SJ, Murphy RP, McCabe DJH, Profile of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor propeptide in an overall TIA and ischaemic stroke population and amongst subtypes., J Neurol Sci, 375, 2017, p404 - 410Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Shanahan D, O'Neill D, Barriers to dental attendance in older patients, Ir Med J, 110, (4), 2017, p548Journal Article, 2017, URL
- O'Neill D, Older drivers and the effect of neurodegenerative disease, Travel Medicine International, 11, (5), 1993, p3 - 7Journal Article, 1993
- O'Neill D, Geriatric Medicine and Cultural Gerontology, Gemeinsamer Österreichisch-Deutscher Geriatriekongress, Universität Wien, 20-22 April, 2017, Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Gerontology and Geriatric MedicineInvited Talk, 2017
- Kinsella JA, Oliver Tobin W, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, Coughlan T, Ronan Collins D, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Assessment of 'on-treatment platelet reactivity' and relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis., J Neurol Sci., 376, 2017, p133 - 139Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Mandatory reporting of fitness to drive does not work, BMJ, 357, 2017, pj2085Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The past and future of ethics in geriatrics, British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting Ethics and Law Day, SAGE, Gateshead, 26 April, 2017, British Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2017
- O'Neill D, Ageing, British Society of Oral Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Herbert Park Hotel, Dublin, 7 April, 2017, British Society of Oral MedicineInvited Talk, 2017
- O'Neill D, Stroke: a key element of geriatric medicine, Maltese Geriatrics Society Conference, Valletta, Malta, 5 May, 2017, Maltese Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2017
- Chee JN, Rapoport MJ, Molnar F, Herrmann N, O'Neill D, Marottoli R, Mitchell S, Tant M, Dow J, Ayotte D, Lanctôt K, McFadden R, Taylor J-P, Olsen K, Classen S, Elzohairy Y, Carr DB, Update on the Risk of Motor Vehicle Collision or Driving Impairment with Dementia: A Collaborative International Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, (12), 2017, p1376 - 1390Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, Coughlan T, Doherty J, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Investigation and diagnostic formulation in patients admitted with transient loss of consciousness. , Ir Med J, 110, (5), 2017, p563Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Stroke and cerebrovascular disease in, editor(s)Roller-Wirnsberger R, Polidori MC, Singler K , Learning Geriatric Medicine: A Study Guide for Medical Students, New York, Springer-Verlag New York, 2017, [Fitzpatrick D, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI , URL
- Sibilia F, Kehoe EG, Farrell D, Kerskens C, O'Neill D, McNulty JP, MullinsP, Bokde ALW., Aging-related microstructural alterations along the length of the cingulum bundle, Brain Connectivity, 7, (6), 2017, p366 - 372Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Moss H, O'Neill D., Narratives of health and illness: arts-based research capturing the lived experience of dementia, Dementia, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D,, Rhabdomyoloysis and the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 12, (40), 1991, p1288 - 1289Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The Mini-Mental Status Examination, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 39, (7), 1991, p733Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Barber R, Reversible dementia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 41, (2), 1993, p192 - 193Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
- Cunningham C, Horgan F, Kelly A, O'Neill D, Interdisciplinary assessment of rehabilitation potential of the elderly patient, J Amer Geriatr Soc, American Geriatrics Society, 45, (9), 1997, pp881Meeting Abstract, 1997, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick D, O'Neill D, Older motorcyclists in Ireland, Ir Med J, 110, (6), 2017, pP585Journal Article, 2017, URL
- O'Neill D, Everything is illuminated, Lancet, 390, (10098), 2017, p929Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Briggs R, McDonough A, Ellis G, Bennett K, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6), 2017, pCD012705Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Keeping a Balanced Perspective on the Impact of Neurocognitive Disorders on Professional Performance, Innovations in Ageing, IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, 22-27 July 2017, 1, (1), OUP, 2017, pp719Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI , URL
- Lum T, Vellas B, O'Neill D, What does all this mean?, Innovations in Ageing, IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, 22-27 July 2017, 1, (1), OUP, 2017, pp1043Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI , URL
- Lipscombe V, O'Neill D, Valuing arts integration in age-friendly communities, Innovations in Ageing, IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, 22-27 July 2017, 1, (1), OUP, 2017, pp1364Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI , URL
- Unsworth CA, Baker AM, So MH, Harries P, O'Neill D., A systematic review of evidence for fitness-to-drive among people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder., BMC Psychiatry, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Ellis G, Gardner M, Tsiachristas A, Langhorne P, Burke O, Harwood RH, Conroy SP, Kircher T, Somme D, Saltvedt I, Wald H, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Shepperd S., Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 9, 2017, pCD006211Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Ryan M, McFadden R, Gilvarry E, Loane R, O'Neill D, Awareness of Medical Fitness to Drive Guidelines among Occupational Physicians and Psychiatrists, Ir Med J, 110, (10), 2017, pP653Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Briggs R, McHale C, Fitzhenry D, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Dementia, disclosing the diagnosis, QJM, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, Kilbane L, Briggs R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Screening for frailty in the Emergency Department: The utility of The SHARE-FI in predicting outcomes in a cohort of older patients, European Geriatric Medicine, 13th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Nice, 20-22 Sept 2017, 8, (Suppl 1), 2017, ppS27Meeting Abstract, 2017
- Fitzpatrick D , Samuelsson O, Holmerová I, Martin F, O'Neill D, on behalf of EUGMS Long Term Care Special Interest Group, Defining the curriculum for medical care in nursing homes, European Geriatric Medicine, 13th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Nice, 20-22 Sept 2017, 8, (Suppl 1), 2017, pps116 - s117Meeting Abstract, 2017
- Fitzpatrick D, Ibrahim E, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Sherlock M, Structuring diabetes mellitus care in long term nursing home residents, European Geriatric Medicine, 13th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Nice, 20-22 Sept 2017, 8, (Suppl 1), 2017, pps140Meeting Abstract, 2017
- McCartan, D, Briggs R, O'Neill D, A systematic review of the prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in the nursing home population, European Geriatric Medicine, 13th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Nice, 20-22 Sept 2017, 8, (Suppl 1), 2017, pps194 - s195Meeting Abstract, 2017
- Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, Care Planning Meetings for Older People: Issues for Policy, Multidisciplinary Practice and Patient Participation, Practice, 30, (1), 2018, p53 - 71Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Mullarkey C, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Developing the Physiotherapist's Role on an Integrated Care Team for Older Persons, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, 29-30 Sept, 46, (Suppl 3), 2017, ppiii13-iii59Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI
- Reilly P, Buggy A, Dewergifosse J, Mullarkey C, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Tallaght Integrated Care for Older Persons Team - Bridging the Gap, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, 29-30 Sept, 46, (Suppl 3), 2017, ppiii13-iii59Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI
- O'Neill D, A global perspective on the history of anaesthesia, Lancet, 390, (10111), 2017, p2434-2435Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Corrigan C, Peterson L, McVeigh C, Lavin PJ, Mellotte GJ, Wall C, Baker Kerrigan A, Barnes L, O'Neill D, Moss H, The Perception of Art among Patients and Staff on a Renal Dialysis Unit, Ir Med J, 110, (9), 2017, pP633Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Fallon A, Kilbane L, Briggs R, Dyer A, Nabeel S, McElwaine P, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, RyanD, Kennelly SP, Screening for frailty in older emergency department patients: The utility of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Frailty Instrument (SHARE-FI) , QJM, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Care planning meetings can aid communication with patient and family, BMJ, 359, 2017, pj5528Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The disaster artists, Lancet, 390, (10113), 2017, pe59Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Smyth H, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Modern Approaches To Self-Neglect, Ir Med J, 111, (5), 2018, pP748Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Campbell BCV, van Zwam WH, Goyal M, Menon BK, Dippel DWJ, Demchuk AM, Bracard S, White P, Dávalos A, Majoie CBLM, van der Lugt A, Ford GA, de la Ossa NP, Kelly M, Bourcier R, Donnan GA, Roos YBWEM, Bang OY, Nogueira RG, Devlin TG, van den Berg LA, Clarençon F, Burns P, Carpenter J, Berkhemer OA, Yavagal DR, Pereira VM, Ducrocq X, Dixit A, Quesada H, Epstein J, Davis SM, Jansen O, Rubiera M, Urra X, Micard E, Lingsma HF, Naggara O, Brown S, Guillemin F, Muir KW, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Saver JL, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ; HERMES collaborators, Effect of general anaesthesia on functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke having endovascular thrombectomy versus standard care: a meta-analysis of individual patient data., Lancet Neurol, 17, (1), 2018, p47-53Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Driving and psychiatric illness in later life in, editor(s)Dening T, Thomas A, Stewart R, Taylor JP , Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp893 - 905, [O'Neill D, Rapoport M]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI , URL
- Kulturgerontologie, medizinische Geisteswissenschaften und Ethik in, editor(s)Likar R, Kada O, Pinter G, Janig H, Cernic K, Sieber C , Ethische Herausforderungen des Alters, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag, 2019, pp171 - 177, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2019, URL
- Rapoport MJ, Chee JN, Carr DB, Molnar F, Naglie G, Dow J, Marottoli, R, Mitchell S, Tant M, Herrmann N, Lanctot K, Taylor J-P, Donaghy PC, Classen S, O'Neill D., An international approach to enhancing a national guideline on driving and dementia, Current Psychiatry Reports, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Yon Hin P, O'Neill D, Prevalence of somatosensory disorder in stroke patients., Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, 170, (4, Suppl 3), 2001, pp130Meeting Abstract, 2001
- Yon Hin P, Puri R, Quinn B, McConaghy D, O'Neill D, Sudden loss of mobility and undetected fracture in older people., Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, 170, (4, Suppl 3), 2001, pp132Meeting Abstract, 2001
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Murphy D, Enright HM, McCabe DJH, for the HEIST study group, Increased platelet count and reticulated platelets in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and in cerebral microembolic signal-negative patient subgroups: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis (HEIST) Study., J Neurol, 265, (5), 2018, p1037 - 1049Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Rapoport MJ, Plonka SC, Finestone H, Bayley M, Chee JN, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Linkewich E, Charlton J, Marshall S, DelCampo M, Boulos M, Swartz R, Bhangu J, Saposnik G, Comay, J, Dow J, Ayotte D, O'Neill D. , A systematic review of the risk of motor vehicle collision after stroke or transient ischemic attack, American Psychiatric Association Annual Scientific Meeting, New York, 5-9 May, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
- Fitzpatrick D, O'Neill D, Defining the Curriculum for Medical Care in Nursing Homes, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, 29-30 Sept, 46, (Suppl 3), 2017, ppiii13-iii59Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI
- McHale C, Collins R, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, McElwaine P, Ryan D, Fitzhenry D, Austin N, Connolly D, McGuinn C, Tobin F, Lawson S, Briggs R, Kennelly S., Duration of Symptoms Prior to Attending a Multidisciplinary Memory Service, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, 29-30 Sept, 46, (Suppl 3), 2017, ppiii13-iii59Meeting Abstract, 2017, DOI
- O'Neill D, Reflecting on our perceptions of the worth, status and rewards of working in nursing homes, Age and Ageing, 47, (4), 2018, p502 - 504Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- D'Alton M, Coughlan T, Cogan N, Greene S, McCabe DJH, McCarthy A, Murphy S, Walsh R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Ryan D, Collins R, Patterns of Mortality in Modern Stroke Care, Ir Med J, 111, (5), 2018, pP750Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Anderson DC, Pang SA, O'Neill D, Edelstein EA, The Convergence of Architectural Design and Health: Clinicians for Design , Lancet, 392, (10163), 2018, p2432-33Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Colour and Controversy, Lancet, 391, (10137), 2018, p2314Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Promoting Workability for Our Ageing Population in, editor(s)Parry E., McCarthy J. , The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work, London, Palgrave McMillan, 2016, pp133 - 167, [Fitzgerald D, Reid A, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2016, DOI , URL
- Grey T, Xidous X, Kennelly S, Mahon S, Mannion V, de Freine P, Dockrell D, de Siuin A, Murphy N, Craddock G, O'Neill D., Dementia Friendly Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach: Design Guidelines, Dublin, Centre for Universal Design, 2018, p1 - 312Report, 2018
- Grey T, Xidous X, Kennelly S, Mahon S, Mannion V, de Freine P, Dockrell D, de Siuin A, Murphy N, Craddock G, O'Neill D., Dementia Friendly Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach: Key Research Findings, Dublin, Trinity Haus, 2018, p1 - 289Report, 2018
- Hogan P, McGauran J, Rolston A, O'Brien H, O'Neill D, Resistant SIADH Secondary to Atonic Bladder in an Older Woman, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Grey T, Xidous D, Kennelly S, Mahon S, Mannion V, De Freine P, Murphy N, de Siún A, O'Neill D, Dementia Friendly Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach: Research and Guidelines to Support People with Dementia, Accompanying Persons and Visitors, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv1-v12Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Jordan E, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Ageism in Studies of Inpatient Delirium, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- McHale C, Fitzhenry D, Coughlan T, Ryan D, O'Neill D, Collins R, McElwaine P, Sheridan L, Tobin F, McMahon A, Kennelly S, Early Features of Cognitive Decline - What Precipitates Referral for Memory Assessment?, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Ryan D, Carty J, Sproat P, Browne R, Maher J, Kenelly S, Coughlan T, Collins R, McCabe D, O'Neill D, McCarthy A, O'Dowd S, Colgan N, Greene S, Door-to-CT Time Reduced by Half an Hour for Thrombolysis Candidates, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick D, Samuelsson O, Holmerová I, Martin FC, O'Neill D, An EuGMS Survey to Determine who are the Principal Medical Care Providers of European Nursing Home Residents, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Dooley S, Doyle R, O'Neill D, Walshe M, Profiling Communication Ability in Dementia (P-CAD): Validation of a Functional Cognitive-Communication Assessment, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Published Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Xidous D, Grey T, Kennelly S, O'Neill, Determining Knowledge and Degree of Engagement of Hospital Estates Management and Technical Services Departments for Provision of Dementia Friendly Hospitals, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Roller-Wirnsberger R, Masud T, Vassallo M, Zöbl M, Reiter R, Van Den Noortgate N, Petermans J, Petrov I, Topinkova E, Andersen-Ranberg K, Saks K, Nuotio M, Bonin-Guillaume S, Lüttje D, Mestehnos E, Szekacs B, Björg Jonsdottir A, O'Neill D, Cherubini A, Ma SK., European postgraduate curriculum in geriatric medicine developed using an international modified Delphi technique, Age and Ageing, 2018, pepub ahead of printJournal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Román LS, Menon BK, Blasco J, Hernández-Pérez M, Dávalos A, Majoie CBLM, Campbell BCV, Guillemin F, Lingsma H, Anxionnat R, Epstein J, Saver JL, Marquering H, Wong JH, Lopes D, Reimann G, Desal H, Dippel DWJ, Coutts S, du Mesnil de Rochemont R, Yavagal D, Ferre JC, Roos YBWEM, Liebeskind DS, Lenthall R, Molina C, Al Ajlan FS, Reddy V, Dowlatshahi D, Nader-Antoine S, Oppenheim C, Mitha AP, Davis SM, Weimar C, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Cobo E, Kleinig TJ, Donnan GA, van der Lugt A, Demchuk AM, Berkhemer OA, Boers AMM, Ford GA, Muir KW, Brown BS, Jovin T, van Zwam WH, Mitchell PJ, Hill MD, White P, Bracard S, Goyal M; HERMES collaborators., Imaging features and safety and efficacy of endovascular stroke treatment: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data., Lancet Neurology, 17, (10), 2018, p895-904Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Liebeskind DS, Bracard S, Guillemin F, Jahan R, Jovin TG, Majoie CB, Mitchell PJ, van der Lugt A, Menon BK, San Román L, Campbell BC, Muir KW, Hill MD, Dippel DW, Saver JL, Demchuk AM, Dávalos A, White P, Brown S, Goyal M; HERMES Collaborators., eTICI reperfusion: defining success in endovascular stroke therapy., J Neurointerv Surg, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Saver JL, Goyal M, van der Lugt A, Menon BK, Majoie CB, Dippel DW, Campbell BC, Nogueira RG, Demchuk AM, Tomasello A, Cardona P, Devlin TG, Frei DF, du Mesnil de Rochemont R, Berkhemer OA, Jovin TG, Siddiqui AH, van Zwam WH, Davis SM, Castaño C, Sapkota BL, Fransen PS, Molina C, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Chamorro Á, Lingsma H, Silver FL, Donnan GA, Shuaib A, Brown S, Stouch B, Mitchell PJ, Davalos A, Roos YB, Hill MD; HERMES Collaborators., Time to Treatment With Endovascular Thrombectomy and Outcomes From Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-analysis., JAMA, 316, (12), 2016, p1279-88Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Goyal M, Menon BK, van Zwam WH, Dippel DW, Mitchell PJ, Demchuk AM, Dávalos A, Majoie CB, van der Lugt A, de Miquel MA, Donnan GA, Roos YB, Bonafe A, Jahan R, Diener HC, van den Berg LA, Levy EI, Berkhemer OA, Pereira VM, Rempel J, Millán M, Davis SM, Roy D, Thornton J, Román LS, Ribó M, Beumer D, Stouch B, Brown S, Campbell BC, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Saver JL, Hill MD, Jovin TG; HERMES collaborators, Endovascular thrombectomy after large-vessel ischaemic stroke: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from five randomised trials., Lancet, 387, (10029), 2016, p1723-31Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- McDonald L, McCarthy P, Khan M, Hogan P, Kelleher E, Murphy P, Quinn J, Desmond R, McHugh J, Strickland M, Cahill M, Maung SW, Keohane C, O'Neill D, Ryan D, Mykytiv V, Enright H. , A Multicenter Report on the Natural History of Myelodysplastic Syndromes in Very Old Patients (aged over 85 years), Leukaemia and Lymphoma, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Jordan E, Our evidence base for delirium: is there age discrimination?, European Geriatric Medicine, 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Berlin, 10-12 October, 9, (Suppl 1), 2018, ppS33Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- McCartan D, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Oropharyngeal dysphagia in an Irish nursing home: screening, prevalence, and remediation, European Geriatric Medicine, 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Berlin, 10-12 October, 9, (Suppl 1), 2018, ppS176Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- Fitzpatrick D, Samuelsson O, Holmerová I, Martin FC, O'Neill D, An EuGMS survey: who are the main medical care providers for European nursing home residents?, European Geriatric Medicine, 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Berlin, 10-12 October, 9, (Suppl 1), 2018, ppS205Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- Smyth H, Kilbane L, Noonan C, O'Brien H, MaryD, O'Sullivan H, CoughlanT, Ryan D, Collins R, Kennelly S, O'Neill D , 3Cs audit: cognition, collateral and CT, European Geriatric Medicine, 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Berlin, 10-12 October, 9, (Suppl 1), 2018, ppS253Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- Fitzpatrick D, Samuelsson O, Holmerová I, Martin FC, O'Neill D, Who are the main medical care providers of European nursing home residents? An EuGMS survey, European Geriatric Medicine, 10, (1), 2019, p135 - 139Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Creativity and Healthy Aging in, editor(s)Coll P. , Healthy Aging: A Complete Guide to Clinical Management, New York, Springer, 2019, pp313 - 318, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2019, DOI , URL
- Campbell BCV, Majoie CBLM, Albers GW, Menon BK, Yassi N, Sharma G, van Zwam WH, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Demchuk AM, Guillemin F, White P, Dávalos A, van der Lugt A, Butcher KS, Cherifi A, Marquering HA, Cloud G, Macho Fernández JM, Madigan J, Oppenheim C, Donnan GA, Roos YBWEM, Shankar J, Lingsma H, Bonafé A, Raoult H, Hernández-Pérez M, Bharatha A, Jahan R, Jansen O, Richard S, Levy EI, Berkhemer OA, Soudant M, Aja L, Davis SM, Krings T, Tisserand M, San Román L, Tomasello A, Beumer D, Brown S, Liebeskind DS, Bracard S, Muir KW, Dippel DWJ, Goyal M, Saver JL, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ; HERMES collaborators., Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data., Lancet Neurol, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Montepare J, O'Neill D, Presidential symposium: the Age-Friendly University (AFU) initiative - higher education meeting the needs of aging populations, Innovations in Aging, GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, 13-17 Nov 2018, 2, (Suppl 1), 2018, pp559Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Rapoport M, Overview of medical fitness to drive in strategic age-related disease, Innovations in Aging, GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, 13-17 Nov 2018, 2, (Suppl 1), 2018, pp611Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- O'Neill D,Ryan M, Overview and report on recent European Commission and UK reports on older drivers, Innovations in Aging, GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, 13-17 Nov 2018, 2, (Suppl 1), 2018, pp611Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI
- Monaghan O, O'Neill D, Lifetime housing, urban design and health, Ir Med J, 112, (2), 2019, pP865Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Edelstein E, Anderson D, Grey T, O'Neill D, Clinicians for Design: A Convergence of Expertise to Enhance Cognition and Healthcare Design, Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, Salk Institute, San Diego, 20-22 September, 2018, pp58-59Meeting Abstract, 2018, URL
- Grey T, Xidous D, Kennelly S, Timmons S, O'Neill D, Dementia friendly hospitals from a Universal Design Approach: research and guidelines, Innovations in Aging, GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, 13-17 Nov 2018, 2, (Suppl 1), 2018, pp943Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Gugliucci M, O'Neill D, Health Professions Education: Advancing Geriatrics/Gerontology Competencies through Age Friendly University Guiding Principles, Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 40, (2), 2019, p194 - 202Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Rapoport1 MJ, Plonka SC, Finestone H, Bayley M, Chee JN, Vrkljan B, PhD, Koppel S, Linkewich E, Charlton JL, Marshall S, delCampo M, Boulos MI, Swartz MI, Bhangu J, Saposnik G , Comay J, Dow J, Ayotte D, O'Neill D , A Systematic Review of the Risk of Motor Vehicle Collision after Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, McDonald D, Jones S, Toying with inclusivity, BMJ, 363, 2018, pk5193Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Boyle M, Ageing and the workplace, Lancet, 341, (8843), 1993, p499-500Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- O'Neill D, A systematic review of evidence for fitness to drive among people with mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 32nd Triennial Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), Dublin, 29 April - 4 May 201, 75, (Suppl 2), 2018, ppA16-17Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Harkins P, O'Brien H, McCartan D, Nasir N, Twomey B, Srikumar K, Coughlan T, Kennelly S, McElwaine P, O'Neill D, Ryan D, Ronan C, A Hospital Wide Point Prevalence of Adult Urinary Incontinence and Audit of Continence Care., Age and Ageing, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH., Increased Leucocyte-Platelet Complex Formation in Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Patients and in Micro-emboli Negative Subgroups., 2019, pepub ahead of printJournal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Xidous D, Grey T, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Dementia Friendly Hospital Design: Key Issues for Patients and Accompanying Persons in an Irish Acute Care Public Hospital , Health Environments Research & Design, 13, (1), 2020, p48 - 67Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Hogan PCP, McGauran J, O'Brien H, Rolston A, O'Neill D, Resistant SIADH secondary to atonic bladder in an older woman, Age and Ageing, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Geriatric Medical Humanities: fresh insights into Ageing and Geriatric Medicine, European Geriatric Medicine, 10, (3), 2019, p337-338Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Revisiting the Prussian pioneers of infectious diseases, Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Walshe E, Roche RAP, Ward C, Patterson R, O'Neill D, Collins R, Commins S, Comparable walking gait performance during executive and non-executive cognitive dual-tasks in chronic stroke: a pilot study, Gait and Posture, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Cognition and Health Aging in, editor(s)Coll, PP , Healthy Aging: A Complete Guide to Clinical Management,, New York, Springer-Verlag New York, 2019, pp169 - 180, [Briggs R, Kennelly S, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Culture in gerontology, Den åttende norske kongressen i geriatri, Oslo, 8-9 April, 2019, Norsk forening for geriatriInvited Talk, 2019
- O'Neill D, Warmth and humour in dementia, Lancet Neurology, 19, (7), 2020, p571Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Gormley MJ, O'Neill D, Driving as a travel option for older adults: Findings from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Abortion as a moral good?, Lancet, 394, 2019, p1323 - 1324Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Need for better understanding of the meaning and individual experience of ageing , International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region 2019 Congress , Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 May, 2019, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European RegionInvited Talk, 2019, URL
- Briggs R, Drumm B, Dwyer R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Coughlan T, Collins R, Awareness of atrial fibrillation-effectiveness of a pilot national awareness campaign, Ir J Med Sci, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D., The Geriatric Depression Scale: feasibility of cardbased-administration., Irish journal of psychological medicine, 19, (3), 2002, p102Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Horgan E, Lawson S, O'Neill D, Oropharyngeal dysphagia among patients newly discharged to nursing home care after an episode of hospital care, Ir J Med Sci, 189, 2020, p295 - 297Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Driving assessment in, editor(s)O'Hanlon S, Smith M , A comprehensive guide to rehabilitation of the older patient 4e , London, Churchil Livingstone, 2021, pp423 - 429, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2021, URL
- Doyle P, Kelly I, O'Neill D, Older people: canaries in the coal-mine for health effects of climate change, Ir Med J, 112, (10), 2019, pP1015Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Clifford AM, Shanahan J, O'Leary H, O'Neill D, Ni Bhriain O., Social dance for health and wellbeing in later life., Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 37, 2019, p6-10Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The Pain and Glory of Ageing, Lancet, 394, (10202), 2019, p909Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- King R, Al-Khabouri J, Kelly B, O'Neill D, Authorship in the medical humanities: breaking cross-field boundaries or maintaining disciplinary divides?, Journal of Medical Humanities, 43, 2022, p65 - 71Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Dooley C, Kelly J, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Meaney JF, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Simultaneous assessment of plaque morphology, cerebral micro-embolic signal status and platelet biomarkers in patients with recently symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid stenosis, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Harte G, Claffey A, O'Neill D, Dance Artist and Physiotherapist Collaboration in Stroke Rehabilitation, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii12Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Finnegan J, Mello S, Greene S, Cogan N, Ryan D, Coughlan T, Kennelly S, O'Neill S, Mahon J, Collins R., Stroke Risk Factors, Aetiology, and Outcomes in a Multi-ethnic Irish Stroke Population, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii19Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Dookhy J, McHale C, Kennelly S, Coughlan T, Collins R, Ryan D, O'Neill D, Cardiovascular Risk Profile in People with Mild Cognitive Symptoms Attending a Memory Service - an Opportunity to Promote Brain Health , Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii32-33Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Tobin F, McGuinn C, Pearson C, Dooky J, McHale C, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Ryan D, Collins R, Kennelly S, Does a Pen and Paper Assessment of Executive Skills Correlate with Functional Decline Identified Through Specialised Occupational Therapy Assessment?, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii54Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- McHale C, Sharkey J, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Dookhy J, Sheridan L, Kennelly S, Hearing Loss as a Potentially Modifiable Risk Factor in People with Mild Cognitive Symptoms Attending a Specialist Memory Service, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii55Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Dyer A, Killane I, Bourke N, Woods C, Gibney J, O'Neill D, Reilly R, Kennelly S, Does Dual-Task Gait Speed Predict Cognitive Performance in Midlife Type 2 Diabetes? Baseline Results from the ENBIND Study, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii3-4Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- McHale C, McGovern M, Dewergifosse J, Domsa M, McMahon A, Timmons F, Greene J, Tobin F, Bennett A, Donnelly M, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Dookhy J, Hyland C, Scanlan J, Ryan D, McElwaine P, Kennelly S, Insights into Dementia- An Integrated Care Approach to Family Support, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii62Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Sheridan L, McHale C, Dookhy J, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins R, Ryan D, Kennelly S , Incorporating Neurolinguistics and the Role of Speech and Language Therapy in a Specialist Memory Service , Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii49Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- Dyer A, Batten I, Killane I, Woods C, Gibney J, O'Neill D, Reilly R, Bourke N, Kennelly S , Linking Diabetes and Dementia Risk: A Role for Aβ-42 Induced Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome? Results from the ENBIND Study , Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontoloppgical Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Cork, 27-28 Sept 2019, 48, (Suppl 3), 2019, ppiii26Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI
- O'Neill D, Driving and dementia: a clinical decision pathway, European Geriatric Medicine Society, Kraków, 25 Sept, 2019, European Geriatric Medicine SocietyInvited Talk, 2019
- O'Neill D, Ageing workforce: sustaining the "longevity dividend", Br Med J, 367, 2019, pl5889Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Romer D, Walshe E, Winston K, Transport, health and aging: a novel approach to healthy longevity with benefits across the lifespan. , National Academy of Medicine Perspectives, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Gordon Watson Lecture: Working Together to Protect Our Longevity Dividend, XXIX Waterford Surgical October Meeting, Health Sciences Building, Waterford Institute of Technology, 12 Oct, 2019, XXIX Waterford Surgical October Meeting In conjunction with Surgical Section of The Royal Academy of Medicine in IrelandInvited Talk, 2019
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, Meaney JF, McCabe DJH, Relationship between 'on-treatment platelet reactivity', shear stress, and micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis, J Neurol, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Introduction to Medicine and the Humanities, Advanced Master Class, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, 18 Sept, 2019Invited Talk, 2019
- Cunningham C, Howard D, O'Neill D, The effect of age on outcome in crash victims, J Traffic Medicine, 28, (2S), 2000, pp27 - 28Meeting Abstract, 2000
- O'Neill D, Bruce I, Kirby M, Lawlopr B, Older drivers, driving practices and health issues, J Traffic Medicine, 28, (2S), 2000, pp41Meeting Abstract, 2000
- Grey T, Fleming R, Goodenough BJ, Xidous D, Möhler R, O'Neill D, Hospital design for older people with cognitive impairmentsincluding dementia and delirium: Supporting inpatients andaccompanying persons (Protocol), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Roush R, Presidential Symposium: Museums and Aging: Novel Network Opportunities to Support Optimal Aging, Innovations in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 74th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 3, (Suppl 1), 2019, ppS361 - S362Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Museums and Aging: Vistas, Synergies and Opportunities, Innovations in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 74th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 13-17 Nov, 3, (Suppl 1), 2019, ppS362Meeting Abstract, 2019, DOI , URL
- Benamer C, Fitzpatrick G, Ridgway P, O'Neill D, Persistent Perioperative Cognitive Impairment: prevention, management and sharing with patients , Ir Med J, 113, (5), 2020, pP68Journal Article, 2020, URL
- O'Neill D, Kelly BD, O'Keeffe ST, Moss H, Mainstreaming medical humanities in continuous professional development and postgraduate training, Clinical Medicine, 20, (2), 2020, p208 - 211Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Protecting our Longevity Dividend during Covid-19, Ir Med J, 113, (4), 2020, pP50Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Fallon A, Dukelow T, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, COVID-19 in Nursing Homes, QJM, 113, (6), 2020, p391 - 392Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Ryan M, Walshe J, Booth R, O'Neill D, Perceptions and attitudes towards risk and personal responsibility in the context of medical fitness to drive, Traffic Injury Prevention, 21, (6), 2020, p365 - 370Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Health, ageing, authenticity and art in, editor(s)Sholl J, Rattan S , Explaining Health Across the Sciences, Basel, Springer Nature, 2020, pp137 - 147, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2020, DOI , URL
- Roche L, Ryan M, O'Neill D, Response to articles on psychotropic drugs, mental health and driving, Ir Med J, 113, (6), 2020, p110Journal Article, 2020
- Gordon AL, Goodman C, Achterberg W, Barker RO, Burns E, Hanratty B, Martin FC, Meyer J, O'Neill D, Schols J, Spilsbury K, COVID in Care Homes - Challenges and Dilemmas in Healthcare Delivery, Age and Ageing, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Covid-19 in care homes: the many determinants of this perfect storm, BMJ, 369, 2020, pm2096Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Briggs R, Holmerova I, Samuelsson O, Gordon AL, Martin FC on behalf of the Special Interest Group in Long-Term Care of the EuGMS, COVID-19 highlights the need for universal adoption of Standards of Medical Care for Physicians in Nursing Homes in Europe, European Geriatric Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Chen S, Kearns F, Roche L, Ryan M, COVID-19, vision, and fitness to drive, QJM, 113, (10), 2020, p775Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Generating Guardians of the Longevity Dividend, Age and Ageing, 49, (6), 2020, p932 - 933Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Lynch A, O'Neill D, Older people and COVID-19 updates by medical postgraduate colleges in UK and Ireland, European Geriatric Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Widening our horizons for promoting mobility and safety for drivers with dementia, International Psychogeriatrics, 32, (12), 2020, p1389 - 1391Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Doherty RJ, Caird J, Crimmins D, Kelly P, Murphy S, McGuigan C, Tubridy N, King MD, Lynch B, Webb D, O'Neill D, McCabe DJH, Boers P, O'Regan M, Moroney J, Williams DJ, Cronin S, Javadpour M., Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome in Ireland: Patient Demographics, Mode of Presentation and Outcomes of EC-IC Bypass Surgery, Ir J Med Sci, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Ethical road map through the covid-19 pandemic: Continuing Professional Development in ethics for clinicians also needed, BMJ, 370, 2020, pm2793Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Al Azawi L, O'Byrne A, Roche L, O'Neill D, Ryan M, Inclusion of medical fitness to drive in medical postgraduate training, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 50, (3), 2020, p309 - 315Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Daly B, O'Neill D, Hiding in plain sight - post stroke cognitive impairment, Ir Med J, 113, (9), 2020, pP173Journal Article, 2020, URL
- O'Neill D, The Great Enigma: Tomas Tranströmer and the magic of geriatric medicine, European Geriatric Medicine, 11, 2020, p879 - 880Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Bracken-Scally M, Timmons S, O'Shea E, Gallagher P, Kennelly SP, Hamilton V, O'Neill D., Second Irish National Audit of Dementia Care in Acute Hospitals, Offaly, National Dementia Office, 2020, p1 - 228Report, 2020, URL
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Hickey F, Kinsella JA, Smith DR, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, O'Donnell JS, O'Sullivan JM, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, von Willebrand Factor Antigen, von Willebrand Factor Propeptide, and ADAMTS13 in Carotid Stenosis and Their Relationship with Cerebral Microemboli, Thromb Haemost, 121, (1), 2021, p86 - 97Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Design and the built environment to support patients living with dementia and accompanying persons in acute hospitals in, editor(s)Fleming R, Zeisel J, Bennett K. , World Alzheimer Report 2020: Design Dignity Dementia: dementia-related design and the built environment Volume 1, London, England, Alzheimer's Disease International, 2020, pp56 - 61, [Grey T, Xidous D, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2020, URL
- Kennelly SP, Dyer AH, Noonan C, Kennelly SM, Martin A, O'Neill D, Fallon A, Asymptomatic carriage rates and case-fatality of SARS-CoV-2 infection in residents and staff in Irish nursing homes, Age and Ageing, 50, (1), 2021, p49 - 54Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Dyer A, McKenna L, Gamage G, Bourke N, Killane I, Widdowson M, Woods C, Gibney J, Reilly R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S. , Cognitive performance in midlife type 2 diabetes: results from the ENBIND study, Diabetic Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Martin A, Boyle N, Cooke J, Kennelly SP, Martin R, Mulroy M, O'Connor M, O'Keeffe S, O'Neill D on behalf of the Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine, Responding to Needs of Residents in Long Term Care in Ireland, Ir Med J, 113, (9), 2020, pP181Journal Article, 2020
- Lee S, O'Neill D, Moss H, Promoting well-being among people with early-stage dementia and their family carers through community-based group singing: a phenomenological study, Arts and Health, 14, (1), 2022, p85 - 101Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Anderson DC, Grey T, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Nursing Home Design and COVID-19: Balancing Infection Control, Quality of Life, and Resilience, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21, (11), 2020, p1519 - 1524Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Blain H, Rolland Y, Schols JMGA, Cherubini A, Miot S, O'Neill D, Martin FC, Guérin O, Gavazzi G, Bousquet J, Petrovic M, Gordon AL, Benetos A., August 2020 Interim EuGMS guidance to prepare European Long-Term Care Facilities for COVID-19, European Geriatric Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Dyer AH, McKenna L, Batten I, Jones K, Widdowson M, Dunne J, Conlon N, Reilly R, Woods CP, O'Neill D, Gibney J, Bourke NM, Kennelly SP., Peripheral Inflammation and Cognitive Performance in Middle-Aged Adults With and Without Type 2 Diabetes: Results From the ENBIND Study, Front. Aging Neurosci, 12, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Towards a Greater Contextualization of Music and the Arts in Aging and Cognitive Disorders, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Virtual, 4-7 Nov, 4, (Suppl 1), 2020, pp841Meeting Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- Lee S, Moss H, O'Neill D, Toward a Greater Contextualization of Music and the Arts in Aging and Cognitive Disorders, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Virtual, 4-7 Nov, 4, (Suppl 1), 2020, pp841Meeting Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- de Medeiros K, O'Neill D, Meaningful Aging in the Face of Vulnerability: Perspectives From the Humanities and Arts, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Virtual, 4-7 Nov, 4, (Suppl 1), 2020, pp837 - 838Meeting Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- Xidous D, Grey T, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Understanding the knowledge and engagement of facilities management with dementia- friendly design in Irish hospitals: an exploratory study, Facilities, 9, 2021, p601 - 614Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Lim ST, Tobin WO, Murphy SJX, Kinsella JA, Smith DR, Lim SY, Murphy SM, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Egan B, Tierney S, McCabe DJH, Profile of reticulated platelets in the early, subacute and late phases after transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke, Platelets, 33, (1), 2022, p89 - 97Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Doyle P, Kennelly S, Ryan D, O'Neill D, Frequency and intensity of medical interventions in a nursing home during COVID-19 Pandemic, European Geriatric Medicine, 16th International E-Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Virtual, 7-9 Oct, 11, (Suppl 1), 2020, ppS49Published Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, Dyer A, Martin R, Kennelly S, Martin R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Profiling COVID-19 infection in Irish nursing homes, European Geriatric Medicine, 16th International E-Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Virtual, 7-9 Oct, 11, (Suppl 1), 2020, ppS51Published Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- Lynch A, O'Neill D, Are older people adequately profiled in COVID-19 training?, European Geriatric Medicine, 16th International E-Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Virtual, 7-9 Oct, 11, (Suppl 1), 2020, ppS90Published Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- Fitzgerald M, Flood E, McCarron L, Griffin C, Lynch C, Guinan E, Cribbin E, Kelly M, Doyle P, Ryan D, O'Neill D, Effect of COVID19 infection on rehabilitation processes and outcomes in a specialist geriatric rehabilitation unit, European Geriatric Medicine, 16th International E-Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Virtual, 7-9 Oct, 11, (Suppl 1), 2020, ppS233Published Abstract, 2020, DOI , URL
- McGarvey C, O'Neill D, Understanding the heterogeneity of ageing through cinema, European Geriatric Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Duma D, Wong L, O'Neill D, Kelly BD, Taking histories: joint working of disciplines in medical history scholarship, Ir J Med Sci, 190, (4), 2021, p1533 - 1535Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, O'Neill D, Driving Miss Daisy, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 69, (7), 2021, p2040 - 2042Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Doyle P, Ryan DJ, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Frequency and intensity of medical interventions in a nursing home during COVID-19 Pandemic, Ir Med J, 114, (3), 2021, pP301Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Charlton JL, Di Stefano M, Dow J, Rapoport MJ, O'Neill D, Odell M, Darzins P, Koppel S, Influence of chronic Illness on crash involvement of motor vehicle drivers: 3rd edition, 3rd, Melbourne, Monash University Accident Research Centre, June, 2022, p1 - 209Report, 2022, URL
- Englund L, O'Neill DJ, Pisarek W, Ryan M, Wagner T, on behalf of Medical Fitness to Drive Subgroup of the CIECA Topical Group on Fitness to Drive, CIECA Report Medical Fitness to Drive, Brussels, CIECA, 2020, p1 - 33Report, 2020, URL
- O'Neill D, The Problem Trainer, Ir Med J, 114, (6), 2021, pP374Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Murphy E, O'Neill D, Clues about ageing in The Thursday Murder Club, European Geriatric Medicine, 12, 2021, p1303 - 1304Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Clifford AM, Shanahan J, Moss H, Cleary T, Senter M, O'Hagan EM, Glynn L, O'Neill D, Watts M, Ni Bhriain O., Insights from an early stage development mixed methods study on arts-based interventions for older adults following hospitalisation., Complement Ther Med. , 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Responding to responsive behaviour in Alzheimer's disease, Lancet, 398, (10303), 2021, p842Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Fedecostante M, O'Neill D, Pierri F, Carrieri B, Lattanzio F, Cherubini A., Upper age limits for convalescent plasma donation and treatment of COVID-19 patients: A further marker of ageism., Transfusion, 61, (9), 2021, p2799 - 2800Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Lee S, O'Neill D, Moss H, Dementia inclusive group singing online during COVID-19: A qualitative exploration, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 31, (4), 2022, p308-326Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Smyth H, O'Connor A, O'Connor S, O'Neill D, Availability and use of assistive listening devices with older patients, Ir Med J, 114, 2021, pP749Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Murray P, Collins R, O'Neill D, Atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation in the nursing home setting, Ir Med J, 114, (2), 2021, pP257Journal Article, 2021, URL
- O'Neill D, Refashioning the uneasy relationship between older people and geriatric medicine, Age and Ageing, 51, (4), 2022, pafab281Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Rapoport M, Wood J, Dow J, O'Neill D, Charlton J, Koppel S. , An International Review of Motor Vehicle Collision Risk with Medical Conditions in Older Adults., Innovation in Aging, 5, (Suppl 1), 2021, p877 - 878Journal Article, 2021
- O'Neill D, Listening to illness: hearing gout through music, BMJ, 375, 2021, pn068240Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Allen A, Tully M, O'Neill D, Roche R, Reminiscence groupwork and autobiographical memory as part of meaningful activities, Groupwork, 30, (1), 2021, p67 - 77Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Koppel S, Di Stefano M, Dimech-Betancourt B, Aburumman M, Osborne R, Peiris S, Williams G, McInnes A, Stephens A, Odell M, Darzins P, Carney P, Cook M, Berkovic SF, Rapoport MJ, Dow J, O'Neill D, Charlton JL., What is the motor vehicle crash risk for drivers with epilepsy? A systematic review, J Transport Health, 23, 2021, p101286Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- van Haastregt JCM, Everink IHJ, Schols J, Grund S, Gordon AL, Poot EP, Martin FC, O'Neill D, Petrovic M, Bachmann S, van Balen R, van Dam van Isselt L, Dockery F, Holstege MS, Landi F, Perez LM, Roquer E, Smalbrugge M, Achterberg WP, Management of post-acute COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation: EuGMS guidance, Eur Geriatr Med, 2021, p1-14Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Moss H, Lee S, Clifford AM, Ní Bhriain O, O'Neill D, Together in song: Designing a singing for health group intervention for older people living in the community, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 31, (4), 2022, p308-326Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Dolphin H, Fallon A, McHale C, Dookhy J, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Coveney S, O'Dowd S, Kennelly SP, CSF biomarker utility in supporting Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: clinical perspectives from an Irish regional specialist memory service, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Online, 50, (Supplement_3), 2021, ppiii19Meeting Abstract, 2021
- O'Neill D, Bradley D, Powers J, Integrating Humanities and Arts Into Gerontology and Geriatrics Curricula., Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Online, 5, (Supplement_1), 2021, pp68Meeting Abstract, 2021
- O'Neill D, Lessons for Humanities and Arts in Gerontology and Geriatrics Curricula From the Medical and Health Humanities, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Online, 5, (Supplement_1), 2021, pp69Meeting Abstract, 2021
- Dyer AH, Noonan C, McElheron M, Batten I, Reddy C, Connolly E, Pierpoint R, Murray C, Leonard A, Higgins C, Reilly P, Boran G, Phelan T, McCormack W, O'Neill D, Fallon A, Brady G, O'Farrelly C, Bourke NM, Kennelly SP., Previous SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Age, and Frailty Are Associated With 6-Month Vaccine-Induced Anti-Spike Antibody Titer in Nursing Home Residents, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Toward a deeper understanding of care in later life in, editor(s)Goldman M, de Medeiros K, Cole T , Critical Humanities and Ageing Forging Interdisciplinary Dialogues, Routledge, 2022, pp256 - 262, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2022
- Briggs R, McDonough A, Ellis G, Bennett K, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (5), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Smyth H, O'Connor A, O'Connor S, Mello S, O'Neill D, Can you hear me? The use of assistive listening devices amongst geriatric consultants and trainees to communicate with older patients with hearing impairment, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS43Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- McGarvey C, Hobson H, Greene S, Coga N, McCabe D, McCarthy A, Murphy S, O'Dowd S, Walsh R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Mello S, Covene S, Ryan D, Collins R, Neuro-medical complications of stroke - trends over the decades in an acute stroke unit, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS77Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Lee S, Moss H, O'Neill D, A qualitative exploration of dementia-inclusive group-singing online during COVID-19, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS179Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Dyer A, Batten S, Reddy C, Townsend L, Woods C, Gibney J, O'Neill D, Bourke N, Kennelly S, Exploring the diabetes-dementia link: in vitro blood responsiveness to amyloid beta (Ab-42) and cognitive function in midlife type-2 diabetes, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS205Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Murphy E, Fallon A, Dukelow T, O'Neill D, Don't call me elderly: a review of medical journals' use of ageist nomenclature, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS223 - S224Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Doyle P, McHugh S, O'Neill D, Profiling national research in nursing home care, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS310 - S311Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Burke E, O'Donoghue J, Kennelly S, Xidous D, Grey T, O'Neill D, Mapping quality of life domains in nursing homes, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS314Meeting Abstract, 2021, URL
- Murphy E, Burke E, O'Donoghue J, Grey T, Xidous D, Kennelly S, Anderson D, O'Neill D, Nursing home design and COVID pandemic resilience, European Geriatric Medicine, 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October 2021, 12, (Suppl 1), 2021, ppS385Meeting Abstract, 2021, DOI , URL
- Palmer K, Villani ER, Vetrano DL, Cherubini A, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Curtin D, Denkinger M, Gutiérrez-Valencia M, Guðmundsson A, Knol W, Mak DV, O'Mahony D, Pazan F, Petrovic M, Rajkumar C, Topinkova E, Trevisan C, van der Cammen TJM, van Marum RJ, Wehling M, Ziere G, Bernabei R, Onder G; European Geriatric Medicine Society Pharmacology special interest group, Association of polypharmacy and hyperpolypharmacy with frailty states: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Eur Geriatr Med, 10, (1), 2019, p9 - 36Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- McDonough RV, Ospel JM, Majoie CBLM, Saver JL, White P, Dippel DWJ, Brown SB, Demchuk AM, Jovin TG, Mitchell PJ, Bracard S, Campbell BCV, Muir KW, Hill MD, Guillemin F, Goyal M; HERMES collaborators, Clinical outcome of patients with mild pre-stroke morbidity following endovascular treatment: a HERMES substudy, J Neurointerv Surg, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Grey T, Xidous D, O'Donoghue J, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Universal Design for Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing COVID-19 Infection Control in Existing Residential Care Settings for Older People: Research Report, Dublin, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, 2022, p1 - 110Report, 2022, URL
- Grey T, Xidous D, O'Donoghue J, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing COVID-19 Infection Control in Existing Residential Care Settings for Older People: Universal Design Guidelines, Dublin, Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, 2022, p1 - 44Report, 2022, URL
- Aalto UL, Pitkälä KH, Andersen-Ranberg K, Bonin-Guillaume S, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Eriksdotter M, Gordon AL, Gosch M, Holmerova I, Kautiainen H, Kivipelto M, Macijauskiene J, O'Neill D, van den Noortgate N, Ranhoff AH, Schols JMGA, Singler K, Stankunas M, Ouslander JG., COVID-19 pandemic and mortality in nursing homes across USA and Europe up to October 2021, Eur Geriatr Med, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Murphy E, Fallon A, Dukelow T, O'Neill D, Don't Call Me Elderly: A Review of Medical Journals' Use of Ageist Literature, European Geriatric Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Lee S, Allison T, O'Neill D, Punch P, Helitzer E, Moss H, Integrative review of singing and music interventions for family carers of people living with dementia, Health Promot Int, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Transportation, driving and older adults in, editor(s)Sinclair A, Morley J, Vellas B, Cesari M, Munshi M , Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, 6th Edition, London, Wiley, 2022, pp1361 - 1369, [O'Neill D, Carr D]Book Chapter, 2022, URL
- Dow J, Boucher L, Carr D, Charlton J, Hill L, Koppel S, Lilly R, Marottoli R, O'Neill D, Rapoport M, Roy C, Sévigny B, Swirsky N, Gagné E, Giroux C, Rader T, Does hearing loss affect the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle crash? A systematic review, Journal of Transport and Health, 2022, p101387Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Profiling Medical and Health Humanities in Ireland, Health Humanities Consortium, Hiram College/Online, 25-27 March, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Zampino M, Polidori MC, Ferrucci L, O'Neill D, Pilotto A, Gogol M, Rubinstein L, Biomarkers of aging in real life: three questions on aging and the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, GeroScience, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, The longevity dividend through inanimate objects in the tales of Hans Christian Andersen, European Geriatric Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Herings PMR, Dyer AH, Kennelly SP, Reid S, Killane I, McKenna L, Bourke NM, Woods CP, O'Neill D, Gibney J, Reilly RB, Gait Characteristics and Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged Adults with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Data from ENBIND, Sensors, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Lim ST, Murphy SJ, Murphy SM, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Tierney S, Egan B, Collins DR, McCarthy AJ, Lim SY, Smith DR, Assessment of on-treatment platelet reactivity at high and low shear stress and platelet activation status after the addition of dipyridamole to aspirin in the early and late phases after TIA and ischaemic stroke, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2022, p120334Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Zimmerman S, Kelly BD, Moss H, Promoting research and scholarship in the medical and health humanities in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 192, 2023, p1771 - 1773Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Charlton JL, Di Stefano M, Dimech-Betancourt B, Aburumman M, Osborne R, Peiris S, Cross SL, Williams G, Stephens A, McInnes A, Odell M, Darzins P, Anderson A, Rapoport M, Dow J, O'Neill D, Koppel S., What is the motor vehicle crash risk for drivers with a sleep disorder?, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour., 90, 2022, p229 - 242Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- O'Donnell D, Romero-Ortuno R, Kennelly S, Lavan A, Kenny RA, O Neill D, McElwaine P, Briggs R, The 'Bermuda Triangle' of Orthostatic Hypotension, Cognitive Impairment and Reduced Mobility: Prospective Associations with Falls and Fractures in Community-Dwelling Older People, European Geriatric Medicine, 18th European Geriatric Medicine Society Congress, London, 28-30 Sept, 13, (Suppl 1), 2022, ppS262Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- Dow J, Boucher L, Carr D, Charlton J, Hill L, Koppel S, Lilley R, Marotolli R, O'Neill D, Rapoport M, Roy C, Swirsky N, Woo V, Gagné E, Giroux C, Rader T, Does diabetes affect the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle crash: a systematic review, Journal of Transport and Health, 27, 2022, p101509Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Dyer AH, Batten I, Reddy C, Townsend L, Woods CP, O'Neill D, Gibney J, Kennelly SP, Bourke NM, Neuropsychological Decrements in Midlife Type-2 Diabetes are Not Associated with Peripheral NLRP3 Inflammasome Responsiveness, Frontiers in Immunology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Rapoport MJ, Chee JN, Prabha T, Dow J, Gillespie I, Koppel S, Charlton JL, O'Neill D, Donaghy PC, Ho AO, Taylor JP, Tant M, A Systematic Review of the Risks of Motor Vehicle Crashes Associated with Psychiatric Disorders, Can J Psychiatry, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick N, O'Neill D, Vitality, Gender and Ageing in Faces Places by Agnès Varda, European Geriatric Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Fitzpatrick N, O'Neill D, Stereotypes and Benevolent Ageism: Lessons from Tatie Danielle, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Understanding ageing in the tales of Hans Christian Andersen, European Geriatric Medicine, 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, London, 28-30 September 2022, 13, (Suppl 1), 2022, ppS224Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- O'Neill D, Xidous D, O'Donoghue J, Puntambekar M, Grey T, Residential long-term care, Covid-19 and architecture and design of the built environment, European Geriatric Medicine, 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, London, 28-30 September 2022, 13, (Suppl 1), 2022, ppS355Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- Adams-Price C, O'Neill D, On the threshold: creativity in mid-life, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 2-6 November 2022, 6, (Suppl 1), 2022, pp211Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- O'Neill D, Midlife creativity among composers and novelists, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 2-6 November 2022, 6, (Suppl 1), 2022, pp211Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- de Medeiros K, O'Neill D, Narrative as a boundary concept in gerontology: the story behind the stories, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 2-6 November 2022, 6, (Suppl 1), 2022, pp242Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- O'Neill D, Exploring the narrative of aging through music, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 2-6 November 2022, 6, (Suppl 1), 2022, pp242Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- O'Neill D, Grey T, Xidous D, O'Donoghue J, Puntambekar M, Rethinking nursing home architecture and design in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 2-6 November 2022, 6, (Suppl 1), 2022, pp790 - 791Meeting Abstract, 2022, DOI
- Clifford AM, Ni Bhriain O, Byrne S, Cheung PS, Louw Q, Glynn L, Moss H, O'Neill D, Woods CB, Sheikhi A, Gowran RJ, Maher C, Kennelly B, Salsberg J, Thabane L, Music and Movement for Health: Protocol for a pragmatic cluster-randomised feasibility pilot trial of an arts-based programme for the health and wellbeing of older adults., HRB Open Res, 5, 2022, p42Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Donnell DO, Romero-Ortuno R, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Donoghue PO, Lavan A, Cunningham C, McElwaine P, Kenny RA, Briggs R., The 'Bermuda Triangle' of orthostatic hypotension, cognitive impairment and reduced mobility: prospective associations with falls and fractures in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. , Age and Ageing, 52, (2), 2023, pafad005Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Noonan D, Ryan M, Whelan D, O'Neill D, Medical fitness to drive, emergency service vehicles and crash risk, Ir J Med Sci., 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Conflicting COVID-19 excess mortality estimates, Lancet, 401, 2023, pP431Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Clifford A, Byrne S, Ni Bhriain O, Cheung PS, Sheikhi A, Woods C, O'Neill D, Gowran R, Glynn L, Moss H, Louw Q, Thebane L, Coote S, Salsberg J., Preliminary findings from the early phases of the Music and Movement for Health study: the feasibility of an arts-based health programme for older adults., Rural and remote health, 23, (1), 2023, p8142Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Influence of Alcohol Use Disorders on Motor Vehicle Crash Risk in, editor(s)Judith Charlton Marilyn Di Stefano Jamie Dow Mark J. Rapoport Desmond O"Neill Morris Odell Peteris Darzins Sjaan Koppel1 , INFLUENCE OF CHRONIC ILLNESS ON CRASH INVOLVEMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS: 3RD EDITION, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Austroads, 2022, pp11 - 20, [M. Perazzolo, M. Odell, M. Ryan, J.D. Sheehan, Wi. Flannery, E. Gilvarry, C. Drummond, J. Dow, M.J. Rapoport, S. Koppel, J.L. Charlton, & D. O"Neill]Book Chapter, 2022
- Grey, T.; Xidous, D.; O'Neill, D.; Collier, M.J., Growing Older Urbanism: exploring the nexus between ageing, the built environment, and urban ecosystems, Urban Transformations, 5, 2023, p8Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Offiah C, Tierney S, Egan B, Collins RD, Ryan DJ, McCarthy AJ, Smith DR, Mahon J, Boyle E, Delaney H, O 'Donohoe R, Hurley A, Walsh RA, Murphy SM, Bogdanova-Mihaylova P, O 'Dowd S, Kelly MJ, Omer T, Coughlan T, O 'Neill D, Martin M, Murphy SJX, McCabe DJH, Frequency of inter-specialty consensus decisions and adherence to advice following discussion at a weekly neurovascular multidisciplinary meeting, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- O'Neill D, Ageing through the lens of arts and humanities: a core element of gerontology, Societas Gerontologica Fennica, Helsinki, 27 April, 2023Invited Talk, 2023
- O'Donoghue J, Xidous D, Grey T, O'Neill D, Residential Long-Term Care and the Built Environment: Balancing Quality of Life and Infection Control, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Leinert C, Fotteler M, Kocar TD, Dallmeier D, Kestler HA, Wolf D, Gebhard F, Uihlein A, Steger F, Kilian R, Mueller-Stierlin AS, Michalski CW, Mihaljevic A, Bolenz C, Zengerling F, Leinert E, Schütze S, Hoffmann TK, Onder G, Andersen-Ranberg K, O'Neill D, Wehling M, Schobel J, Swoboda W, Denkinger M, SURGE-Ahead Study Group., Supporting SURgery with GEriatric Co-Management and AI (SURGE-Ahead): A study protocol for the development of a digital geriatrician., PloS one, 18, (6), 2023, pe0287230Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Chalos V, Venema E, Mulder MJHL, Roozenbeek B, Steyerberg EW, Wermer MJH, Lycklama À Nijeholt GJ, van der Worp HB, Goyal M, Campbell BCV, Muir KW, Guillemin F, Bracard S, White P, Dávalos A, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ, Demchuk AM, Saver JL, van der Lugt A, Brown S, Dippel DWJ, Lingsma HF; HERMES CollaboratorsMR CLEAN Registry Investigators., Development and Validation of a Postprocedural Model to Predict Outcome After Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke., JAMA Neurology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Waldron E, Wakefield K, O'Neill D, Interdisciplinarity and joint working in cultural gerontology, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 22 Sept 2023, 52, (Supplement_3), 2023, ppafad156.271Meeting Abstract, 2023, DOI , URL
- Arts, Humanities, and Occupational Therapy with Older People: An Aesthetic Lens on Practice in, editor(s)Barney KF, Perkinson M, , Occupational Therapy with Aging Adults, 2nd Edition, New York, Elsevier, 2024, pp380-387, 387.e1-4 , [Coppola S, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2024, URL
- Fitzpatrick N, O'Neill D, Exploring the success of older female directors: creativity and resilience of old age in the face of cultural barriers, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 22 September 2023, 52, (Supplement_3), 2023, ppafad156.273Meeting Abstract, 2023, DOI , URL
- Driving and transport in later life in, editor(s)Cho KH, Michel JP, Gazowski, J , Textbook of Geriatric Medicine International, Seoul, Medical Publishing Company, 2023, pp551 - 561, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2023
- Clifford AM, Cheung PS, O'Malley N, Byrne S, Whiston A, Kennelly B, Mphepo T, Eshghimanesh Z, Thabane L, Louw Q, Moss H, Gowran R, O'Neill D, Glynn L, Woods C, Maher C, Sheikhi A, Salsberg J, Ní Bhriain O., Findings from a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of a music and dance programme for community dwelling older adults, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2024, p105371Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Cultural gerontology: recent developments and future challenges in, editor(s)Langbein J, Cosgrove M, Fuchs A , Framing Ageing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Humanities and Social Science Research, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024, pp13 - 21, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2024, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Continuing challenges to health equity in Ireland, Lancet, 404, (10451), 2024, pP431Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Waldron E, Wakefield K, O'Neill D, Interdisciplinarity in cultural gerontology and geriatric medical humanities " a bibliometric survey, European Geriatric Medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Ageing in Dr Erich Kästner's Poetic Medicine Cabinet, European Geriatric Medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- ONEILL, D, BENZODIAZEPINES AND DRIVER SAFETY, LANCET, 352, 1998, 1324 - 1325Miscellaneous, 1998
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- Maguire CP, Kirby M, Coen R, Coakley D, Lawlor BA, O'Neill D., Family members' attitudes toward telling the patient with Alzheimer's disease their diagnosis, BMJ, 313, 1996, p529 - 530Journal Article, 1996, DOI , URL
- Collins DR, McCormack PM, O'Neill D, General perception of stroke. Poor knowledge of stroke can be improved by simple measures, 2002, - 392Miscellaneous, 2002
- O'Neill D, Rice I, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Mental test scores and adult education, 1989, - 441Miscellaneous, 1989
- O'Neill D, O'Shea B, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Screening for dementia and delirium using an adapted Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination, Ir Med J, 82, (1), 1990, p24 - 25Journal Article, 1990
- O'Riordan TG, Hayes JP, O'Neill D, Shelley R, Walsh JB, Coakley D, The effect of mild to moderate dementia on the Geriatric Depression Scale and on the General Health Questionnaire, Age Ageing, 19, (1), 1990, p57 - 61Journal Article, 1990
- O'Neill D, Rice I, Blake P, Walsh JB, Coakley D, The geriatric depression scale: Rater‐administered or self‐administered?, Int J Geriatric Psychiatry, 7, (7), 1992, p511 - 515Journal Article, 1992
- Üzar-Özçetin YS, Connolly M, Frawley T, Drennan J, Timmins F, Barnard M, Blake C, Di Placido M, Donnelly S, Doyle G, Fealy G, Fitzgerald K, Gallagher P, Guerin S, Mangiarotti E, McNulty J, Mucheru D, O'Neill D, O'Donnell D, Ryder M, Segurado R, Stokes D, Wells J, Cartolovni A, From the ground up: stakeholders' representations of the Irish longitudinal study on ageing (TILDA), Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2024, p1-16Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- O'Riordan TG, Hayes JP, Shelley R, O'Neill D, Walsh JB, Coakley D, The prevalence of depression in an acute geriatric medical assessment unit, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 4, (1), 1989, p17 - 21Journal Article, 1989
- O'Neill D, O'Riordan T, Hayes J, Shelley R, Walsh JB, Coakley D, The use of depression rating scales, 1989, - 390-1Miscellaneous, 1989
- Bath PM, Lindenstrom E, Boysen G, De Deyn P, Friis P, Leys D, Marttila R, Olsson J, O'Neill D, Orgogozo J, Ringelstein B, van der Sande J, Turpie AG., Tinzaparin in acute ischaemic stroke (TAIST): a randomised aspirin-controlled trial., Lancet, 358, 2001, p702 - 710Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
- Pearsall TS, O'neill D, Wilcock GK, Use of the mini‐mental state examination to determine the usefulness of subsequent cognitive assessment in moderately to severely demented subjects, Int J Geriatric Psychiatry, 10, (11), 1995, p975 - 980Journal Article, 1995
- Cunningham CJ, Sinnott M, Denihan A, Rowan M, Walsh JB, O'Moore R, Coakley D, Coen RF, Lawler BA, O'Neill D, Endogenous sex hormone levels in postmenopausal women with Alzheimer's disease, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 86, (3), 2001, p1099 - 1103Journal Article, 2001
- Smith, D.R. and Lim, S.T. and Murphy, S.J.X. and Hickey, F.B. and Offiah, C. and Murphy, S.M. and Collins, D.R. and Coughlan, T. and O'Neill, D. and Egan, B. and O'Donnell, J.S. and O'Sullivan, J.M. and McCabe, D.J.H., von Willebrand factor antigen, von Willebrand factor propeptide and ADAMTS13 activity in TIA or ischaemic stroke patients changing antiplatelet therapy, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 463, (123118), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Fealy, G. and Di Placido, M. and O'Donnell, D. and Drennan, J. and Timmins, F. and Barnard, M. and Blake, C. and Connolly, M. and Donnelly, S. and Doyle, G. and Fitzgerald, K. and Frawley, T. and Gallagher, P. and Guerin, S. and Mangiarotti, E. and McNulty, J. and Mucheru, D. and O'Neill, D. and Segurado, R. and Stokes, D. and Ryder, M. and à zar Ã-zçetin, Y.S. and Wells, J. and Ä artolovni, A., â~Ageing wellâ : Discursive constructions of ageing and health in the public reach of a national longitudinal study on ageing, Social Science and Medicine, 341, (116518), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Rapoport, M.J. and Chee, J.N. and Prabha, T. and Dow, J. and Gillespie, I. and Koppel, S. and Charlton, J.L. and Oâ Neill, D. and Donaghy, P.C. and Ho, A.O. and Taylor, J.-P. and Tant, M., A Systematic Review of the Risks of Motor Vehicle Crashes Associated with Psychiatric Disorders [Une revue systématique des risques dâ accidents de véhicules automobiles associés à des troubles psychiatriques], Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 68, (4), 2023, p221-240Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- O'Malley N, O'Reilly S, Byrne S, Cheung PS, Fitzell C, NiBhriain O, Moss H, Gowran RJ, Louw Q, Woods C, O'Neill D, Glynn L, Cavanagh M, Maher C, Salsberg J, Thabane L, Clifford A., `Excellent for Mind, Body and Spirit": Participant, Facilitator, and Community Stakeholder Experiences of Music and Movement for Health, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Grey T, O'Donoghue J, Xidous D, O'Neill D, Long-Term Residential Care and the Built Environment: Improving Quality of Life and Resilience Through a Universal Design Approach, Stud Health Technol Inform, 320, 2024, p207-214Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Personal Reflections on Working between Germanistik, Medical/Health Humanities and Cultural Gerontology, Germanistik in Ireland: Jahrbuch der/Yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI), 18, 2024, p99 - 108Journal Article, 2024
- Simms C, O'Neill D., Sports Utility Vehicles and older pedestrians, British Medical Journal, 331, 2005, p787 - 788Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Sprigg N, Gray LJ, Bath PMW, Boysen G, de Deyn PP, Leys D, Lindenstrøm E, O'Neill D, van der Sande J-J, Graduated compression stockings and the prevention of symptomatic venous thromboembolism: data from the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial (TAIST), J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 4, (5), 2005, p203 - 209Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- Gray LJ, Sprigg N, Bath PMW, Boysen G, de Deyn PP, Leys D, Lindenstrøm E, O'Neill D, van der Sande J-J, Significant variation in mortality and functional outcome after acute ischaemic stroke between western countries: data from the 'Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77, 2006, p327 - 333Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Huf V, O'Neill D. Oskar Kokoschka and Auguste Forel, Life Imitating Art or a Stroke of Genius?, Stroke, 36, (9), 2005, p2037 - 2040Journal Article, 2005, URL
- Talbot A, Bruce I, Cunningham CJ, Coen RF, Lawlor BA, Coakley D, Walsh JB, O'Neill D., Driving cessation in patients attending a memory clinic, Age Ageing, 34, (4), 2005, p363 - 368Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Fallon I, O'Neill D., The world's first automobile fatality, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 37, (4), 2005, p601 - 603Journal Article, 2005
- Griffin E, Martin M, Fitzgerald T, O'Neill D., Gait abnormalities in older people - comparison of inter-professional assessment, Ir Med J, 98, 2005, p169 - 170Journal Article, 2005
- Horgan NF, Cunningham CJ, Coakley D, Walsh JB, O'Neill D, O'Regan M, Finn AM, McCormack P., Validating the Orpington Prognostic Score in an Irish in-patient stroke population, Ir Med J, 98, 2005, p172 - 173Journal Article, 2005
- Martin A, Balding L, O'Neill D., Are the media driving elderly drivers off the road?, Br Med J, 2005, p330 - 368Journal Article, 2005
- Martin A, Mellotte G, O'Neill D., Chronic renal failure among older people in ambulatory care, Ir Med J, 98, (2), 2005, p46 - 47Journal Article, 2005
- White S, Feely J, O'Neill D., Community-based study of atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention, Irish Medical Journal, 97, (1), 2004, p10 - 12Journal Article, 2004
- Martin M, Hin PY, O'Neill D., Acute medical take or subacute-on-chronic medical take?, Ir Med J., 97, (7), 2004, p212 - 214Journal Article, 2004
- Martin MP, O'Neill D., Vascular higher-level gait disorders--a step in the right direction?, Lancet, 363, (9402), 2004, p8 - 8Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- Coughlan T, O'Neill D., Hemiplegia of the will and trends in stroke incidence, Ir Med J., 97, (10), 2004, p294 - 295Journal Article, 2004
- O'Neill D, O'Keeffe S., Health care for older people in Ireland, J Am Geriatr Soc., 51, (9), 2003, p1280 - 1286Journal Article, 2003
- Lyons D, Mulcahy R, O'Neill D., How far should we go? The extent to which doctors choose to resuscitate patients, J Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, 31, 2002, p28 - 31Journal Article, 2002
- Yon Hin P, Brennan J, O'Neill D., Community and Social Interventions at a Geriatric Medical OPD, Ir Med J., 95, (8), 2002, p239 - 240Journal Article, 2002
- Hakamies-Blomqvist L, Ukkonen T, O'Neill D., Driver ageing does not cause higher accident rates per km, Transportation Research Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 5, 2002, p271 - 274Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D., Present, rather than, advance directives, Lancet, 358, 2001, p1921 - 1922Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Gibbon J, Mulpeter K, Responding to care needs in long term care: a position paper by the Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine, Ir Med J, 94, 2001, p72 - 72Journal Article, 2001
- Coughlan T, O'Neill D., General hospital resources consumed by an elderly population awaiting long-term care, Ir Med J, 94, (7), 2001, p206 - 208Journal Article, 2001
- O'Neill D., Safe Mobility for Older People, Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 10, 2000, p181 - 191Journal Article, 2000
- O'Neill D, Bruce I, Kirby M, Lawlor B., Older drivers, driving practices and health issues, Clinical Gerontologist, 22, 2000, p47 - 54Journal Article, 2000
- Transport, ageing and driving in, editor(s)Pathy JS, Sinclair A , Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, 4th edition, London, Wiley, 2006, pp141 - 150, [O'Neill D, Carr D.]Book Chapter, 2006, URL
- Driving in, editor(s)Rai G , Medical ethics and the elderly, Oxford, Radcliffe Medical Press, 2004, [Robinson D, O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Older people and road traffic injury in, World Report on Traffic Injury Prevention, WHO, Geneva, 2004, pp47 , [Hakamies-Blomqvist L, O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Age-Related disease, Mobility and Driving in, Transportation in an Aging Society, A Decade of Experience, Washington DC, Transportation Research Board, 2004, pp56 - 68, [O'Neill D, Dobbs B.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Driving in, editor(s)Qizilbash N, Schneider LS, Chui H, Tariot P, Brodaty H, Kaye J, Erkinjuntti T , Evidence based dementia practice, Blackwell, London, 2002, pp755 - 763, [O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2002
- Safe mobility in, editor(s)Playfer JR, Hindle JV , Parkinson's disease in the older patient, London, Edward Arnold, 2001, pp202 - 214, [O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2001
- The older driver in, editor(s)Grimley Evans JG, Franklin Williams T, Michel JP, Beattie L , Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine, Second Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp1157 - 1162, [O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2000
- The older driver in, editor(s)Burns A, O'Brien J, Ames D , Dementia, 2nd edition, London, Hodder Arnold, 2000, [O'Neill D.]Book Chapter, 2000
- O'Neill D, Broken chords: the music of grief, BMJ, 387, 2024, pq2512Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Judge L, Kirrane L, O'Neill D, Swanwick G., Incidence of depression in older people admitted to a general hospital after stroke versus other medical illness., Int Psychogeriatrics, IPA, Stockholm, Sept 2005, 17, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp351-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- O'Neill D, Dementia, mobility and safety: getting the balance right., Int Psychogeriatrics, IPA, Stockholm, Sept 2005, 17, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp46-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D., Defining and quantifying coping after stroke., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp59-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Scanlon AM, Brennan A, Curley A, Fitzgerald T, Cooke G, O'Neill D., Effectiveness of group lower limb strengthening and balance retraining in the elderly. , Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp66-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Doyle M, Fitzgerald N, Madden H, O'Neill D. , Weight-loss in extended care., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp68 - 68Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Vendrell I, Barlow S, Kennelly S, Scanlon AM, O'Brien S, Murrin M, O'Neill D., Cognitive profile of elderly patients with poor safety awareness attending a day hospital., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp28-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Ngo D, Garavan R, Conroy R, O'Neill D., Transport options and preferences in older Irish people., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, Suppl 2, 2005, pp41-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Ngo D, O'Neill D., Balancing mobility and risk in research on older traffic users: a quantative analysis., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp46-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Barlow S, Kennelly S, Scanlon AM, O'Brien S, Murrin M, O'Neill D., Prevalence of poor safety awareness in older people attending a day hospital., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp50-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Canavan M, Gallagher A, O'Dowd S, Plunkett P, O'Neill D., Non-collision bus injuries: a particular hazard for older people?, Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp53Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Sowman R, Robinson D, O'Riordan R, Connolly S, O'Neill D., Rapidly deteriorating speech and language in a case of probable sporadic Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Aphasiology, 20, (6), 2006, p579 - 592Journal Article, 2006
- O'Neill , Hastie I, Williams B., Developing specialist healthcare for older people: a challenge for the European Union., J Nutrition Health and Ageing, 7, (6), 2003, p1 - 4Journal Article, 2003, URL
- Russell C, O'Neill D., Ethicists and clinicians: the case for collaboration in the teaching of medical ethics, Ir Med J, 99, (1), 2006, p25 - 27Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Kennelly S, Sweeney N, O'Neill D., Elder abuse: knowledge, skills and attitudes of healthcare workers, Ir Med J, 100, (1), 2007, p326 - 326Journal Article, 2007
- Robinson D, O'Neill D, Communication and documentation of Do-Not-Associate orders in an Irish teaching hospital, Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland, 11, (2), 2005, p60 - 62Journal Article, 2005
- A O'Hanlon, H McGee, M Barker, R Garavan, A Hickey, R Conroy, D O'Neill , Health and Social Services for Older People II: Changing Profiles from 2000 to 2004 , Dublin, National Council on Ageing and Older People, 28 November, 2005, (91), 1, 272Report, 2005, URL
- H McGee, A O'Hanlon, M Barker, A Hickey, R Garavan, R Conroy,R Layte, E Shelley, F Horgan, V Crawford, R Stout & D O'Neill, One island, two systems: A comparison of health status and health and social service use by community-dwelling older people in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Dublin, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, 28 November, 2005Report, 2005, URL
- H McGee, A O'Hanlon, M Barker, A Hickey, R Garavan, R Conroy, R Layte, E Shelley, F Horgan, V Crawford, R Stout & D O'Neill , One Island - Two Systems: A comparison of health status and health and social service use bycommunity-dwelling older people in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Dublin, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, 28th November, 2005, 1, 196Report, 2005
- OECD Working Group ERS4, Ageing and Transport: Mobility Needs and Safety Issues, Paris, OECD, 2001Report, 2001, URL
- Murphy M, Burns L, O'Neill D, A prospective study of carbon monoxide levels on sequential patients referred to an elderly care outpatients, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society, Birmingham, 13-15 April 2005, 34, (Suppl 2), 2005, ppii20 - ii20Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Martin A, Balding L, O'Neill D, Negative portrayal of older driver, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society, Birmingham, 13-15 April 2005, 34, (Suppl 2), 2005, ppii27 - ii27Meeting Abstract, 2005
- martin A, Canavan M, O'Neill D, Older pedestrians: more sinned against than sinning, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society, Birmingham, 13-15 April 2005, 34, (Suppl 2), 2005, ppii28 - ii28Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Tan KM, O'Driscoll A, O'Neill D, Characteristics of drivers post stroke, Age and Ageing, British Geriatrics Society, Birmingham, 13-15 April 2005, 34, (Suppl 2), 2005, ppii40 - ii40Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Tuite H, Browne K, O'Neill D, Prisoners in the general hospital: professional attitudes and practice, Br Med J, 332, 2006, p548 - 549Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Simms C, O'Neill D., Sports Utility Vehicles and vulnerable road users, Injury Prevention, 12, (1), 2006, p6 - 7Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Sprigg N, Gray LJ, Bath PM, Boysen G, De Deyn PP, Friis P, Leys D, Marttila R, Olsson JE, O'Neill D, Ringelstein B, van der Sande JJ, Lindenstrom E for the TAIST Investigators , Relationship between outcome and baseline blood pressure and other haemodynamic measures in acute ischaemic stroke: data from the TAIST trial. , Journal of Hypertension, 24, (7), 2006, p1413 - 1417Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Barriers to achieving functaional independence within the context of physiotherapy, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 2000, 169, (4), 2000, pp117Meeting Abstract, 2000
- Stokes EK, O'Neill D, The use of standardised assessments by physiotherapists in Ireland, British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 6, (11), 1999, p560 - 565Journal Article, 1999
- Collins DR, O'Neill D, Health needs of older prisoners, Lancet, 368, 2006, p842 - 842Journal Article, 2006
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D, Defining and quantifying coping strategies after stroke: a review, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77, (11), 2006, p1208 - 1218Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Driving and dementia - balancing mobility and safety, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 176, (3), 2007, p351 - 351Journal Article, 2007, URL
- Collins, D. R. Farrell, Z. Murphy, E. Fitzpatrick, G. O'Neill, D., Persistent unexplained dysphagia associated with critical illness, CLINICAL INTENSIVE CARE, 7, (6), 1996, p315 - 316Journal Article, 1996, URL
- Gray LJ, Sprigg N, Bath PM, Sorensen P, Lindenstrom E, Boysen G, De Deyn PP, Friis P, Leys D, Marttila R, Olsson JE, O'Neill D, Ringelstein B, van der Sande JJ, Turpie AG; TAIST Investigators., Stroke severity, early recovery and outcome are each related with clinical classification of stroke: data from the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial' (TAIST), J Neurol Sci, 253, 2007, p54 - 59Journal Article, 2007
- Falconer M, O'Neill D., Age-proofing hospital surge capacity, Lancet, 369, 2007, p822 - 823Journal Article, 2007, URL
- Falconer M, O'Neill D., Profiling disability within nursing homes: a census-based approach, Age and Ageing, 36, 2007, p209 - 213Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Robinson D, O'Neill D., And death shall have no dominion? Access to healthcare records after death., Journal of the American Medical Association, 297, (6), 2007, p634 - 636Journal Article, 2007
- Falconer M, O'Neill D, Out the old, elderly and aged, British Medical Journal, 334, 2007, p316 - 316Journal Article, 2007, URL
- O'Dwyer C, O'Neill D, Developing Strategies for the Prevention, Detection and Management of Elder Abuse: the Irish Experience, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 20, (2), 2008, p169 - 180Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- Breen DA, Breen DP, Moore JW, Breen PA, O'Neill D, Driving and dementia, BMJ, 334, 2007, p1365 - 1369Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, McGee H, Oldest old are not just passive recipients of care, BMJ, 334, 2007, p651Journal Article, 2007
- Gray, LJ, Sprigg N, Bath PMW, Boysen G, De Deyn PP, Leys D, O'Neill D, Ringelstein EB, for the TAIST Investigators, Sex differences in quality of life in stroke survivors: data from the 'Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial' (TAIST) , Stroke, 38, (11), 2007, p2960 - 2964Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Horgan F, Hickey A, Murphy S, Wiley M, Conroy R, McGee H, O'Neill D on behalf of the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care , First Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23, (Suppl 2), 2007, pp132-Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Whitford D, Horgan F, Hickey A, Wiley M, Conroy R, Murphy S, McGee H, O'Neill D on behalf of the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Primary care medicine and stroke: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2007, 23, (Suppl 2), 2007, pp132-Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Whitford D, Horgan F, Hickey A, Wiley M, Conroy R, Murphy S, McGee H, O'Neill D on behalf of the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Primary care medicine and stroke: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23, (Suppl 2), 2007, pp132-Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Robinson D, O'Neill D, Confidentiality of medical records after death, JAMA, 297, (23), 2007, p2585 - 2585Journal Article, 2007
- Sprigg N, Gray LJ, Bath PM, Lindenstrom E, Boysen G, De Deyn PP, Friis P, Leys D, Marttila R, Olsson JE, O'Neill D, Ringelstein EB, van der Sande JJ, Turpie AG; TAIST Investigators., Early Recovery and Functional Outcome are Related with Causal Stroke Subtype: Data from the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischemic Stroke Trial, Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 16, (4), 2007, p180 - 184Journal Article, 2007
- O'Neill D, Later life's complexity needs a scalpel rather than an axe., BMJ, 335, (7616), 2007, p361 - 362Journal Article, 2007
- Irish Ageing Studies Review, 1, 1, (2007), 1 - 73p, McGivern Y, O'Neill D, [eds.], 2007Journal, 2007
- McGee H, O'Hanlon A, Barker M, Hickey A, Montgomery A, Conroy R, O'Neill D, Vulnerable older people in the community: relationship between the Vulnerable Elders Scale (VES) and health service use, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56, (1), 2008, p8 - 15Journal Article, 2008
- Caffrey N, O'Neill D, Sexuality and Health among Older Adults in the United States, New England Journal of Medicine, 357, (26), 2007, p2372 - 2372Journal Article, 2007
- Moss H, Nolan E, O'Neill D, A Cure for the Soul? The Benefit of Live Music in the General Hospital, Irish Medical Journal, 100, (10), 2007, p634 - 636Journal Article, 2007
- Donnellan, C. Hickey, A, O'Neill, D., Hevey, D. , Stroke and well-being: Implications of initial stroke severity and strategies of adaptation., Psychology & Health , 20, (Supplement 1), 2005, pp69Meeting Abstract, 2005
- O'Neill D, Horgan F, Hickey A, McGee H., Long term outcome of stroke: Stroke is a chronic disease with acute events., BMJ, 366, (7642), 2008, p341 - 341Journal Article, 2008
- Horgan F, Hickey A, McGee, O'Neill, National Audit of Stroke Care, Dublin, Irish Heart Foundation, April, 2008, 1, 62Report, 2008, URL
- Driving and safe mobility in Parkinson's disease in, editor(s)Playfer, J; Hindle, J , Parkinson's disease in the older patient, Oxford, Radcliffe Publishing, 2008, pp239 - 252, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Driving and psychiatric illness in later life in, editor(s)Jacoby, R; Oppenheimer, C; Dening T; Thomas, A , Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp777 - 784, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Palacio A, Tamburro G, O'Neill D, Simms CK, Non-collision injuries in urban buses: strategies for prevention, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41, (1), 2009, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Brien JG, O'Neill D, International mosaic on the status of elder abuse and neglect from five continents. Introduction, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 20, (2), 2008, p87 - 90Journal Article, 2008
- Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 20, 2, (2008), 87 - 206p, O'Brien JG, O'Neill D, [Guest eds.], 9 monthsJournal, 2008
- Langford J, Braitman K, Charlton J, Eberhard J, O'Neill D, Staplin L, Stutts J., TRB Workshop 2007: Licensing authorities' options for managing older driver safety--practical advice from the researchers., Traffic Inj Prev, 9, (4), 2008, p278 - 281Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Personal factors and predictors of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and depression after stroke, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp551Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Garavan R, McGee H, Winder R, O'Neill D, Discussing preferences for long term care options: what older people do, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp565Meeting Abstract, 2008
- O'Neill D, Garavan R, O'Hanlon A, McGee H, Driving, transport and older people, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp577Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hickey A, O'Hanlon A, Shelley E, McGee H, Horgan F, O'Neill D, Community-based older adults knowledge of stroke warning signs and risk factors: a population-based study, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp589Meeting Abstract, 2008
- O'Connor L, Lonergan MT, Cogan N, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins R , Stroke patient knowledge of hypertension after discharge from hospital, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp553Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Lonergan MT, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Majority of tube-fed patients are prescribed medications which require special instructions, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp588Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Lonergan MT, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Prescribing in swallow disorders, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp585Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Quinlan N, O'Neill D, 'Older versus elderly': comparing trends in general medical research journals and geriatric medical journals over a recent ten year period, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp585Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Caffrey N, Lonergan MT, Trainor S, Gowran L, Falconer M, Carroll N, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins R, Changing patterns of risk factors and outcomes in an Irish stroke patient population, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp588Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Given K, O'Neill D, Collins R, Giving advice to passengers flying after stroke, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp588Meeting Abstract, 2008
- O'Neill D, O'Dwyer C, McGee H, Violence between intimate partners knows no age limit., Br Med J, 337, 2008, p424Journal Article, 2008
- O'Neill D, Our demographic bounty, Lancet, 372, 2008, p806Journal Article, 2008
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D,O'Neill D, Personal factors as determinants of activity and participation after stroke, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS247Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Horgan F, Hickey A, McGee H, Murphy S, O'Neill D, Overview of the First Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC), Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS247Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Quinlan N, O'Neill D, "Older" or "Elderly" - are medical journals sensitive to the wishes of older people? , J Amer Geriatr Soc, 56, (10), 2008, p1983-1984Journal Article, 2008
- Garavan R, McGee H, Winder R, O'Neill D., Discussing preferences for long term care options, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 57, (4), 2009, p750-751Journal Article, 2009
- Palacio, A. Tamburro, G. O'Neill, D. Simms, C., Preventing Non-Collision injuries on urban buses: Acceleration thresholds that cause falls in older people, Ir J Med Sci, 175, (3 Suppl 2), 2006, pp66Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Ryan D, McHale C, O'Connell N, O'Neill D, Enright H., Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Is it different if you are old?, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS347Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Lonergan MT, Broderick J, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D. , Majority Of Tube Fed Patients Are Prescribed Medications With Potential For Adverse Reaction, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS345Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Caffrey N, Gowran L, Lonergan MT, O'Dwyer C, Falconer M, Quinlan N, Coughlan, T. O'Neill D, Collins R., Incidence and Detection of Atrial fibrillation on Holter monitor after Ischaemic stroke., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS345Meeting Abstract, 2008
- O'Connor L, Lonergan MT, Cogan N, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins R., Stroke Patient knowledge of Hypertension after discharge from hospital, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS323Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Martin R, Williams C, O'Neill D, Ageing, Apocalyptic Demography And The Economist., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS322-3Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D. , Patient and Carer Experiences of Community based Stroke Care in Ireland: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC), Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS322Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Royston M, Cowman S, Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D, on behalf of the INASC team, Nursing home experiences of community-based stroke care in Ireland: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC). A Cul de Sac for Post Stroke Care?, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS307Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Given K, O'Neill D, Collins R. , Giving Advice to Passengers Flying after a Stroke. What is the consensus?, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS322Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Bartley M, O'Neill D., Transportation and Driving in Longitudinal Studies on Ageing., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS305Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Donnelly S, Carter Anand J, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, O'Neill D. , Participation of older people in family meetings in a hospital setting., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS327Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D., Community-based Stroke Care in Ireland: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC)., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS306Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Thomas P, O'Neill D., Nutritional Status of Older Patients with Parkinsons Disease, Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS303Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Roberts, S. Drazin, A. Basi, T. O'Neill, D., An ethnographic study of the Rural Transport Programme and older people, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS252Meeting Abstract, 2007
- White, A. Onyegbule, H. Curtin, N. O'Neill, D. Collins, D.R., Developing a rapid access TIA clinic: Current practice and priorities in primary care, Ir J Med Sci, 175, (3 Suppl 2), 2006, pp66Meeting Abstract, 2006
- O'Reilly, J. Evers, S. O'Neill, D., Reliability of the Evers Amusia Test for assessing musical abilities, Ir J Med Sci, 175, (3 Suppl 2), 2006, pp20Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Collins, D. Falconer, M. Onyegbule, H. Carroll, R. O'Neill, D. Collins, D.R., Stroke subtype and risk factors; changing trends with Ireland's economic boom? Tallaght stroke service database , Ir J Med Sci, 175, (3 Suppl 2), 2006, pp70Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Broderick, C. Cox, S. Kelly, N. O'Neill, D. , Factors involved in discharge to long term care , Ir J Med Sci, 175, (3 Suppl 2), 2006, pp55Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Collins DR., Stroke and Heart Disease: A Comparative Media Study., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS240Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Collins DR, Given K, O'Neill D., Giving Advice to Passengers Flying after a Stroke. , Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS246-7Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D., Personal factors as determinants of activity and participation after stroke. , Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS205Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Falconer M, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Carroll N, McCabe DJ, Curtin N, et al. , Rapid access TIA/Stroke Prevention Clinic: Does it improve the outcome., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS240Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Garavan R, McGee H, O'Neill D. , Advance care planning among older people in Ireland., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS210Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, Galligan K, Corrigan H, O'Neill D., Community-based services for stroke care in Ireland: the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC)., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS218-9Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D, Whitford D., Stroke management in Primary Care: The Irish National Audit Of Stroke Care (INASC)., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS219Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Horgan F, Hickey A, McGee H, O'Neill D., Overview of the First Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (INASC)., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS205-6Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Kelly N, McGinley E, Broderick C, O'Neill D. , 'Delayed Discharges' of Older People from an Acute Hospital., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS251Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Lonergan MT, Broderick J, Byrne M, Collins DR, O'Neill D., Prescribing in swallow disorders., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS209Meeting Abstract, 2007
- O'Brien M, Curry P, O'Neill D, Timonen V., Hospital Professionals' Perceptions Of Older People's Participation In The Acute Hospital Discharge Process: A Phenomenographic Study., Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS235-6Meeting Abstract, 2007
- O'Dwyer C, Falconer M, English R, Collins D, Rasid HU, McLean S, et al., Risk factors for Stroke - Is an increased awareness having an effect on outcome?, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS231Meeting Abstract, 2007
- O'Hanlon A, McGee H, Barker M, Hickey A, Montgomery A, Conroy R, et al., Vulnerable older people in the community: relationship between the Vulnerable Elders Scale (VES) score and health service use. , Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS215Meeting Abstract, 2007
- O'Hara J, Cox S, Broderick C, O'Neill D., A Patient's Journey from Home to Long Term Care, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS212Meeting Abstract, 2007
- O'Neill D, Garavan R, O'Hanlon A, McGee H., Driving, transport and older people in Ireland, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS250Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Palacio A, Simms C, O'Neill D., Computational modelling of non-collision injuries on urban buses., Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS211Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Quinlan N, O'Neill D., "Older" Versus "Elderly"- Comparing Trends In General Medical Research Journals And Geriatric Medicine Journals Over A Recent Ten Year Period, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS231Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Kennelly S, O'Neill D., Ageism and racism - a comparative media study., Ir J Med Sci, 173, (Suppl 6), 2004, ppP40Meeting Abstract, 2004
- A O'Hanlon, H McGee, M Barker, R Garavan, A Hickey, R Conroy, D O'Neill, HeSSOP-2: An Introduction to Longitudinal Studies in Ireland - The Health and Social Services for Older People (HeSSOP) Study: Longitudinal Evaluation of Older Irish Adults, Ir J Med Sci, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS211Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Ireland in, editor(s)Kunkel S, Palmore E, Whittington F , The International Handbook on Aging, CT, Praeger, 2009, pp283 - 296, [O'Neill D, Twomey C, O'Shea E]Book Chapter, 2009
- O'Neill D, Collins R, Coughlan T, TIA or stroke with transient overt signs?, BMJ, 337, 2008, pa2158Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Lonergan MT, Broderick J, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Prescribing and enteral tubes in the general hospital, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, (4), 2009, p736-737Journal Article, 2009
- Martin R, Williams C, O'Neill D, Retrospective analysis of attitudes to ageing in the Economist: apocalyptic demography for opinion formers, Br Med J, 339, 2009, pb4914Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Quinlan N, O'Neill D, Weight Loss Cannot Wait, Archives of Internal Medicine, 168, (19), 2008, p2171 - 2172Journal Article, 2008
- O'Neill, D, My Stroke of Insight, Review of My Stroke of Insight, by Jill Bolte Taylor , New England Journal of Medicine, 359, (25), 2008, p2736Review, 2008
- Martin R, O'Neill D, Taxing your memory, Lancet, 373, 2009, pApr 9. [Epub ahead of print]Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Martin R, O'Neill D, What determines the ability to stop smoking in old age? , Age Ageing, 38, (2), 2009, p248Journal Article, 2009
- Murray A, O'Neill D, Health care equity - for all generations?, Lancet, 373, (9660), 2009, p299 - 299Journal Article, 2009
- Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Use of Outcome Measures in Physiotherapy Practice in Ireland from 1998-2003 and Comparison to Canadian Trends, Physiotherapy Canada, 60, 2008, p109 - 116Journal Article, 2008
- Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Towards the development of an outcome measurement for functional mobility of older people - an evaluation of face and content validity of the Trinity Test, Physiotherapy Ireland, 28, (2), 2007, p50 - 70Journal Article, 2007
- Lonergan MT, Broderick J, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Majority of tube-fed patients are on medications which require special precautions, Age and Ageing, 39, (4), 2010, p495-496Journal Article, 2010
- Hickey A, McGee H, Donnellan C, Shelley E, Horgan F, O'Hanlon A and O'Neill D., Stroke awareness in the general population: knowledge of stroke risk factors and warning signs in older adults, BMC Geriatrics , 9, (35), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Collins R, Medical ethics and prisoners, Lancet, 373, (9667), 2009, p896Journal Article, 2009
- Crawford, VL, Dinsmore, JG, Stout, RW, Donnellan, C, O'Neill, D, McGee, H, Stroke Presentation and Hospital Management. Comparison of Neighboring Healthcare Systems With Differing Health Policies., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 40, 2009, p2143 - 2148Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Sare, GM, Bath, PM, Gray, LJ, Moulin, T, Woimant, F, England, T, Geeganage, C, Christensen, H, De Deyn, PP, Leys, D, O'Neill, D, Ringelstein, EB, The relationship between baseline blood pressure and computed tomography findings in acute stroke: data from the tinzaparin in acute ischaemic stroke trial (TAIST)., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 40, (1), 2009, p41 - 46Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Martin, AJ, Marottoli, R, O'Neill, D, Driving assessment for maintaining mobility and safety in drivers with dementia., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 7, (1), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Fealy, G, McCarron, M, O'Neill, D, McCallion, P, Clarke, M, Small, V, O'Driscoll, A, Cullen, A, Effectiveness of gerontologically informed nursing assessment and referral interventions for older persons attending the emergency department: systematic review., Journal of advanced nursing, 65, (5), 2009, p934 - 935Journal Article, 2009
- Whitford, DL, Hickey, A, Horgan, F, O'Sullivan, B, McGee, H, O'Neill, D, Is primary care a neglected piece of the jigsaw in ensuring optimal stroke care? Results of a national study., BMC family practice, 10, (1), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D., National Audit of Stroke Care, Dublin, Irish Heart Foundation, 2008, 62ppBook, 2008
- Ageing, Learning and Galleries in, editor(s)Bourke, M. , Museums, Galleries and Lifelong Learning, Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, 2008, pp39 - 47, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Driving and safe mobility in Parkinson's disease in, editor(s)Playfer, J; Hindle, J. , Parkinson's disease in the older patient, Oxford, Radcliffe Publishing, 2008, pp239 - 252, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Driving and psychiatric illness in later life in, editor(s)Jacoby, R; Oppenheimer, C; Dening T; Thomas, A , Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp777 - 784, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Russell C, O'Neill D, Developing an ethics of competence, care, and communication., Ir Med J, 102, (3), 2009, p69 - 70Journal Article, 2009
- Bartley, M, Tobin, WO, Collins, R, O'Neill, D, Stroke and newspapers: inattention or neglect?, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 18, (4), 2009, p259 - 261Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hickey, A, O'Hanlon, A, McGee, H, Donnellan, C, Shelley, E, Horgan, F, O'Neill, D, Stroke awareness in the general population: knowledge of stroke risk factors and warning signs in older adults., BMC geriatrics, 9, (1), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Moss H, O'Neill D, What training do artists need to work in healthcare settings?, Medical Humanities, 35, 2009, p101 - 105Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Effect of acute depression and anxiety on stroke recovery, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp42 - 42Meeting Abstract, 2009
- O'Neill D, Horgan F, Murphy S, Hickey A, Wiley M, Cowman S, Royston M, Shelley E, Conroy R, Whitford D, McGee H, National Stroke Audits - developing a comprehensive national approach to a chronic disease with acute events, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 29, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp68 - 68Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Hickey A, Donnellan C, McGee H, Horgan F, O'Neill D, Stroke severity and illness perceptions during acute post-stroke hospital care, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp87 - 87Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Tan KM, Coughlan TL, Caffrey N, O'Neill D, Collins R, Consent and thrombolysis in stroke patients with intellectual disability - initial experience, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp139 - 139Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Horgan F, Murphy S, Hickey A, McGee H, O'Neill D, Results from the first Irish National Audit of Stroke Care (Clinical Audit), Cerebrovascular Disease, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp228 - 228Meeting Abstract, 2009
- O'Neill D, Crawford VLS, Dinsmore J, Stout RW, Donnellan C, McGee H, Stroke presentation and hospital management: comparison of neighbouring healthcare systems with differing health policies, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp228 - 228Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Horgan F, Murphy S, Hickey A, McGee H, O'Neill D, Use of warfarin among patients with atrial fibrillation at time of admission to hospital with stroke, Cerebrovascular Disease, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp229 - 229Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, COllins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Murphy TM, McCabe DJH, Enhanced ex-vivo inhibition of platelet function after addition of dipyridamole to aspirin following TIA or ischaemic stroke - interim results from the Trinity Antiplatelet Responsiveness (TRAP) Study, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp189 - 189Meeting Abstract, 2009
- O'Neill D, Garavan R, O'Hanlon A, Hickey A, Conroy R, McGee H., Transportation and driving among community based older adults, The Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD, Nov 2008, 48, (Sp Issue 3), 2008, pp465 - 465Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Transportation in longitudinal studies on ageing, Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD, Nov 2008, 2008, pp294-3 - 294-3Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Kearney L, O'Neill D, Pay for Performance and Quality of Care in England, New England Journal of Medicine, 361, 2009, p1709 - 1709Journal Article, 2009
- Dinsmore J, Crawford V, Donnellan C, O'Neill D., Stroke, illness perception and quality of life, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS292 - S292Published Abstract, 2009
- Sargent R, Doyle M, Nel L, Kane C, Troy G, Dunphy E, O'Neill D, Protected mealtime audit- are nursing home residents allowed sufficient time to complete meals without interruption?, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS302 - S302Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Doyle M, O'Neill D, Gerontological nursing interventions in a residential intellectual disability setting, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS305 - S305Meeting Abstract, 2009
- McLoughlin A, O'Driscoll A, O'Neill D, Active stand tests in a dedicated falls serviceblisters, and skin necrosis were significantly more common in patients , Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS311 - S311Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Maguire C, Martin R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Do stroke intervention studies represent older people adequately?, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS320 - S320Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Horgan F, Murphy S, Hickey A, McGee H, O'Neill D, on behalf of the INASC research team, Use of Warfarin among patients with atrial fibrillation at the time of admission to hospital with a stroke-the Irish experience, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS326 - S326Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Martin R, Williams C, Maguire C, Coughlin T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Rehabilitation and stroke research, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS327 - S327Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Tan KM, Williams C, Cogan N, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins DR, Thrombolysis in a growing stroke service, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS329 - S330Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Tan KM, Williams C, Cogan N, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins DR, Effect of ongoing education on stroke awareness in frontline staff, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS330 - S330Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Keane RA, Williams C, O'Neill D, Pain assessment in specialist services for older people in Ireland, Ir J Med Sci, 178, (Suppl 8), 2009, ppS337 - S337Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Ellis G, Whitehead M, Robinson D, O'Neill D, Langhorne P, Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: initial results from the Cochrane Review, J Nutr Health Ageing, 13, (Suppl 1), 2009, ppS595 - S596Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Driving and Transport in Later Life in, editor(s)Cho KH, Michel JP, Bludau J, Dave J, Park SH , Textbook of Geriatric Medicine International, Seoul, South Korea, Argos, 2010, pp435 - 444, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2010
- O'Neill D., Up with ageing, Review of Up, by Pixar , BMJ, 339, 2009, pb4215Review, 2009, DOI , URL
- Driving in, editor(s)Mulkerrin E, Carey B, Liston R , Medicine and Old Age: a Clinical Approach, London, Advanced Medical Publications, 2009, pp237 - 244, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2009
- O'Neill D, HIV and the elderly, J Roy Soc Med, 85, (11), 1992, p712 - 712Journal Article, 1992
- O'Neill D, Coakley D, Walsh JB, O'Neill J, HIV seropositivity in a geriatric medical unit, Postgrad Med J, 64, (756), 1988, p832 - 832Journal Article, 1988
- O'Neill D., Carers, Professionals and Alzheimer's Disease, London, John Libbey, 1991, 1 - 327ppBook, 1991
- Dementia and Depression in a Nursing Home Population in, editor(s)O'Neill D , Carers, Professionals and Alzheimer's Disease, London, John Libbey, 1991, pp309-13 , [O'Neill D, Bagley D, McCormick N, Walsh JB, Coakley D]Book Chapter, 1991
- O'Neill D, Knight P, Getting used to growing old, Public Service Review: European Union, 18, 2009, p180 - 183Journal Article, 2009, URL
- O'Neill, D, Gerrard, J, Surmon, D, Wilcock, GK, Variability in scoring the Hachinski Ischaemic Score., Age and Ageing, 24, (3), 1995, p242-246Journal Article, 1995
- Wilcock, GK, Surmon, DJ, Scott, M, Boyle, M, Mulligan, K, Neubauer, KA, O'Neill, D, Royston, VH, An evaluation of the efficacy and safety of tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA) without lecithin in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease., Age and Ageing, 22, (5), 1993, p316-324Journal Article, 1993
- O'Neill, D, Surmon, DJ, Wilcock, GK, Longitudinal diagnosis of memory disorders., Age and Ageing, 21, (6), 1992, p393-397Journal Article, 1992
- O'Neill, D, Neubauer, K, Boyle, M, Gerrard, J, Surmon, D, Wilcock, GK, Dementia and driving., Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 85, (4), 1992, p199-202Journal Article, 1992
- Whittaker, KW, Shah, P, O'Neill, D, Logistics of performing an ophthalmic assessment in elderly inpatients., The British journal of clinical practice, 51, (2), 1997, p119-120Journal Article, 1997
- Kelly L, Greene Z, O'Neill D, Oropharyngeal dysphagia post-stroke, J Irish Coll Phys Surg , 32, 2003, 42-46Journal Article, 2003
- O'Neill D, Hastie I, Williams B, Retos, oportunidades y función de la asistencia sanitaria especializada en personas mayores., Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología , 37, 2003, p342-346Journal Article, 2003
- Coughlan T, O'Neill D. , Chronic pain in old age., Forum Clinical Focus, 1, 2001, p7-10Journal Article, 2001
- O'Neill D, Healthcare for older people in Ireland, Geriatrics Today: Journal of the Canadian Geriatrics Society, 4, 2001, p87-90Journal Article, 2001
- Swanwick GRJ, Kirby M, Coen RF, Maguire CP, O'Neill D, Walsh BJ, Coakley D, Lawlor BA., Effects of co-existent cerebrovascular disease on rate of progression in Alzheimer's Disease., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 13, 1996, p91-93Journal Article, 1996
- Kelly LA, Carroll, McCormack P, O'Neill D, Timing of hospital presentation and delays in assessment of acute stroke, Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons , 31, (2), 2002, p73-76Journal Article, 2002
- Brennan J, O'Neill D, Contracted beds in private nursing homes: not a solution to long term care needs in Dublin, Irish Medical Journal , 94, 2001, p218-218Journal Article, 2001
- Horgan F, O'Neill D, Beyond hemiplegia, Irish Medical Journal, 92, 1999, p425-426Journal Article, 1999
- Cunningham C, O'Neill D, Rowan M, ERT and cognitive decline, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 48, (3), 2000, p345-346Journal Article, 2000
- Collins DR, Hogan J, O'Neill D, McCormack P, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation in association with stroke, Ir Med J, 92, 1999, p247-247Journal Article, 1999
- Coen RF, Kirby M, Swanwick GR, Maguire CP, Walsh J, Coakley D, O'Neill D, Performance on the delayed word recall (DWR) fails to differentiate clearly between depression and Alzheimer's disease, Psychol Med , 28, (2), 1998, p495-496Journal Article, 1998
- McCormack, PM, Lawlor, R, Donegan, C, O'Neill, D, Smith, S, Moroney, C, Boyce, C, McGrath, A, Walsh, JB, Coakley, D, Feely, J, Knowledge and attitudes to prescribed drugs in young and elderly patients., Irish medical journal, 90, (1), 1997Journal Article, 1997
- Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Saturation of nursing home places in Southwest Dublin, Ir Med J, 96, 2003, p185-186Journal Article, 2003
- O'Neill D, An X-ray from 1910, British Medical Journal, 303, 1991, p1620 - 1620Journal Article, 1991
- Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Falls and mobility limitations in older people: measures of higher cerebral integration are also important, Am J Med, 117, (12), 2004, p971 - 971Journal Article, 2004, URL
- Robinson D, O'Neill D, Carbon monoxide toxicity, Ir Med J, 95, (10), 2002, p313 - 313Journal Article, 2002
- Miranda J, O'Neill D, Stroke associated with amphetamine use, Ir Med J, 95, (9), 2002, p281 - 282Journal Article, 2002
- O'Neill D, La santé des personnes âgées en Irlande, Gérontologie, 116, 2000, p11 - 18Journal Article, 2000
- O'Neill D, Assessing and advising the older driver, Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 6, 1996, p295 - 302Journal Article, 1996
- Bergin C, Goh J, O'Neill D, Mulcahy F, Sexually transmitted disease and the elderly, Eur J Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 5, 1995, p218 - 221Journal Article, 1995
- Arnott S, O'Neill D, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome masked by urinary tract infection, J Drug Development, 5, 1993, p261 - 263Journal Article, 1993
- O'Mahony, D, Rowan, M, Feely, J, O'Neill, D, Walsh, JB, Coakley, D, Parkinson's dementia and Alzheimer's dementia: an evoked potential comparison., Gerontology, 39, (4), 1993Journal Article, 1993
- O'Neill D, Brain stethoscopes: the use and abuse of brief mental status schedules, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 69, 1993, p599 - 601Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- O'Neill D, Illness and the older driver, J Irish Colleges of Physicians & Surgeons, 22, 1993, p14 - 16Journal Article, 1993
- O'Neill D, The doctor's dilemma: the ageing driver and dementia, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 7, 1992, p297 - 230Journal Article, 1992
- O'Neill D, McKiernan M, Gibney M, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Diet and anthropometric measures in mild to moderate senile dementia of the Alzheimer type, Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 3, 1990, p175 - 179Journal Article, 1990
- O'Neill D, McCormack P, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Elder abuse, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 159, 1990, p48 - 49Journal Article, 1990
- O'Neill D, Crime and the elderly, J Irish Colleges of Physicians & Surgeons, 19, 1990, p18 - 19Journal Article, 1990
- Holland PDJ, Keelan P, O'Neill D, O'Donnell B, Fitzgerald MX, Keogh B, McNicholas W, Farrell M, Clancy L, Lennon J, Aluminium and Alzheimer's Disease, Dublin, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland: Report of the RCPI Committee on Environmental Pollution, 1989Report, 1989
- Difficulties in diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in Down's syndrome patients in, editor(s)O'Neill D , Carers, Professionals and Alzheimer's disease, London, John Libbey, 1991, pp315 - 321, [Keane V, O'Neill D, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Mulcahy M, Coffey V.]Book Chapter, 1991
- Martin, AJ, Hand, EB, Trace, F, O'Neill, D, Pedestrian Fatalities and Injuries Involving Irish Older People., Gerontology, 56, 2010, p266 - 271Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- The ageing process in, editor(s)Dodds J , Anaesthesia and the Elderly Patient: Baillière Clinical Anaesthesiology, 7, 1993, pp17 - 37, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 1993
- Health care for older people: ageism and equality in, editor(s)McLeod E , Working for Equality in health, London, Routledge Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp33 - 48, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 1996
- O'Dwyer C, O'Neill D, Driving after stroke, Geriatric Medicine, 9, (3), 2007, p111 - 112Journal Article, 2007
- O'Neill D, Deciding on driving cessation and transport planning in older drivers with dementia, European Geriatric Medicine, 1, (1), 2010, p22 - 25Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Horgan C, O'Neill D, Safety of elderly pedestrians at a busy urban intersection , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170, (Suppl 2), 2001, pp43-Meeting Abstract, 2001
- Parker J, O'Hara M, O'Neill D, Benzodiazepine and neuroleptic prescriptions noted at a geriatric medical clinic, Ir J Med Sci, 170, (Suppl 2), 2001, pp43 - 44Meeting Abstract, 2001
- Coughlan T, Farrell Z, O'Neill D, Upper oesophageal transit and oro-pharyngeal dysphagia, Ir J Med Sci, 170, (4 (Suppl 3)), 2001, pp132 - 132Meeting Abstract, 2001
- Martin R, Williams C, O'Neill D, Retrospective analysis of attitudes to ageing in the Economist: apocalyptic demography for opinion formers., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 339, 2009, pb4914Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cowman S, Royston M, Hickey A, Horgan F, McGee H, O'Neill D, Stroke and Nursing Home Care: a national survey of nursing homes., BMC Geriatrics, 10, (1), 2010, p4Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Callaghan S, O'Neill D, "By a Silken Thread", a cinematic narrative of stroke, Practical Neurology, 11, 2011, p180 - 181Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Callaghan S, O'Neill D, Older Drivers In Australia: Trends in Driving Status and Cognitive and Visual Impairment, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 58, (6), 2010, p1212 - 1213Journal Article, 2010
- Strandberg TE, Koistinen P, Antikainen R, Kynsilehto EA, Määttä K, Niemelä M, Seppänen ML, Viramo P, Pitkälä K, O'Neill D., Increased work-satisfaction amongst geriatricians in Finland - an encouragement for further development of the specialty?, European Union Geriatric Medicine, 1, (2), 2010, p73 - 76Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D., Medical Classics: The Man With a Shattered World, BMJ, 340, 2010, pc1315Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D., Preventing injuries and fatalities among older pedestrians, Age and Ageing, 39, (3), 2010, p46 - 46Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D, What about abuse other than torture?, BMJ, 340, 2010, pc1610Journal Article, 2010
- European Geriatric Medicine, Paris, Elsevier Masson, [Associate Editor], 2010Editorial Board, 2010
- O'Neill D, European Geriatric Medicine, Finnish Geriatric Medicine Annual Congress, Oulu, Finland, Jan 27, 2010, Finnish Geriatric Medicine SocietyInvited Talk, 2010
- Elder Abuse, Simon C., e-Learning for General Practice, London, 2011, ppWeb-based , [O'Hanlon S, O'Neill D]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2011
- Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, Ankara, Turkish Geriatrics Society, [Associate Editor], 2008Editorial Board, 2008
- O'Neill D, Creativity, ageing, and neurological disease, Mental Recovery after Brain Injury: An International Conference, Moscow, 2-4 July, 2008, Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, Moscow State UniversityInvited Talk, 2008
- Keane RA, Williams C, O'Neill D, Pain assessment in specialist services for older people - a national perspective, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 58, (8), 2010, p1614 - 1615Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D, A volcanic disruption, BMJ , 340, 2010, pc2180Journal Article, 2010
- Jennings S, Murphy N, McElwee D, O'Neill D, Reluctance of older people to discontinue long term benzodiazepines and related hypnotics, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 58, (6), 2010, p1205 - 1206Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Canavan M, O'Neill D, Palliative care for older people in nursing homes, Ir Med J, 103, (6), 2010, p165 - 166Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D,, ..but everywhere lives in chains?, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 103, (10), 2010, pdoi:10.1093/qjmed/hcq094Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Donnellan C, Conlon A, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Can patients' experiences inform patient-focused interventions in stroke rehabilitation?, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 19th European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, 25th-29th May , 29, (supp 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- O'Neill D, Medical Classics: The Social World of the Ants Compared to that of Man, BMJ, 340, 2010, p1251 - 1251Journal Article, 2010
- M. Bartley, W.O. Tobin, J. Connolly, C. Delaney, M. Ewers, A. Bokde, T. Coughlan, R. Collins, H. Hampel, D. O'Neill, Subjective memory complaints in community dwelling healthy older people - correlate with neuropsychological profiles, affective disorders and cerebral white matter lesions, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M.D. Canavan, L. O'Connor, M.T. Lonergan, N. Cogan, R.D. Collins, T. Coughlan, D. O'Neill, Improving patient knowledge and behaviour after stroke? Encouraging trends with clinical nurse specialist input, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- S. Smith, F. Horgan, H. McGee, M. Wiley, S. Murphy, E. Shelley, A. Hickey, S. Cowman, M. Royston, D. Whitford, R. Conroy, P.J. Kelly, D. O'Neill, Novel approaches to national cost of stroke study, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- C.Maguire, R.Martin, T.Coughlan, R.Collins, D.O'Neill, Do stroke intervention studies represent older people adequately?, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- C.Maguire, R.Martin, T.Coughlan, R.Collins, D.O'Neill, Rehabilitation and stroke research, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- J.A. Kinsella, W.O. Tobin, D. Cox, T. Coughlan, D.R. Collins, D. O'Neill, R.P. Murphy, D.J.H. McCabe, Prevalence of 'non-responsiveness' to commonly prescribed antiplatelet regimens in the late stable phase after TIA or ischaemic stroke depends on the platelet function test employed, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- W.O.Tobin, J.A.Kinsella, D.R.Collins, T.Coughlan, D.O'Neill, R.P.Murphy, D.J.H.McCabe, Leucocyte-platelet complex formation is associated with ex vivo dipyridamole non-responsiveness following TIA or ischaemic stroke - results from the TRinity Anti Platelet responsiveness (TRAP) study, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- T. Stapleton, D. O'Neill, D. Connolly, R. Collins, Self-efficacy rating and driving assessment after stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- D.Leahy, D.Desmond, T.Coughlan, D.O'Neill, D.R.Collins, The meaning and experience of stroke in young adults: an interpretive phenomenological analysis, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010Meeting Abstract, 2010
- O'Neill D., Medical Classic: Picture of a Lithotomy (Tableau de l'operation de la taille), BMJ, 341, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Neill D., The Demographic Dividend, Public Service Review: Science and Technology, 7, (7), 2010Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D, Practice Parameter update: Evaluation and management of driving risk in dementia, Neurology, 74, 2010, p1659-1660Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Working with early Alzheimer's disease, Ir Med J, 103, (7), 2010, p197 - 199Journal Article, 2010
- O'Neill D., History and philosophy of geriatric medicine, European Academy of Medicine of Ageing, Sion, Switzerland, 22 June, 2010, European Academy of Medicine of AgeingInvited Talk, 2010
- O'Neill D, McGee H, Diagnosis disclosure and a broad view of neuropsychology, JAMA, 303, 2010Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Transportation and driving in longitudinal studies on ageing., Age and ageing, 39, (5), 2010, p631 - 636Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Tan KM, O'Driscoll A, O'Neill D, Factors affecting return to driving post-stroke., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180, (1), 2010, p41 - 45Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Molloy GJ, McGee HM, O'Neill D, Conroy RM, Loneliness and Emergency and Planned Hospitalizations in a Community Sample of Older Adults., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, (8), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- R. Martin, A. Cherubini, J.-P. Baeyens, J.-P. Michel, D. O'Neill, European medicine licencing agencies and older people, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppO07 - O07Meeting Abstract, 2010
- G. Ellis, M. Whitehead, D. Robinson, D. O'Neill, Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: Cochrane review, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 2010, ppO17 - O17Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M. Clancy, B. McDaid, D. O'Neill, J. O'Brien, National profiling of elder abuse referrals, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppO25 - O25Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M. Bartley, D. O'Neill, J. O'Brien, Self-neglect in older people: experiences of Irish geriatricians, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppA202 - A202Meeting Abstract, 2010
- D. Ahern, K. Maher, J. O'Brien, D. O'Neill, Elder financial exploitation and the responsibility of financial providers in Ireland: The contribution of the financial services ombudsman, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppA203 - A203Meeting Abstract, 2010
- J. O'Brien, C. Collins, A. Ni Riain, D. O'Neill, Primary care insights into elder abuse, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppA206 - A206Meeting Abstract, 2010
- F. Horgan, A. Hickey, H. McGee, M. Royston, D. Whitford, S. Cowman, S. Murphy, E. Shelley, R. Conroy, M. Wiley, D. O'Neill, From prevention to nursing home care: a comprehensive national audit of stroke care, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB014 - B014Meeting Abstract, 2010
- N. Lavin, S. O'Callaghan, D. O'Neill, T. Coughlan, D.R. Collins, Stroke and clinical measures of frailty, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB026 - B026Meeting Abstract, 2010
- D.R. Collins,, P. Marsden, T. Coughlan, C. Brennan, D.J.H. McCabe, P. O'Brien, A. O'Driscoll, R. Murphy, S.Murphy, C. Fallon, J. McManus, J. Connaughton, D. O'Neill, Knowledge of stroke warning signs and emergency response: A comparison study of older and younger age groups - the Dublin Mid-Leinster Stroke Network Partnership, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB029 - B029Meeting Abstract, 2010
- T. Coughlan, P. Marsden, C. Brennan, D. O'Neill, P. O'Brien, S. Murphy, D.J.H. McCabe, J. McManus, R. Murphy, C. Fallon, A. O'Driscoll, J. Connaughton, D.R. Collins, Knowledge of stroke risk factors, treatment and secondary prevention of stroke: A comparison study of older and younger age groups - the Dublin Mid-Leinster Stroke Network Partnership, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB030 - B030Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M. Canavan, S. O'Callaghan, N. Lavin, L. Kearney, M.T. Cooney, D. O'Neill, R. Collins, T. Coughlan, Stroke thrombolysis - an important development for older people, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB037 - B037Meeting Abstract, 2010
- J. Dinsmore, C. Donnellan, D. O'Neill, V. Crawford, Stroke, illness perception and quality of life, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB038 - B038Published Abstract, 2010
- C. Donnellan, V. Andrews, R. Collins, D. O'Neill, Mapping patients' experiences after stroke onto a patientfocused intervention framework, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB039 - B039Meeting Abstract, 2010
- A. Hickey, C. Donnellan, H. McGee, F. Horgan, D. O'Neill, Do discrepancies in patient and carer perceptions of stroke predict recovery?, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, D, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB040 - B040Meeting Abstract, 2010
- S. Smith, F. Horgan, E. Sexton, S. Cowman, A. Hickey, P. Kelly, H. McGee, S. Murphy, D. O'Neill, M. Royston, E. Shelley, D. Whitford, M. Wiley, Stroke care in Ireland: The INASC and COSI studies, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB041 - B041Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M. Doyle, T. Coughlan, R. Collins, D. O'Neill, Gerontological nursing interventions in an intellectual disability setting, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB061 - B061Meeting Abstract, 2010
- S. Donnelly, S. Cahill, R. Gilligan, B. Mehigan, D. O'Neill, Multidisciplinary team practices and communication at care planning meetings - an action research approach, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB081 - B081Meeting Abstract, 2010
- M. Bartley, Y. Faluyi, W.O. Tobin, A. Snow, J. Connolly, C. Delaney, M. Ewers, R. Collins, T. Coughlan, A. Bokde, H. Hampel, D. O'Neill, Subjective memory complaints are associated with affective disorders but not white matter hyperintensities in a sample of community dwelling healthy older people, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB176 - B176Meeting Abstract, 2010
- A.-M. Scanlon, A. Belton, A. Magnier, K. Coleman, D. O'Neill, D. Meldrum, Use of Nintendo Wii1 and its effect on the balance of older adults at risk of falls: A pilot randomised controlled trial, European Geriatric Medicine, 6th Congress European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Dublin, 2010, 1, 2010, ppB219 - B219Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Conroy RM, Golden J, Jeffares I, O'Neill D, McGee H, Boredom-proneness, loneliness, social engagement and depression and their association with cognitive function in older people: A population study., Psychology, health & medicine, 15, (4), 2010, p463-73Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Neill D., Steering a new path: Driving and age-related disease , Int Psychogeriatrics, Chicago, August 2003, 15, (Suppl 2), 2003, pp219 - 220Meeting Abstract, 2003
- Hickey A , Horgan F, Mcgee H, O'Neill D, Knowledge of stroke risk factors and warning signs in the older general population, Psychology and Health, 23, (Suppl 1), 2008, pp142 - 142Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hickey A, Horgan F, Mcgee H, O'Neill D, Community-based stroke care in Ireland: The Irish national Audit of Stroke Care (INASC) , Psychology and Health, 23, (Suppl 1), 2008, pp142 - 142Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Swanwick G, Kirrane R, O'Neill D, Incidence of depression in older people post stroke compared to depression following other major medical illness , Int Psychogeriatrics, 15, (Suppl 2), 2003, pp39 - 39Meeting Abstract, 2003
- O'Neill D, Tierney N, Regan T, de Raedt R, Safe mobility for older people, Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, International Association of Gerontology, Berlin, 32, (2), 1999, pp96 - 96Meeting Abstract, 1999
- Cognitive profile of elderly patients with reduced safety awareness attending a day hospital, Kennelly S, Vendrell I, Barlow S, Scanlon A, O'Neill D, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 54, (4), 2006, ppS54 - S55Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Kennelly S, Vendrell I, Barlow S, Scanlon A, O'Neill D, Cognitive profile of elderly patients with reduced safety awareness attending a day hospital, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 54, (4), 2006, ppS54 - S55Meeting Abstract, 2006
- O'Neill D, Age attuned, Public Service Review: European Union, 20, 2010, p236 - 237Journal Article, 2010
- Driving and dementia in, editor(s)Alistair Burns, John O'Brien and David Ames , Dementia, 4th Edition, London, Hodder Arnold, 2010, pp284-292 , [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2010
- Canavan M, O'Neill D, Medical Classic: Barney's Version, BMJ, 341, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classics: Allemande l'Asthmatique and Étude Asthmatique, BMJ, 341, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Robinson DJ, Jerrard-Dunne P, Greene Z, Lawson S, Lane S, O'Neill D, Oropharyngeal dysphagia in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, European Geriatric Medicine, 2, 2011, p201 - 203Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Early Alzheimer's Disease: Comment, NEJM, 363, (18), 2010, p1772 - 1773Journal Article, 2010
- Ellis G, Whitehead MA, Robinson D, O'Neill D, Langhorne P., Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital (Protocol), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: Metamorphosen, BMJ, 341, 2010, pc5975 - c5975Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- England TJ, Bath PM, Sare GM, Geeganage C, Moulin T, O'Neill D, Woimant F, Christensen H, De Deyn P, Leys D, Ringelstein EB, Asymptomatic Hemorrhagic Transformation of Infarction and Its Relationship With Functional Outcome and Stroke Subtype. Assessment From the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 41, (12), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish, BMJ, 342, 2011, pd50Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: All That Jazz, BMJ, 341, 2010, pc7122Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Effect of mood symptoms on recovery one year after stroke., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 25, (12), 2010, p1288 - 1295Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Tan KM, O'Driscoll A, O'Neill D, Factors affecting return to work post-stroke, Journal of Nutrition, Health and Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 8, (4), 2004, pp313 - 313Meeting Abstract, 2004
- O'Neill D., Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (7th Edition), Review of Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (7th Edition), by Fillit HM, Rockwood K, Woodhouse K (eds). , Age Ageing, 40, 2011Review, 2011, DOI
- Geeganage C, Tracy M, England T, Sare G, Moulin T, Woimant F, Christensen H, De Deyn PP, Leys D, O'Neill D, Ringelstein EB, Bath PM, Relationship Between Baseline Blood Pressure Parameters (Including Mean Pressure, Pulse Pressure, and Variability) and Early Outcome After Stroke: Data From the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial (TAIST)., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 42, (2), 2010, p491 - 493Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Neill D, Respect and care for the older person, Lancet, 377, (9766), 2011, p640 - 640Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, 4'33" and the theatre of medicine, QJM, 104, 2011, p905 - 906Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Egan B, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ, Enhanced ex vivo inhibition of platelet function following addition of dipyridamole to aspirin after transient ischaemic attack or ischaemic stroke: First results from the TRinity AntiPlatelet responsiveness (TrAP) study., British Journal of Haematology, 152, (5), 2011, p640 - 647Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Loneliness, Lancet, 377, 2011, p812 - 812Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Management of patients with dysphagia and aspiration pneumonia - an Irish perspective, European Geriatric Medicine, 2, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, History, philosophy and narrative medicine in European Geriatric Medicine, Dutch Geriatrics Society, s'Hertogenbosch, 4 February, 2011, Dutch Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2011
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: The Broken Column, BMJ, 343, 2011, pd2419Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Kennelly S, O'Neill D, O'Brien JG, Elder abuse in residential care, Lancet, 377, (9771), 2011, p1076Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: You're Only Old Once! A Book for Obsolete Children, BMJ, 342, 2011, pd3002Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D,, Stroke and dementia are also chronic diseases, BMJ, 342, 2011, pd1154Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: Hipocondrie à 7 Concertanti, BMJ, 343, 2011, pd7672Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Sprigg N, Gray LJ, Bath PM, Christensen H, De Deyn PP, Leys D, O'Neill D, Ringelstein EB, Quality of Life after Ischemic Stroke Varies in Western Countries: Data from the Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial (TAIST)., Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 20, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Clancy M, McDaid B, O'Neill D, O'Brien JG, National profiling of elder abuse referrals., Age and Ageing, 40, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D., Dialogue at Davos for an Aging World, J Amer Geriatr Soc, 59, (8), 2011, p1540 - 1541Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Brien JG, O'Neill D, Preventing elder abuse, Lancet, 377, 2011, p2005 - 2006Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D., The Art of the Demographic Dividend, Marjory Warren Lecture, British Geriatrics Society Spring Conference, 6 May, 2011, British Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk, 2011
- O'Neill D., The Art of the Demographic Dividend, Lancet, 377, 2011, p1828-9Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D., Life at the kerb, Review of Brain Freeze, by John Kawie , Lancet, 377, 2011, p1644Review, 2011, DOI
- Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Exploring readiness to assess fitness to drive after stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 20th European Stroke Conference, Hamburg, May, 31, (Suppl 2), 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- O'Neill D, We are not alone, Review of Assisted dying, by BBC Documentary , BMJ, 342, 2011, pd3772Review, 2011, DOI
- O'Dwyer L, Lamberton F, Bokde AL, Ewers M, Faluyi YO, Tanner C, Mazoyer B, O'Neill D, Bartley M, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Prvulovic D, Hampel H, Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Mixed-Effects Models to Investigate Primary and Secondary White Matter Degeneration in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment., Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 26, (4), 2011, p667 - 682Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Laurence O'Dwyer, Franck Lamberton, Arun L. W. Bokde, Michael Ewers, Yetunde O. Faluyi, Colby Tanner, Bernard Mazoyer, Des O'Neill, Máiréad Bartley, D. Rónán Collins, Tara Coughlan, David Prvulovic, Harald Hampel, Multiple Indices of Diffusion Identifies White Matter Damage in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease, PLoS One, 6, (6, e21745), 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Ellis G, Whitehead MA, O'Neill D, Langhorne P, Robinson D, Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 7, 2011, pCD006211Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- Martin R, Cherubini A, O'Neill D, Medicine Licencing for Older People, European Geriatric Medicine, 2, (5), 2011, p319 - 321Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Mulroy M, O'Neill D, Elder abuse: extends beyond health and social care issue, BMJ, 343, 2011, pd6027Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Cherubini A, O'Neill D, Michel JP, Chemotherapy for older patients with colorectal cancer, Lancet, 378, (9793), 2011, p765Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D., Primates at the pictures, Review of Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Project Nim, by Rupert Wyatt; James Marsh , BMJ, 343, (7821), 2011, pd5486Review, 2011, DOI
- Stapleton T, O'Neill D, Connolly D, Examining optimum timing to assess fitness to drive among acute and subacute stroke patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS329Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- Collins DR, Coughlan T, Marsden P, Brennan C, O'Brien P, McManus J, Fallon C, Daly P, FitzHenry D, McCabe D, Murphy S, Murphy R, O'Neill D, Dublin Midlands Stroke Network Partnership-improved access to thrombolysis through partnership model of telemedicine, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS328Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- Le G, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Knowledge of delirium among physicians and nurses in a tertiary teaching hospital, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS337Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- Doyle M, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Osteoporosis in persons with intellectual disability: an initial screening program, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS339Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- O'Toole R, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Risk of rehospitalisation from an 'off-site' rehabilitation unit for older adults, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS354 - S355Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- Marsden P, Coughlan T, Brennan C, FitzHenry D, O'Brien P, Daly P, Murphy S, McManus J, Fallon C, McCabe D, Murphy R, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Dublin Midlands Stroke Network Partnership (SNP)-patient satisfaction with acute stroke telemedicine assessment , Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS362 - S363Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill J, Menzies S, O'Neill D, Do Gerontologists contribute to ageism? Preliminary evidence from the older driver literature, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS369Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- O'Connell C, Cassidy A, Moss H, O'Neill D, Aesthetic and cultural pursuits of patients with stroke, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS369 - S370Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- Briggs R, Robinson S, O'Neill D, Audit on inclusivity of older patients in clinical research, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS370Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- O'Brien JG, Collins C, Ni Riain A, O'Neill D, Elder abuse in Ireland: the role of the general practitioner, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS370Meeting Abstract, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Have we failed in innovation and diffusion in old age psychiatry and geriatric medicine?, International Psychogeriatric Association, The Hague, 6 Sept, 2011, International Psychogeriatric AssociationInvited Talk, 2011
- O'Neill D, Driving, health and ageing, World Demographic and Ageing Forum, St Gallen, Switzerland, 1 Sept, 2011, World Demographic and Ageing ForumInvited Talk, 2011
- O'Neill D, Developing age-attuned health services, World Demographic and Ageing Forum, St Gallen, Switzerland, 30 Aug, 2011, World Demographic and Ageing ForumInvited Talk, 2011
- Kolb G, Andersen-Ranberg K, Cruz-Jentoft A, O'Neill D, Topinkova E, Michel JP and on behalf of the EUGMS (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society) Academic Board, Geriatric care in Europe - the EUGMS Survey part I: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, European Geriatric Medicine, 2, (5), 2011, p290 - 295Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Kelly M, O'Neill D, Medical Classic: Johannes Brahms and Theodor Billroth, letters from a musical friendship, BMJ, 343, 2011, pd5093Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Geriatric Medicine in Europe, Svensk Geriatriskt Forum, Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Stockholm, 22 Sept, 2011, Svensk Geriatrik ForeningInvited Talk, 2011
- O'Neill D, Driving and older people, Svensk Geriatriskt Forum, Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Stockholm, 22 Sept, 2011, Svensk Geriatrik ForeningInvited Talk, 2011
- Bartley M, Bokde AL, Ewers M, Faluyi YO, Tobin WO, Snow A, Connolly J, Delaney C, Coughlan T, Collins DR, Hampel H, O'Neill D, Subjective memory complaints in community dwelling healthy older people: the influence of brain and psychopathology., International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27, (8), 2012, p836-43Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Bartley M, Bokde A, O'Neill D, Mild Cognitive Impairment, NEJM, 365, (14), 2011, p1357 - 1358Journal Article, 2011
- O'Brien JG, Collins C, Ní Riain A, Long V, O'Neill D, Elder abuse: the role of the general practitioner, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 Sept, 2, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS4Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Brien P, McManus J, Marsden P, Brennan C, O'Brien P, McManus J, Marsden P, O'Neill D, Dublin Midlands Stroke Network Partnership (SNP) - improving access to thrombolysis by partnership model of telemedicine, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 Sept, 2, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS120 - S121Meeting Abstract, 2011
- O'Connell C, Cassidy A, Moss H, O'Neill D, Aesthetic and cultural pursuits of patients with stroke, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 Sept, 2, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS122Meeting Abstract, 2011
- O'Neill J, Menzies S, O'Neill D, Do Gerontologists contribute to ageism? Preliminary evidence from the older driver literature, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Malaga, Spain, 28-30 Sept, 2, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS191Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Horgan F., McGee H., Hickey A., Whitford D. L., Murphy S., Royston M., Cowman S., Shelley E., Conroy R. M., Wiley Miriam M., O'Neill D., From Prevention to Nursing Home Care: A Comprehensive National Audit of Stroke Care., Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 32, (4), 2011, p385 - 392Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- O'Neill D, Schubert and syphilis: maturity, illness and creativity, Thanatos as muse? Schubert and constructions of late style , National University of Ireland Maynooth, 21-23 Oct, 2011, Department of Music, National University of Ireland MaynoothInvited Talk, 2011
- Ellis G, Whitehead MA, Robinson D, O'Neill D, Langhorne P, Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 343, 2011, pd6553Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Bartley M, Knight PV, O'Neill D, O'Brien JG, Self-neglect and elder abuse: related phenomena?, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59, (11), 2011, p2163-8Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Smith S, Horgan F, Sexton E, Cowman S, Hickey A, Kelly P, McGee H, Murphy S, O'Neill D, Royston M, Shelley E, Wiley M, The cost of stroke and transient ischaemic attack in Ireland: a prevalence-based estimate., Age and ageing, 41, (3), 2011, p332-8Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Pre-cursive clinical reasoning underlying the stratification of acute andsubacute stroke patient's suitability to undertake a formal driving assessment , International Journal of Stroke, UK Stroke Forum Conference, Glasgow, 29/11 to 1/12/2011 , 6, (Supplement 2), 2011, pp50-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- O'Neill D, The Art of Medical Science, Review of Apertures and Anxieties, BMJ, 343, 2011, pd7940Exhibition, 2011, DOI
- O'Neill D, Jellyatrics., BMJ, 343, 2011, pd7447Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Dolan M, Walshe M, Lawson S, Sowman, R, O' Neill D. , Opportunities and barriers to communication for people with dementia in the acute hospital setting , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Donnellan, C., Hevey, D., Hickey, A., & O'Neill, D., Adaptation to stroke using a model of successful aging., Neuropsychology, development, and cognition, 19, (4), 2012, p530 - 547Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D., How dementia tests Thatcher's mettle, Review of The Iron Lady, by Phyllida Lloyd , BMJ, 344, 2012, pe378Review, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Getting Used to Growing Old: The Increasing Importance of Geriatric Medicine to European Society, Reflection on Living and Dying in Ageing Societies, Bad Kohlgrub, Bavaria, Germany, 18-20 January, 2012, MaxNetAging Network, Max Planck InstitutesInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Neill D, The Sound of Silence, Review of The Artist, Lancet, 379, 2012, p402Review, 2012, DOI
- Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Exploring the relationship between self-awareness of driving efficacy and that of a proxy when determining fitness to drive after stroke., Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59, (1), 2012, p63-70Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D,, Medical Classic: The Emperor of Ice Cream, BMJ, 344, 2012, pe562Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Briggs R, Robinson S, O'Neill D, Ageism and clinical research, Irish Medical Journal, 105, (9), 2012, p311 - 312Journal Article, 2012
- O'Neill D, Am I a gerontologist or a geriatrician?, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60, (7), 2012, p1361-3Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Dwyer L, Lamberton F, Bokde AL, Ewers M, Faluyi YO, Tanner C, Mazoyer B, O'Neill D, Bartley M, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Prvulovic D, Hampel H, Using support vector machines with multiple indices of diffusion for automated classification of mild cognitive impairment., PloS one, 7, (2), 2012, pe32441Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D,, Medical Classic: Christina's World, BMJ, 344, 2012, pe2142Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Lloyd-Sherlock P, McKee M, Ebrahim S, Gorman M, Greengross S, Prince M, Pruchno R, Gutman GM, Kirkwood T, O'Neill D, Ferrucci L, Kritchevsky SB, Vellas B., Population ageing and health, Lancet, 379, (9823), 2012, p1295 - 1296Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Brien JG, Long V, Collins C, Ni Riain A, O'Neill D, Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Survey of Irish General Prectitioners, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: The Extraction of the Stone of Folly, BMJ, 344, 2012, pe3676Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: String quartets by Bedřich Smetana, BMJ, 344, 2012, pe3499Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Andersen-Ranberg K, Cherubini A, Strandberg T, Petermans J, Michel JP, Must be trained in geriatric medicine, BMJ, 344, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Hickey A, Horgan F, O'Neill D, McGee H on behalf of Irish National Audit of Stroke Care, Community-based post-stroke service provision and challenges: a national survey of managers and inter-disciplinary healthcare staff in Ireland., BMC Health Services Research, 12, (1), 2012, p111Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Moss H, O'Neill D, Medical Humanities - serious academic pursuit or doorway to dilettantism?, Irish Medical Journal, 105, (8), 2012, p261-2Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Duffin JT, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Roche RA, Commins S, Subtle memory and attentional deficits revealed in an Irish stroke patient sample using domain-specific cognitive tasks., Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34, (8), 2012, p864-75Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Robinson S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Cognitive ageing, geriatrics textbooks and unintentional ageism, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60, (11), 2012, p2183-2185Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Hanlon S, O'Neill D, Elder Abuse, RCPE Online Module in Medicine for the Elderly, 2012Journal Article, 2012, URL
- O'Neill D, Driving and Neurodegenerative Disease, 22nd Congress of the European Neurological Society, Prague, 8 June , 2012, European Neurological SocietyInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Neill D, Traffic Medicine, the Most Interdisciplinary of Disciplines, Summer Scientific Meeting, RCPI, 24 May, 2012, Faculty of Public Health, RCPIInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Neill D, Driving and eye disease: new horizons, Annual meeting, RDS, 24 May, 2012, Irish College of OphthalmologyInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Neill D, The Longevity Dividend, Good Governance for Active and Healthy Ageing, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Brussels, 4 June, 2012, European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Neill D, Arts Therapies, Arts and Health, and the Medical Humanities: Opportunities for Synergy, Annual Conference, Mansion House, 26 May, 2012, Irish Association of Creative Arts TherapistsInvited Talk, 2012
- Transportation, driving and older adults in, editor(s)Sinclair A, Morley J, Vellas B , Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, 5th Edition, London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp1503 - 1512, [O'Neill D, Carr D]Book Chapter, 2012, URL
- O'Neill D, To live (and die) as an original, JAMA, 308, (7), 2012, p679 - 680Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Ageing and sustainable services, European Social Services Conference, Scandic Copenhagen Hotel , 25-27 June, 2012, European Social NetworkInvited Talk, 2012
- O'Dwyer L, Lamberton F, Bokde AL, Ewers M, Faluyi YO, Tanner C, Mazoyer B, O'Neill D, Bartley M, Collins R, Coughlan T, Prvulovic D, Hampel H, Sexual Dimorphism in Healthy Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A DTI Study., PloS one, 7, (7), 2012, pe37021Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Medical Humanities - serious academic pursuit or doorway to dilettantism?, Medical Identities: patients and professionals, University College Cork, 9-11 July, 2012, Association for Medical HumanitiesInvited Talk, 2012
- Briggs R, Robinson S, Martin F, O'Neill D on behalf of the Special Interest Group for Nursing Home and Community Care of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Standards of medical care for nursing home residents in Europe, European Geriatric Medicine, 3, (6), 2012, p365-367Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: Sonata for viola and piano, Op. 147 by Dmitri Shostakovich (1975), BMJ, 345, 2012, pe5860Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Donnellan C, Martins A, Conlon A, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Mapping patients' experiences after stroke onto a patient-focused intervention framework., Disability and Rehabilitation, 35, (6), 2012, p483-91Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Moss H, Donnellan C, O'Neill D, A review of qualitative methodologies used to explore patient perceptions of arts and healthcare., Medical Humanities, 38, (2), 2012, p106-109Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, A world view of stroke, Review of A Simple Life, by Ann Hui , Lancet, 380, 2012, p796Review, 2012, DOI , URL
- Kennelly S, Morley D, Coughlan T, Collins DR, Rochford M, O'Neill D, Knowledge, skills and attitudes of doctors towards assessing cognition in older patients in the emergency department, Postgrad Med J, 89, (1049), 2013, p137-41Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- O'Neill D, Gerontology and Geriatrics - Opportunities and Challenges, 7th Joint Congress of German and Austrian Geriatrics Societies; 3rd Joint Congress of German, Austrian and Swiss Gerontological Sociaties, Bonn, 12 Sept, 2012, German and Austrian Geriatrics Societies; German, Austrian and Swiss Gerontological SociatiesInvited Talk, 2012
- Kennelly S, Morley D, Rochford M, O'Neill D, Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Clinicians Towards the Assessment of Cognition in Older Patients in the Emergency Department, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS231-2Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Ryan S, Quinn S, Kennelly S, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, LSVT BIG Exercise Therapy Programme for People with Parkinson's Disease, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS219Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, Collins DR, Care Planning Meetings: Participation for Whom?, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS219-20Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Kennelly S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Nursing Home Residents in the Emergency Department: A Cohort Study, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS230Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Hadbavna A, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Are We Ageist When It Comes to Interventional Stroke Studies?, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS255Meeting Abstract, 2012
- O'Brien JG, Cooney C, O'Neill D, Self-neglect in Old Age: A Survey of Old Age Psychiatrists in Ireland, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS233Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Doyle M, O'Neill D, Animal-Assisted Intervention: Promoting Wellbeing in a Residential Care Unit for Older Persons, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS234Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Robinson S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Cognitive Ageing, Geriatrics Textbooks and Unintentional Ageism, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS271Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Robinson S, Dwyer R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Irish Public Knowledge of Stroke is Poor Especially in High Risk Groups Including Older Adults, Urban Dwellers and Lower Socioeconomic Classes, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS288Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Kennelly S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Emergency department attendances by nursing home residents, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Congress, Brussels, 26-28 Sept, 3, (Suppl 1), 2012, ppS30Meeting Abstract, 2012, DOI
- O'Toole R, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Kennelly S, Risk of Rehospitalisation from an 'Off-Site' Rehabilitation Unit for Older Adults, Ir Med J, 105, (8), 2012, p285Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Briggs R, Robinson S, O'Neill D, Ageism and clinical research in Ireland, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Congress, Brussels, 26-28 Sept, 3, (Suppl 1), 2012, ppS30-1Meeting Abstract, 2012, DOI
- Kennelly S, Morley D, Rochford M, O'Neill D, Assessing cognition in older patients in the emergency department, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Congress, Brussels, 26-28 Sept, 3, (Suppl 1), 2012, ppS132Meeting Abstract, 2012, DOI
- Briggs R, Robinson S, Martin F, O'Neill D, Standards of medical care for nursing home residents in Europe, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Congress, Brussels, 26-28 Sept, 3, (Suppl 1), 2012, ppS107Meeting Abstract, 2012, DOI
- Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Cox D, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ, Prevalence of Ex Vivo High On-treatment Platelet Reactivity on Antiplatelet Therapy after Transient Ischemic Attack or Ischemic Stroke on the PFA-100(®) and VerifyNow(®)., Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 22, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Murphy RP, Egan B, Tierney S, Feeley TM, McCabe DJ, High on-treatment platelet reactivity on commonly prescribed antiplatelet agents following transient ischaemic attack or ischaemic stroke: results from the TRinity AntiPlatelet responsiveness (TRAP) study., European Journal of Neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, 20, (2), 2013, p344-52Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Consent, Assent and Dissent in Dementia Care and Research in, editor(s)Russell C, Hogan L, Junker-Kenny M , Ethics for Graduate Researchers: A Cross-disciplinary Approach, London, Elsevier, 2012, pp121 - 136, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2012
- O'Neill D, Cherubini A, Michel JP, Epidemiology of multi-morbidity, Lancet, 380, (9851), 2012, p1383Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, More mad and more wise., Accident; Analysis and Prevention, 49, 2012, p263-5Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Egan B, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ, Longitudinal assessment of thrombin generation potential in response to alteration of antiplatelet therapy after TIA or ischaemic stroke., Journal of Neurology, 260, (2), 2013, p590-6Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Strandberg TE, Pitkälä KH, Tilvis RS, O'Neill D, Erkinjuntti TJ, Geriatric syndromes-vascular disorders?, Annals of Medicine, 45, (3), 2013, p265-73Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical Classic: The Billroth Lecture, BMJ, 345, 2012, pe8157Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D, Medical screening of older drivers is not evidence based., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 345, 2012, pe6371Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- O'Neill D,, Art and perspectives of ageing, Network of European Museums Organizations 20th Annual Conference, National Gallery of Ireland, 3 November, 2012, Network of European Museums OrganizationsInvited Talk, 2012
- Smith S, Horgan F, Sexton E, Cowman S, Hickey A, Kelly P, McGee H, Murphy S, O'Neill D, Royston M, Shelley E, Wiley M, The future cost of stroke in Ireland: an analysis of the potential impact of demographic change and implementation of evidence-based therapies, Age and Ageing, 42, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Strandberg T, O'Neill D, Dementia - a geriatric syndrome, Lancet, 381, (9866), 2013, p533-4Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Learning from the Vikings: Hávamál and occupational rehabilitation, Occupational Medicine, 63, 2013, p230Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- The place of faith and religion in healthcare in, editor(s)Halpenny, O , Steady Air: Exploring Catholicism at Work, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2013, pp1-13 , [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter, 2013
- O'Neill, D, 2012 - That was the year that was, Age and Ageing, 42, (2), 2013, p140-4Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Commentary on "surgery for breast cancer"., Academic Medicine, 89, (11), 2014, p1458 - 1459Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Music and its revelation of ageing, Representation of older people in arts, music and literature, Royal Society of Medicine, 24 Jan, 2013, Geriatrics and Gerontology Section, Royal Society of MedicineInvited Talk, 2013, URL
- O'Neill D, The Art of the Longevity Dividend, Humanism and Aging Award, University of New England, 11 Jan, 2013, University of New EnglandInvited Talk, 2013, URL
- O'Neill D, The new medical fitness to drive guidelines, ICGP Winter Meeting, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 24 Nov, 2012, ICGPInvited Talk, 2012, URL
- O'Neill D, Ageing and Caring: A Guide for Later Life, Dublin, Orpen Press, 2013, 1-381ppBook, 2013, URL
- O'Neill D, Falls in older people residing in long-term care, Lancet, 381, (9873), 2013, p1179-80Journal Article, 2013
- Kennelly SP, Morley D, Coughlan T, Collins R, Rochford M, O'Neill D, Knowledge, skills and attitudes of doctors towards assessing cognition in older patients in the emergency department., Postgraduate medical journal, 89, (1049), 2013, p137-41Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donnelly SM, Carter-Anand J, Cahill S, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, O'Neill D, Multiprofessional Views on Older Patients' Participation in Care Planning Meetings in a Hospital Context, Practice: Social Work in Action, 25, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Connell C, Cassidy A, Moss H, O'Neill D, The aesthetic and cultural pursuits of patients with stroke, Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, . . . aber Sonntag ist immer ein Feiertag [Sunday is always a feast-day]: Alexander Borodin, MD, 1833-1887., Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 81, (10), 1988, p591-3Journal Article, 1988
- O'Neill D, O'Shea B, Lawlor R, McGee C, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Effects of burglary on elderly people., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 298, (6688), 1989, p1618-9Journal Article, 1989
- O'Neill D, Hector Berlioz, étudiant de médicine., Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 82, (9), 1989, p548-51Journal Article, 1989
- Kinsella J, Tobin W, Tierney S, Feeley T, Egan B, Collins D, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison J, Madhavan P, Moore D, O'Neill S, Colgan M, Doherty C, Murphy R, Saqqur M, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe D, Increased platelet activation in early symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid stenosis and relationship with microembolic status: Results from the Platelets And Carotid Stenosis (PACS) Study., Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis : JTH, 11, (7), 2013, p1407-16Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, The Art of the Demographic Dividend, Sidney de Haan Lecture, The Quarter House, Folkestone, Kent, 16 May, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- Ethicists and clinicians: the case for collaboration in the teaching of medical ethics in, editor(s)McDonagh E, McNamara V , An Irish Reader in Modern Theology: The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years. Volume III: Medical and Bio Ethics, Dublin, Columba Press, 2013, pp25-30 , [Russell C, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2013, URL
- Developing an ethics of competence, care and communication in, editor(s)McDonagh E, MacNamara V, , An Irish Reader in Modern Theology: The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years. Volume III: Medical and Bio Ethics, Dublin, Columba Press, 2013, pp31-34 , [Russell C, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2013, URL
- Donnellan C, O'Neill D, Baltes' SOC model of successful ageing as a potential framework for stroke rehabilitation., Disability and rehabilitation, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Martin AJ, Marottoli R, O'Neill D, Driving assessment for maintaining mobility and safety in drivers with dementia., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 5, 2013, pCD006222Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Moss H, O'Neill D, The aesthetic and cultural interests of patients attending an acute hospital - a phenomenological study., Journal of advanced nursing, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- O'Neill D, Creativity in old age, Gerontologia 2013: VIII Gerontologian Päivät, University of Helsinki, 6 June, 2013, Societas Gerontologica Fennica; Suomen Geriatrit; Suomen muistiasiantuntijat; Suomen Psykogeriatrinen YhdistysInvited Talk, 2013, URL
- O'Neill D, Investigating the frail elderly patient with lower bowel symptoms: what do we do now and can we improve?, Clinical Medicine, 13, (3), 2013, p321-2Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Fitzgerald D, Keane RA, Reid A, O'Neill D, Ageing, cognitive disorders and professional practice., Age and ageing, 42, (5), 2013, p608-14Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Guardians of the longevity dividend, Australasian Journal on Ageing, Australian and New Zealand Society of Geriatric Medicine, Adelaide, South Australia, 17-19 June 2013, 32, (Suppl 1), 2013, pp9Meeting Abstract, 2013, DOI
- O'Neill D, The development of age-attuned services, Australasian Journal on Ageing, Australian and New Zealand Society of Geriatric Medicine, Adelaide, South Australia, 17-19 June 2013, 32, (Suppl 1), 2013, pp34-5Meeting Abstract, 2013, DOI
- Briggs R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Nursing home residents attending the emergency department: clinical characteristics and outcomes., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Brien JG, Cooney C, Bartley M, O'Neill D, Self-neglect: a survey of old age psychiatrists in Ireland, International Psychogeriatrics, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Bradley D, Cronin S, Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Mahon C, O'Brien M, Lonergan R, Cooney MT, Kennelly S, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Smyth S, McCabe DJ, Frequent inaccuracies in ABCD(2) scoring in non-stroke specialists' referrals to a daily Rapid Access Stroke Prevention service., Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 332, (1-2), 2013, p30-4Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Integrated care for older people in Ireland: perhaps jam tomorrow? in, editor(s)O'Connor T , Integrated Care in Ireland in an International Context, Cork, Oaktree Press, 2013, pp255-63 , [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2013, URL
- A Grace, R Briggs, RM Corcoran, R Kieran, T Coughlan, R Collins, D O'Neill, S Kennelly, Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Nursing Home Residents Attending the Emergency Department, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS209Meeting Abstract, 2013
- R Dwyer, B Drumm, D O'Neill, T Coughlan, S Kennelly, R Collins, Awareness of Atrial Fibrillation in Ireland and Public Priorities for Treatment, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS213Meeting Abstract, 2013
- H Gogarty, S Lingwood, S Kennelly, T Coughlan, D O Neill, DR Collins, Patient Absconsion from a Geriatric Ward, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS216Meeting Abstract, 2013
- S Geoghegan, E Gaynor, M Murphy, T Coughlan, R Collins, D O'Neill, S Kennelly, Dysphagia in Nursing Home Residents Attending the Emergency Department, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS223Meeting Abstract, 2013
- J Soh, C Offiah, T Coughlan, P O'Brien, DJH McCabe, S Murphy, J McManus, D O'Neill, R Collins, Patterns of Activity and Reliability of an Acute Stroke Telemedicine Service-DML Stroke Network Partnership, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS226-7Meeting Abstract, 2013
- N Allen, C Bergin, D O'Neill, T Coughlan, R Collins, S Kennelly, Tropical Illness in Older Patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS237Meeting Abstract, 2013
- B Drumm, AA Wahab, NR Md Nor, T Coughlan, DR Collins, D O'Neill, SP Kennelly, Older Persons attending Emergency Department (OPED) Study, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS248-9Meeting Abstract, 2013
- E Gaynor, S Geoghegan, D O'Neill , Ageism in Stroke Rehabilitation Studies, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS251Meeting Abstract, 2013
- H Gogarty, S Robinson, S Lawson, J Keane, DR Collins, T Coughlan, D O'Neill, Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in End of Life Care, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS251-2Meeting Abstract, 2013
- A Hadbavna, B Drumm, N Hearne, M Moran, T Coughlan, R Collins, D O'Neill, S Kennelly , Use of a Brief Cognitive Screening Instrument in Older Patients Attending Emergency Department- A Pilot Study, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS252Meeting Abstract, 2013
- B Keane, D O'Neill, R Collins, T Coughlan , Efficiency of Computerised Discharge Letters, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS255Meeting Abstract, 2013
- J O'Brien, C Cooney, M Bartley, D O'Neill , Elder Abuse and Neglect: The Role of Irish Doctors, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontologcal Society, Dublin, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (Suppl 6), 2013, ppS295Meeting Abstract, 2013
- O'Neill D, Health economies and the Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor, Irish Medical Journal, 80, 1987, p363-4Journal Article, 1987
- Hadbavna A, O'Neill D, Ageism in interventional stroke studies, J Am Geriatr Soc, 61, (11), 2013, p2054-5Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Symposium: popular literature on aging - Simon's Night, Gerontologist, 53, (6), 2013, p1067 - 1069Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Towards Realistic and Flexible Advance Care Planning, Ir Med J, 106, (10), 2013, p293 - 294Journal Article, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Driving and dementia in, editor(s)Foster C, Herring J, Doron I , The Law and Ethics of Dementia, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2014, pp471 - 482, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2014, URL
- de Siún A, O'Shea, Timmons S, McArdle D, Gibbons P, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Gallagher P., Irish National Audit of Dementia Care in Acute Hospitals, Cork, Irish National Audit of Dementia Care, January, 2014, 1, 186Report, 2014
- Briggs R, O'Neill D, Vascular gait dyspraxia, Clinical Medicine, 14, (2), 2014, p200 - 202Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Syncope and driving in, Syncope in the Older Patient: Causes, investigations and consequences of syncope and falls., London, Chapman Hall , 1998, pp325-31 , [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 1998
- Implications of the projected increase in the elderly population in Ireland for the General Hospital section in, Proceedings of Conference on Planning Health and Social Care Services for the Elderly, Dublin, National Council for the Elderly, 1995, pp67-74 , [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 1995
- Older drivers, age-related diseases and physicians: enabling or policing? in, editor(s)Johansson K, Lundberg C.. , Aging and Driving, Stockholm, Karolinska Institute, 1995, pp67-72 , [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 1995
- Moss H, O'Neill D, Aesthetic deprivation in clinical settings, Lancet, 383, 2014, p1032 - 1033Journal Article, 2014
- O'Neill D, MacSweeney CA, Cornell IA, Moss H, Stravinsky syndrome: giving a voice to chronic stroke disease, QJM, 107, (6), 2014, p489-93Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Global burden of stroke an underestimate, Lancet, 383, (9924), 2014, p1205Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Gaynor E, Geoghegan S, O'Neill D, Ageism in Stroke Rehabilitation Studies, Age and Ageing, 2014, pepub ahead of printJournal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, O'Neill D, Collins RD, Coughlan T, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Increased endothelial activation in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and in cerebral microembolic-signal-negative patient subgroups., European Journal of Neurology, 2014, p460-467Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Egan B, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ, Longitudinal assessment of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor propeptide in response to alteration of antiplatelet therapy after TIA or ischaemic stroke., Journal of Neurology, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Brien JG, Riain AN, Collins C, Long V, O'Neill D, Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Survey of Irish General Practitioners., Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 26, (3), 2014, p291-299Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Leahy DM, Desmond D, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Stroke in young women: An interpretative phenomenological analysis., Journal of health psychology, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Practice of Competence Assessment in Dementia: Ireland in, editor(s)Stoppe G, on behalf of the European Dementia Consensus Network , Copetence Assessment in Dementia, Vienna, SpringerWienNewYork, 2008, pp125 - 128, [Bartley M, O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2008
- Long-term care for older people in, editor(s)O'Dell E , Older People in Modern Ireland. Essays on Law and Policy, Dublin, First Law, 2006, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter, 2006
- Kennelly SP, Drumm B, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Romero-Ortuno R, Characteristics and outcomes of older persons attending the emergency department: a retrospective cohort study., QJM, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Moss H, Coyle L, O'Neill D, The role of arts in health and ageing, Irish Ageing Studies Review , 2, (1), 2008, p17-27Journal Article, 2008
- Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Increased thrombin generation potential in symptomatic versus asymptomatic moderate or severe carotid stenosis and relationship with cerebral microemboli., Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 86, 2015, p460-467Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Ethics of driving assessment in dementia: care, competence and communication in, editor(s)Rai, GS , Medical Ethics and the Elderly, London, Radcliffe, 2014, pp119 - 128, [O'Neill D, Robinson D]Book Chapter, 2014, URL
- Keane B, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins R, Efficiency of Computerized Discharge Letters, Ir Med J, 107, (7), 2014, p221 - 221Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Gallagher PG, Timmons ST, Irish National Audit of Dementia Care, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Rotterdam, 17-19 Sept 2014, 5, (Suppl 1), 2014, ppS46Meeting Abstract, 2014
- O'Neill D, Moss H, The aesthetic and cultural interests of older people attending hospital - a phenomenological study, European Geriatric Medicine, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Rotterdam, 17-19 Sept 2014, 5, (Suppl 1), 2014, ppS114Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Dwyer R, Drumm B, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Collins R, Stroke Awareness before, during and after the Irish National Stroke Awareness ''FAST'' Campaign, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS299Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Timmons S, O' Shea E, de Siun A, Gallagher P, Kennelly S, McArdle D, Gibbons P, O'Neill D, Irish National Audit of Dementia Care in Acute Hospitals, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS311Meeting Abstract, 2014
- O' Shea E, Kennelly S, Timmons S, de Siun A, Gallagher P, O'Neill D, End of Life Dementia Care in Acute Hospitals, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS313Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Briggs R, Quinn T, Quinn S, O'Neill D, The Prevalence of Gait Disorders and Stravinsky Syndrome in an Age-Related Day Hospital, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS327Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Ciblis A, Butler ML, Bokde A, Mullins P, O'Neill D, McNulty J, Access to Neuroimaging in Dementia: A Survey of Specialists, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS330Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Fitzhenry D, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Collins R, Coughlan T, Impact of a CNS for Frail Older Adults on a Geriatric Consult Service in a Tertiary Academic Teaching Hospital, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS339Meeting Abstract, 2014
- O'Donnell L, O'Neill D, Collins R, Coughlan T, McCabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Interventions within a Stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) Service; a 9 Month Retrospective Clinical Audit, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS360-1Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Greene S, Cogan N, Briggs R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Mc Cabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Collins R, Neuromedical Sequelae Post-Stroke, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS332Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Gallagher P, Kennelly S, de Siun A, O' Shea E, O' Neill D, Timmons S, The Use of Antipsychotics for Dementia in Acute Hospitals, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS361Meeting Abstract, 2014
- NScanlan N, Kelly S, Coughlan T, Collins R, Kennelly S, O'Neill D, Communication of Confirmed Diagnoses of Dementia and Delirium Between Hospital and General Practitioners, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS369Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Buckley M, O'Neill D, Ageism in Parkinson's Disease Studies, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS328Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Fallon A, Armstrong J, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Characteristics and Outcomes of Older Patients Attending an Acute Medical Assessment Unit, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS316Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Grace AR, Briggs R, Kieran RE, Corcoran RM, Romero-Ortuno R, Coughlan TL, O'Neill D, Collins R, Kennelly SP, A Comparison of Beers and STOPP Criteria in Assessing Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Nursing Home Residents Attending the Emergency Department., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Neill D, Towards Realistic and Flexible Advance Care Planning: Author's Reply, Ir Med J, 107, (9), 2014, p299 - 300Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Kahved iæ A, Mcfadden R, Cummins G, Carr D, O'Neill D, Impact of new guidelines and educational programme on awareness of medical fitness to drive among general practitioners in ireland., Traffic Injury Prevention, 16, (6), 2015, p593-8Journal Article, 2015
- Pain in, editor(s)Mulley G, Bowman, Boyd M, Stowe S , The Care Home Handbook, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2014, pp153 - 154, [O'Neill D, Mulroy M]Book Chapter, 2014, URL
- Moss H, Donnellan C, O'Neill D, Hospitalization and Aesthetic Health in Older Adults., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16, (2), 2015, p173.e11-6Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- FitzGerald D, Reid A, Fitzpatrick G, O'Neill D, Occupational Health: additional support for the aging anesthesiologist., Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia = Journal Canadien d'Anesthesie, 62, (3), 2015, p329-30Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Fallon A, O'Neill D, Bacterial Pneumonia in Older People, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Ageing, astronauts and organists in Rotterdam, 2014, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Sky disc and the marvel of ageing, 2014, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: A gerontological fear of missing out, 2014, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Older drivers and medical fitness to drive, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Flights of imagination: Birdman and Still Alice, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: The success and opportunities arising from population ageing, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blogs: Surprised by beauty, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Wheelbarrows, transport and health, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Welcoming the new ageing in a global context, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Churchill, the struggle for survival, BMJ, 2012Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Should the skeleton of "the Irish giant" be buried at sea?, BMJ, 2011Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Dementia, dehumanisation and lessons from Polyanna, BMJ, 2011Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Management and prevention of exacerbations of COPD, BMJ, 2014Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Combating bar-stool gerontology, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: HIP Medicine, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: The Healing Touch, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Peak medical students, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: Ageing - Simply Complicated, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Mozart in the ballpark, 2016, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Singing in the New Year, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Technology and the Medical Humanities, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Mercenary conduct - An Irishman's Diary on two Wild Geese and the murder of Albrecht von Wallenstein, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Eros and Methuselah-love and sexuality are important parts of human wellbeing, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Medical Humanities Blog: The European Doctors Orchestra and the Irish Medical Choir, 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Twomey C, O'Neill D, Toxic expressions of bias against elderly, Irish Times, 2006Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Going digital with global medical humanities, BMJ Blog, 2017Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Medical Humanities Blog: Celebrating Gounod at Tavistock House on his Bicentenary, 2018, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Politicians are ignoring obvious solutions to the health crisis, Irish Times, 2018Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Orthopaedica Hibernica, Review of Orthopaedica Hibernica, by Fitzpatrick D, Fogarty O, Nixon J , Irish Medical Times, 2018, p38Review
- O'Neill D, The Humanities and Me: Desmond O'Neill, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Use of medical titles by non-doctors can mislead patients: not just a UK issue, and may be confusing for more than individuals, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Dementia, dehumanisation and lessons from Polyanna, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Robinson S, O'Neill D, Cognitive gains of later life have important clinical consequences, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Building capacity in gerontology and geriatric medicine in primary and secondary care is a part of the solution, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Tan KM, O'Neill D, Doctors need to engage in education and research in elder abuse, 2009, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Physician assisted death in vulnerable populations: concerns not dispelled, 2007, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, The threat of 'legalism' to patient care, 2009, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Canavan M, O'Neill D, Discriminating about discrimination?, 2009, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Bartley M, O'Neill D, Brain reserve or better strategic behaviour? Association between mid-life marital status and cognitive function in later life: population based cohort study, 2009, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Russell C, O'Neill D, Ethicist on the ward round?, 2007, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, O'Dwyer C, McGee H, No age limits for intimate partner violence, 2008, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Moss H, The demise of cultured doctors is bad for everyone: avoiding cultural reductionism, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, The meaning of mercy is strained, 2006, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Collins DR, Stroke: full system development required, 2007, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Sowman R, O'Neill D, Need to differentiate between oropharyngeal and oesophageal dysphagia, 2003, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Keane RA, O'Neill D, BMJ Rapid Response: A clarion call for more systematic and standardized pain assessment and management for those with dementia, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Rapid Response: Avoid false dichotomies, 2006, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Material Medicine: Objects, and Bodies, AMH 2019, Plymouth, UK, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, A cut above - An Irishman's Diary on Hector Berlioz and medicine, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Medicalisation as a pejorative term, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Rosina's Kiss?, Gramophone, (November), 2004, p19Journal Article
- O'Neill D,, Simply complicated - Creative and positive responses to the bizarre phenomenon of ageism: the strange case of prejudice against the older you, MacGill Summer School, Glenties, July, 2016Invited Talk, URL
- O'Neill D, RCPI Heritage Blog: What links Munchausen's syndrome with Ireland?, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, A marvellous visual exploration of our corporeal selves, Review of Journey Through the Body: A Visual Exploration, by Kelleher E , Medical Independent, 2019, p38Review, URL
- O'Neill D, Is it wrong to prioritise younger patients with covid-19? Tackling the twin challenges of gerontological illiteracy and ageism, 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D., Let's not forget care homes when covid-19 is over - Teasing out the many determinants of this perfect storm, 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D. , Medicus, the Power of Knowledge: a Novel Approach to Medical History. , 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, No means no for people living with dementia, 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Covid-19 deaths in care sector are a wake-up call to everyone, 2020, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, The Art of the Demographic Dividend, MacGill Summer School, Glenties, Donegal, 21 July, 2016Invited Talk, URL
- O'Neill D, Ensuring congruence between medical humanities and medicine, Medical Humanities, 2018Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D, Integrating Humanities and Arts in Gerontology and Age-Friendly Education, Advancing Age-Inclusivity in Higher Eduction, a Newsletter of the Gerontological Society of America, (Winter), 2022, p1Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D,, Gerontology for Geriatricians - with Style, 2022, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, An Irishman's Diary on how a Fenian and a surgeon made medical and legal history, 2015, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, You should care about the state of our nursing homes - you may well end up in one: It is time we start identifying with nursing home care as being a significant possibility in our own futures, 2022, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Irishman's Diary: Grief and remembrance: Desmond O'Neill on Verdi's Requiem , 2022, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, And for unto us Medicine, Messiah, and Christmas, 2022, -Miscellaneous, URL
- CIECA Fit to Drive Expert Group, Setting Standards for Disabled Driver Assessment, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, International Commission for Driver Testing (CIECA), January , 2021Report
- CIECA Fit to Drive Expert Group, Setting Standards for the Evaluation of Medical Fitness to Drive, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, International Commission for Driver Testing (CIECA), March, 2020Report, URL
- O'Neill D, Should assisted dying be legalised? No, 2024, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Deep concerns over processes in Medical Council, 2024, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, On the removal of the stricture against euthanasia, 2024, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Irish Diary: Drama and spirituality - Desmond O'Neill on Rossini's Petite messe solennelle, 2024, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, Irish Diary: Innocence and mischief - Desmond O'Neill on the humorist and social commentator Erich Kästner, 2024, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Age-related health care in, editor(s)Fitzpatrick, D , The Feds, Dublin, A & A Farmar, 2006, pp145 - 150, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter
- Ageing, Learning and Galleries in, editor(s)Bourke, M , Museums, Galleries and Lifelong Learning, Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, 2008, pp39 - 47, [O'Neill, D]Book Chapter
- O'Neill D, A gerontologist looks at the issues, Search, 33, (3), 2009, p184 - 194Journal Article
- Establishing systems to prevent and manage elder abuse in Ireland in, editor(s)Keaveney J, Kelly M, Scales M, Helferty A , No one has the right , Dublin, Reach Out, 2005, pp24 - 27, [O'Neill D]Book Chapter
- O'Neill D, The art and science of geriatric medicine, Turkish Geriatric Medicine Society Congress, Izmir, Turkey, April 2, 2010, Turkish Geriatric Medicine SocietyInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Ageing, the Demographic Dividend and Work, Dublin, Older and Bolder, May, 2010Report
- O'Neill D,, The Older Driver, Royal Society of Medicine Regional Conference, Cork, 12 May, 2010, Royal Society of MedicineInvited Talk
- Bartley M, O'Brien JG, O'Neill D, Elder abuse - an area of evolving importance for GPs, Forum Clinical Practice, 2010, p18-19Journal Article
- O'Neill D., Social networking, telemedicine and stroke, BMJ Blog, 2010Journal Article, URL
- O'Neill D., BMJ Blogs: A Bloomsday brush with brilliance, 2010, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D., Elder Abuse and the General Practitioner, ICGP Summer School, Kilkenny, 19 June, 2010, ICGPInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Ageism and the media, World Demographic Association Forum, St Gallen, Switzerland, 24 August, 2010, World Demographic Association ForumInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Quality of life, health and older people, World Demographic Association Forum, St Gallen, Switzerland, 25 August, 2010, World Demographic Association ForumInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Sins of My Old Age, 2010, -Music Production
- O'Neill D, Ageing, life-long learning and museums, Museums Meet Adult Educators, Grundtvig Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 September, 2010, EU Grundtvig Project Museums Meet Adult EducatorsInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Older drivers and syncope, Cardiovascular Section, British Geriatrics Society, BMA House, London, 1 July, 2010, Cardiovascular Section, British Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Healthy Ageing - Directions for the European Union, DG SANCO Healthy Ageing Workshop, Brussels, 11 October, 2010, DG SANCO, EUInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, After a major investigation of a nursing home scandal, British Geriatrics Society Autumn Conference, Brighton, UK, Nov 5, 2010, British Geriatrics SocietyInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Music of Mature Creativity, RTE National Symphony Orchestra Pre-Concert Lecture, National Concert Hall, 22 October, 2010, RTE National Symphony OrchestraInvited Talk
- O'Neill D, Evidence of the effectiveness of geriatric care, Care of Older People in Portugal: time for Geriatric Medicine, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, 26 November, 2010, Gulbenkian FoundationInvited Talk
- O'Neill D,, Ageing, growth and memory, Abbey Theatre Lecture, Abbey Theatre, 2 Dec, 2010, Abbey TheatreInvited Talk, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blogs: An Appalling (Irish) Vista, 2010, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D., BMJ Blogs: So when do you become 'old'?, 2010, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Christmas, South Park, health, and pluralism, 2010, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D., Planning healthcare for an ageing population, IMO Scientific Meeting, Killarney, April 29, 2011, Irish Medical OrganizationInvited Talk
- O'Neill, D, Bioethics and the Catholic Moral Tradition, by Corkery, P , The Furrow, 63, (3), 2012, p187-189Review
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: Combatting Gerontological Illiteracy, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Humour at One Hundred, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Bicycle helmets and the medical humanities, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: On the medical and ethical themes in Prometheus, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Aiming to lose, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: The ethics of advocacy, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Old Ideas, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: One Hundred Years of Flautitude, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Donizetti and the GP, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Quantitative easing - the academic version, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Death and the composer: Thanatos as muse?, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: First night of the Proms, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: A rare scientific hiccough at the science gallery, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMj Blog: Death and transfiguration, 2011, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Nowhere to hide, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Anthropology, ageing and medicine, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: The age friendly university, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Amour, ageing and missed opportunities, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: The location of Ireland's new national children's hospital, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: 50 shades of stroke, 2012, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Think global, act local, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, Raiding the Inarticulate, 2013 Ecumenical Chaplaincy Lecture, Trinity College Dublin, 12 February, 2013, Chaplaincy, Trinity College DublinInvited Talk
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: Lessons of the Francis Report are not just confined to the NHS, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: On transport as a contributor to economic, social, and personal wellbeing, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: A Grave Beauty, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: Turner, medical history, and ageing, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Ageing with Keith Jarrett, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: A sad day for human rights in Ireland, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Gerontolysis, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Alex Ferguson and the Field Marshall, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Optimal ageing and the midnight sun, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: A tale of three cities-geriatric medicine in Australia, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Elysium-an effective Trojan horse for Obamacare and the social gradient, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Striking doctors and a cruel cut, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Clinical glasshouses and stones, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Four helicopters and a string quartet, 2013, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, 'Preparation for Retirement', Dublin, Health Education Bureau, 1982, -Film production
- O'Neill D,, BMJ Blog: Food for Thought, 2013, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Transport and Health, 2014, -Miscellaneous, URL
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: On the power of cinema in discussing medical humanities, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Combatting rigidity in medicine, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Expanding the imaginarium of ageing, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Some illuminations on caring for older people, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Blinded by Science, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Elective Dreams, 2014, -Miscellaneous
- O'Neill D, BMJ Blog: Stethophones and barriers to effective care of older people, 2014, -Miscellaneous, URL
Research Expertise
TitleSupporting equity of older people by redefining and refining assessment of dementia inclusive design of hospital spacesSummaryDirect and indirect discrimination is a common experience for older Irish people on the basis of cognitive impairment. A major component lies with the design and policies of healthcare facilities, as outlined in the Irish National Audit of Dementia Care (de Suin et al., 2014). With the emerging knowledge base arising from the HRB-funded Dementia-Friendly Hospital Project (completed guideline due February 2018), we have a deeper and richer understanding of the elements which contribute to dementia-inclusive design of Irish healthcare facilities. The aim of this project is to undertake a review and redesign of the audit tool used in the 2013 audit in the light of the new Irish guidelines and undertake a repeat of the environmental audit. The objectives are to 1) develop an audit tool that reflects the contemporary, collaborative and UD based nature of the new guidelines, 2) review the barriers/facilitators to key stakeholder engagement in the design process to inform the development of the new tool, 3) use assess dementia-inclusive design changes in Irish hospitals since 2013 through a 2018 audit, 4) simultaneously test new tool to refine and calibrate, 5) use findings to recommend improvements in equity of care for older Irish person with dementia and delirium.Funding AgencyHSEDate From1 March 2018Date To31 August 2019
TitleHealthy Ageing Research ProjectSummaryThe first data is being analyzed from the first longitudinal study on ageing in Ireland, a joint research project between TCD (leader Prof Des O'Neill (1983)), RCSI and Queen's University Belfast. Funding of 800,000 has been provided by the Health Research Board, and the acronym for the study (HARP) helps to identify the country of origin! Drawing on a second cohort of older people from the Republic of Ireland, as well as a cohort from Northern Ireland, the study has great potential to help understand the process of ageing in Ireland, and in particular some of the reasons why longevity has been lagging behind that of the EU 15 states. The survey looks at not only health, social and psychological variables, but also at usage patterns and perceptions of health and social services in both systems. A sub-study of the project is the examination of psychological models of coping after stroke, which is being carried out at the Stroke Service in Tallaght Hospital, the first acute service in the Republic of Ireland. As much neurorehabilitation serves as much to facilitate adaptation as to restore function, this is a key (and under-expolored) area of research. A first study from this arm of the project won the poster prize at the National Stroke Study Day in May 2005, and further publications are in preparation.Funding AgencyHealth Research Board, IrelandDate From2002Date To2006
TitleDementia Friendly Irish Hospitals: Opportunities, Barriers, Costs and SolutionsSummaryPI: To date, academic and pragmatic discourse on dementia-friendly design of Irish hospitals has been lacking in expertise from the perspective of design and architecture, and in particular the paradigms of inclusive/universal design. This research will examine the key issues around the design of dementia friendly hospitals in Ireland to identify key opportunities, barriers, costs and solutions. This will be conducted using mixed methods research underpinned by a user-centred design and stakeholder engagement process using three case study Irish hospitals including Tallaght, Peamount and Naas. This process will informed by a literature review and international case studies of dementia friendly hospitals to determine best practice evidence based design as implemented globally. The physical hospital environment will be analysed using spatial and physical design framework based around: Approach and Arrival; Entering, Exiting and Circulation; Key internal and external spaces; and Elements and Systems (including materials, finishes, technology, artwork etc.) The final output will result in a Dementia Friendly Design Manual and Key Findings to Underpin any Future HSE Guidelines, containing 1) guidance around stakeholder engagement or participatory design processes 2) an Ireland specific dementia friendly hospital audit tool based on the King's Trust toolFunding AgencyHRBDate FromNov 2015Date ToOct 2017
TitleRobotics in StrokeSummary250,000Funding AgencyHealth Services ExecutiveDate From2008Date To2009
TitleFraming Ageing: A Clinical, Cultural and Social DialogueSummaryHealthcare, sociology, psychology and the growing field of 'cultural gerontology' have begun to interrogate the complexity of ageing. Despite this welcome development, there is little methodological dialogue between the humanities and gerontology. This project therefore aims to explore methodological cross-pollination through two collaborative UCD/TCD-led workshops. Entitled "Framing Ageing: A Clinical, Cultural and Social Dialogue", our project recognises that society is a web of signs subject to shifting meanings and contested interpretations. This insight has far-reaching epistemological and methodological consequences: it de-essentialises the notions of biological matter, of the body and bodily change, of mind and matter, and of the 'natural' chronology from birth to death. Drawing on research expertise in the two institutions and beyond, the workshops bring together gerontologists, who deal with ageing from clinical, psychological and social perspectives, social scientists who work with quantitative data, and humanities researchers, who investigate ageing in cultural and historical perspectives, as well as art practitioners and NGOs. A key aim is to create a transdisciplinary network that liberates the field from the constraints of pathological models of ageing by exploring an entanglement between the biopsychosocial and the interpretive, the empirical and the aesthetic, the historical and the contemporary, and research and practice.Funding AgencyWellcome TrustDate From02/01/2020Date To31/12/2020
TitleDevelopment of a National Dementia RegistrySummaryFunding AgencyDormant Accounts via the Department of Health and the National Dementia Office (HSE)Date From2018Date To2019
TitleSEAN-Key: Supported Episodic Autobiographical SEAN-Key: Noesis for health older and memory impaired adultsSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From2017
TitleMusic and Dance for Health: The Multidimensional Benefits of an Arts-Based Health Intervention for Older AdultsSummaryFunding AgencyHRBDate From2021Date To2023
TitleRethinking Ageing and Memory through Interdisciplinary ResearchSummaryAgeing and memory represent two extraordinarily important themes in contemporary society. A defining characteristic of ageing is complexity and increased inter-individual variability. This provides a rich field for study and reflection, and by its very complexity lends itself to interdisciplinary study and research. Responding to the challenge of interdisciplinary working has been the emergence of an innovative, exciting and purposefully interdisciplinary movement in gerontology and the arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS). This IRC-funded workshop is being curated by TCD, the National Centre for Arts and Health, NUIG, Maynooth University and DIT GRADCAM. The choice of locations for the workshop is emblematic of our desire to uproot and challenge existing orthodoxies of thought and theory. The first day (9 May 2016) will be held in the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute which hosts the Medical and Health Humanities Initiative and the second day (10 May 2016) in the National Centre for Arts and Health, Tallaght Hospital which has a vibrant arts and humanities programme The workshop will a) give an overview of current theory and practice in interdisciplinary research; b) provide examples from existing funded interdisciplinary research among the workshop organizers; c) provide a platform for researchers to present current or proposed research for which they are seeking potential partners; d) focus on perceived barriers and facilitators to interdisciplinary research across AHSS/STEM/Health Sciences; and e) develop a summary report and action plan. Participants are strongly urged to read Callard and Fitzgerald's 2015 monograph on interdisciplinary research, an Open Access book The target participants are: Scholars in AHSS, Science, Engineering, Design, Health currently engaged with, or planning interdisciplinary research Research support/development officers in academic institutions Staff in funding bodies (invitations issued to IRC, HRB, SFI, Arts Council, Wellcome, charitable foundations)Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromFebruary 2016Date ToJune 2016
TitleEnhancing Stroke Rehabilitation with Brain Computer InterfaceSummaryCollaborator with PI Dr Tomás Ward (NUIM). Funding 118,000. Stroke is a leading cause of disability world-wide. Effective rehabilitation is essential in minimising its socio-economic impact. We contend that a brain computer interface (BCI) may be used to increase rehabilitation efficacy and outcome. Specifically a motor-relearning paradigm will be augmented for those stroke survivors with no movement through provisioning of a motor cortex-driven BCI. Using real-time measures of cortical effort in the vicinity of the affected area feedback can be administered through virtual representations and/or mechanical assistance. Efficacy will be assessed in a randomised controlled trial in collaboration with a stroke rehabilitation hospital. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability world-wide. Effective stroke rehabilitation is essential both in maximising quality of life and minimising the burden on the health care system. Efficacy of rehabilitation is assessed using outcome measures or scales. We contend that through the addition of a suitable brain computer interface (BCI) effective stroke rehabilitation therapy can be administered to stroke recovery patients thereby increasing rehabilitation outcome. An adaptation of our existing motor cortex activity driven BCI will be used in a randomised controlled trial in collaboration with a stroke rehabilitation hospital clinic.`Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2009Date To2113
TitleImplementing Dementia Friendly Irish Hospital DesignSummaryPI: Hospitals can be very complex and confusing environments for people with dementia, and may add to their distress, disorientation and suffering. To date, academic and pragmatic discourse on dementia-friendly design of Irish hospitals has been lacking in expertise from the perspective of design and architecture, and in particular the paradigms of inclusive/universal design. This research will examine the key issues around the design of dementia-friendly hospitals in Ireland to identify key opportunities, barriers, costs and solutions. This will be conducted using mixed methods research underpinned by a user-centred design and stakeholder engagement process focussing in the first year on Tallaght Hospital and subsequently to Peamount and Naas Hospitals. This process will informed by a literature review and international case studies of dementia friendly hospitals to determine best practice evidence based design as implemented globally. The physical hospital environment will be analysed using spatial and physical design framework based around: Approach and Arrival; Entering, Exiting and Circulation; Key internal and external spaces; and Elements and Systems (including materials, finishes, technology, artwork etc.) The final output will result in a Dementia Friendly Design Manual and Key Findings to underpin any future HSE guidelines, containing 1) guidance around stakeholder engagement or participatory design processes 2) a preliminary Ireland specific dementia friendly hospital audit tool: these will assist in making hospital environments more dementia-friendly. The research grouping of design, arts and health is unique in Ireland, and could provide international as well as national impact on dementia-friendly design.Funding AgencyMeath FoundationDate FromOct 2015Date ToOct 2016
TitleResidential long-term care and COVID-19: the role of the built environment in balancing infection control and quality of lifeSummarySummary: COVID-19 has brought many healthcare issues into sharp focus. Key among them is the need to balance infection control with quality of life in residential long-term care settings such as nursing homes. Science Foundation Ireland is funding a new project at Trinity College Dublin to look at the impact of space, buildings, and technology on infection control and on resident and staff wellbeing in long-term care settings. By finding that evidence, the project will highlight how we can design new long-term care buildings or retrofit existing ones to improve pandemic resilience. What is the issue? Infection control is very important in residential long-term care settings, but it needs to take the staff and residents' quality of life into account. COVID-19 has highlighted how the built environment and infection control can exacerbate social isolation, loneliness and anxiety among residents and staff. What will the research project do? The research, led by Trinity College Dublin, will identify the features of the built environment that improve infection control and those that support quality of life, and where these converge or diverge. What will the impact be? By identifying the features that enable maximal infection control while retaining good quality of life for residents, the project will inform future builds and retrofits of residential long-term care buildings and will improve pandemic resilience. Professor Desmond O'Neill, PI, says: "The pandemic has pinpointed the importance of space and spatial practices such as social distancing and isolation, all of which have huge importance for the built environment in terms of planning, design and architecture: this is of particular importance for the nursing home environment, home of those at most risk for the twin COVID-19 perils of mortality and harmful social isolation."Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From14/12/2020Date To31/12/2020
TitleKnowledge Synthesis Grant: Medical Illness and Driving: A knowledge synthesis of the risks of harm.SummaryFunding AgencyMinistry of Transportation of Ontario Road Safety Research Partnership ProgramDate From2016 SeptDate To2017 Aug
TitleMusic Therapy in StrokeSummaryA randomized controlled trial of music therapy in stroke: grant of 40,000Funding AgencyMeath FoundationDate From2006Date To2007
TitleCost of StrokeSummaryA joint project involving the Irish National Audit of Stroke Care team (TCD, RCSI, ESRI, HSE) to give an estimate of the costs of stroke in Ireland: funding 100,000.Funding AgencyIrish Heart FoundationDate From2009Date To2010
TitleA Collaborative International Knowledge Synthesis to Update Guidelines for Determining Medical Fitness to Operate Motor VehiclesSummaryBackground. The Canadian Medical Association's (CMA) Driver's Guide is widely used by physicians across Canada to guide decision-making about assessing the impact of medical conditions and treatments on driving abilities, advising patients of the risks and reporting to transportation authorities. The CMA Driver's Guide and other similar international guidelines are limited in their currency, applicability, rigour of development, and integration of knowledge-user perspectives. Those most affected by the guidelines, healthy drivers, patients and caregivers have not provided input. Objective. The objective is to create an up-to-date knowledge synthesis and clinical guidelines on driving risks with two topics of high priority for updating: traumatic brain injury (TBI) and dementia. The knowledge synthesis will leverage skills of Canadian and international knowledge experts, and incorporate the input of clinician and transportation knowledge-users as well as drivers, patients and caregivers. Method. Recommendations from existing international guidelines on driving with TBI and dementia will be summarized and reviewed and precise questions will be refined and prioritized to shape a revised search strategy for an updated knowledge-synthesis. Data addressing the prioritized questions from the references from existing guidelines and systematic reviews as well as the updated literature search will be extracted and the quality of evidence and risk of bias will be rated by the synthesis team. Revised guidelines based on the knowledge synthesis will be developed, and clinician- and transportation- knowledge-users will provide feedback on their clarity, currency, applicability and acceptability. The values, preferences and perspectives of healthy drivers as well as individuals and caregivers with TBI and dementia regarding the revised guidelines and interpretations of risk will be ascertained. Relevance. Motor vehicle collisions are predicted to be the 3rd leading cause of disability-adjusted life years lost by 20208. Current estimates predict that within the next 20 years there will be almost 100,000 drivers with dementia in Ontario9, and 1.1 million Canadians with dementia10, many of whom will drive for years after diagnosis11. Additionally, by 2031, it is estimated that 730,000 patients will be hospitalized annually for traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Canada12, and since most individuals with TBI are not hospitalized13, this is a vast under-estimate. Driving is a risk with both of these conditions1. No recent synthesis has been done with the aim of creating quality guidelines for clinicians. A well-executed knowledge synthesis incorporating knowledge-user input will increase confidence of clinicians using the guidelines41, inform transportation policy, and provide a model for updating syntheses and Canadian and other international guidelines for other health conditions and driving. Knowledge Translation. Knowledge-users will be involved throughout the knowledge synthesis process, knowledge syntheses will be published in open-access journals, presented at international conferences, and the corresponding chapters of the CMA Driver's Guide will be updated in electronic and print format. The process refined in the present grant will be used to advocate for further internationally-developed knowledge syntheses of medical illness and driving and high quality, knowledge-user informed clinical practice guidelines.Funding AgencyCanadian Institutes of Health ResearchDate From2015Date To2016
TitleValidation of the Profile for Communication Abilities in Dementia (P-CAD)SummaryCo-investigator on this proposal which aligns with 'Management and Decision Making' specifically 'Timely Diagnosis and intervention' and 'Person Centred Planning and Decision making'. The argument for this theme is that (1) the availability of the P-CAD will facilitate timely and interdisciplinary management of cognitive communication difficulties associated with dementia. (2) It will provide a valid and reliable tool to enable decision making through informing person centred care pathways. These care pathways will be monitored throughout the person's journey with dementia.Funding AgencyHRBDate FromNov 2015Date ToOct 2017
TitleIrish National Audit of Dementia Care (INAD)SummaryCollaboration together with Dr Sean Kennelly (TCD) and investigators from UCC (Drs Suzanne Timmons and Paul Gallagher) and support of Health Services Executive. This is the first national audit of dementia care in acute hospitals. Organisational, Casenote review,and eviornmental audit of care standards for patients with dementia when they are attend acute hospitals. Modelled on the very successful UK audit.Funding AgencyMeath Foundation, HRB, APDate From2013Date To2014
TitleArtists in HospitalsSummaryProject to develop a training course for artists working in hospitals. Grand of 25,000Funding AgencyArts CouncilDate From2006Date To2007
TitleRoad safety in ageing societies - CONcerns and SOLutions (CONSOL)SummaryFunding AgencyEuropean Commission - Directorate for Mobility and TransportDate From2011Date To2013
TitleElder AbuseSummaryOverview of elder abuse in Ireland in international context. Project undertaken with Visiting Professor James G O'Brien, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USAFunding AgencyAtlantic PhilanthropiesDate From2009Date To2010
TitleIrish National Stroke AuditSummaryA 600,000 project, PI's Prof Hannah McGee (RCSI) and Desmond O'Neill (TCD), the work involves a national stroke audit of hospital and community stroke services for the Republic of Ireland. The objective of the audit of hospital based stroke services is to establish the current level and functioning of services available for the care of stroke patients in acute hospitals in the Republic of Ireland. The audit of hospital-based services will have two components: i) an Audit of the Organisational Aspects of Stroke Care in acute hospitals with regard to their resources for organised stroke care: and ii) a Clinical Audit of Stroke Care involving review of clinical case notes for a selected sample of patients with stroke.Funding AgencyIrish Heart Foundation/Department of Health and ChildrenDate From2005
- Irish Healthcare Award: Best Education Meeting: Traffic Medicine 5 Nov 2015
- Fellowship, Gerontological Society of America June 2014
- Fellow's Travel Scholarship, American Geriatrics Society 1991
- Sheppard Memorial Prize, Irish College of General Practitioners 1982
- Sir William Taylor Lecture, Association of Medical and Dental Graduates RCSI 19 May 2022
- Inaugural Presidential Medal and Lecture, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Sept 2015
- All-Ireland Inspirational Life Award March 2010
- Joseph T Freeman Award, Gerontological Society of America Nov 2014
- Peter Beckett Memorial Prize, Dept of Psychiatry, TCD 1982
- University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine Humanism in Aging Leadership Award January 2013
- Marjory Warren Lecturer, British Geriatrics Society May 20111
- Fellow's Travel Scholarship, American Geriatrics Society 1992
- Irish Healthcare Award: Best Education Project: Traffic Medicine Project 5 Nov 2015
- Elizabeth Brown Prize, British Geriatrics Society 1988
- Fellowship, American Geriatrics Society 2006
- Adjunct Professor, Dept Psychology, Maynooth University 2018
- Guest Editor, Geriatric Medicine CME, Clinical Medicine April 2014
- Gordon Watson Lecture and Medal, XXIX Waterford Surgical Meeting 12 Oct 2019
- Irish Heart Foundation National Stroke Champion 22 November 2011
- Health Promotion Award for video on positive ageing: Health Education Bureau, Dublin 1982
- L J Hurwitz Memorial Lecture 2019, Queen's University Belfast 30 May 2019
- Visiting Professor, Australian and New Zealand Geriatric Medicine Society June 2013
- Member, Editorial Board, European Geriatric Medicine
- Medical Director, Alzheimer Society of Ireland 2004
- President-Elect, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society 2009
- Member, OECD Working Group ERS4, Ageing and Transport: Mobility Needs and Safety Issues 2001
- Member, Humanities and Arts Committee, Gerontological Society of America
- Provisional member, Humanities and Arts Committee, Gerontological Society of America 2016
- Executive Board Member, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, European Region (IAGG-ER) 2015
- Chair, Irish Society of Physicians in Geriatric Medicine
- Secretary, Irish Gerontological Society 2008
- President, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society 2011
- President, Irish Gerontological Society 2011
- Director of Postgraduate Education, Robert Graves Postgraduate Centre, Adelaide and Meath Hospital Dublin 2002
- Council Member, RCPI Oct 2018
- Chairman of scientific subcommittee and council member of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland 1989
- Co-Chair, RCPI Working Group on Fitness to Drive 2011
- Chair, Policy Group on Ageing, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
- Chair, Trainees Committee, British Geriatrics Society 1992
- Section Editor, Geriatric Medical Humanities, European Geriatric Medicine journal
- Secretary, European Union Geriatric Medical Society 2008
- Chair, National Centre for Arts and Health
- Immediate Past-President and member Executive Board, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society Dec 2013
- Chair, National Review Group on Implementation of Policy on Elder Abuse 2010
- Founder/Chair, Council on Stroke, Irish Heart Foundation 2009
- Committee Member, Irish Transportation Research Network
- Co-organiser and lecturer on first three courses in Social and Applied Gerontology in Ireland (with the Irish Red Cross, and St Patrick's College, Maynooth, National University of Ireland) 1989
- Member, Committee for Safe Mobility of Older Persons, US Transportation Research Board 2000
- President, Dublin University Biological Association 2002
- Founder Board Member, European Union Geriatric Medical Society 2006
- Chair of the Humanities and Arts Committee, Gerontological Society of America
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- Editorial Board, Journal of Transport and Health
- Chair, Government Working Group on Elder Abuse 2002
- Member, International Advisory Board, World Demographic Association Forum 2014
- Vice-Chair, Meath Foundation