Pan Pan Theatre
Pan Pan Theatre will develop and present a unique immersive theatre performance/installation, Cascando.
Pan Pan presents Cascando, a deathmatch in the void between radio and poetry, words and music, voices and silence.
In Cascando, Beckett’s radio play first broadcast in 1963, the mysterious “opener” is afraid to open, but he must open, so he opens. The text comes to life in an installation event by Pan Pan, Ireland’s award-winning contemporary theatre company. This project is a rare opportunity to experience the play in a specially constructed environment and with audio technologies. After the international success of All That Fall and Embers, Pan Pan continues to bring a vibrant new energy to Beckett’s works for radio.
Cast: Andrew Bennett and Daniel Reardon
Director: Gavin Quinn
Set & Lighting Designer: Aedín Cosgrove
Sound Designer: Jimmy Eadie
Dramaturg: Nicholas Johnson
Assistant Director: Gráinne Hallahan
Please note: Audience members walk through a specially constructed space. There is no seating.
Not suitable for under 16's.
Pan Pan
Pan Pan is the longest-established contemporary theatre company in Ireland, funded in 1991 by co-artistic directors Aedín Cosgrove and Gavin Quinn after they both graduated from Trinity College. Throughout their career they have created 28 theatre and performance pieces, toured their work worldwide, and received multiple national and international awards, including the Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh International Festival 2013.
Since its inception Pan Pan has constantly examined and challenged the nature of its work and has resisted settling into well tried formulas. Developing new performance ideas is at the centre of the company’s raison d’être which is born from a desire to be individual and provide innovation in the development of theatre art. All the works created are original, either through the writing (original plays) or through an idiosyncratic response to established writings. Pan Pan tries to approach theatre as an open form of expression and has developed an individual aesthetic that has grown from making performances in a host of different situations and conditions. The theatre that Pan Pan creates is of a contemporary attitude with a lot of personal feelings attached.