Foundation Course - Young Adults
Applications for 2025/26 are now closed. Applications for 2026/27 will open in November 2025
Is this course for me?
Students can choose from two broad areas of study: arts and social sciences, or science, as well as taking part in a professional development and mentoring programme with Grant Thornton - a chartered accountants and management consultancy firm. In addition to classes in Study Skills, Educational Guidance and Information Technology, students may choose from the following: English, History, Philosophy, Law, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Business, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science. While completing a foundation course at Trinity, students have full access to all college supports and services, plus additional TAP student supports.
To be eligible for this course you must:- attend a second level school in Dublin which has DEIS status/is linked to an access service
- meet the same socio-economic criteria as set out for HEAR
- achieve a minimum 5 Ordinary grade 6s/ Higher 7s and at least one Higher grade 5 in the Leaving Certificate. (Applicants must pass English and Mathematics. A pass means grade O6/H7 or above on ordinary or higher papers in the Leaving Certificate. A pass in foundation level Mathematics is acceptable for minimum entry requirements) We will also consider applications from applicants with a distinction in the Leaving Certificate Applied and applicants with a QQI-FET level 5 award
- have taken the Leaving Certificate in the year of application or not more than two years prior to application
- be 21 years of age or under on 1st January in the year you apply
- be eligible for the Government Free Fees Scheme or EU Fees
- One place is reserved each year for an applicant from the Traveller Community who meets the above criteria and who scores 25 or over at interview
- One place is reserved each year for an applicant who is in the care of the State/is a care leaver who meets the course criteria and who scores 25 or over at interview
How do I apply?
- Complete the online application form
- Include a short essay with your online application (maximum 750 words), telling us about yourself and why you want to go to university
- Submit any supporting documents about yourself or your parents or guardian that we ask for on the application form. You should do this by uploading the documents to your online application.
- Share link to the online referee forms with two referees. At least one referee should be a teacher from your school; the other can be a youth leader, voluntary group organiser, employer or coach
- Use the Application Guidebook to help you with your application and any questions you have
- Applications for 2025/26 have closed. If you have already applied, the deadline to submit supporting documents and references is March 28th 2025.
- See more information on the Privacy Statement of Trinity College Dublin
- If you have any questions please contact us by email: or phone: 01 8963472
Foundation Course Supports for Students
Learning Supports
- Books and resources
- The laptop library
- Excellent tutors and educational support staff
- Writing Resource Centre
- The Studio Computer Room
- TAP Advisors
- Extra tuition
Financial Supports
Students on the Foundation Course are not eligible for the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)grant. However, the Foundation Course is free.
Students can avail of the following financial supports throughout the year:
- Trinity Access Student Assistance Fund
- TAP Bursary (Students are given a small bursary to support them while participating on the course)
- Childcare supports
- Student scholarships
- Eligible to apply for TAP emergency funds (assessed on a case by case basis)