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9 publications from 1991
Thomas, T., Elnazir, B.K., Kumar, P., The ventilatory response to alternations of FiO
O'Connell A.C., The effect of administration of propranolol, amitriptyline, lithium and pilocarpine on salivary gland function and caries development in rats, University of Rochester, NY, 1991
Melvin, J.E., O'Connell, AC, Koek, L.L., Bowen, W.H., Agonist-induced calcium mobilization in the rat submandibular gland during aging and subsequent to chronic propranolol treatment, Mech. Ageing Dev., 61, (1), 1991, p33 - 34
O'Connell, A.C. and Bowen, W.H., Influence of rampant caries in dams on caries activity in their offspring, Pediatric Dentistry, 13, (6), 1991, p361 - 366
O'Connell A. C., Lithium effects caries experience in rats, AAPD Annual meeting, Kansas City, Mo., 1991
O'Connell A. C., Rampant caries in dams influences caries activity in their offspring, AAPD Annual meeting, San Antonio, TX., 1991
Die Mitwirkung der Frau an gesellschaftlichen. Entwicklungen in einem traditionell katholischen Land - Das Beispiel Irland in, editor(s)B. Schaeffer-Hegel and H. Kopp-Degethoff , Vater Staat und seine Frauen: Studien zur politischen Kultur, Pfaffenweiler, Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991, pp99 - 111, [Fine-Davis, M.]
Davis, E.E. and Fine-Davis, M., Guest Editors, Social Indicators of Living Conditions in Ireland, with European Comparisons, Social Indicators Research, 25, (2-4), 1991, p103 - 365
Boran, G., Alexander, D., Grimson, J. and O'Moore, R., Interpretation of clinical biochemistry test profiles by a method allowing communication between linked organ-related knowledge bases, Proc. of Medical Informatics Europe MIE 91, Vienna, Austria, (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 45) Springer Verlag, 1991, pp294 - 298