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33 peer reviewed publications from 2004
Stynes P, Kelly D, Durnin S and Pathak P, Designing a learner-centred educational environment to achieve learner potential, 5th Annual Irish Educational Technology Users Conference, Kerry, 3/6/2004, 2004
Coyne IT. , Disrupted lives: Finding a balance in the children's ward., Irish Social Policy Association "Families, Children and Social Policy - Ten Years On From the Year of the Family"., Croke Park, Dublin., September 17th, 2004
Coyne IT, Walking a tightrope: Balancing higher education values with professional values, All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Inaugural Conference "Mapping the Landscape of Higher Education in Ireland" , Trinity College Dublin., September 2-3rd, 2004
Colleran G, Nusgen U, Cormican M., The detection of mutations associated with clarithromycin resistance in H.influenzae species in clinical isolates from University College Hospital Galway. , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Meeting 2004. , NUI, Galway, 2004
Lynch, Y., McCleary, M.,, The impact of direct language intervention on communication board use , Biennial Conference of the ISAAC, Natal Brazil , 6.10.2004, 2004
Cerebral Palsy Registries in, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology , Seminars in Pediatric Neurology 1, 2004, pp18 - 23, [C Cans, G Surman, V McManus, D Coghlan, O Hensey, A Johnson ]
Crowe S, Anaesthesia and the older surgical patient: something old, something new, something borrowed., Age and ageing, 2004
Crowe S, A response to 'Consent and anaesthetic risk', Jenkins K and Baker A B, Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 962-84., Anaesthesia, 2004
Crowe S, Westbrook A, Bourke M, Lyons B, Russell J, Impossible laryngeal intubation in an infant with Fraser syndrome., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2004
Crowe S, Lyons B, Herbal medicine use by children presenting for ambulatory anesthesia and surgery., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2004
McDonnell CM, Benn DE, Marsh DJ, Robinson BG, Zacharin MR, K40E: a novel succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)B mutation causing familial phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma., Clinical endocrinology, 2004
Simm PJ, McDonnell CM, Zacharin MR, Primary adrenal insufficiency in childhood and adolescence: advances in diagnosis and management., Journal of paediatrics and child health, 2004
Layte, R., Whelan, C.T., Class Transformation and Trends in Social Fluidity in the Republic of Ireland 1973-94, Social Mobility in Europe, 2004
Cans C, Surman G, McManus V, Coghlan D, Hensey O, Johnson A, Cerebral palsy registries., 2004
Lau, A.C., Agarwal, R.R., Banerjee, T., Gallagher, P., Naughton, Y., O'Connell, A.C., A Survey of parental knowledge of paediatric oral health in Ireland [1], Irish Medical Journal, 97, (2), 2004, p53-55
Coyne I , Review of Paediatrics at a glance. Miall, L., Rudolf, M and Levene, M. , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 48, (1), 2004, p108
Coyne I, Review of Towards a sociology for childhood: Thinking from children's lives by Berry Mayall., Journal of Child Health Care, 8, (3), 2004, p244-246
Kunst, A.E. Bos, V. Andersen, O. Cardano, M. Costa, G. Harding, S. Hemström, Ö. Layte, R. Regidor, E. Reid, A. Santana, P. Valkonen, T. Mackenbach, J.P., Monitoring of trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: Experiences from a European project, Demographic Research, 10, (SUPPL. 2), 2004, p229 - 254
Layte, R. Nolan, B., Equity in the utilisation of health care in Ireland, Economic and Social Review, 35, (2), 2004, p111 - 134
Whelan, C.T. Layte, R. Maôtre, B., Understanding the mismatch between income poverty and deprivation: A dynamic comparative analysis, European Sociological Review, 20, (4), 2004, p287 - 302
Spratt, T. and Callan, J., Parents' views on Social Work Interventions in Child Welfare Cases, British Journal of Social Work, 34, (2), 2004, p199 - 244
O'Sullivan, C. , Postmodern Practice in Drama [Special Interest Group Leader], 'The Universal Mosaic of Drama - Walking different pathways together, finding new directions', Fifth World Congress of the International Association of Drama, Theatre and Education (IDEA), Ottawa, Canada, July , 2004
O'Sullivan, C. , Overcoming the Divide Between Learning In and Learning Through the Arts [Keynote address], What place for Arts in Education? Towards a new pedagogical pattern based on creativity and participation. The Third Conference of European Regional Ministers for Culture and Education, Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co. Dublin, September, 2004
Padraic Whyte, Validating The Veracity: Narrative Voice and the Construction of Authentic Histories in Joan O'Neill's 'Daisy Chain War', New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship , 10, (1), 2004
Wars of Independence: The Construction of Irish Histories in the Work of Gerard Whelan and Siobhán Parkinson in, editor(s)Celia Keenan, Mary Shine Thompson , Studies in Children's Literature 1500-2000, Dublin, Four Courts, 2004, [Padraic Whyte]
Swords, L., & Groarke, A., Experience with breast cancer: Effects on comparative optimism, anxiety, attitudes and breast self-examination, Irish Journal of Psychology, 25, (1-4), 2004, p76 - 89
Mayock, P. & Byrne, T., A Study of Sexual Health Issues, Attitudes and Behaviours: The Views of Early School Leavers, Dublin, Crisis Pregnancy Agency, 2004
Binge drinking and the consumption of pleasure in, editor(s)M. McLachlan & C. Smith , Binge Drinking and Youth Culture: Alternative Perspectives, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2004, pp113 - 141, [Mayock, P.]
Colligan, L. and Buckley, H. , Community based professional responses to child sexual abuse , Irish Journal of Family Law, (4), 2004, p2 - 7
Finucane, D, Nunn JH, O'Connell AC, Paediatric dentistry experience of the first cohort of students to graduate from Dublin Dental School and Hospital under the new curriculum, International Journal Paediatric Dentistry, 14, (6), 2004, p402 - 408
Fine-Davis, M., The Childcare Policy Debate in Ireland, Administration, 52, (2), 2004, p36 - 56
Équilibre Travail - Famille en Irlande: Attitudes Sociales et Évolution des Débats Politiques in, editor(s)Istace, É., M. Laffut, R. Plasman and C. Ruyters , Sphères Privée et Professionelle - Vers une recomposition des rôles et des actions, Bruxelles, Boeck, 2004, pp63 - 78, [Fine-Davis, M.]
Fine-Davis, M. Fagnani, J., Giovannini, D., Hojgaard, L. and Clarke, H. [with preface by G. Esping-Andersen], Fathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of the Work-Life Balance - A Comparative Study in Four European Countries, Dordrecht, Boston and London, Kluwer Academic Publishers [now Springer], 2004, v-xxxiii, 1-349pp