Professor Stephanie Holt
Professor In, Social Studies
With a robust background in social work practice across a variety of settings including residential child care, child protection and family support, Stephanie joined the School of Social Work & Social Policy in 2000 as a lecturer in social work. To date she has developed extensive experience of serving on school and college committees, including her current second term as Head of School, two terms as Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate)(2011-2015); Director the Master in Social Work from 2010-2014 and Director of the Online PG Diploma and MSc in Applied Social Studies (2014-2017). Stephanie spearheaded the University's first fully online postgraduate programme which commenced September 2014 and has been the driving force behind subsequent online developments in the School of Social Work & Social Policy with a second postgraduate programme, the MSc in Applied Social Studies commencing in 2015. Stephanie also has responsibility, as Course Director, for the Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection & Welfare and is also leading the School's involvement in Micro-Credential Development as part of the Human Capital Initiative programme. Stephanie's teaching and research expertise is on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, with a particular emphasis on the impact of Domestic Violence on children and young people.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Eavan Brady, Janet Boddy, Lynne Cahill, Robbie Gilligan, Stephanie Holt, & Sarah Parker, Care Leavers: 10 years on, A Narrative Rapid Review, 2025, 1-51
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Caffrey, L.,Spratt, T. and Holt, S., Towards Better Outcomes for Children and Families: Evaluation of the Implementation of an Outcomes Framework, 2024, p1 - 64,
Caffrey, L., Brady, E., Keegan, O., Dunne, S., Sheaf, G., Holt, S., & Gilligan, R., Children's Experiences of Signs of Safety: A Scoping Review, Children and Youth Services Review, 2024
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Holt, S., Price, A. and ONeill, G., Disabled womens experiences of intimate partner abuse in Ireland: Research project report, Women's Aid, 2024,
The Interface between Technology and Domestic Violence and Abuse: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work Practice in, editor(s)Antonio Lopez Pelaez & Gloria Kirwan , The Routledge International Handbook of Digital Social Work, , London, Routledge, 2023, pp25 , [Holt, S., Cahill, L., Elliffe, R.]
Child protection and welfare on the Island of Ireland: Irish issues, global relevance in, editor(s)Berrick, J.D., Gilbert, N. & Skivenes, M. , International Handbook of Child Protection Systems, USA, 2023, [Burns, K., Devaney, J., Holt, S. & Marshall, G.]
A European perspective on children and adolescents who experience domestic violence and abuse in, editor(s)J.Taylor, E. Bates & J. Callaghan , Children and adolescent's experiences of violence and abuse at home: current theory, research and practitioner insights, London, Taylor & Francis, 2023, [Holt, Stephanie, Overlien, Carolina]
Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention, 2023
Gregory S., Holt S., Barter C., Christofides N., Maremela O., Mwanda Motjuwadi N., Humphreys C., Elliffe R. & Stanley N. , Public Health Directives in a Pandemic: Paradoxical Messages for Domestic Abuse Victims in Four Countries, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (21), 2022, p1 - 15
Holt, S., Gregory, S., & Elliffe, R. , Opening up a national conversation on domestic abuse: Awareness raising campaigns in Ireland during Covid-19. A Case Study., March 2022, 2022, p1 - 23
Holt, S., Elliffe, R., Gregory, S., & Curry P., Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic, British Journal of Social Work, 2022, p19
A voice or a choice? Children's views on participating in decisions on post-separation contact with domestically abusive fathers in, editor(s)Hunter, Rosemary , Domestic Abuse and Child Contact: International Experiences, London, Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp22 , [Holt, Stephanie]
International Review of the Literature on Risk Assessment and Management of Domestic Violence and Abuse in, editor(s)Devaney, J., Bradbury-Jones, C., Macy, R., Øverlien, C. and Holt, S. , The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, London, Routledge, 2021, pp443 - 477, [Holt, S. & Cahill, L. ]
Introduction in, editor(s)J. Devaney, C. Bradbury-Jones, R. Macy, C Øverlien and S Holt , The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, London, Routledge, 2021, pp3 - 8, [Macy, R., Bradbury-Jones, C., Øverlien, C., Holt, S. & Devaney, J.]
Holt, Stephanie, Policy and Practice Responses to DVA During Covid: The Irish Report, IV European Conference on Domestic Violence, Slovenia, 15-09-21, 2021
Concluding Thoughts in, editor(s)J. Devaney, C. Bradbury-Jones, R. Macy, C Øverlien and S Holt , The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, London, Routledge, 2021, pp785 - 789, [Devaney, J., Holt, S., Øverlien, C., Bradbury-Jones, C., Macy, R. ]
Holt, S., Butler, E., Gregory, S., & Elliffe, R., "Covid was definitely a burden but it was also a gift": Interrogating the Irish response to domestic abuse., DAHLIA-19, September 2021, 2021, p1 - 75
James-Hanman, D. & Holt, S. , Post-Separation Contact and Domestic Violence: Our Seven-Point Plan for Safe[r] Contact for Children, Journal of Family Violence, 36, 2021, p991 - 1001
Donnelly, E. & Holt, S, On the margins: the challenges of identifying domestic violence in mental health services. Findings of a qualitative Irish study. , Journal of Family Violence, 36, 2021, p481 - 492
Devaney, J., Bradbury-Jones, C., Macy, R., Øverlien, C. and Holt, S., The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, 1st, London, Routledge, 2021, 1 - 800pp
Qualitative interviews with children and adolescents who have experienced domestic violence and abuse in, editor(s)J. Devaney, C. Bradbury-Jones, R. Macy, C Øverlien and S Holt , The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse, London, Routledge, 2021, pp657 - 670, [Øverlien, C. & Holt, S. ]
Holt, S., Domestic Abuse and Post-Separation Contact: Promoting Evidence Informed Practice, Child Abuse Review, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/car.2643
Kennedy, H. & Holt, S. , Working with Young People Living in Residential Care with Pre-Care Experiences of Domestic Violence: Social Care Workers Perspectives, Journal of Social Care, 3, (2), 2020, p1 - 33
Social Work Education in Ireland in, Sajid S.M., Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Sheng-Li, Haruhiko Sakaguchi , The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp275 - 291, [Byrne, J.,Holt, S. and Kirwan, G.]
Groupwork, 29, 2, (2019), 3 - 91p, Holt, S., Coogan, D., Kirwan, G., [Guest Editor], 1 year
Groupwork, 29, 2, (2019), 3 - Stephanie Holt, Declan Coogan, Gloria Kirwan, [eds.], 1 issue
Stephanie Holt, Declan Coogan,Gloria Kirwan, Editorial: Papers from SWSD2018, Groupwork, 29, (2), 2019, p3 - 7
Lynch, C. & Holt, S. (2019) (ed.), II European Conference on Domestic Violence, Porto, Portugal, September 2017, 2019, 24-28 p
Sandra Ratcliffe, Gloria Kirwan, Stephanie Holt, Robert Heneghan, Strength in Numbers: Findings from a National Survey of Groupwork and Irish Social Work Practice , Groupwork, 29, (2), 2019, p85 - 109
Elliffe, R., & Holt, S., Reconceptualizing the child victim in the police response to domestic violence, Journal of Family Violence, 34, (6), 2019, p589 - 600
Overlien, C. & Holt, S., European Research on Children, Adolescents and Domestic Violence: Impact, Interventions and Innovations Part 1, Journal of Family Violence., 35, (5), 2019, p1573 - 2851
Editorial: European Research on Children, Adolescents and Domestic Violence: Impact, Interventions and Innovations', Journal of Family Violence, 34, 6, (2019), 1573 - 2851p, Overlien, C. & Holt, S. , [eds.]
Journal of Family Violence., 34, 5, (2019), 365 - 369p
Elliffe, R. * Holt, S., Reconceptualising the Child Victim in the Police Response to Domestic Violence., Journal of Family Violence., 35, (6), 2019, p589 - 600
Elliffe, R., Holt, S., & Øverlien, C., Hiding and Being Hidden: The Marginalisation of Children's Participation in Research and Practice Responses to Domestic Violence and Abuse., Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 2019
Holt, S., A voice or a choice? Children's views on participating in decisions on post-separation contact with domestically abusive fathers., Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, Early View Online, 2018
Conclusion in, editor(s)Holt, S., Overlien, C. & Devaney, J. , Responding to Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe, London, Jessica Kingsley Publications., 2018, pp341 - 347, [Holt, S., Devaney, J. & Overlien, C. ]
Holt, S., Overlien, C. & Devaney, J. , Responding to Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications., 1st, London, Jessica Kingsley Publications., 2018, 1 - 366pp
Swan, M., Holt, S., Kirwan, G., Who do I turn to if something really bad happens? Keyworking and Relationship-Based practice in Residential Child Care, Joint World Conference of Social Work, Education and Social Development: , Dublin, July 2018, edited by IFSW , 2018, pp791 - 791
Overlien, C. & Holt, S., Letter to the Editor: Research on Children Experiencing Domestic Violence, Journal of Family Violence, Early View Online, 2018
Brady, E., Holt, S. & Whelan, S. , Measuring success in family support services, Child Care in Practice, 24, (4), 2018, p351 - 368
Kirwan, S.,Ratcliffe, S., Holt, S., Heneghan, R., Strength In Numbers: Social Workers and Groupwork in Ireland, Abstract Book: SWSD2018, Joint World Conference of Social Work, Education and Social Development: , Dublin, July 2018, edited by IFSW , IFSW, 2018, pp808 - 808
Including Children and Adolescents in Research: When Myths and Misconceptions Compromise Participation in, editor(s)Holt, S., Overlien, C. & Devaney, J. , Responding to Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe, London, Jessica Kingsley Publications., 2018, pp97 - 112, [Overlien, C. & Holt, S. ]
Introduction in, editor(s)Holt, S., Overlien, C. & Devaney, J. , Responding to Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe, London, Jessica Kingsley Publications., 2018, pp9 - 20, [Holt, S., Overlien, C. & Devaney, J. ]
Swan, M., Holt, S. & Kirwan, G., 'Who do I turn to if something really bad happens?' Keyworking and Relationship Based Practice in Residential Child Care, Journal of Social Work Practice, 32, (4), 2018, p447 - 461
Austin, J. & Holt, S., 'Responding to the support needs of frontline public health nurses who work with vulnerable families and children: A qualitative study'., Contemporary Nurse, 53, (5), 2017, p524 - 535
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children' in, editor(s)N. Frost & P.Dolan , The Routledge Handbook of Global Childhood, London, Routledge, 2017, [Holt, S. ]
Holt, S.., Domestic Violence and the Paradox of Post-Separation Mothering, British Journal of Social Work, 47, (7), 2017, p2049 - 2067
Holt, S., 'The Voice of the Child in Family Law: A Discussion Paper, Children and Youth Services Review, 68, 2016, p139 - 145
Holt, S. , 'Quality Contact Post-Separation/Divorce: A Review of the Literature, Children and Youth Services Review, 68, 2016, p92 - 99
Cahill, O., Holt, S., Kirwan, G., Keyworking in residential child care: Lessons from research , Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 2016, p216 - 223
Holt, S. & Kirwan, G., Groupwork for Women and Children Experiencing Domestic Violence: Does it work and Does it Last, Journal of Groupwork, 25, (1), 2016, p8 - 33
Holt, S., Post-separation fathering and domestic abuse: challenges and contradictions, Child Abuse Review, 24, (3), 2015, p210 - 222
Post-separation Fathering and Domestic Abuse: Challenges and Contradictions' in, editor(s)Humphreys, C. & Stanley, N. , Domestic Violence and Protecting Children: New Thinking and Approaches., London, JKP, 2015, pp166 - 181, [Stephanie Holt]
Holt, S. & Kirwan, G., Groupwork for Women and Children Experiencing Domestic Violence, Groupwork, International Groupwork Conference, Boston, June 2013, edited by McLoughlin, D. & Gianino, M. , Whiting & Birch, 2015
Responding to Family Violence - New Challenges and Perspectives' in, editor(s)Christie, A., Featherstone, B., Quinn, S. & Walsh, T. , Social Work in Ireland: Changes and Continuities, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, pp106 - 124, [Declan Coogan & Stephanie Holt]
Understanding Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: Prevalence, Policy and Practice in, editor(s)Healy, D., Hamilton, C., Daly, Y. & Butler, M. , Handbook of Irish Criminology, London, Routledge, 2015, pp70 - 88, [ Holt, S. & Devaney, J.]
Holt, S. & Kirwan, G., The 'Key' to Successful Transitions for Young People Leaving Residential Child Care: The Role of the Keyworker, Child Care in Practice, 18, (4), 2012, p371 - 392
Holt, S, A Case of Laying Down the Law: Post-Separation Child Contact and Domestic Abuse, Irish Journal of Family Law, (4), 2011, p87 - 97
Holt, Stephanie, Domestic Abuse & Child Contact: Positioning Children in the Decision-Making Process., Child Care in Practice, 17, (4), 2011
Holt, S., Dolan, P., Great Expectations: The Tension between what Service Users Need and Practitioners can Deliver, Administration, 58, (2), 2010, p99 - 123
'Outrageous Provocation': Media Reporting of Intimate Partner Homicide in Ireland in, editor(s)Perry Share & Mary P. Corcoran , Ireland of the Illusions: A sociological Chronicle 2007-2008, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 2010, pp275 - 289, [Carr, N. & Holt, S.]
Domestic Violence and Child Contact: Issues and Dilemmas for Child Protection and Welfare Practice in, editor(s)Kenneth Burns and Deborah Lynch , Child Protection and Welfare Social Work: Contemporary Themes and Practice Perspectives, Dublin, Ireland, A & A. Farmer, 2008, pp180 - 197, [Stephanie Holt]
Holt, S., Buckley, H., Whelan, S., The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: A review of the literature, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32, 2008, p797 - 810
Holt, S., A Matter of Life and Death: Intimate Partner Homicide in Ireland, Irish Journal of Family Law, 10, (4), 2007, p12 - 20
Buckley, H., Holt, S., Whelan, S., Listen to Me! Children's Experiences of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse Review, 16, 2007, p296 - 310
Holt, S., Child Protection Social Work and Men's Abuse of Women: An Irish Case Study, Child & Family Social Work, 8, (1), 2003
Dolan, P., Holt, S., What Families want in Family Support: An Irish Case Study, Child Care in Practice, 8, (4), 2002
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention - A Research Briefing, Children and Youth Services Review, 2023, -
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A., Gregory, S., Research Report on Guidance on Contact Time for Infants and Young Children in Separated Families, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2022, p1 - 180
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A., Gregory, S., Contact Time for Infants and Young Children in Separated Families, November, 2022, p1 - 184
McCaughran, S., Holt, S. & Parkes, A., Silence in the Courtroom, Silence in the Streets, National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork, 22-10-21, 2021
Holt, Stephanie, Elliffe, Ruth, Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse During the Covid-19 Pandemic, IV European Conference on Domestic Violence, Slovenia, 15-09-21, 2021
Holt, Stephanie, Understanding the Experiences of Children who Live with Domestic Violence and Abuse, Barnardos Annual Conference - Understanding the impact of DVA on Children, Online, 03-06-2021, 2021
Holt, S., Post-Separation Child Contact and DVA: In the best Interests of the Child? , Building a Family Law System for Children, Online, 02-06-21, 2021
Holt, Stephanie, Children, DVA and Coercive Control, DCSCYPSC Tusla Conference, Online, 26-11-21, 2021
Holt, Stephanie, Celebrating 25 Years of WellSprings, Celebrating 25 Years of WellSprings, Online, 10-12-21, 2021
Holt, Stephanie, Elliffe, Ruth, Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse During the Covid-19 Pandemic, National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork, 2021
Stephanie Holt, Understanding and Responding to Children who Live with Domestic Violence and Abuse, Ante Natal Child Protection: Research & Realities Conference, Online, 25-11-20, 2020, Antenatal Professional Network
Stephanie Holt, Understanding and Responding to Children who Live with Domestic Violence and Abuse, Fingal & Dublin City North Children & Young People's Services Committee DSGBV Resource Book Launch, Online, 30-11-20, 2020, Tusla Child & Family Agency
Holt, Stephanie, Domestic Violence & Abuse as an Adverse Childhood Experience: Research Evidence and Implications for Practice. , Adverse Childhood Experiences, TCD, 02-03-20, 2020
Holt, Stephanie, Conducting research with children and young people , III European Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo, 03-19-19, 2019
Holt, Stephanie, Flipping the Classroom: Delivering Domestic Violence Lectures through Online Platforms, All Ireland Social Work Education and Research Forum, University of Ulster, Derry, 10/01/2019, 2019
Holt, Stephanie, The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People, Tusla 16 Days of Action Learning Together Event, Kildare, 10-12-2019, 2019
Stephanie Holt, Carolina Overlien, Addressing the right for children and adolescents to participate in research, UCLAN Research Seminar Series, University of Central Lancashire, 14-05-19, 2019
Stephanie Holt, Celebrating 100 years of Medical Social Work in Ireland, Celebrating 100 years of Medical Social Work in Ireland, TCD, 24-10-19, 2019
Stephanie Holt Lynne Cahill,, Risk assessment and management by first responders to domestic abuse incidents., National Postgraduate Research Network on GBV, TCD, 28-05-19, 2019
Holt, Stephanie, Meaningful action towards ending gender-based violence: including children's voices in conversations and decisions that are made about their lives., Social Work & Social Research International Conference, San Francisco, January 2019, 2019
Holt, Stephanie, Overlien, Carolina, Conducting research with children and young people , Trinity Research in Children and Childhoods Annual Conference, TCD, 05-12-19, 2019
Holt, Stephanie, Understanding and defining children's experience of living with domestic violence and abuse, National Childhood DVA Project COP Seminar , Portlaoise, 13-11-2019, 2019
Swan, M., Holt, S. & Kirwan, G., Who do I turn to if something really bad happens? Keyworking and Relationship-Based Practice in Residential Child Care, Joint World Conference of Social Work, Education and Social Development: , Dublin, Ireland, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, Children who live with domestic violence and abuse: understanding this experience, its impact and potential outcomes. , Presentation at WAFNI 'SEE, HEAR, ACT CONFERENCE, BELFAST, Belfast, 07-02-18, 2018
Stephanie Holt, Post-Separation child contact and domestic abuse: In the best interest of the child?, The Bessborough Centre Conference, Cork, 07-12-18, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, Lynch, Clare, The Impact of Exposure to Domestic Violence on Maternal & Child Well-Being: Practitioners' Perspectives., International Social Work & Social Development Congress, Dublin, 407 July 2018, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, Post-Separation child contact & ongoing abuse of children: How does child contact hurt children and how can we solve the problem? , WAFNI 'SEE, HEAR, ACT CONFERENCE, BELFAST, Belfast, 07-02-18, 2018
Stephanie Holt, Children who live with domestic violence and abuse: understanding this experience, its impact and potential outcomes, Cork University Hospital Biennial Conference, Cork, 30-01-2018, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, Domestic Violence and Children's Experience of Post-Separation Contact, EVIDENCE-INFORMED PRACTICE, PRACTICE-INFORMED RESEARCH, Coventry UK, 18-11-2018, 2018
Stephanie Holt, Post-Separation child contact and domestic abuse: In the best interest of the child?, West Cork Women Against Violence, Cork, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, 'Dilemmas in Responding to Children who live with Domestic Violence and abuse: Persistent and Emerging Challenges', Committee for Judicial Studies Annual Conference , 03-18, 2018
Holt, Stephanie, My relationship with my Dad?': Children and young people's views on their relationships with their fathers in the context of domestic violence, BASPCAN 10th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS , UK, 8-11 April 2018, 2018
Stephanie Holt, Understanding and responding to the child's experience of living with domestic violence and abuse, Longford Women's Link Conference, Longford, 12-12-2018, 2018
Stephanie Holt, Using Risk Assessment in DVA Cases, Policing and Risk Assessment, Dublin, 27-09-2017, 2017
Stephanie Holt, What children who live with DVA say about their dads: Findings from Irish research', Research Seminar at the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 25-09-2017, 2017
Holt, Stephanie, The Impact of DVA on the Unborn Child', II European Conference on Domestic Violence, Portugal, 05-09-2017, 2017
Holt, Stephanie, Children's experience of contact with domestically abusive men in Ireland: challenges to keep children and their mothers safe., International Symposium on Contact Disputes and Allegations of Domestic Violence - Identifying Best Practices. , London, 04-05-17, 2017
Stephanie Holt, When is enough ever enough?' Domestic violence leading to care proceedings, Working with Complexity, Cork, 09-02-17, 2017, The Bessborough Centre
Holt, Stephanie, Domestic Abuse and the Child Protection and Welfare Debate: Managing Complexity', Celebrating 25 years of the Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection & Welfare at TCD , TLRH TCD, 21-04-17, 2017
Stephanie Holt, Engaging Children in Research to Better Understand their Lives: Challenges and Opportunities', Ombudsman for Children Office , Dublin, 18-09-2017, 2017
Stephanie Holt, Understanding & Preventing Intimate Partner Homicide, An Garda Siochana Conference on Risk Assessment, Dublin, 27-07-17, 2017, AGS
Stephanie Holt, THE FATHERING OF DOMESTICALLY ABUSIVE MEN: ISSUES FOR CP WORK, Safe and Together Community of Practice, University of Sydney, 21-09-2017, 2017
Stephanie Holt, Children who live with domestic violence and abuse: understanding this experience, its impact and potential , West Cork Women Against Violence Annual Conference, Cork, 12-12-2017, 2017
Stephanie Holt, Children and DVA, Invited Keynote at launch of Women's Aid Annual Report, Dublin, 17-05-17, 2017
Holt, Stephanie, THE IMPACT OF EXPOSURE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON VERY YOUNG CHILDREN, ISPCAN International Conference, Calgary Canada, September 2016, 2016
Holt, Stephanie, Invisible Victims: Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence, 1ST European Conference on Domestic Violence, Masterclass in TCD, 05-09-2015, 2015
Holt, Stephanie & Coogan, Declan, Responding to Family Violence: New Challenges and Perspectives, 5th National Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference, Cork, October 2015, 2015
Holt, Stephanie, Understanding Domestic, Sexual, and Gender Based Violence and Crime, All Ireland Criminology Conference, UCD Dublin, 13-03-2015, 2015
Holt, S. & Ward, M., Evaluation of the Sonas Safe Home Project. Dublin: Sonas Domestic Violence Charity., Dublin, Sonas Housing, 2015
Holt, S., Whelan, S. & Brady, E., Evaluation of the Cottage Home Family Support Service, 2014, -
Murphy, C. & Holt, S.,, Evaluation of the Barnardos and One Family Pilot Child Contact Centre Project, 2013, -
Holt, S., The Impact of Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence...Everyone's Responsibility, Queen's University Belfast, 27th January 2012, 2012
Holt, S., Mental Health and Domestic Violence: Implications for Social Work Practice, Social Work in Adult Mental Health, Mental Health Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 11th November 2011, 2011
Holt, S., Post-Separation Fathering & Domestic Abuse: Challenges and Contradictions, Working within the Forensic Paradigm, Prato, Italy, 11-14 September 2011, 2011
Holt, S., Post-Separation Fathering and Domestic Abuse: Challenges and Contradictions, International Symposium on Domestic Violence, Queen's University Belfast, 2nd May 2011, 2011
McKee, B., Holt, S., Domestic Abuse: Using Arts Based Education to Help Student Teachers Learn about the Context and Impact on Children, Belfast, May, 2011
Holt, S., Mothering and Domestic Violence, Gender and Child Welfare, National University of Ireland, Galway., June 15th 2011, 2011
Holt, S., Living with Domestic Abuse: Children's Perspectives, Hitting Home: The Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children, Bray, Dublin, Ireland, 29th November 2011, 2011
Holt, S., ., In need of protection or participation? Involving children in the decision-making process in post-separation contact cases with a prior history of domestic violence., , One World, One Family, Many Cultures: Strengthening Children and Families Affected by Personal, Intra-Familial and Global Conflict,, Hawaii, ISPCAN XV111, 26-29 September 2010, 2010
Holt, S., Participation or Protection? Constructing Children within the Contact Debate, Decisions, Assessment, Risk and Evidence in Social Work, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, June 2010, 2010
Stephanie Holt, Ascertaining the discernable wishes of the child in post-separation contact cases, XV11th IPSCAN International Conference, Hong Kong, September 2008, 2008
Stephanie Holt, Post-Separation Contact and Child Protection, XV11th ISPCAN International Conference, Hong Kong, September 2008, 2008
Stephanie Holt, Understanding and Preventing Intimate Partner Homicide, 3rd International Conference on Children Exposed to Domestic Violence, London, Ontario, Canada, May 2007, 2007
Stephanie Holt, Post-Separation Contact and Domestic Violence, University College Cork, October 2007, 2007
Stephanie Holt, Domestic Violence and Post-Separation Contact, 3rd Internation Conference on Children Exposed to Dmoestic Violence, London, Ontario, Canada, May, 2007, 2007
Stephanie Holt, Domestic Violence and Post-Separation Contact: An Irish Study, Xlth ISPCAN European Regional Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2007, 2007
Stephanie Holt, The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Young People, Special Residential Services Board National Conference, Kilkenny, October 2007, 2007
Buckley, H., Whelan, S., Holt, S., Listen to me: Children's Experiences of Domestic Violence, Children's Research Centre, 2006
Holt, S., The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children's Health, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Healthy County Forum, May 06, 2006
Stephanie Holt, Intimate Partner Homicide, The Cost of Domestic Violence, Dublin, November 2006, 2006
Holt, S., The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Network of Women's Refuges and Support Services Annual Conference, June 05, 2005
Holt, S., After School + - A Practice Guide for Providers, Dublin: Barnardos, 2004
Holt, S., Understanding Domestic Violence and it's Impact on Family Members, Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Suicidology, 20-10-2003, 2004
Broderick, G., Gilligan, R., Holt, S., Manners, P., Whelan, S., Final Report of the Evaluation of the Programme Development Phase of the AIB Schoolmate Programme of the AIB Schoolmate Programme, Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, 2002
Holt, S., Manners, P., Gilligan, R, Family Support in Practice: An Evaluation of the Naas Child & Family Project, Dublin:Kildare Youth Services and the South Western Area Health Board, 2002
Holt, S., Family Support - the Background to the development of family support services, Citywide Family Support Network Conference, Fairways Hotel, Dundalk, April, 2002
Research Expertise
- Title
- Contact time for infants and young children in separated families
- Summary
- Concern with the impact on children of discontinued parent-child relationships following parental separation or divorce has resulted in a depth of empirical knowledge in the maintenance of those relationships through the medium of 'contact'. While research consistently demonstrates that post-separation/divorce parenting arrangements work best when they are informally arranged between two parents who are committed to making those plans work in the interests of their children, the emotive nature of the separation/divorce experience for many families may demand formal and legal regulation (Holt, 2016). This research addresses the following questions: 1. How can international research evidence and literature inform a model of best practice of contact for infants and young children in separated families? 2. What is the lived experience of parents who share the parenting of young children through separation? 3. What is the experience of professionals working with children and parents (in a variety of roles and contexts) regarding post-separation contact for infants and young children?
- Funding Agency
- One Family
- Date From
- December 2021
- Date To
- July 2022
- Title
- Silence in the courtroom, silence in the street? An exploratory study of women's experiences of the Irish family law system in parental separation and divorce.
- Summary
- Utilising survey methodology, this study seeks to capture the unique perspectives of women who have experience of the Irish family law process in parental separation and divorce. It is a study that aims to capture their experiences before, during and after the formal family law proceedings. The study seeks to develop an understanding of how women experience both accessing and navigating the family law processes and systems in parental separation and divorce. It also aims to explore the views of women in relation to the nature and extent of their children's involvement in formal legal proceedings which follow family breakdown.
- Funding Agency
- AHSS Benefactions & Covid Boost
- Date From
- April 2021
- Date To
- December 2022
- Title
- Children and Young People's Experience of the Irish Child Protection System
- Summary
- In response to the stated aim of the proposed research as outlined in the tender proposal 'Tusla want to hear the views of children and young people who are the recipients of such practice to understand their experiences to inform the ongoing implementation of the child protection and welfare strategy [Signs of Safety as the National Model of Practice] and frontline practices with children and young people', this study aims to provide a point-in-time capture of C&YP's experiences of Tusla's CPW services and produce actionable findings that provide a deep understanding of C&YP's experiences as well as the factors that influence those experiences.
- Funding Agency
- Tusla, Child & Family Agency
- Date From
- June 2021
- Date To
- December 2022
- Title
- Dahlia-19 International Project
- Summary
- There is considerable evidence that, both in the UK and globally, the risks of living with domestic violence and abuse (DVA) have increased consequent to Covid-19 restrictions. A range of responses at policy and practice levels have emerged. This study harnesses the global nature of policy and practice responses to DVA under Covid-19 by examining policy and practice responses in the UK; Australia; Ireland and South Africa. The research will consider whether responses address all family members: victims, perpetrators and children. This focus will acknowledge that experience of DVA is gendered and differentiated within the family and evokes responses from different policy and practice spheres.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- January 2021
- Date To
- March 2022
- Title
- Covid-19, Domestic Abuse and Social Work Practice
- Summary
- While designed to protect, an unintended consequence of public health policy measures in response to COVID-19, resulted in perpetrators and victims being confined in close quarters for long periods of time, with subsequent sharp rises in the reported number of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) cases since the COVID-19 crisis noted in Ireland and elsewhere. Lockdown measures imposed by governments have also altered the availability of social and other support services, forcing professionals to find new ways of working with victims of DVA and their families through the crisis. This research examines social work practice in Ireland with families experiencing DVA during COVID-19 lockdown.
- Funding Agency
- AHSS Benefactions & Covid Boost
- Date From
- October 2020
- Date To
- Present
- Title
- Disability & Domestic Violence
- Summary
- Addressing the dearth of Irish research on this topic to date this study employs a mixed methods design to explore the extent and nature of domestic violence in families where either the mother and/or her child have a disability.
- Funding Agency
- AHSS Benefactions & Covid Boost
- Date From
- 0ctober 2018
- Date To
- Present
- Title
- Risk Assessment and Management of Domestic Violence Cases
- Summary
- This project involved an international review of the evidence on best practice responses by police forces responding to domestic violence call-outs. It focused on an overview of Risk Assessment and Management processes and protocols in order to inform the introduction of such processes in an Irish context.
- Funding Agency
- Department of Justice
- Date From
- 19/11/18
- Date To
- 22/03/19
- Title
- Evaluation of Cottage Home Family Support Service
- Summary
- This project employed both qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct an evaluation of the pilot phase of the Cottage Home Family Support Service
- Funding Agency
- Cottage Home
- Date From
- March 2014
- Date To
- September 2014
- Title
- Evaluation of Sonas Safe Home
- Summary
- In their initial project plan, Sonas committed to commissioning an independent evaluation of Safe Home at the end of the initial pilot period of 12 months. The evaluation involved the analysis of intake, operational, and service exit metrics, as well as a series of semi-structured qualitative interviews with service users; project management and staff; referral agents; and key stakeholders.
- Funding Agency
- Sonas
- Date From
- May 2015
- Date To
- September 2015
- Title
- Evaluation of Barnardos/One Family Child Contact Service
- Summary
- This is the final evaluation of the Barnardos/One Family Pilot Contact Centre service which commenced in 2011. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are being employed involving all key stakeholders
- Funding Agency
- Barnardos/One Family
- Date From
- June 2013
- Date To
- September 2013
- Title
- Evaluation of the Health ervices Executive Out of Hours Service
- Summary
- The Health Services Executive (HSE) commissioned an evaluation of their pilot 'Out of Hours' Social Work service in Donegal and Cork. This evaluation conducted jointly with co-principal researcher Dr. Eoin O'Sullivan comprised both quantitative and qualitative elements engaging with the service providers and related professionals.
- Funding Agency
- Health Services Executive
- Date From
- March 2012
- Date To
- May 2012
- Title
- Key-working: An Exploratory Study
- Summary
- Graduates from the care system are documented to leave care with at best a minimum education, poor family support and limited networks (Jackson, 2010). Empirical evidence also attests to compromised mental health for some, often compounded by drug and alcohol difficulties. Better outcomes are highlighted when young people have the support of a significant other person available to them (Biehal et al, 1995; Courtney et al, 2010). Set against the backdrop of a legacy of abuse of children in state care and in response to the recommendations of the Ryan Report (2009), this study sets out to explore the benefits of residential key-work support as perceived by young care leavers who have made the transition into aftercare environments. Grounded in a comprehensive overview of the international literature, this study will provide a unique insight into how young people in residential care draw from their experiences of keyworker support in the past and how they believe they can best be supported as they negotiate their new aftercare environment.
- Funding Agency
- Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2011-2012
- Date From
- June 2011
- Date To
- December 2012
- Title
- Groupwork interventions for women and children experiencing domestic violence: do they work and do they last?
- Summary
- Utilising a mixed-methods research methodology, this study aims to examine the benefits gained by participants of a groupwork programme for mothers and children who had experienced domestic abuse prior to joining the group programme. The study is also interested to establish the sustainability of any benefits gained by the participants. To achieve its aim, the research design involves qualitative interviews with participants conducted in conjunction with the administration of standardized scaling questionnaires to measure their self-reported general wellbeing and strengths and difficulties. Participants are interviewed at three points in time, that is, before the start of the group work programme, immediately after its completion and finally, one year after the end of the programme. Interviews are also conducted pre and post the group programme with the group facilitators in order to include their insights on the usefulness of the programme in its present form and future possibilities for its development.
- Funding Agency
- Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2010-2011
- Date From
- September 2011
- Date To
- January 2013
- Title
- Children exposed to domestic abuse: helping student teachers understand their role in a primary school setting.
- Summary
- It is widely recognised that children who live with domestic abuse (DA) face increased risk of neglect, physical abuse, or losing one or both of their parents. Additionally, children living with DA are at increased risk of behavioural, social and emotional disturbances; cognitive and attitudinal problems; and problems that extend into adulthood. Since teachers have access to more children for longer periods of time, they are in an ideal position to recognise children's risk levels and reactions to DA and respond appropriately to meet the needs of these children. It is imperative that student teachers are provided with education on the topic so that we do not let children fail in our education system. This study asks if the existing undergraduate curriculum provides sufficient education on DA to student teachers; whether student teachers knowledge and understanding of DA will increase following participation in a tailored DA education programme; and what the views are of student teachers following participation in the study.
- Funding Agency
- Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South
- Date From
- 2010
- Date To
- 2011
- Title
- Children, Fathers and Domestic Violence: An Exploration of the Child's experience of post-separation contact with thier father where there has been a history of domestic violence.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- October 2006
- Date To
- September 2009
- Title
- Listen to Me! Children's Experience of domestic violence
- Funding Agency
- Children's Research Centre TCD & School of Social Work & Social Policy TCD
- Date From
- May 2005
- Date To
- December 2005
- Title
- The Assessment Framework
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- February 2002
- Date To
- April 2002
- Title
- Family Welfare Conference Evaluation
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- January 2002
- Date To
- March 2002
- Title
- AIB Schoolmate
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- April 2002
- Date To
- September 2002
- Title
- Evaluation of Naas Child & Family Centre
- Funding Agency
- Naas Youth Project
- Date From
- May 2001
- Date To
- December 2001
Invited Research Consultant to Department of Justice Research Advisory Committee
Invited Subject Expert Consultant to Tusla Child and Family Agency Committee on Domestic Violence Informed Child Protection and Welfare Practice
Invited External Board member of Child Vision National Services Committee as External Expert
Chair, National Childhood Domestic Violence Project
External Examiner of seven PhD Dissertations: University of Melbourne (2015); University of Ulster (2016); Queens University Belfast (2018; 2019); University of Central Lancashire (2019); University of Western Australia (2020); University of Toronto (2022).
Internal Examiner to five PhD Dissertations, TCD: Four in the School of Social Work & Social Policy (2011;2014; 2015; 2017); one in the School of Education (2018).
Invited member of Tusla (National Child Protection & Welfare Agency) Practice Development and Improvement Project (PDIP) as representative for all Irish Universities educating social workers.
Invited Associate Editor, Journal of Family Violence (Impact Factor 2.186)
Chair, Child Protection & Welfare Ireland, the first national network of child protection & welfare professionals in Ireland.
Invited External Board member of Barnardos National Services Committee as External Expert
Ministerial appointment as Academic Expert to Scoping Group on Sexual Abuse and Violence Research
Researcher, Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC)
Associate Researcher with the Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin
Member of European Conference on Domestic Violence Founding Group
External Examiner to Bachelor in Social Work at Queens University Belfast
External Examiner to the Postgraduate Post Qualifying Social Work Programme at Cardiff University (Russell Group)
International Conference Presentations: I have presented more than 50 papers at international conferences since 2007
Invited Editorial Board Member, Journal Child Abuse Review (Impact Factor, 2.086)
Journal Reviewer for Child Abuse Review, Journal of Family Violence, Children and Youth Services Review, British Journal of Social Work, Child & Family Social Work, Child Abuse and Neglect.
Awards and Honours
Health Research Board Research Fellowship
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
Chair of Child Protection & Welfare Ireland (CPWI) - the first national network of child protection & welfare professionals in Ireland.
Membership of the Irish Association of Social Workers
Member of the International Domestic Homicide Researcher Network
Registered as a professional social worker with CORU, the Health and Social Care Regulator.
Member of ISPCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect)
Chair of the Editioral Board of Eisteach - Irish Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Member of BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect)
Member of the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy