Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte
Associate Professor, Social Studies
Edurne is associate professor in the School of Social Work and Social Policy and Academic Director of the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project. She joined Trinity in 2009 as a Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research fellow at the National Institute for Intellectual Disability. Edurne graduated from the University of Salamanca (Spain) (BA in Psychology, 2001), and the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) (MSc in Disability and Human Development, 2005, PhD in Disability Studies, 2009), where she also worked as a researcher and expert evaluator at the Centre for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research (2005-2008). Edurne's research interests focus on social inclusion and disability, inclusive research, participatory research and teaching approaches, the intersection of disability, migration, and ethnicity, and inclusive education. Edurne has collaborated and led on several research and evaluation studies in Ireland and internationally. She sits on the Executive Editorial Board of the British Journal of Learning Disabilities since 2020 and, since 2009, Edurne has been a university supporter of the Inclusive Research Network, a pioneer group of people with experience of intellectual disability conducting research in Ireland. She was a recipient of the Excellence in Supervision of Research Students Award in 2023.
ORCID: https://oricd.org/0000-0002-8155-1263 Scopus ID: 16425255100
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Edurne García Iriarte; Maialen Beltrán Arretxe; James Delaney; Kathleen McMeel; Helen O"Regan; Gavin Morris; Christina Burke; Elaine Leonard; Jackie Moran; Rob Hopkins; Pauline Skeehan; Orla McMahon; Michael Doolan;, Decision making by people with intellectual disabilities. A review of the literature, Pedagogia i Treball Social. Revista de ciències socials aplicades, 13, (1), 2024, p7 - 22
Garcia Albarran, E., Garcia Iriarte, E., Gilligan, R., Central or peripheral? Uneven inclusion of children with autism in the early years of primary school in Ireland., Pedagogia i Treball Social, 2024
Pedagogical approaches in inclusive research in, editor(s)Nind, Melanie , Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods , Cheltenham, Glos, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2023, pp368 - 382, [García Iriarte, E., Pallisera, M., Fullana, J., Donohoe, B., McMeel, K., Crespo, M. ]
Diaz Garolera, Gemma, Pallisera Díaz, Maria, Fullana Noell, Judit, Vilà Suñé, Montserrat, Rey Freire, Ana, Puyaltó Rovira, Carolina, Valls Gabernet, Maria Josep, Garcia Iriarte, Edurne, Callus, Anne-Marie, Prácticas educativas para promover redes sociales de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Un instrumento para su diseño y evaluación, Revista Española de Discapacidad, 11, (1), 2023, p187-206
Laura Esteban, Patricia Navas, Miguel Ángel Verdugo, Edurne García Iriarte, Víctor B. Arias, A community living experience: Views of people with intellectual disability with extensive support needs, families, and professionals, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 137, 2023, p104503
Stober, K.; García Iriarte, E., Intellectual Disability, Art and Identity: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of professional artists with intellectual disabilities, Disability & Society, 2022, p1-25
"Implícales en investigación desde el principio": La red de investigación inclusiva en Irlanda ['Involve them in research from the beginning": The Inclusive Research Network of Ireland.] in, editor(s)G. Díaz Garolera , Investigación inclusiva. Diez años de trabajo con el Consejo Asesor del Grupo de Investigación en Diversidad de la Universitat de Girona, Girona (Spain), University de Girona - Servei de Publicacions, 2022, pp95 - 106, [García Iriarte, E.; Donohoe, B.]
O'Brien, Patricia, Garcia Iriarte, Edurne, Mc Conkey, Roy, Butler, Sarah, O"Brien, Bruce, Inclusive Research and Intellectual Disabilities: Moving Forward on a Road Less Well-Travelled, Social Sciences, 11, (10), 2022, p483 - 497
La construcción de redes sociales y de amistad. Un instrumento para diseñar buenas prácticas de apoyo a las personas con discapacidad intelectual. [Building up social networks and friendships. A good practice design tool to support people with intellectual disabilities.] in, editor(s)Beloki Aritzi, N.; Alonso Saez, I.; Kerexeta Brazal, I.; Remiro Barandiaran, A.; , Redes para la inclusión social y educativa, Barcelona, Grao, 2021, [Fullana, J.; Pallisera, M.; Vila, M.; Pulato, C.; Valls, M.J.; Diaz, G.; Rey, A.; Garcia, E.; Callus, A.M.]
Michael Feely, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Clare Adams, Ryan Johns, Christine Magee, Sean Mooney, Andrew Murray, Margaret Turley & Mei Lin Yap, Journeys from discomfort to comfort: how do university students experience being taught and assessed by adults with intellectual disabilities?, Disability & Society, 37, (6), 2021, p993 - 1007
Garcia Iriarte, E., Diaz Garolera, G., Salmon, N., Donohoe, B., Singleton, G., Murray, L., Dillon, M., Burke, C., Leddin, N., Sullivan, M., Spelman, M., How we work: Reflecting on ten years of inclusive research, Disability & Society, 2021, p1-23
British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50, 2, (2021), Ian Davies, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Simon Jarrett, Kelley Johnson, Tim Stainton, Liz Tilley, Jan Walmsley, [Special Issue editors]
Swift A, McConkey R, Curry P, Garcia Iriarte E., Social-Emotional Difficulties in Irish Children Aged Five and Nine Years: A National, Longitudinal Study. , Children (Basel, Switzerland), 8, (8), 2021, p656 - 668
García Iriarte, E., McConkey, McConkey, R., Vilda, D., Family experiences of personalised accommodation and support for people with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities , 2020
Ann Swift, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Philip Curry, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan & Marisa Antunes , How Disability and Other Socio-Economic Factors Matter to Children's Socio-Emotional Outcomes: Results from a Longitudinal Study Conducted in Ireland, Child Indicators Research, August, 2020, p1 - 25
Edurne García Iriarte, Nancy Salmon, Brian Donohoe, Nancy Leddin, Joan Body, Carol-Ann O'Toole, Kathleen McMeal, Helen O'Regan, Mary Barrett, `It should be for people themselves whether they want to take part or not. The organisation should not get involved' - a response to Williams, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35, (1), 2020, p15 - 17
Edurne Garcia Iriarte; Nancy Salmon; Brian Donohoe; Nancy Leddin; Joan Boady; Carol-Ann O'Toole; Kathleen McMeal; Helen O'Reagan; Mary Barrett, It should be for people themselves whether they want to take part or not. The organisation should not get involved. Inclusive Research Network's Response to: "It all sounds very interesting, but we're just too busy., European Journal of Special Needs Education , 2020
T. K. Frankena, J. Naaldenberg, M. Cardol, E. Garcia Iriarte, T. Buchner, K. Brooker, P. Embregts, E. Joosa, F. Crowther, A. Fudge Schormans, A. Schippers, J. Walmsley, P. O'Brien, C. Linehan, R. Northway, H. van Schrojenstein Lantman‐de Valk, G. Leusink , A consensus statement on how to conduct inclusive health research, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, (1), 2019
Nancy Salmon Edurne Garcia Iriarte Brian Donohoe Laura Murray Greg Singleton Mary Barrett Marie Dillon, Our Homes: An inclusive study about what moving house is like for people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, (1), 2019, p19 - 28
McConkey, R., Bunting, B., Keogh, F., & Garcia Iriarte, E., The impact on social relationships of moving from congregated settings to personalized accommodation, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2017
McConkey, R., Keogh, F., Bunting, B., Garcia Iriarte, E. , Changes in the self-rated well-being of people who move from congregated settings to personalized arrangements and group home placements, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 22, (1), 2017, p49 - 60
Disability and human rights: Global perspectives in, editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey, & R. Gilligan , Disablity and human rights: Global perspectives , London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp1 - 9, [E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey & R. Gilligan]
The impact and journey of the Certificate in Contemporary Living (CCL), a third level course for adults with intellectual disabilities at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland in, editor(s)Oliver Koenig, Tobias Buchner & Saskia Schuppener , Inklusive forschung, Klinkhardt, 2016, pp306 - 319, [O'keeffe, M., García Iriarte, E., Kubiak, J., O'Doherty, S., Murphy, T., Lally, N.]
García Iriarte, E., Stockdale, J., McConkey, R., & Keogh, F., The role of support staff as people move from congregated settings to group homes and personalised arrangements in Ireland, Journal of intellectual Disabilities, 20, (2), 2016, p152-64
editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey and R. Gilligan, Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 344pp
Models of disability in, editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey & R. Gilligan , Disablity and human rights: Global perspectives, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp10 - 32, [E. Garcia Iriarte]
McConkey, Roy; Keogh, Fiona; Bunting, Brendan; García Iriarte, Edurne; Flatman Watson, Sheelah, Relocating people with intellectual disability to new accommodation and support settings: Contrasts between personalised arrangements and group home placements, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities , 20, (2), 2016, p109 - 120
Salmon, N., García Iriarte, E., Burns, E., Research Active Programme: A pilot inclusive research curriculum in higher education, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 40, (2), 2015, p181 - 200
Garcia Iriarte, E., O' Brien, P., McConkey, R, Wolfe, M., & O' Doherty, S. , Identifying the Key Concerns of Irish Persons with Intellectual Disability., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities., 2014
O'Brien, P., McConkey, R., & García Iriarte, E. , Co-researching with people who have intellectual disabilities: Insights from a national survey, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. , 27, (1), 2014, p65 - 75
García Iriarte E, O'Brien P, Chadwick D, Involving people with intellectual disabilities within research teams: Lessons learned from an Irish experience, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 11, (2), 2014, p149 - 157
Taylor-Ritzler, T.; Suarez-Balcazar, Y.; Garcia Iriarte, E., Henry, D.; Balcazar, F., Understanding and Measuring Evaluation Capacity: A Model and Instrument Validation Study, American Journal of Evaluation , 34, 2013, p190 - 206
Special Issue: Intellectual Disability and Professional Practice in an Irish Context. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41, 3, (2013), 167 - 247p, Salmon, N. & Garcia Iriarte, E. , [eds.]
Geraldine Bane and Marie Deely and Brian Donohoe and Martin Dooher and Josephine Flaherty and Edurne Garcia Iriarte and Rob Hopkins and Ann Mahon and Ger Minogue and Padraig Mc Donagh and Siobh{\'{a, Relationships of people with learning disabilities in Ireland, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, (2), 2012, p109--122
Bane, G., Deely, M., Donohoe, B., Dooher, B., Flaherty, J., Garcia Iriarte, E., Hopkins, R., Mahon, A., Minogue, G., Mc Donagh, M., O' Doherty, S., Curry, M., Shannon, S., Tierney, E., & Wolfe, M. , Relationships of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland. , British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, (2), 2012, p109 - 122
Chadwick, D.; Mannan, H.; Garcia Iriarte, E., McConkey, R.; O'Brien, P.; Finlay, F.; Lawlor, A.; Harrington, G. , Family voices: Life for family carers of people with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 26, 2012, p119 - 132
Kramer, J.M., Kramer, J.C., Garcia Iriarte, E. & Hammel, J., Following through to the end: The Use of Inclusive Strategies to Analyze and Interpret Data in Participatory Action Research with Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities , 24, 2011, p263 - 273
Garcia-Iriarte E, Suarez-Balcazar Y, Taylor-Ritzler T, Luna M, A catalyst-for-change approach to evaluation capacity building, American Journal of Evaluation, 32, (2), 2011, p168 - 182
Evaluation Capacity Building: A Culturally- and Contextually-grounded Interactive Framework and Exemplar in, editor(s)F. Balcazar, Y. Suarez-Balcazar, T. Taylor-Ritzler, & C. Keys , Race, culture and disability: Rehabilitation science and practice, Boston, MA, Jones and Bartlett, 2010, pp307 - 324, [Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Taylor-Ritzler, T., Garcia-Iriarte, E., Keys, C. B., Kinney, L., Ruch-Ross, H., Leung, P., Restrepo-Toro, M., & Curtin, G. ]
Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Tina Taylor-Ritzler, Edurne Garcia-Iriarte, Fabricio Balcazar, Evaluation Capacity Building Conceptual Model: An Analysis of Individual, Organizational and Contextual variables, PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2009
Balcázar, F., García-Iriarte, E., & Suárez-Balcázar, Y., Participatory Action Research with Colombian Immigrants, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 31, (1), 2009, p112 - 127
Tina Taylor-Ritzler, Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Edurne Garcia-Iriarte, Validation of an Evaluation Capacity Building Conceptual Model, PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2009
Garcia-Iriarte E, Kramer J.C, Kramer J.M, Hammel J, 'Who did what?': A participatory action research project to increase group capacity for advocacy, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22, (1), 2009, p10 - 22
Taylor-Ritzler, T., Balcazar, F., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., & Garcia-Iriarte, E. , Conducting disability research with people from diverse ethnic groups: Challenges and opportunities, Journal of Rehabilitation, 74, (1), 2008, p4 - 11
García-Iriarte, E., Balcázar, F., & Taylor-Ritzler, T. , Analysis of Case Managers' Support of Youth with Disabilities Transitioning from School to Work, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 26, (3), 2007, p129 - 140
Conclusions in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson , Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces,, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp207 - 209, [J F McGilp]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Christine Magee, Tomás Murphy, Margaret Turley, Michael Feely, Edurne García Iriarte, Roy McConkey and Inclusion Ireland, 19 Stories of Social Inclusion - Ireland: Stories of Belonging, Contributing and Connecting, Dublin , National Disability Authority , 2019
García Iriarte, E.; Salmon, N.; Donohoe, B.; Leddin, N.; Body, J.; O'Toole, C.A.; McMeel, K.; O'Reagan, H.; Barrett, M., 'It should be for people themselves whether they want to take part or not. The organisation should not get involved' - a response to Williams, 2019
Inclusive Research Network, Doctors and us: What it is like for people with learning disabilities to go to the doctor in Ireland., Limerick , 2019
Body, J.; Burke, C.; Costello, R.; Delaney, J.; Dooher, M.; Fitzgerald, M.; Kelly, R.; Leddin, N.; McManus, M.; Minogue, G.; Nagle, C.; O'Leary, K.; Diaz, G.; Doolan, M.; Garcia, E.; Hopkins, R.; Moran, J.; Salmon, N.; , How we work: The Inclusive Research Network's way of doing projects, 2018
García Iriarte, E., O'Donoghue, M., Keenan, P., & Feely, M., A Literature Review to Inform the Development of a National Framework for Person-Centred Planning in Disability Services, Dublin , HSE & NDA on behalf of National New Directions Implementation Group, February, 2017, p1 - 116
Inclusive Research Network , Our Homes: Home and Independence Project, Dublin; Limerick; Galway , 2015
McConkey, R.; Bunting, B.; Ferry, F.; García Iriarte, E.; Stevens, R.;, An Evaluation of Personalised Supports to Individuals with disabilities and Mental Health Difficulties, Mullingar (Ireland), Genio Trust, 2014
Inclusive Research Network , Relationships and Supports Study: People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland, Dublin , Trinity College Dublin; National Federation of Voluntary Bodies , 2010
National Institute for Intellectual Disability , All We Want to Say - 2nd Part: People With Intellectual Disabilities Presenting Research Findings in Ireland. , Dublin, 2010
Inclusive Research Network , Where we Live A National Study done by Members of the Inclusive Research Network, Dublin , Trinity College Dublin; National Federation of Voluntary Bodies , 2010
National Institute for Intellectual Disability , All We Want to Say DVD , Dublin , DCTV , 2010
National Institute for Intellectual Disability , All We Want To Say: Life in Ireland for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Dublin , 2009
García-Iriarte, E., Kramer, J.C., & Kramer, J.K., Community Participation with Self-Advocates: People First Newsletter, The Community Psychologist, 41, (2), 2008, p15 - 17
Research Expertise
- Title
- A Literature Review to Inform the Development of a National Framework for Person-Centred Planning in Disability Services
- Summary
- This literature review on person centred planning (PCP) was commissioned by the Health Service Executive and the National Disability Authority (NDA) to inform the development of a national framework on PCP across services provided to adults with disabilities in Ireland. A set of guidelines were developed by the NDA in 2005 on the principles and implementation of PCP. This literature review examined evidence on the implementation and effectiveness of PCP in the international literature, from 2005 to 2016, to inform the framework.
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive and National Disability Authority
- Date From
- April 2016
- Date To
- January 2017
- Title
- Disability Accessible Research Archive
- Summary
- The aim of this project is to develop an online archive where disability research is disseminated in accessible formats, contributing to building accessible spaces at TCD. This archive has the potential to enable researchers to share findings in accessible formats; to position Trinity at the forefront of research dissemination innovation; and to increase access to research findings by other stakeholders who consume and use research but do not have a research background.
- Funding Agency
- Equality Fund
- Date From
- January 2016
- Date To
- June 2016
- Title
- Promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education in China / INCLUTE
- Summary
- The aim of the INCLUTE project is to promote inclusive education through teacher training in primary schools in China. The specific project objectives are: .To explore inclusive practices in Chinese social and educational contexts. .To strengthen teachers' competence/skills related to inclusive education in Chinese universities. .To design and develop a continuous training curriculum on inclusion for primary school teachers. .To create an inclusive international education network. For more information, see http://www.inclute.eu/.
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- 2015
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- Supporting Adults with Intellectual Disabilities to become Co-lecturers in the School of Social Work and Social Policy: An Experimental Participatory Action Research Project
- Summary
- Team: Dr. Michael Feely, School of Social Work and Social Policy (Principal investigator); Dr. Edurne García Iriarte (Research team member) The principle of striving to include people with intellectual disabilities in mainstream education and research is now wholeheartedly embraced by the disability rights movement, by the social work profession, and by Trinity College. The disability rights movement adopted the slogan 'NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US' decades ago, insisting that people with disabilities should have a role in developing and shaping policy and research relevant to their lives (Charlton, 1998). Mirroring this, over recent years, the social work profession has also embraced inclusion and participation, establishing these as ethical imperatives in all aspects of practice, including education and research (CORU, 2010). Finally, Trinity College has, for some time, been at the cutting edge of including people with intellectual disabilities in mainstream third level education. Trinity's pioneering Certificate in Contemporary Living, in particular, has allowed hundreds of adults with intellectual disabilities to attend, and participate in the student life of, the university. Moreover this innovative course has also served as a model for third level institutions throughout Ireland (and abroad) to emulate, which has - in turn - allowed many more adults with intellectual disabilities experience student life. In keeping with the inclusive aspirations of the disability rights movement, of the social work profession and of Trinity College, and in attempting to break new ground in inclusive teaching and research, our project's aims and objectives are: 1. To provide adults with intellectual disabilities with the opportunity, and the necessary support, to become co-lecturers and co-researchers and to experience academic life in Trinity. 2. To provide undergraduate social work students with the opportunity to learn best practice for supporting adults with intellectual disabilities from adults with intellectual disabilities. 3. To research the experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities as they become university educators, as well as the experiences of the students they teach, and to publish the findings of this research in relevant peer reviewed journals. 4. To provide an example of innovative and inclusive teaching that could serve as a model for other departments in Trinity that prepare students to work with adults with intellectual disabilities and other marginalised groups.
- Funding Agency
- CAPSL: Trinity Teaching Innovation Grants
- Date From
- 2015
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- Inclusive Research Network
- Summary
- The Inclusive Reserach Network (IRN) is a group of co-reseachers with intellectual disabilities, supporters, and academic reserchers that conduct research on relevant areas to the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. The IRN is supported by the National Institute for Intellectual Disability (TCD), the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies and the University of Limerick. The IRN has conducted two studies, "Where we live", and "Relationships and Support". The third IRN study is underway, "Home and Independence". For more information abou the IRN, please see https://www.tcd.ie/niid/research/irn/.
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- Current
- Title
- Follow up: Evaluation of individualised support to people with disabilities in Ireland
- Summary
- The follow up to the evaluation of individualised supports (2011-2013) aims to gather additional evidence to inform the transition from traditional group-based models to individualised, cost-effective supports and services, and to accelerate the availability of such services and supports. The sample for the study includes people with intellectual and physical disabilities and those with mental health problems. For more information on the project see http://www.genio.ie/research
- Funding Agency
- Genio
- Date From
- January 2014
- Date To
- December 2014
- Title
- Evaluation of individualised support to people with disabilities in Ireland
- Summary
- The evaluation aims to gather evidence to inform the transition from traditional group-based models to individualised, cost-effective supports and services, and to accelerate the availability of such services and supports. The sample for the study includes people with intellectual and physical disabilities and those with mental health problems. For more information on the project see http://www.genio.ie/research
- Funding Agency
- Genio
- Date From
- 2011
- Date To
- 2013
- Title
- Fundamental rights of people with mental health problems and people with intellectual disabilities
- Summary
- The aim of the project was to look at fundamental rights of people with mental health problems and people with intellectual disabilities in the EU. This was the first disability project of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and was inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The project consisted of desk research conducted in the 27 EU countries and field research conducted in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Sweden and the UK. Four themes were examined in depth: the right to community living, life in institutions, the right to access to justice, and the right to legal capacity. The project used participatory and emancipatory methodologies. For more information on the project see http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/research/projects/proj_disability_en.htm
- Funding Agency
- The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
- Date From
- July 2010
- Date To
- December 2011
- Title
- Doing Disability Research
- Summary
- The Doing Disability Research Project developed participatory research projects in Ireland to examine the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. The research projects conducted with people with intellectual disabilities included: The All We Want to Say study (2010) and the Inclusive Research Network (IRN). The All We Want to Say study, conducted with people with intellectual disabilities, aimed to understand how life was like in Ireland for people with intellectual disabilities. People with intellectual disabilities were trained on how to conduct research and took an active role in the research process from the identification of topics to the write up of reports and dissemination of findings. The IRN is a group of people with intellectual disabilities, their supporters, and university researchers that conduct research about issues important to people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland. The IRN has conducted the following studies: Where We Live (2009), and Relationships and supports (2010). The research projects conducted with families of people with intellectual disabilities included a survey of families through focus groups and a questionnaire using the concerns report method. Families, similarly to people with intellectual disabilities, were included in the research process from the identification of the research process to the write up and dissemination of findings.
- Funding Agency
- European Union - Marie Curie Actions
- Date From
- 2009
- Date To
- 2011
Awards and Honours
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
Excellence in Supervision of Research Students Award 2023
Achievement Award - Disability Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago, in recognition of postgraduate academic achievement
Irish Disability Studies Association Association
Disability Research Network, Trinity College Dublin