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Professor Peter Greally
Clinical Associate Professor, Paediatrics


An academic respiratory paediatrician with a special clinical interest in cystic fibrosis, asthma, allergy and sleep medicine. Dr Greally trained in Ireland, the UK and the US. His research focuses on host-microbe interactions, inflammation and polymicrobial infections in the CF airway. He has held many leadership roles within the Asthma Society of Ireland, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, CF registry of Ireland, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and international CF and respiratory organisations. He has acted a manuscript reviewer for several international paediatric journals and has supervised several MD and PhD projects. He is currently serving as Chief Clinical Director for the Children's Hospital Group and is leading clinical integration across the three Dublin children's hospitals prior to their move to the new children's hospital on the St James Campus in 2022.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Niamh Lagan, Dean Huggard, Fiona Mc Grane, Timothy Ronan Leahy, Orla Franklin, Edna Roche, David Webb, Aengus O'Maricaigh, Des Cox, Afif Elkuffash, Peter Greally, Joanne Balfe, Eleanor J Molloy, Multiorgan involvement and management in children with Down Syndrome, Acta Paediatrica, (1), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Julie Renwick, Emma Reece, Siobhan McClean, Peter Greally, POLYMICROBIAL FUNGAL CO-INFECTIONS IN THE CF LUNG, PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY, 54, 2019, p98 - 99 Journal Article, 2019

S Dempsey, J Travers, G Leer, G Connell, S Quinn, P Greally, B Elnazir, GP285 The effect of modulator therapy on liver function in patients with cystic fibrosis-related liver disease (CFLD), Archives of Disease in Childhood , Europaediatrics, Dublin , June 2019, 104 (Suppl 3),, 2019, ppA150- Poster, 2019

Emma J Costigan, Rebecca McLoughlin, Paul McNally, Michael Williamson, Barry Linnane, Basil Elnazir, Peter Greally, Jane C Davies, Harm Tiddens, Jennifer Lennon, Aine M Fleming, Paulina Witkowska, Magdalena Mulligan, Christopher Short, Claire Saunders, Desmond W Cox, CHILDREN'S FOLLOW UP ORKAMBI REAL WORLD MULTIPLE BREATH WASHOUT STUDY (CFORMS), Irish Thoracic Scoiety, 1/11/2019, 188, (S10), Springer, 2019, pp293- Poster, 2019

G Leen, G Connell, B Elnazir, P Greally, P546 A review of the nurse-led MDT cystic fibrosis (CF) infant clinic in tallaght hospital, Europaediatrics, Dublin , June 2019, 104 , ((Suppl 3),), BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2019, ppA371 - A372 Poster, 2019

Kirwan L, Fletcher G, Harrington M, Jeleniewska P, Zhou S, Casserly B, Gallagher CG, Greally P, , Longitudinal Trends in Real-World Outcomes Following Initiation of Ivacaftor: A Cohort Study from the Cystic Fibrosis Registry of Ireland., Ann Am Thorac Soc., 16, 2019, p209 - 216 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Anitha Sokay, Lana Altabari, Edna Roche, M Nadeem, Peter Greally, P537 Obstructive sleep apnea in Prader-Willi syndrome: is it a hidden crisis?, Archives of Disease in Childhood , Europaediatrics, Dublin , June 2019, 104 (Suppl 3),, 2019, ppA368- Poster, 2019

Emma Reece, Siobhán McClean, Peter Greally, Julie Renwick, The prevalence of Aspergillus fumigatus in early cystic fibrosis disease is underestimated by culture-based diagnostic methods, Journal of microbiological methods, 164, 2019, p105683- Journal Article, 2019

D Butler, J Lennon, D Cox, P Greally, B Linnane, P McNally, SHIELD CF; Upper and lower airway infection and inflammation in Irish preschool children with Cystic Fibrosis, IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, Irish Thoracic Society, 187, 2018, ppS280 - S281 Conference Paper, 2018

Clarke D, Gorman I, Ringholz F, McDermott M, Cox DW, Greally P, Linnane B, Mc Nally P, Pulmonary aspiration in preschool children with cystic fibrosis., Respiratory Research., 19, (1), 2018, p255 - 258 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

M Nadeem, P Greally, PARIS: One Swallow Does Not A Spring Make!, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 Other

Kerley CP, Elnazir B, Greally P, Coghlan D, Select item 30301427 2. Blunted serum 25(OH)D response to vitamin D3 supplementation in children with autism, Nutr Neurosci. , 10, 2018, p1 - 6 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Emma Reece, Sean Doyle, Peter Greally, Julie Renwick, Siobhán McClean, Aspergillus fumigatus inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa in co-culture: Implications of a mutually antagonistic relationship on virulence and inflammation in the CF airway., Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2018, p1205 - 1210 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Reece E, Renwick J, Segurado R, Jackson A, McClean S, Greally P, Co-colonisation with Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa results in altered pro-inflammatory responses and is associated with poorer health. , 2017, 186 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2017, ppS439 - S439 Conference Paper, 2017

Hutchinson K, Kerley CP, Faul J, Greally P, Coghlan D, Louw M, Elnazir B, Rochev Y, Vitamin D receptor variants and uncontrolled asthma. , European annals of allergy and clinical immunology , 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Greally P, Walsh S, Martin C, Foran A, Smith O, Sheeran S, Curtis E, Nicholson A, World-class healthcare-the children of Ireland deserve no less. , Irish medical journal , 110 , (5 ), 2017, p575 - Journal Article, 2017

Butler D, Lennon J, Cox D, Greally P, Linnane B, McNally P, Infection and Inflammation among children in the Study of Host Immunity and Early Lung Disease in Cystic Fibrosis: 2017 , IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2017, 186 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2017, ppS425 - S425 Conference Paper, 2017

Reece Emma, Segurado Ricardo, Jackson Abaigeal, McClean Siobhán, Renwick Julie, Greally Peter, Co-colonisation with Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is associated with poorer health in cystic fibrosis patients: an Irish registry analysis , BMC pulmonary medicine , 17 , (1 ), 2017, p70 - Journal Article, 2017

Reece Emma, Renwick Julie, McClean Siobhán, Greally Peter, 53 Determining the true incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fumigatus in a paediatric cystic fibrosis cohort , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 15 , 2016, pS65 - Journal Article, 2016

Hutchinson K, Kerley C, Greally P, Coghlan D, Cormican L, Faul J, Louw M, Rochev Y, Elnazir B, Vitamin D receptor taqi gene variant in exon 9 and asthma risk , 2016, 71 , WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA , 2016, pp431 - 431 Conference Paper, 2016

Kerley Conor P, Kilbride Emma, Greally Peter, Elnazir Basil, Dietary Nitrate Acutely and Markedly Increased Exhaled Nitric Oxide in a Cystic Fibrosis Case , Clinical medicine & research , 14 , (3-4 ), 2016, p151 - 155 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Kerley CP, Hutchinson K, Cormican L, Faul J, Greally P, Coghlan D, Elnazir B, Vitamin D3 for uncontrolled childhood asthma: a pilot study, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 27 (4), 404-412 , 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Hutchinson K, Kerley CP, Cormican L, Faul J, Greally P, Coghlan D, Louw M, Elnazir B, Rochev Y, Association of vitamin D receptor TaqI gene variant in Exon 9 and ApaI in intron 8 with uncontrolled paediatric asthma in Ireland , 2016, 185 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2016, pp376 - 376 Conference Paper, 2016

Skirka S, Power C, Nadeem M, Greally P, Which Factors are Important in Determining the Length of Stay in Bronchiolitis? , Irish Medical Journal , 109 , (3 ), 2016, p379 - Journal Article, 2016 URL

Fitzgerald C, George S, Linnane B, Chroinin M Ni, Mullane D, Herzig M, Greally P, Elnazir B, Healy F, McNally P, 185 Irish Comparative Outcome Study (ICOS): a comparison of early childhood growth trajectories in children clinically diagnosed with cystic fibrosis with those diagnosed through newborn bloodspot screening , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 15 , 2016, pS98 - Journal Article, 2016

E Reece, J Renwick, R Segurado, S McClean, P Greally, Co-Colonisation of The Cystic Fibrosis Airways with A. fumigatus and P. aeruginosa is Associated with Health Outcomes Similar to that of Patients Persistently Colonised with P. aeruginosa: an Irish Registry Analysis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2016, 185, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2016, ppS474 - S474 Conference Paper, 2016

Fitzgerald C, Linnane B, Chroinin M Ni, Mullane D, Herzig M, Greally P, Elnazir B, Slattery D, Healy F, Mc Nally P, A comparison of z-scores for height and weight at 6 months in children clinically diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and children diagnosed through newborn bloodspot screening , 2015, 184 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2015, ppS546 - S546 Conference Paper, 2015

Rowland M, Dummond J, Gallagher C, Mc Nally P, Broderick AM, Greally P, Slattery D, Daly LE, Mc Elvaney NG, Laoide RO, Clinically significant liver disease reduces life expectancy in cystic fibrosis , 2015, 184 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2015, ppS220 - S220 Conference Paper, 2015

Dunne K, Prior AR, Murphy K, Wall N, Leen G, Rogers TR, Elnazir B, Greally P, Renwick J, Murphy P, Emergence of persistent Aspergillus terreus colonisation in a child with cystic fibrosis., Medical mycology case reports, 9, 2015, p26-30 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text

Wainright CE, Elborn JS, Ramsey BW et al, , lumacaftor-ivacaftor in patients with Cystic fibrosis honozygous for phe508del CFTR, New Engl J Med, 373, 2015, p220 - 231 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Reece E, Renwick J, McClean S, Greally P, ePS02. 3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fumigatus co-infection reduced the pro-inflammatory response in CF epithelial cells , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 14 , 2015, pS44 - Journal Article, 2015

Kerley CP, Hutchinson Katrina, Greally P, Coghlan D, Elnazir B, A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled of vitamin D3 for Irish children with asthma , The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society , 74 , (OCE4 ), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Walsh Aisling, Phelan Fiona, Phelan Michelle, Ryan Mairead, Healy Fiona, Slattery DM, Elnazir Basil, Greally P, Linnane B, Chróinín Muireann Ní, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in Children: 2007 to 2011 , Irish medical journal , 108 , (3 ), 2015, p71 - 73 Journal Article, 2015

Rowland Marion, Gallagher Cliona, Gallagher Charles G, Laoide Risteárd Ã", Canny Gerard, Broderick Anne Marie, Drummond Jennifer, Greally Peter, Slattery Dubhfeasa, Daly Leslie, Outcome in patients with cystic fibrosis liver disease , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 14 , (1 ), 2015, p120 - 126 Journal Article, 2015

Breen C, Finn D, Greally P, O'Connell G, Elnazir B, A National Paediatric Survey of Infection Control Measures in Cystic Fibrosis , 2015, 184 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2015, pp278 - 279 Conference Paper, 2015

Kerley CP, Hutchinson K, Greally P, Coghlan D, Elnazir B, The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pulmonary Function, Disease Severity and Markers of Inflammation in Childhood Asthmatics: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial , 2014, 183 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2014, ppS522 - S522 Conference Paper, 2014

Kandamany Nandini, Elnazir Basil, Greally Peter, Increased vigilance needed for the detection of thrombotic complications of central venous access in adolescent cystic fibrosis patients , Frontiers in pediatrics , 2 , 2014, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Roddy MF, Greally P, Leen G, Kilbride E, Elnazir B, The Significance Of Indeterminant Ogtt In Children With Cystic Fibrosis , 49 , 2014, pp413 - Poster, 2014

Rowland M, Gallagher C, Canny G, Greally P, Slattery D, Hayes R, O†Laoide R, Daly L, Durie PR, Bourke B, 310* Outcome in Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease , 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Hutchinson K, Kerley C, Elnazir B, Couglan D, Greally P, Rochev Y, Faul JL, A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled of vitamin D for Irish children with asthma: baseline data , 2014, 183 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2014, ppS443 - S443 Conference Paper, 2014

Kilbride E, Hussey J, Boran C, Greally P, Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in urban school children, Irish Medical Journal, 106, 2013, p6 - 9 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Nadeem M, Oni OA, Ryan M, Puri P, Coghlan D, Greally P, Girl with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and bronchiectasis: case report., Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society, 2013 Journal Article, 2013 URL DOI

Ahmareen Oneza, O'Neill Rioghnach Sinead, Burke David F, Greally Peter, Interventions in children with Prader-Willi syndrome and their effect on sleep related breathing disorders, a retrospective review , 2013, - Miscellaneous, 2013

Walsh A, Phelan F, Phelan M, Ryan M, Healy F, Slattery D, ElNazir B, Greally P, Linnane B, Chroinin M Ni, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in Children in Ireland 2007-2011: Recognition of an Unmet Healthcare Need , 2013, 182 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2013, ppS461 - S461 Conference Paper, 2013

Davies JC, Wainright CE, CAnny GJ et Al,, Efficacy & Safety of Ivacaftor in patients aged 6 to 11 years with cystic fibrosis with a G551D mutation, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 187, 2013, p1219 - 1225 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

O'Donovan C, Greally P, Canny G, McNally P, Hussey J, Active video games as an exercise tool for children with cystic fibrosis., Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, 2013 Journal Article, 2013 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Marie Roddy, Basil Elnazir, Ciara McDonnell, M Nadeem, Peter Greally, The bone mineral density of children with CF , Bone abstracts , 6th International Conference on Children's Bone Health, 2013, pp177- Meeting Abstract, 2013 DOI URL

Roddy MF, Greally P, Elnazir B, Iron Assessment In Children With Cystic Fibrosis , 48 , 2013, pp412 - Poster, 2013

Nadeem M, Oni O, Ryan M, Puri P, Coghlan D, Greally P, Pulmonary complications of Xanthograulmatous Pyelonephritis , Paediatrics International , 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Kandamany N, Tariq M, Elnazir B, Greally P, 360 A case series of thrombotic and thromboembolic complications of central venous access in cystic fibrosis patients , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 11 , 2012, pS149 - Journal Article, 2012

Roddy MF, Elnazir B, Greally P, WS13. 1 The effect of PPI usage on bone health in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 11 , 2012, pS29 - Journal Article, 2012

Roddy MF, Greally P, Elnazir B, The Effect Of High Dose Vitamin D Supplementation On Vitamin D Levels In Children With Cystic Fibrosis (cf) , 47 , 2012, pp414 - Poster, 2012

Kilbride Emma, Widger John, Hussey Juliette, El Nazir Basil, Greally Peter, Exercise capacity in prepubertal children with cystic fibrosis , 2012 , 2012 Poster, 2012

Greally Peter, Whitaker Paul, Peckham Daniel, Challenges with current inhaled treatments for chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in patients with cystic fibrosis , Current medical research and opinion , 28 , (6 ), 2012, p1059 - 1067 Journal Article, 2012

Millar R, Clarke D, Greally P, ElNazir B, Linnane B, McNally P, The Study of Host Immunity and Early Lung Disease in Cystic Fibrosis (SHIELD CF), A Multicentre Longitudinal Paediatric CF Research Project in Ireland , 2012, 181 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2012, ppS421 - S422 Conference Paper, 2012

Assael BM, Pressler T, Bilton D et al, , Inahled aztreonam lysine verssus inhaled tobramycin in cystic fibrosis: a comparative trial, J Cyst Fibros , 12, 2012, p130 - 140 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Nadeem Montasser, Elnazir Basil, Greally Peter, Congenital pulmonary malformation in children , Scientifica , 2012 , 2012, p209896 - Journal Article, 2012 URL DOI

Elnazir Basil, Oni Oluwole, Hassan Taha, Greally Peter, Paes Bosco, Does prophylaxis with palivizumab reduce hospitalisation rates for respiratory†syncytial†virus†related infection in cystic fibrosis children less than 2 years of age? , Journal of paediatrics and child health , 48 , (11 ), 2012, p1033 - 1038 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Rowland M, Gallagher C, Gallagher CG, Olaoide R, Canny G, Broderick AM, Greally P, Slattery D, Daly L, McElvaney NG, WS1. 1 Liver disease in cystic fibrosis , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 11 , 2012, pS1 - Journal Article, 2012

Assael BM, Pressler T, Bilton D et al,, Inhaled aztreonam lysine vs inhaled tobra mycin in cystic fibrosis : a comparative trial, J Cyst Fibros, 12, (2), 2012, p130 - 140 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Renwick J, McNally P, Linnane B, Greally P, Elnazir B, Lynch S, Murphy PG, WS20. 5 The airway microbiome in children with cystic fibrosis , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 11 , 2012, pS46 - Journal Article, 2012

Roddy MF, Elnazir B, Greally P, 248 Liver function and vitamin D in children with cystic fibrosis , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 11 , 2012, pS120 - Journal Article, 2012

O'Connor G, Tariq M, Greally P, Elnazir B, The Changing Epidemiology of the Bronchiolitis Epidemic in Tallaght Hospital , 2012, 181 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2012, ppS420 - S420 Conference Paper, 2012

Muhammad T, Molony B, Kandamany N, Greally P, Elnazir B, Ten Years Audit Of Post Infectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans In Paediatrics Respiratory Centre , Acta Paediatrica , 100 , 2011, p82 - Journal Article, 2011

Reeves Emer P, Williamson Michael, O'neill Shane J, Greally Peter, McElvaney Noel G, Nebulized hypertonic saline decreases IL-8 in sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis , American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine , 183 , (11 ), 2011, p1517 - 1523 Journal Article, 2011

Mujtaba G, Greally P, Elnazir B, Ursodeoxycholic Acid for Cystic Fibrosis Related Liver Disease, Our Experience , Pediatric Research , 70 , (S5 ), 2011, p534 - Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Nadeem Montasser, Quinn Nuala, Greally Peter, Image of dermoid cyst in infant , Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society, 53 , (4 ), 2011, p606 - 607 Journal Article, 2011 URL DOI

Roddy Marie Frances, Greally Peter, Clancy Geraldine, Leen Gerardine, Feehan Sinead, Elnazir Basil, Night blindness in a teenager with cystic fibrosis , Nutrition in Clinical Practice , 26 , (6 ), 2011, p718 - 721 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Ramsey BW,Davies J, McElvaney NG et al. , A CFTR potentiator in patients with cystic fibrosis and G551!D mutation, N Engl J Med, 365, (18), 2011, p1663 - 1672 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Rowland Marion, Gallagher Charles G, Ã"'laoide Risteard, Canny Gerard, Broderick Annemarie, Hayes Roisin, Greally Peter, Slattery Dubhfeassa, Daly Leslie, Durie Peter, Outcome in cystic fibrosis liver disease , The American journal of gastroenterology , 106 , (1 ), 2011, p104 - Journal Article, 2011

Ramsey BW, Davies J, McElvaney NG et al., A CFTR potentiator in patients with cystic fibrosis and the G551d mutation, 365, (18), 2011, p1663 - 1672 Journal Article, 2011

McNally P, Coughlan C, Bergsson G, Doyle M, Taggart C, Adorini L, Uskokovic MR, El-Nazir B, Murphy P, Greally P, Greene CM, McElvaney NG, Vitamin D receptor agonists inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokine production from the respiratory epithelium in cystic fibrosis., Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, 10, (6), 2011, p428 - 431 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

O'Connor M, Kelly S, Murphy P, Greally P, Elnazir B, A CASE OF MRSA-PVL PNEUMONIA IN A 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS268 - S268 Conference Paper, 2010

Mcnally Paul, Greally Peter, Use of post†exercise laryngoscopy to evaluate exercise induced dyspnea , Pediatric pulmonology , 45 , (10 ), 2010, p1037 - 1039 Journal Article, 2010

Zaid Ahmed Abou, Elnazir Basil, Greally P, A decade of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis 1996-2006. , Irish medical journal , 2010, p77 - 79 Journal Article, 2010 URL

O'connor M, Kelly S, Murphy P, Greally P, Elnazir B, A Case Of Mrsa-pvl Respiratory Infection In A 10-year-old Girl , Child: Care, Health and Development , 36 , 2010, p84 - Journal Article, 2010

Emer P. Reeves, Michael Williamson, Barry Byrne, David A. Bergin, Stephen G. J. Smith, Peter Greally, Richard O'Kennedy, Shane J. O'Neill, and Noel G. McElvaney, IL-8 Dictates Glycosaminoglycan Binding and Stability of IL-18 in Cystic Fibrosis, J. Immunol, 184, 2010, p1642 - 1652 Journal Article, 2010

McNally Paul, Ervine E, Shields MD, Dimitrov Borislav D, El Nazir B, Taggart Clifford C, Greene Catherine M, McElvaney Noel G, Greally P, High concentrations of pepsin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from children with cystic fibrosis are associated with high interleukin-8 concentrations , Thorax , 2010, pthx - 2009 Journal Article, 2010

Nadeem M, Roddy M, O'Reilly R, Fitzpatrick P, Clancy G, Leen G, Elnazir B, Greally P, The impact on clinical progress of MRSA infection in the airways of children with cystic fibrosis , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS499 - S499 Conference Paper, 2010

Khan R, Greally P, Elnazir B, INCIDENTAL BUT SIGNIFICANT FINDING ON CHEST X-RAY , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS220 - S220 Conference Paper, 2010

Nicholl,H., Lessons from research, National Level 1 training(Life-limited study day ), Red Cow Hotel Dublin , 2 November, 2010, OLCHC/HSE/IHF Invited Talk, 2010

White M, Vaish S, Leen G, Clancy G, Greally P, Elnazir B, AUDIT OF MRSA PREVALENCE AND ERADICATION IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS227 - S228 Conference Paper, 2010

Widger J, Kilbride E, Elnazir B, Greally P, AEROBIC EXERCISE CAPACITY IN PRE TEENAGE CYSTIC FIBROSIS CHILDREN , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS190 - S190 Conference Paper, 2010

Kilbride E, Hussey J, Greally P, Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of healthy pre-adolescent school children , Irish Medical Journal , 2010 Journal Article, 2010

Abou Zaid A, El Nazir B, Greally P, NON-CF BRONCHIECTASIS IN IRISH CHILDREN , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS190 - S190 Conference Paper, 2010



Glackin L, Leen G, Elnazir B, Greally P, Voriconazole in the treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis. , Irish medical journal , 102 , (1 ), 2009, p29 - 31 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Rowland Marion, Gallagher Charles, OLaoide Risteard, Canny Gerard J, Greally Peter, Hayes Roisin M, Daly Leslie, Durie Peter R, Bourke Billy, M1720 Outcome in Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease , Gastroenterology , 136 , (5 ), 2009, pA - 417 Journal Article, 2009

Bergsson G, Reeves EP, McNally P, Tuohy MM, Greene CM, Greally P, Murphy MD, O'Neill SJ, McElvaney NG, Activation of Innate Antimicrobial Peptides in Cystic Fibrosis Epithelial Lining Fluid by Glycosaminoglycan Lyases and Hypertonic Saline. , 2009, 179 , Am Thoracic Soc , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Walsh SA, Meehan J, Hoey HM, Greally P, Experience of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) in Irish Children with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS). , 2009, 179 , Am Thoracic Soc , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Bergsson, G, Reeves, EP, McNally, P, Chotirmall, SH, Greene, CM, Greally, P, Murphy, P, O'Neill, SJ, McElvaney, NG, LL-37 complexation with glycosaminoglycans in cystic fibrosis lungs inhibits antimicrobial activity, which can be restored by hypertonic saline., Journal of Immunology , 183, (1), 2009 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Reeves EP, Williamson M, Byrne B, O'kennedy R, O'neill SJ, Greally P, Mcelvaney NG, A Tale Of Two Cytokines: Interleukin-8 And Interleukin-18 Competitively Compete For Survival Within The Cystic Fibrosis Lung , Pediatric Pulmonology , 44 , 2009, p257 - Journal Article, 2009

Williamson MR, Reeves EP, O†Neill SJ, Greally P, McElvaney NG, Glycosamoinoglycans regulate cytokine profiles in the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis , Am J Respir Crit Care Med , 179 , 2009, pA1200 - Journal Article, 2009

O'Riordan SM, Hindmarsh P, Hill NR, Matthews DR, George S, Greally P, Canny G, Slattery D, Murphy N, Roche E, Costigan C, Hoey H., Validation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis - a prospective cohort study, Diabetes Care, 2009 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Walsh S, Wood AE, Greally P, Pleuropulmonary blastoma type I following resection of incidentally found congenital lobar emphysema. , Irish medical journal , 102 , (7 ), 2009, p230 - 230 Journal Article, 2009

Roddy MF, Elnazir B, Greally P, Zinc Status In Children With Cystic Fibrosis , Pediatric Pulmonology , 44 , 2009, p405 - 406 Journal Article, 2009

O'Reilly R, Fitzpatrick P, Leen G, Elnazir B, Greally P, Severe bone demineralisation is associated with higher mortality in children with cystic fibrosis. , Irish medical journal , 102 , (2 ), 2009, p47 - 49 Journal Article, 2009 URL

George Sherly, Greally Peter, Canny Gerard, Costigan Colm, Slattery Dubhfeasa, Murphy Nuala, Hindmarsh Peter, O'Riordan Stephen MP, Hill Nathan R, Matthews David R, Validation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Children and Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis. , Diabetes Care , 32 , (6 ), 2009 Journal Article, 2009

Roddy MF, Clancy G, Leen G, Elnazir B, Greally P, Diagnosis Of Pancreatic Function In Children With Cystic Fibrosis , Pediatric Pulmonology , 44 , 2009, p406 - Journal Article, 2009


Bergsson Gudmundur, Reeves Emer, Mcnally Paul, Tuohy Majella, Greene Catherine, Greally Peter, Murphy Philip, O'neill Shane, Mcelvaney Noel G, Proteolytic Processing And Inactivation Of Innate Immunepeptides In The Cf Lung , Pediatric Pulmonology , 43 , 2008, p168 - 169 Journal Article, 2008

O'reilly R, Fitzpatrick P, Leen G, Elnazir B, Greally P, Severe Bone Demineralization Is Associatedwith Higher Mortality In Irish Adolescentswith Cystic Fibrosis , Pediatric Pulmonology , 43 , 2008, p439 - 440 Journal Article, 2008

Roddy MF, Elnazir B, Greally P, The effect of vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D level in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 7 , 2008, pS92 - Journal Article, 2008

Williamson M, Reeves EP, O'neill S, Mcelvaney NG, Greally P, Enzymatic Degradation Of Interleukin 18 Inthe Lungs Of Individuals With Cystic Fibrosis , Pediatric Pulmonology , 43 , 2008, p268 - Journal Article, 2008

Roddy MF, Elnazir B, Greally P, Seasonal variation of vitamin D and its relationship with vitamin D supplementation in children with cystic fibrosis , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis , 7 , 2008, pS92 - Journal Article, 2008

Mcnally PG, Bergsson G, O'neill S, Greene C, Greally P, Mcelvaney NG, Vitamin D Has Anti-inflammatory Properties In Cystic Fibrosis Respiratory Epithelial Cells And Is Depleted In Children Withp. Aeruginosa Colonisation , Pediatric Pulmonology , 42 , 2007, p245 - Journal Article, 2007

Doyle M, McNally P, Leen G, Dier J, Greally P, Murphy P, P2098 Tobramycin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from children with cysticfibrosis on nebulised tobramycin-temporal relationship with antibiotic usage , International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents , 29 , 2007, pS606 - S607 Journal Article, 2007

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Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Ex-convenor, education committee & current member, Faculty of Paediatrics Founding member & Fellow Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health Ex-Secretary and Member Irish Paediatric Association Member Irish Thoracic Society and founder of its Paediatric Subgroup Member of the British Thoracic Society's Respiratory Subgroup Member of the American Thoracic Society & its Allergy & Paediatric Assemblies Member International Paediatric Sleep Association Member ERS College of Experts October 2014 ECFS CF TDN Centre Director for Paediatrics 2015 Organizations & Posts Held: . Clinical Director for Paediatric Services & member of Executive Management Team AMNCH . Member Clinical Advisory Committee, Clinical Programme for Paediatrics, RCPI/HSE . Board Member, Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI . Ex-Member of National Paediatric Hospital's cross-city steering group . Ex-Chairperson & current member Medical Advisory Committee, NCH . Ex-Board member, ex- Chairperson & current member of Medical & Scientific Committee of the Asthma Society of Ireland . CF registry steering committee~ current Honorary Secretary . Current Member Medical & Scientific Committee, CF association of Ireland . Editorial Board, Modern Medicine Ireland . Physicians group & Medical Board, Our Lady's Hospital, Crumlin . Ex-Board member (Director) of AMNCH, Tallaght . Ex-Director & executive member, Board of Charlemont Clinic Ltd . Ex-Director, Asthma Society of Ireland Ltd. . Medical Director, AllergyCounts Ltd . Member of Molecular Medicine Institute (formerly DMMC) . Manuscript reviewer for: Paediatrics, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Irish Medical Journal & Irish Journal of Medical Science, Archives Disease of Childhood, Masters , MD & PhD theses. Cur