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Inequality in the 21st Century

Why should I take this Trinity Elective?

This module is about inequality, one of the most urgent problems of our time. Inequality can lead to social problems such as poor health, political polarisation, and less cooperation between people. The module will discuss both economic and social inequality. Economic inequality concerns the distribution of money in society, while social class will be used to talk about social inequality. The module will also address inequality from an intersectional perspective, highlighting how different characteristics such as gender, race, income, and social class can confer advantages and disadvantages.

What will I learn?

The module is organized around 10 topics:

  • Why are we concerned with inequality?
  • How unequal are societies today?
  • What drives economic inequality?
  • What is the difference between economic inequality and poverty?
  • How does social class matter to inequality?
  • How is inequality related to social mobility?
  • How does gender matter for inequality?
  • How do different inequalities intersect?
  • Is everyone equally ready for the transition to net zero carbon economy?
  • How to reduce inequality?

What will I do?

  • Every week students will attend one lecture and take part in one tutorial (with no tutorials in Week 1).
  • Lectures and tutorials are delivered face-to-face.

How will this be delivered?

  • 11 lectures and 10 tutorials.
  • Lectures will present the key theories and evidence in a variety of formats, while tutorials will be the main venue for discussion, feedback and peer learning.

How will this be assessed?

  • Online multiple choice test, 40 questions in 60 minutes (40%)
  • Research essay, 1500 words max (60%)

Who can take this Trinity Elective?

  • Any student eligible to take a Trinity Elective can select this Trinity Elective.

More Information (PDF 193KB)

Untitled Document