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Italian Language and Culture

Why should I take this Trinity Elective?

Less than a quarter of the world speaks English. Learning languages opens doors to the other three-quarters – and a world of hidden opportunities. Whatever goals you have in life, personal and professional, being able to communicate in more than one language has many benefits. Developing language skills expands your understanding of other cultures, develops your critical thinking and memory skills, and transforms you into a global citizen who is comfortable and confident wherever you are. For these reasons, learning another language not only helps your university studies, it also gives you transferable skills that are highly valued by employers.

Beginner Level: This Trinity Elective offers you the opportunity to learn the key fundamentals of the Italian language in order to acquire basic set of communicative competences. You will also explore a cultural topic in its linguistic context.

This module will be offered at Beginner Level only in 2024/25.

See below for further information on level requirements.

PLEASE NOTE that these Electives are not traditional language modules and in addition to language learning there is a considerable focus on the culture and society of the country of the target language being taught.

Visiting students should note that the modules may not fulfil language credit requirements in your home university and you should confirm this before enrolling.

What will I learn?

  • You will acquire new linguistic and intercultural skills.
  • You will learn about a contemporary cultural issue that presents a societal challenge in its linguistic context.
  • You will develop your metacognitive skills and strategies as you communicate in the language you have selected.

What will I do?

  • Attend a series of language classes where you will engage in tasks to develop your linguistic proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • Engage in online quizzes and weekly activities to consolidate your progress.
  • Work in teams to complete collaborative, interactive tasks in class.
  • Prepare a short individual presentation on a cultural issue.

How will this be delivered?

  • 9 x 2-hour face-to-face classes (18 contact hours)
  • 82 hours of self-directed activities, including online activities, advance reading and assessment preparation).

How will this be assessed?

100% continuous assessment:

  • 30% 5 language quizzes
  • 30% Participation in online discussion board on the specific cultural/linguistic themes addressed in the module (5 original posts & 5 comments on peer posts)
  • 10% Reflective Learning Journal (5 responses to prompts designed to guide you in the process of reflection on your language learning experience
  • 30% Presentation – An oral pre-recorded and time ‘Pecha Kucha’style presentation and its written script that will examine a key cultural issue identified in the module uploaded to Blackboard.

Who can take this Trinity Elective?

  • Any student eligible to take a Trinity Elective can select this Trinity Elective except for the students studying Italian in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.

Level Requirements

Please note that the Beginner modules (A1 common European proficiency level) are suitable only for complete beginners without any prior linguistic knowledge. If you have Leaving Certificate or equivalent you cannot take a Language and Culture Elective at Beginners' level. Language and Culture Trinity Electives may not be taken by native speakers. We require students to declare linguistic proficiency accurately, according to these guidelines. Applications will be screened following enrolment. If students enrol for a language module that does not match their proficiency then they will be allocated randomly to any Trinity Elective in which places are available.

More Information (PDF 183KB)