Trinity Electives Listing
Please explore the Trinity Electives on offer:
- Contemporary Art Angles
- Identities and Ecologies of Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Future
- Ages of Empire
- The EthicsLab: Responsible Action in the Real World
- Displacement: Exploring the human experience of forced migration
- Hacking your health: the science of exercise and fitness
- Cultures and Societies of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
- A World to Discover: Travel Memoirs and Memorabilia at Trinity
- Language and Communication in the Digital Age
- French Language and Culture
- The Politics of Peace & Conflict in a Globalised World
- Music Making, the Arts and Society
- Post-Beginners Chinese Language and Culture
- Emergence of Technologies
- The Psychology of the Climate Crisis
- Irish Sign Language
- The Chemistry of Periodic Elements
- Irish Language and Culture
- What is the Internet doing to me? (Security and Privacy for people in a connected world)
- Korean Language and Culture
- German Language and Culture
- Italian Language and Culture
- Travel and English Literature
- Ancient Culture Lab: Homer's Experience and the Greek Language
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Irish Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Polish Language and Culture (Beginners)
- Sustainable Development Goals and Policy Evaluation: Global Development One Target at a Time
- Latin: One Language, Many Cultures
- Systems – the Science of Everything
- Japanese Language and Culture
- Toolkit for a Smart & Sustainable World
- From Planets to the Cosmos
- Energy in the 21st Century
- Social Innovation – Tools for Social Change
- Life and Death in Data: Plagues, Pestilence, and Pandemics
- Vaccines - Friend or Foe?
- Defence from the Dark Arts: Science and other Tools for Critical Thinking
- Decoding Genetics: The building blocks of life
- Becoming Human: The Science of Us
- Creativity and Technology
- Design Thinking
- Black Studies
- How to live long and prosper - A lifespan approach
- Thinking Digitally and Culturally
- Inequality in the 21st century
- Spanish Language and Culture
- Post-Beginners Japanese Language and Culture