Scholars Ireland
Scholars Ireland is designed to give young people an authentic experience of university. From being taught by PhD tutors, to studying undergraduate-style topics, we aim to break down barriers to university. Each programme includes 12 pupils and 1 PhD tutor. Pupils study the same course but are taught in two small groups of six.
Pupils begin their Scholars Ireland journey with a Launch Event online in association with Trinity College Dublin, during which they learn about university life from university staff, hear keynote speeches, undertake a skills session, and take part in an introduction tutorial with their PhD tutor. Following the Launch Event, the PhD tutor conducts online tutorials on a weekly basis. To create an authentic university learning environment, tutorial groups are capped at a maximum of six pupils and there is a focus on university-style pedagogy including independent research, critical thinking and higher-order questioning.
The online tutorials culminate in pupils completing a challenging university-style assignment, which is marked by PhD tutors and moderated by AccessEd. Tutors then return to schools for a final feedback session. Grades are given as university-style marks, with pupils receiving a 1st, 2.1, 2.2 or a 3rd.
All pupils who submit a final assignment are invited to a Graduation Event, held online or at a HE institution where possible. We begin recruitment in September as we aim to have all participants begin in 2nd year. We recruit via the Schools Mailer and expect to have PhD tutors matched with their linked school before the launch event in late October.