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44 publications from 2005

Pike, Susan and Varley, Janet, Student teachers' prior experiences as learners of science and geography: An All-Ireland Survey, Association of Science Teacher Educators Summer Conference: Science Education for the Real World, St Mary's University College, Belfast, June, , 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES

Pike, Susan, Recently Qualified Teachers' experiences of teaching geography in the primary school, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, St Mary's College, Belfast, June, 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES

Pike, Susan and Greenwood, Richard, All-Ireland Survey of BEd Primary Teaching Students: Experiences of, and attitudes towards Science, History and Geography, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, University College Cork, April, 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES

Pike, Susan, Primary children's voice on place in geography, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, February, 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES

Pike, Susan and Waldron, Fionnuala, What does it mean to be Irish?: Children's construction of national identity, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal, April, 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES

Pike S., Clough P., Children's voices on learning about countries in geography, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14, (4), 2005, p356 - 363, p356-363
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PIKES; DOI

McCleary, M., Lynch, Y., , The impact of direct intervention on communication board use , Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies , 15, 2005, p25 - 41
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: LYNCHYV

Coyne I , Disruption of parent participation: a grounded theory study, Department of Nursing, Lund University, Sweden, 2005
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COYNEI

Coyne I , Disruption of parent participation: challenges for children's nurses , Children's Hospital Yorkhill Hospital Trust., 15th June , 2005
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: COYNEI

Dumitrescu, Alexandra M, Liao, Xiao-Hui, Abdullah, Mohamed S Y, Lado-Abeal, Joaquin, Majed, Fathia Abdul, Moeller, Lars C, Boran, Gerard, Schomburg, Lutz, Weiss, Roy E, Refetoff, Samuel, Mutations in SECISBP2 result in abnormal thyroid hormone metabolism, Nature Genetics, 37, (11), 2005, p1247-1252
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BORANGP; DOI

O'Callaghan, P. A., Fitzgerald, A., Fogarty, J., Gaffney, P., Hanbidge, M., Boran, G., Enright, H., Murphy, J., McCarthy, B., Graham, I. M., New and old cardiovascular risk factors: C-reactive protein, homocysteine, cysteine and von Willebrand factor increase risk, especially in smokers, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 12, (6), 2005, p542-547
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BORANGP; DOI

Bharucha T, Brown J, McDonnell C, Gebert R, McDougall P, Cameron F, Werther G, Zacharin M, Neonatal diabetes mellitus: Insulin pump as an alternative management strategy., Journal of paediatrics and child health, 2005
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CMCDONN5

McDonnell CM, Pedreira CC, Vadamalayan B, Cameron FJ, Werther GA, Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolarity and hypernatremia: are high-carbohydrate drinks worsening initial presentation?, Pediatric diabetes, 2005
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CMCDONN5

Nguyen T, McDonnell CM, Zacharin MR, Primary ovarian failure and deletions of the long arm of chromosome 3., Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM, 2005
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CMCDONN5

Rankins D, Wellard RM, Cameron F, McDonnell C, Northam E, The impact of acute hypoglycemia on neuropsychological and neurometabolite profiles in children with type 1 diabetes., Diabetes Care, 2005
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CMCDONN5

Govindaraj, P.R., Saladi, M., Elnazir, B., Self-assessment, Current Paediatrics, 15, (7), 2005, p599-604
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: ELNAZIRB

Leen GB, Elnazir B, Greally P, Bone Mineral Density In An Irish Adolescent Population With Cystic Fibrosis , Pediatric Pulmonology , 40 , 2005, p357 -
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: GREALLP ELNAZIRB

Layte, R., O'Connell, P., Fahey, T., Mccoy, S., Ireland and economic globalization. The experiences of a small open economy, Globalization, Uncertainty and Youth in Society, 2005, p415-436
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: LAYTER

McManus V, Coghlan D, Are hospital based notifications enough? Achieving accurate case ascertainment--the Southern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register (SICPR), Ir Med J, 2005
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: DCOGHLA

Fouarge, D. Layte, R., Welfare regimes and poverty dynamics: The duration and recurrence of poverty spells in Europe, Journal of Social Policy, 34, (3), 2005, p407 - 426
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: LAYTER; URL

Radical Drama with Children: Working with Children Using Critical Social Work Methods in, editor(s)Steven Hick, Jan Fook and Richard Pozzuto , Social Work: A Critical Turn, Toronto, Thompson Education Publishing, 2005, pp105 - 120, [Trevor Spratt]
Book Chapter; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SPRATTT

Current Understandings of Critical Social Work in, editor(s)Steven Hick, Jan Fook and Richard Pozzuto , Social Work: A Critical Turn, Toronto, Thompson Education Publishing, 2005, pp3 - 24, [Jim Ife, Karen Healy, Trevor Spratt and Brenda Soloman]
Book Chapter; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SPRATTT

Ireland: Growing up Irish: Life perspectives among young people in the Republic of Ireland. in, editor(s)H-G. Ziebertz & W. K. Kay (Eds.) , Youth in Europe I: An international empirical study about life perspectives, Münster, Germany, 2005, pp151-164 , [Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., Fearn, M., & Mc Guckin, C. ]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MCGUCKIC

O'Sullivan, C. , Learning In and Learning Through Drama and Theatre, International Conference on the History of Theatre Pedagogy, Lingen (Ems), Germany, November, 2005
Invited Talk; Presented; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CAROSULL

O'Sullivan, C. , Dorothy Heathcote's Frame Distancing in Drama, PanHellenic Association for Drama in Education, Athens, Greece, December, 2005
Invited Talk; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: CAROSULL

Escape From Fantasy Ireland; Martin Duffy's 'The Boy From Mercury' in, editor(s)John Hill, Kevin Rockett , Film History and National Cinema , Dublin, Four Courts, 2005, [Padraic Whyte]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: WHYTEPA

Lewis, C. A., Cruise, S. M., & Mc Guckin, C. , Temporal stability of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity short-form: Test-retest data over one week, Psychological Reports, 96, 2005, p226 - 268
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MCGUCKIC

Mc Guckin, C., & Lewis, C. A. , Examining the prevalence of school bullying in Northern Ireland using a multi-indicator approach: "It's somewhere between 1-100%", Zyć wspólnie: Odkrywać Innego, przeciwdzialać zniewoleniu, realizować wspólne cele, The XXXII Congress Polish Psychology Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne), Krakow, 378, 2005
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MCGUCKIC

Hughes, B., Adelaja, Y., Carroll-Phelan, B., Guerin, S., Kennedy, S., Martin, M., Mc Guckin, C., O'Donoghue, P., Reen, M., & Stewart, I. , Psychological Society of Ireland. Presidential Advisory Group on the Public Understanding of Psychology (PAGOTPUP). Report to the President, Dublin, Psychological Society of Ireland, November, 2005, 199, 206
Report; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MCGUCKIC

Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law, Dublin, Round Hall, 2005, pp27 - 64, [Patricia Brazil & Nuala Egan]
Book Chapter; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PBRAZIL

Fine-Davis, M., O'Dwyer, C. McCarthy, M., Edge, G., O'Sullivan, M. & Wynne, K., Men in Childcare: Promoting Gender Equality in Children - Evaluation of a Pilot Project., Dublin, National Flexi-work Partnership (TCD, IBEC, ICTU, FAS, Age Action Ireland, Aware), September, 2005, 1-31
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MFDAVIS

Fine-Davis, M., McCarthy, M., Edge, G. and O'Dywer, C., Mental Health and Employment: Promoting Social Inclusion in the Workforce., Dublin, National Flexi-work Partnership (TCD, IBEC, ICTU, FAS, Age Action Ireland, Aware), December, 2005, i-vii; 1-72
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MFDAVIS

Fine-Davis, M., M. McCarthy, G. Edge and C. O'Dwyer, Work-Life Balance and Social Inclusion in Ireland: Results of a Nationwide Survey, Dublin, National Flexiwork Partnership(TCD, IBEC, ICTU, FAS, Age Action Ireland, Aware), December, 2005, i-vi; 1-150
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MFDAVIS

Fine-Davis, M., McCarthy, M., O'Dwyer, C., Edge, G., & O'Sullivan, M. , The Effects of Flexible Working on Work-life Balance and Social Inclusion: An evaluation of a series of pilot projects. , Dublin, National Flexi-work Partnership(TCD, IBEC, ICTU, Age Action Ireland, Aware) , October, 2005, i-v; 1-51
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MFDAVIS

Holt, S., The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Network of Women's Refuges and Support Services Annual Conference, June 05, 2005
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SHOLT

Murphy, F., Buckley, H. and Joyce, L., The Ferns Report, Dublin, Stationery Office, 25 October, 2005, 1, 271
Report; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBUCKLEY

Butler, S. & Mayock, P., . Harm reduction and Irish drug policy: a case study in ambiguity, International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, 2005, p415 - 422
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PMAYOCK

Mayock, P., Scripting risk: young people and the construction of drug journeys, Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 12, (5), 2005, p349 - 368
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PMAYOCK

Neglect: No monopoly on expertise in, editor(s)in J. Taylor and B. Daniel , Child Neglect: Practice Issues for Health and Social Care, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2005, pp113 - 130, [Buckley, H.]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBUCKLEY

Buckley, H., 'Reviewing Children First: Some Issues for Consideration, Irish Journal of Family Law, 3, 2005, p2 - 8
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: HBUCKLEY

Oral health and dental problems in, editor(s)Zeichner SL and Read JS , Textbook of Paediatric HIV care, Cambridge University Press, 2005, [Atkinson JC and O'Connell AC]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: OCONNEA

Work-Life Balance of Irish Parents: A Cross-National Comparative Study in, G. Boucher and G. Collins , The New World of Work- Labour Markets in Contemporary Ireland, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2005, pp17 - 41, [M. Fine-Davis]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MFDAVIS

Smith, Martine, The dual challenges of aided communication and adolescence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21, (1), 2005, p67 - 79
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MMSMITH; URL

Smith, Martine, Literacy and Augmentative and Alternative Communication, First, New York, Elsevier, 2005, 1 - 267pp
Book; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: MMSMITH