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39 peer reviewed publications from 2006
Pike, S., Varley, J., & Greenwood, R., Student teachers" prior experiences as learners of science and geography: A comparison drawn from an All-Ireland survey, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2006
Pike S., Irish primary school children's definitions of geography, Irish Educational Studies, 25, (1), 2006, p75 - 91, p75-91
Waldron F., Pike S., What does it mean to be Irish? Children's construction of national identity, Irish Educational Studies, 25, (2), 2006, p231 - 251, p231-251
Lynch, Y, Classroom Collaboration for effective AAC intervention , Biennial Conference of the ISAAC , Dusseldorf, Germany , August 2006, 2006
J Widger, B Elnazir, Survey of the management of acute asthma in children., Irish medical journal 102 (10), 341, 2006
McDonnell CM, Zacharin MR, Maternal primary hyperparathyroidism: discordant outcomes in a twin pregnancy., Journal of paediatrics and child health, 2006
Ward BK, Cameron FJ, Magno AL, McDonnell CM, Stuckey BG, Ratajczak T, A novel homozygous deletion in the calcium-sensing receptor ligand-binding domain associated with neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism., Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM, 2006
Ismail D, Gebert R, Vuillermin PJ, Fraser L, McDonnell CM, Donath SM, Cameron FJ, Social consumption of alcohol in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes is associated with increased glucose lability, but not hypoglycaemia., Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2006
Hughes, M., Parent's and Nurses' Perceptions of Family Centred Care: An Irish Perspective, 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 2006
Hughes, M., Parent's and Nurses' Perceptions of Family Centred Care: An Irish Perspective, 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifer, University College Cork, 2006
Coyne IT, Response to Jolley's comments. , Journal of Clinical Nursing., 15, (6), 2006, p794
Nordenmark, M. Strandh, M. Layte, R., The impact of unemployment benefit system on the mental well-being of the unemployed in Sweden, Ireland and Great Britain, European Societies, 8, (1), 2006, p83 - 110
Whelan, C.T. Layte, R., Economic boom and social mobility: The Irish experience, 24, (2), 2006, 193 - 208
Ireland: Growing up Catholic? Religious perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland. in, editor(s)H-G. Ziebertz & W. K. Kay , Youth in Europe II: An international empirical study about religiosity , ünster, Germany, 2006, pp174-191 , [Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C.]
O'Sullivan, C. , Education of the Emotions, National Conference on Asperger Syndrome, University College Dublin, October 21, 2006
American Dreams and Irish Myths: John Sayles's 'The Secret of Roan Inish' in, editor(s)John Hill, Kevin Rockett , Studies in Irish Film, Dublin, Four Courts, 2006, [Padraic Whyte]
Buckley, O, Geoghegan, T, Ridgeway, P, Colhoun, E, Snow, A, Torreggiani, WC, The usefulness of CT guided drainage of abscesses caused by retained appendicoliths, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY, 60, 2006
Cruise, S. M., Lewis, C. A., & Mc Guckin, C., Internal consistency, reliability, and temporal stability of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire short-form: Test-retest data over two weeks, Social Behavior and Personality, 34, (2), 2006, p123 - 126
Mc Guckin, C., Cruise, S. M., & Lewis, C. A. , Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity: Test-retest data over five weeks, Pastoral Psychology, 54, 2006, p555 - 559
Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Mc Guckin, C., & Francis, L. J. , Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of attitude toward Christianity among 9- to 11-year old English children: test-retest data over six weeks, Social Behavior and Personality, 34, (9), 2006, p1081 - 1086
Cruise, S. M., Lewis, C. A., & Mc Guckin, C. , Test-retest reliability of self-estimated intelligence: Temporal stability over four time periods, Social Behavior and Personality, 34, 2006, p1179 - 1188
Mc Guckin, Conor; Lewis, Christopher Alan, Experiences of school bullying in Northern Ireland: data from the life and times survey, Adolescence, 41, (162), 2006, p313 - 320
Daire Lennon, Naomi Harte, Anil Kokaram, Erika Doyle, Ray Fuller, A HMM Framework for Motion based parsing for video from Observational Psychology, IEEE Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference , 2006
Coyne, I, T and Conlon, J, Feasibility study into the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Child & Adolescent Mental Health., HSE, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Co Louth., 2006, p1 - 42
Coyne, I, T., Hayes, E., Gallagher, P , "Giving Children A Voice" Investigation of children's experiences of participation in consultation and decision making within the Irish healthcare setting. , Department of Health and Children, Office of the Minister for Children (formerly the National Children's Office):, September, 2006, p1 - 82
Coyne, I, T , The 'good' family syndrome: Social and cultural issues in community and family health. , Contemporary Nurse , 23, (2), 2006, p12 - 14
Ireland in, editor(s)Arnett, J. , International Encyclopedia of Adolescence, New York, Routledge, 2006, pp481 - 489, [Greene, S., Mayock, P.]
Nixon, E. Greene, S., Hogan, D., Concepts of family among children and young people in Ireland, Irish Journal of Psychology, 27, 2006, p79 - 87
Shields, L and Coyne, I, T, Commentary on Hopia, H, Tomlinson, P, S., Paavilainen, E and Astedt-Kurki, P (2005) Child in hospital: family experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health. , Journal of Clinical Nursing , 15, 2006, p111 - 113
Coyne, I, T and Cowley, S. , Using grounded theory to research parent participation., Journal of Research in Nursing, 11, (6), 2006, p501 - 515
Coyne, I, T , Children's experiences of hospitalisation., Journal of Child Health Care , 10, (4), 2006, p326 - 336
Coyne, I, T , Consultation with children in hospital: Children, parents' and nurses' perspectives, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15 , (1), 2006, p61 - 71
Buckley, H., Duty to Care: Reducing Risk in Childcare Settings, Irish Journal of Family Law, 3, 2006, p3 - 7
Buckley, H., Whelan, S. and Horwath, J., Framework for the Assessment of Vulnerable Children and Their Families, 1st, Dublin, Children's Research Centre, 2006, 1 - 132pp
Mayock, P. & Vekic, K., Understanding and Responding to Youth Homelessness, Dublin, National Children's Office, 2006
Buckley, H., Giller, H. and Brierley, M. , The formation of information in child care : herding cats or counting sheep?, Administration, 54, (1), 2006, p72 - 87
Buckley, H., Whelan, S. and Holt, S. , Llisten to Me! Children's Experience of Domestic Violence, Dublin, Children's Research Centre , 2006, 1 - 82pp
Smith, Martine, Speech, language and aided communication: Connections and questions in a developmental context, Disability and Rehabilitation, 28, (3), 2006, p151 - 157
Keogh, A.F., Halpenny, A. and Gilligan, R., Educational Issues for Children and Young People in Families Living in Emergency Accommodation - an Irish Perspective, Children and Society, 2006