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Dr. Suzanne Crowe
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Paediatrics


Dr. Suzanne Crowe studied in TCD and graduated in Medicine in 1995. She spent the summer of 1994 as a medical student working as a researcher with the Department of Surgery in the Meath Hospital, and following entry into postgraduate training with the College of Anaesthetists in Ireland, she continued her research and writing interests. After completion of specialist training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Dr. Crowe worked as a Fellow in the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. She returned to Dublin in 2005, taking up a clinical post as Consultant Anaesthetist with a special interest in Paediatrics in Tallaght Hospital. The following year she became Clinical Lecturer in Surgery in TCD and contributed to the teaching of TCD medical students. In 2014 Dr. Crowe changed consultant post, becoming a Consultant Paediatric Intensivist and Anaesthetist in Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin, and subsequently also Senior Clinical Lecturer in Paediatrics TCD. During her long association with TCD, Dr. Crowe has authored and co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. She is President Elect of the Irish Medical Council for the term 2021-2025, the youngest incoming President in the IMC.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Crowe AM, niCharra R, Edwards J, Hoi Tan M, Crowe S, The Implications of the COVID19 Pandemic for Bereavement Practice and Support in PICU, Irish Medical Journal, 114, (1), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Ffrench O'Carroll R, Feeley T, Tan MH, Magner C, L'Estrange K, Efrimescu CI, O'Connor E, Lyons B, Crowe S, Psychological Impact of COVID19 on staff working in paedaitric and adult critical care, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 126, (1), 2021, pe39 - e41 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McAllister M, Semple D, Healy M, Crowe S, Planning the Discharge from Paediatric Intensive Care of the Child with Complex Care Needs, Medical Research Archives, 9, (3), 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Nolan GJ, Crowe S, Burnout in PICU, Current Pediatrics Reports, (11), 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Ffrench O'Carroll R, Feeley T, Crowe S, Doherty EM, Grief reactions and coping strategies of trainee doctors working in paediatric intensive care, British Journal of Anaesthesia, (3), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Crowe S, Difficult Social Circumstances, Anesthesiology, (Jan 22), 2019, ponline- Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Crowe, Suzanne, Bearing Witness to Anger and Loss, Anesthesiology, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Crowe S, Granny Must Grieve, Intima: Journal of Narrative Medicine, Fall, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text

Delaney P, Crowe S, Short report, Irish Medical Journal, 2018, p859- Journal Article, 2018

Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Aug;28(8):751-752. doi: 10.1111/pan.13459. Anesthesia consensus on clinical parameters for the timing of surgical repair in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Fennessy P, Crowe S, Lenihan M, Healy M., Anesthesia consensus on clinical parameters for the timing of surgical repair in congenital diaphragmatic hernia., Pediatric Anaesthesia, 28, (8), 2018, p751 - 752 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Fennessy P, Murphy L, Crowe S, Cannabis Oil in an Irish Children's Critical Care Unit, Irish Medical Journal, 111, (8), 2018, p807- Journal Article, 2018

Crowe, Suzanne, Disenfranchised Grief in the PICU: Crying for Attention, Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, 18, (8), 2017, pe367â€"e369 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Greaney, David and Nolan, Gregory and Crowe, Suzanne, Professionalism and social media in pediatric anesthesia, Paediatric anaesthesia, 27, (8), 2017, p866â€"867 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Marshall, Valerie and Holt, Francesca and Crowe, Suzanne, Tracheostomy as a Comfort Measure in Children With Life-Limiting Conditions, Journal of palliative care, 32, (3-4), 2017, p89â€"91 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Nolan G, Crowe S, How we say goodbye: Social media, Death and the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, European Journal of Palliative Care, 24, (6), 2017, p248 - 250 Journal Article, 2017

Greaney, David and Crowe, Suzanne, The complexities of delivering anesthesia and pediatric intensive care to a critically Ill pediatric refugee, Paediatric anaesthesia, 27, (8), 2017, p867â€"868 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Thomas J, Heaney Á, Bhakta P, Crowe S, Anaesthestic Management of Removal of Aspirated Hypodermic Needle in Trachea: A Case Report., Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Bolger T, Clarke N, Crowe S, Martin C, Koe S, Paediatric Early Warning Trigger--A Cry for Help., Irish medical journal, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Fennessy, P., Crowe, S., The role of anesthesia in the prevention and management of compartment syndrome, Compartment Syndrome: Medical Causes, Symptoms and Surgical Outcomes, 2015, p29-46 Journal Article, 2015

Crowe S, Finding a place for grief in the workplace., Anesthesiology, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Crowe S, Tan K, Factors that influence stabilization times in children requiring transport., Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, 2011 Journal Article, 2011

Crean A, Garvey RM, Crowe S, Comprehensive surgical and medical care under general anesthesia for oppositional defiant disorder., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2010 Journal Article, 2010

Alexander E, Murphy C, Crowe S, What parents think about physical restraint of their child to facilitate induction of anesthesia., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2010 Journal Article, 2010

Hoesni S, Tan K, Crowe S, Inadvertent administration of drug residue causing respiratory arrest: case series., European journal of anaesthesiology, 2010 Journal Article, 2010

Chittoodan S, Crowe S, Day care general anaesthesia for a child with bardet-biedl syndrome., Case reports in medicine, 2010, (239239), 2010, p2 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

Kiernan F, Crowe S, Malpuech syndrome: implications for anesthetic management., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2010 Journal Article, 2010

Kiernan F, Crowe S, Safe use of the classic laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal intubation in general anaesthesia for a patient with Mowat-Wilson syndrome., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2009 Journal Article, 2009

Desmond F, Crowe S, Two parents in the induction room., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2009 Journal Article, 2009

Anaesthesia and Pain Management in, editor(s)Puri P , Pediatric Surgery, Springer, 2009, pp10.1007/978-3-642-38482-0_28-1 , [Suzanne Crowe] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

Bruton J, Crowe S, Combined general and regional anesthesia in a child with Ohtahara syndrome., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2008 Journal Article, 2008

Farooq M, Tan K, Crowe S, Fasting times in caregivers of children presenting for ambulatory surgery., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2008 Journal Article, 2008

Crowe S, Westbrook A, Bourke M, Lyons B, Russell J, Impossible laryngeal intubation in an infant with Fraser syndrome., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Crowe S, A response to 'Consent and anaesthetic risk', Jenkins K and Baker A B, Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 962-84., Anaesthesia, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Crowe S, Anaesthesia and the older surgical patient: something old, something new, something borrowed., Age and ageing, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Crowe S, Lyons B, Herbal medicine use by children presenting for ambulatory anesthesia and surgery., Paediatric anaesthesia, 2004 Journal Article, 2004

Crowe S, Collins L, Suxamethonium and donepezil: a cause of prolonged paralysis., Anesthesiology, 2003 Journal Article, 2003

Crowe S, Mannion D, Healy M, O'Hare B, Lyons B, Paediatric near-drowning: mortality and outcome in a temperate climate., Irish medical journal, 2003 Journal Article, 2003

Crowe S, Opening training schemes to change., The BMJ, 2003 Journal Article, 2003

Crowe S, Fitzpatrick G, Making herbal medicines safe., Anaesthesia, 2003 Journal Article, 2003

Crowe S, Anesthesiology and the elderly patient: are we ready for the challenge?, Anesthesiology, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Fitzpatrick G, Jamaluddin MF, Use of herbal medicines in ambulatory surgical patients., Anaesthesia, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Midazolam -- an anti-emetic?, Anaesthesia, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Anaesthetic management of the elderly surgical patient with cognitive impairment., Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998), 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, McKeating K, Delayed emergence and St. John's wort., Anesthesiology, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Informed consent for regional anaesthesia., BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Obtaining consent in the elderly patient., Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998), 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, Anaesthesia and the elderly., Anaesthesia, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, O'Shea D, Should people with cognitive impairment be looking after young children?, Age and ageing, 2002 Journal Article, 2002

Crowe S, The implications of herbal medicines for anaesthesia., Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998), 2001 Journal Article, 2001

Crowe S, Diagnosing epidural haematomas., Anaesthesia, 2001 Journal Article, 2001

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Respiratory Management of the Surgical Patient in, editor(s)Prem Puri , Pediatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management, London, Springer, 2021, [Gregory Nolan, Suzanne Crowe] Book Chapter, 2021

Fluid and Electrolyte Management in Infants and Children in, editor(s)Prem Puri , Pediatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management, London, Springer, 2021, [Shane O'Sullivan, Suzanne Crowe] Book Chapter, 2021

Palliative Care of Infants and Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in, editor(s)Marco Cascella , Palliative Care Medicine, London, InTechOpen, 2021, [Maeve McAllister, AnnMarie Crowe, Julie Edwards, Roisin niCharra, Suzanne Crowe] Book Chapter, 2021

Philbin D, Crowe S, Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Provide Model of Shared Decision-making for Incapacitated Patients, European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 5, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Semple A, Crowe S, There is a Paediatric Perspective to Hospice Care Access Inequalities, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 4, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Suzanne Crowe, Barry Lyons, Lloyd Mudiwa, Thrown Under the bus: The Implications for Clinical Practice in Irish Health System, Irish Medical Times, MPI Media Limited , September, 2018, p30 - 32 Report, 2018 TARA - Full Text

Anaesthesia and Pain Management in, editor(s)Prem Puri Michael Hollwarth , Pediatric Surgery. General Principles and Newborn Surgery, London, Springer, 2006, pp427 - 441, [Aidan Magee, Suzanne Crowe] Book Chapter, 2006

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Does Regular Microbiological Input Change Antimicrobial Use in Paediatric Intensive Care?
  • Summary
    • Our PICU introduced regular weekly Microbiological rounds in PICU, in compliance with a HIQA standard for critical care. We audited the use of restricted antimicrobials before and after introduction to see if there was a difference in practice.
  • Funding Agency
    • Nil
  • Date From
    • April 1st 2021
  • Date To
    • April 19th 2021


Bereavement studies; Child centred research questions, study design, data analysis; Child welfare; Childhood and mental health; Children, health and disability; Commercialisation of scientific research; Computerised clinical systems; Economics of health service provision; Health outcomes; Identification and quantification of health care needs; International children's research; Medical Sciences, Research; Medicine; Pediatric critical care medicine; Physiological disorders; Physiology; Promotion of child centred research; Provision and utilisation of health care needs; Public health; Vaccines



President Elect of the Irish Medical Council. Will commence 3 year term on June 1st 2021. June 2021

Member of Irish Medical Council 2018

Medical Council Representative on the Medical Intern Board (National Doctors Training and Planning Board, HSE) 2019

Chair of the Ethics Committee, Irish Medical Council 2018

Credentials Committee Member in College of Anaesthetists Ireland 2016

Member of Working Group for Irish Paediatric Intensive Care Model of Care - HSE policy document published jointly between HSE and College of Anesthesiologists in 2018. 2017

Ordinary member of National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) 2018

Chair of Our Lady's CHildren's Hospital Crumlin Blood Transfusion Committee. 2017

Medical Director of Paediatric Intensive Care, Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin. 2017

Lead for Paediatric Organ Donation, Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland. January 2017

Member of Children's Rights Alliance April 2021

Chair of the Ethics Working Group for the Termination of Pregnancy Amendment with the Irish Medical Council (2018-2019)

Awards and Honours

Geraldine O'Sullivan Memorial Medal for Paediatric Anaesthesia 2000

Irish Healthcare Awards 2018 Research Paper of the Year October 2018


Fellow of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland 1999 – Current

Member of National Paediatric Mortality Register March 2017 – current

Fellow of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine in Ireland 2006 – Current

Member of the Irish Paediatric Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society of Ireland (IPACCSI) 2003 – Current

Member of the Paediatric Intensive Care Society of UK and Ireland (PICS) 2003 – Current

Member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) 2016 – Current