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Dr. Carmel Doyle
Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery


Carmel Doyle RNID, RCN, RNT, BSc, PgDip CHSE, MSc Nursing is an Assistant Professor and Head of Intellectual Disability Nursing at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin. Her research and teaching reflects her interest in the areas of intellectual disabilities and childrens nursing. Carmel lectures across a number of undergraduate and post graduate nursing courses. She has undertaken research in the area of children with intellectual disability, continuing nurse education and clinical teaching. She has several publications and has presented at both National and International conferences. She combines her role as lecturer in nursing with module leader and is currently the Head of Intellectual Disability Nursing. Carmel has completed a PhD in the field of children with intellectual disability. Her research based commitments include supervision of students undertaking research proposals and theses at MSc/PhD level. She is also an educational consultant for Special Olympics Ireland and has completed a collaborative project to produce a training package for volunteers within the Special Olympics organisation. She has undertaken external examiner roles and has been involved in a number of EU funding applications.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Doyle C., Cleary M., Eustace Cook J., Fleming S., McMahon M., Sheerin F., Moore K., Literature Review on the Factors that Lead to Behaviours that Challenge and Prevention and Management of Crisis Situations among children and young adults(CYA) with disability., TCD/NDA, October, 2024, p1 - 132 Report, 2024 DOI

Doyle, C., Louw, J., Shovlin, A., Dowd, L., Kavanagh, M. , Blended feeding in gastrostomy fed children - a scoping review, Child: Care, Health and Development, 2024 Journal Article, 2024

Mahon, I., Doyle, C., Hughes, M.,, Fathers experiences of caring for a child with complex care needs and a chromosome abnormality: a scoping review, THE Conf, Trinity College, 6/7 March 2024, 2024 Poster, 2024

Sheerin, F. and Doyle, C., Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan, First, Geneva, Springer Nature, 2023 Book, 2023

Brenner, M., Weir, A., McCann, M., Doyle, C., Hughes, M., Moen, A., Ingvar, M., Nauwelaerts, K., Turk, E., McCabe, C. , Development of the Key Performance Indicators for Digital Health Interventions: A Scoping Review, Digital Health, 9, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)Sheerin F., Doyle C. , Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social care across the Lifespan, Geneva, Springer, 2023, [Doyle C., Kenny N. ] Book Chapter, 2023

Alexander, D., Quirke, M., Doyle, C., Hill, K., Masterson, K., Brenner, M. , Technology solutionism in paediatric intensive care: clinicians' perspectives of bioethical considerations, BMC Medical Ethics, 24, (55), 2023, p1 - 9 Journal Article, 2023

Intellectual disability nursing throughout the lifespan in, editor(s)Kay Mafuba , Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing Practice, UK, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2023, pp60 - 117, [Doyle C., Marsden D., Carey E., Ridley J. ] Book Chapter, 2023

Doyle C., Dowd L., Shovelin A., Kavanagh M., Louw J. , Adopting blended feeding with gastrostomy fed children - a scoping review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023, Dublin, 8th March, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

McAnelly, S., Gates B., Sutton P., Griffiths C., Keenan P., Fleming S., Doyle C., Atherton H., Cleary M. , Intellectual disability nursing, the Cinderella relation of nursing: marginality explored through the oral histories of intellectual disability nurses. , Oral History, Autumn edition, 2023, p92 - 105 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Fleming S., Burke E., Doyle C., Henderson K., Horan P., Byrne K., Keenan P. , Ensuring effective communication when undertaking a systematic health assessment, Learning Disability Practice, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Alexander, Denise; Quirke, Mary; Doyle, Carmel; Hill, Katie; Masterson Kate; Brenner, Maria, Bioethical Issues in Initiating Technology Dependence for Children: Clinicians' Perspectives , Irish Association for Palliative Care Education and Research Seminar 2022, Online, 03/02/22, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Gates, B., Sutton P., McAnelly S., Atherton H., Griffiths C., Dole C., Cleary M., Keenan P., Fleming S. , Oral Histories of Learning Disability Nurses from England, UK and the Republic of Ireland., A History of Learning Disability: Exhibition Launch, UK, May, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in, editor(s)Roger J. Stancliffe, Michele Y. Wiese, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron , End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability, UK, Springer, 2022, pp321-352 , [Doyle C., Quinn C. ] Book Chapter, 2022

Doyle C., Greene J., Bambir I., De Guchtenaere A., Hadjipanayis A.A., del Torso S., Koletzko B., Polychronakis T., Reali L., Brenner M. , Placing the spotlight on Children's Complex and Integrated Care Needs, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022, Dublin, 9/10 March , 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Doyle C., Griffiths C., McAnelly S., Atherton H., Cleary M., Fleming S., Gates B., Keenan P, Sutton P. , Past, Present and Future: Perspectives on an oral history of Intellectual Disability Nursing, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 27, (1), 2022, p190 - 205 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Wager J., Kubek L.A., Brenner M., Calmanti S., Doyle C., Lovgren M., Kreicbergs U., Kremer L., Le Moine P., Robert G., Schuiling-Otten M., Schroder-Back P., Verhagen E., Zernikow B., Expert survey on coverage and characteristics of pediatric palliative care in Europe - A focus on home care, BMC Palliative Care , 21, (1), 2022 Journal Article, 2022

Doyle C. , Mothers' experiences of giving medicines to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities - the impact on time, Child: Care, Health and Development, 48, (4), 2022, p558 - 568 Journal Article, 2022

Alexander, Denise; Quirke, Mary; Doyle, Carmel; Hill, Katie; Masterson Kate; Brenner, Maria, The Meaning Given to Bioethics as a Source of Support by Physicians Who Care for Children Who Require Long-Term Ventilation, Qualitative Health Research, 32, (6), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Burke, EA., Fleming, S., Doyle, C., Henderson, K., Keenan, P., Horan, P., and Byrne, K., Using verbal and non-verbal communication to support people with learning disability, Learning Disability Practice, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Brenner, M., Doyle, A., Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hill,K. & Murphy,M, Enhancing care of children with complex healthcare needs: an improvement project in a community health organisation in Ireland, BMJ Open Quality, 10, (e001925), 2021, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Brenner M., Alexander D., Quirke M.B., Eustace-Cook J., Leroy P., Berry J., Healy M., Doyle C., Masterson K., A systematic concept analysis of `technology dependent': challenging the terminology, European Journal of Pediatrics, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Begley T, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Hill K, Doyle A , Experiences of nurses and parents of care for children with complex care needs at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 9th-11th March, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Murphy M., Hill K., Begley T., Brenner M., Doyle C. , Respite Care for Children with Complex Care Needs: A Literature Review, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Sheerin, F., Eustace-Cook, J., Wuytack, F., Doyle, C., Medication Management in Intellectual Disability Settings: A Systematic Review, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 25, (3), 2021, p242 - 276 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Doyle C. , 'Just knowing' and the challenges of giving medicines to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities: A hermeneutic inquiry, British Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 49, (1), 2021, p3 - 12 Journal Article, 2021

Doyle C., Louw J., Shovlin A., Flynn M., Eustace Cook J., Quirke M., Parents and health professionals' experiences and perceptions of blended feeding in tube fed children- A qualitative systematic review protocol", JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19, (7), 2021, p1705-1712 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Shovlin A, Flynn M, Louw J, Doyle C, Bespoke Nurse Led policy development- Blended diet for enteral feeding for children with complex health needs. , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference - THEConf2021: 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, , Trinity College Dublin, 2021 Poster, 2021

Hill K, Brenner M, Murphy M, Doyle C, Begley T, Doyle A , Accessing respite for children with complex care needs, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 , Dublin, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Whelan, E, Kavanagh M, Louw J, Doyle C, Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference - THEConf2021: 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world' 9-11 March 2021, , Trinity College Dublin, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Boyle S.J., Doyle C. , Challenges experienced by paid carers providing palliative care to adults with intellectual disabilities. , Learning Disability Practice., 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Gates, B., Griffiths, C., Atherton, H., Sutton, P., McAnelly, S., Cleary, M., Doyle, C., Keenan, P., Fleming, S., Issues of sustainability, recruitement and retention of a specialist nursing workforce: Overview of an Oral History project of Intellectual Disability Nurses from the Republic of Ireland and England, United Kingdom., International Conference on the History of Nursing, Florence, Italy, 13th-15th February , 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Doyle C., Sheerin F., Eustace Cook J., Wuytack F. , A Systematic Review of Medication Management in Intellectual Disability Settings , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 , Trinity College, Dublin, 5th March, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Doyle C., The importance of supportive relationships with general practitioners, hospitals and pharmacists for mothers who 'give medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities , Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Gates B., Griffiths C., Atherton H., McAnelly S., Keenan P., Fleming S., Doyle C., Cleary M., Sutton P. , Intellectual disability Nursing An Oral History Project, First edition, Emerald Points, 2020, 1 - 147pp Book, 2020

Shovlin A, Flynn M, Louw J, Doyle C, Implementing blended feeding for children with intellectual disabilities in a school environment, Learning Disability Practice, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Gates., B; Griffiths., C; Keenan., P; Fleming., S; Doyle., C; Cleary., M; Atherton., H; McAnelly, S., and Sutton, P,. , Initial findings of the sustainability of learning disability nursing: An Oral History., Celebrating Learning Disability Nursing conference. 100 years of Learning Disability Nursing. , The Chancellors Hall. Wolverhampton University. , June , 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Byrne, K., Doyle, C., Louw, J. S. George, S. , Evaluating health assessments in relation to cardiovascular health conditions for people with intellectual disabilities. , Nursing & Midwifery Planning & Development Unit (NMPDU) Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow annual conference (NMPDU DSKW Conference), Clayton Hotel Dublin, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22. 12th September, 2019 Poster, 2019

Sheerin, F., Fleming, S., Burke, E., Byrne, K., Cleary, M., Doyle, C. and Keenan, P., Exploring mental health issues in people with an intellectual disability, Learning Disability Practice, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Horan P.F, Fleming S, Cleary M, Burke E, Doyle C, Byrne K. Griffiths C and Keenan P., 'Sweet Dreams'; an evidence based approach to effective sleep hygiene maintenance for people with an intellectual disability, Learning Disability Practice., 22, (2), 2019, p13 - 19 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Doyle C., 'Giving medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities - Mothers' experiences. , Trinity Health and Education International Research conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 7th March, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Flynn, M., Shovlin, A., Doyle, C., Louw, J.S. , Developing a Policy Document for Liquidised Feeding in Children with a Gastrostomy Tube., Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, Ashling hotel, Dublin, 16th October , 2019 Poster, 2019

Byrne, K., Doyle, C., Louw, J. S. George, S., Examining health assessments in relation to cardiovascular health conditions for people with intellectual disabilities. , Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, Ashling hotel, Dublin, 16th October , 2019 Poster, 2019

Gates., B; Griffiths., C; Atherton., H; Suttton., P; McAnelly., S; Cleary., M; Doyle., C; Keenan., P and Fleming., S , Lessons from the past: Building a body of evidence in learning disability nursing: An Oral History. , Celebrating 100 Years of Learning Disabilities Nursing Conference: Leadership, Research and Innovation. , The University of West London. , July, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Colgan A., Louw J., Doyle C. , Effectiveness of video promopting in teh acquisition of functional skills of adults with developmental disability. , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference , Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March, 2019 Poster, 2019

Fleming S., Doyle C., Griffith C., Keenan P., Cleary M., gates B., Sutton P., Atherton H., McAnelly S., Untold stories: lessons for workforce sustainability, recruitment and retention "Workforce excellence and sustainability" , EASPD Annual Conference - Staff Matters. , Helsinki, Finland, 3rd/4th October, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Keane, S., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C., Setting-up an Outreach Clinic to manage Epilepsy in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities., Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, Ashling hotel, Dublin, 16th October , 2019 Poster, 2019

Doyle C. , Supporting mothers of children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities to 'give medicines' - the role of the GP. , Trinity Health and Education International Research conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 7th March, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Fleming S., Doyle C., Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), Learning Disability Practice, 22, (1), 2019, p16- Journal Article, 2019

Doyle C., 'Giving Medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities - mothers' experiences., The World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Developmental Disabilities, Glasgow, Scotland, 6-9 August, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Doyle C., Fleming S., 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Learning Disability Practice, 22, (2), 2019, p12- Journal Article, 2019

Fenlon, A., Doyle, C., Louw, J. S. , Developing appropriate guidelines for a person-centred service for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID)., Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing Symposium: Developing Nursing Capacity Capability & Nursing Leadership - Advancing the Role, Ashling hotel, Dublin, 16th October , 2019 Poster, 2019

Colgan, A., Louw, J.S., Doyle, C., Ging, D. , Evaluating video prompting in the acquisition of functional skills of adults with developmental disability, Nursing & Midwifery Planning & Development Unit (NMPDU) Dublin South, Kildare & Wicklow annual conference (NMPDU DSKW Conference), Clayton Hotel Dublin, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22. 12th September, 2019 Poster, 2019

Keenan P, Griffiths C., Fleming S., Horan, P., Henderson K., O' Reilly A and Doyle C., Supporting safe eating and drinking for people with severe and profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, Positive Choices - Heroes and Champions deserve to live a life free from fear, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 19th April 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Griffiths C., Fleming S., Horan P., Keenan P., Henderson K., O' Reilly A., Doyle C. , Supporting safe eating and drinking for people with severe and profound intellectual and multiple disabilities , Learning Disability Practice , 21, (1), 2018, p26 - 31 Journal Article, 2018

Griffiths Colin, Fleming Sandra, Horan Paul, Keenan Paul Michael, Henderson Karen, O'Reilly Aine and Doyle Carmel., Supporting safe eating and drinking for people with severe and profound intellectual and multiple disabilities., Learning Disability Practice. , 21, (1), 2018, p26-31 Journal Article, 2018

Brenner M, Kidston C, Hilliard C, Coyne I, Eustace-Cooke J, Doyle C, Begley T, Barrett M.J. , Children's complex care needs: a systematic concept analysis of multidisciplinary language. , European Journal of Pediatrics , 177, (11), 2018, p1641 - 1652 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Keenan P.M., Fleming S., Horan P., Byrne K., Burke E., Cleary M., Doyle C. & Griffiths C., , Urinary continence promotion and the person with an intellectual disability,, Positive Choices - Heroes and Champions deserve to live a life free from fear, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin., 19th April 2018, edited by Positive Choices , 2018, ppdoi: 10.7748/ldp.2018.e1878 Conference Paper, 2018

Keenan P., Fleming S., Horan P., Byrne K., Burke E., Cleary M., Doyle C., Griffiths C., Urinary continence promotion and people with an intellectual disability. , Learning Disability Practice, 21, (3), 2018, p28 - 34 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Doyle C. , Mothers' experiences of 'giving medicines' through alternative routes of administration to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. , Children's Nursing Research Symposia, Trinity College, Dublin, 2nd May, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Doyle C., Byrne K., Fleming S., Griffiths C., Horan P., Keenan P., Enhancing the experience of people with intellectual disabilities who access healthcare, Positive Choices 2018, Trinity College, Dublin, 19th April 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Athlete Health in, editor(s)Keenan P., Doyle C., Maguire O.P. , Special Olympics Ireland Tutor Training Manual - Intellectual Disability Education Modules, 3rd edition , Dublin, Ireland, Special Olympics Ireland, 2017, ppChapter 2 , [Doyle C. & Fleming S. ] Book Chapter, 2017

Doyle C., Cronin P. , Difficulties in 'giving medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities - mothers' experiences. , RCPCH/RCN Conference , Birmingham, 24-26th May, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Doyle C., Cronin P. , Difficulties in 'giving medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities - mothers' experiences. , Archives of Disease in Childhood, 102, (Suppl 1), 2017, pA16.3 - A17 Journal Article, 2017

Keenan P., Doyle C., Maguire O.P., Special Olympics Ireland Tutor Training Manual - Intellectual Disability Education Modules, 3rd, Dublin, Ireland, Special Olympics, 2017, Manual pp Book, 2017

Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Dennehy, C. & Quirke, M. , Medication management in children's nursing: A review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one Irish children's services centre, Archives of Disease in Childhood , Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Abstracts of the Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 24-26 May 2017, 102(Suppl 1), 2017, ppA20.3-A Conference Paper, 2017

Doyle C., Byrne K., Fleming S., Griffiths C., Horan P., Keenan P. , Enhancing the experience of persons with intellectual disabilities who are accessing healthcare , Learning Disability Practice, 19, (6), 2016, pdoi.10.7748/ldp.2016.e1752 Journal Article, 2016

Dr Honor Nicholl, Ms Carmel Doyle, Ms Jessica Eustace-Cook, Ms Geraldine Prizeman, Dr Catherine Tracey, Dr Aileen Lynch, Ms Clair Kelly, Exploring the challenges experienced by people with muscular dystrophy living independently (MD INDOLIVING), School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dublin Trinity College, University of Dublin Trinity College, 2016, 1-75 Report, 2016 TARA - Full Text URL

Doyle C. , Recruiting mothers of children with complex needs - Overcoming the Challenges , 15th International Qualitative Methods Conference , Glasgow, 3rd May 2016 , 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Doyle C., Nicholl H., Challenges in recruiting mothers' of children with complex needs - using a gatekeeper, 2nd Collaborative Children's Palliative Care: Building Bridges , Farmleigh, Dublin. , 22nd April, 2016 Poster, 2016

Doyle C. & Nicholl H., Mothers' who 'give medicines' to children with complex needs - Considerations in Ganining Access, 7th International cardiff Conference on Paediatric Palliative Care, Cardiff University, Wales, 8th-10th July, 2015, pp72 - 72 Poster, 2015

Doyle C. & Nicholl H., Ethical Challenges that can arise when Conducting Research in Children's Palliative Care, IAPC Annual education and Research Seminar, Radisson Blu Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8, 5th February 2015, 2015 Poster, 2015

Nicholl H., Doyle C., Begley T., Murphy M., Lawlor A. & Malone H. , Developing and information leaflet on 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome for parents to use with professionals during health care encounters, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19, (3), 2014, 238 - 246 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Doyle C.& Nicholl H., Medication management and the child with complex needs, 14th Annual Education & Research Seminar , Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny Ireland , 6 February , 2014, pp22 Poster, 2014

Doyle C. & Fleming S. , The Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability (RNID) - Responding to the care needs of people with an intellectual disability, 33rd Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research Education Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. , 20th February 2014, 2014, pp97 Poster, 2014

Doyle C, Nicholl H & Thomas C, Parents of Children with Life-Limiting Illness- Medication Management in the Home Environment, IAPC 13th Annual Education and Research Seminar Book of Abstracts, Alexander Hotel , 7th February, 2013, pp35- Poster, 2013

Doyle C & Nicholl H , "What happens when we get home" Equipment used in the home of children with severe neurological impairment and its impact , Book of abstracts , 2nd PNAE Conference on Paediatric Nursing , Glasgow , 7-8 June , 2013, pp9-10- Meeting Abstract, 2013

Nicholl H. Doyle C., Moran S. & Guilfoyle MJ. , Identifying the types of technology that are used with children with intellectual disabilities and associated complex needs living at home in Ireland , British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41, 2013, p229 - 236 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Nicholl H., Lawlor A., Begley T., Doyle C., Murphy M. & Malone H., Developing a Parent to Professional Information Resource, Rare Disorders without Borders, Dublin City Hall, 28th February, 2013 Poster, 2013

Begley, T., Daly, L., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Implementing Blended Learning in Nursing and Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes, 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 15-16 April, 2013 Poster, 2013

Doyle C. & Nicholl H., The complexities of parents managing medications for their child with life limiting illness in the home., RCN 2013 International Nursing Research Conference, Belfast, 20-22 March, 2013, pp17 Oral Presentation, 2013

Hayes A,Connaire K Corroon A-M Doyle C Nicholl H NicPhilibin C Price J & Tracey C., Development of University-Based Inter-disciplinary Modules in Children's Palliative Care , IAPC 13th Annual Education & Research Seminar, Alexander Hotel , 7th February , 2013, pp38- Poster, 2013

Intellectual Disability Education Modules in, editor(s)Keenan P., Ni Riain M. , Special Olympics Ireland Tutor Training Manual, Ireland, Special Olympics Ireland, 2013, [Doyle C., Fleming S.] Book Chapter, 2013

Nicholl, H., Connaire, K., Price, J., Tracey, C., Corroon, A.M., Doyle, C., Nic Philbin, C., Hayes, A., Malone, H., The Challenges of providing Interdisciplinary Education in a Palliative Care Programme., AISHE responding to Change: Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education., Dublin City University., 30th/31st Aug 2012, 2012, pp38 - 38 Published Abstract, 2012

Lawlor, A., Nicholl, H. Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley, T., Murphy, M., Doyle,C. and Malone, H. (ed.), 19th International Scientific Meeting of the VCFS Educational Foundation, , Toronto, Canada, July 19-22http , 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Nicholl H., Tracey C., Nic Philibin C., Corroon AM., Doyle C.,Hayes A., Malone H., Connaire K & Price J. , "It's a balancing act": delivering an interprofessional children's palliative care programme in Ireland , Minerva Paediatrica, 1st European Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care , Rome, 28-30 November , 64, (Supp 1 No 6,Dicembre), 2012, pp41 - 42 Poster, 2012

Nicholl H & Doyle C., Broadening the horizons in Children's Palliative Care, 12th Annual Research Conference , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and midwifery,University of Cork, 9th November , 2012, ppp31 - Published Abstract, 2012

Corroon AM. Nicholl H. Doyle C. Connaire K. Nic Philibín C. Hayes A. Tracey C.& Price J. , Teaching and Learning in Palliative Care Developing Interdisciplinary Paediatric Palliative Care Education, Moving Points Conference, , Our Lady's Hospice, Haroldscross , 15th March, 2012 Poster, 2012

Lawlor A, Nicholl H, Dr. (Principal Investigator), Begley T, Doyle C, Murphy M, Malone H Dr, Development of a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet in Ireland., The 8th Biennial International 22q11 Deletion Syndrome meeting , Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA., July 6th to 10th , 2012 Conference Paper, 2012 URL

Nicholl H.,Connaire K.,Tracey C.,Price J.,Doyle C.,Nic Philibin C.,Corroon AM.,Hayes A. &Malone H., , Students and lecturers views on the importance of "real world experiences" when delivering children's palliative care education, Minerva Paediatrica, 1st European Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care , Rome,, 28-30 November , 64, (Supp 1 No 6,Dicembre), 2012, pp43 - 43 Poster, 2012

Connaire K.,Nicholl H, Price J., Tracey C, Nic Philibin C,Malone H,Hayes A Corroon AM & Doyle C., Keeping the focus in Interdisciplinary Education:Sharing Experiences , 18th Qualitative Health Research Conference , University of Alberta Canada, 23 October , 2012, pp42 - 43 Published Abstract, 2012

Doyle C, Nicholl H Guilfoyle MJ & Doyle J, , What a challenge? Management of technology by parents of children with complex needs in the home, , 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, , School of Nursing & Midwifery,TCD,, 7/ 8th November , 20, 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Doyle,C. & Buckley, S., An account of nursing a child with complex needs in the home, Nursing Children and Young People, 24, (5), 2012, p19 - 22 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Nichol, H., Doyle, C., Lecky, M., Morna, S., Guilfoyle, M.J., Which piece? The types of technology used by children with complex needs at home. , 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 9th & 10th November , 2011 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Intellectual Disability Education Modules in, editor(s)Keenan P., Codd A. , Special Olympics Ireland Tutor Training Manual, Ireland, Special Olympics Ireland, 2011, [Doyle C., Fleming S.] Book Chapter, 2011

Doyle C., Nicholl H.& Leckey Y., Technology used by children with complex needs at home , 12th Congress of the Association for Palliative Care, Lisbon Congress Centre Lisbon, 18-21 May, 2011, pp122 - 122 Poster, 2011

Nicholl H, Murphy M, Lawlor A, Malone H, Doyle C & Begley T, Developing an information resource for health professionals on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, 12 th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 9th, 10th, 2011, pp78 - 78 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Nicholl, H., Doyle, C., Leckey, Y., Guilfoyle, M.J., Moran, S. , An investigation into the technology used by children with complex at home in Ireland, 30th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference, RCSI, Dublin, 23rd & 24th Feb 2011, 2011, pp58 - 58 Oral Presentation, 2011

Begley, T., Murphy,M., Buckley, S.& Doyle, C., Evaluating the assessment of students on the Children's and General Integrated Nursing Degree Programme., 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG Galway, 4th- 5th April, 2011, pp9 - 9 Poster, 2011

Murphy M, Nicholl H, Begley T, Doyle C, Lawlor A & Malone H, Developing a parent to professional information leaflet on 22q11 Deletion Syndrome: What information do professional's require from a parents perspective?, 11th Annual Research Conference, , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC, Ireland, Nov 4th , 2011, pp62- Poster, 2011

Doyle, C., Buckley, S., Begley, T., Murphy, M., Adopting a Model of care when working with children with complex needs in the home., 3rd International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 4th/5th April 2011, 2011, pp8 - 8 Poster, 2011

Nicholl,H.,Doyle,C., Leckey,Y., Guilfoyle,M.J.& Moran,S., An investigation into the equipment that is used by children with complex needs at home , Conference abstracts, IAPC 11th Annual Education and Research Seminar, Hilton Hotel, Dublin, 3 February , IAPC, 2011, pp63- Poster, 2011

Lawlor, A., Nicholl, H., Doyle, C., Promoting Innovation in Research - What are experiences of user involvement? , 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Reserach Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, 9/10th November, 2011, pp62- Poster, 2011

Doyle, C., Nicholl, H., Connaire, K., Corroon, A.M., Nic Philbin, C., Hayes, A., Rees, B., Stakeholder Involvement in Curriculum Development - The Opportunities, 11th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, 4th November, 2011 Poster, 2011

Doyle, C., Nicholl, H., Guilfoyle, M.J., Moran, S. , Technology used by children with complex needs within the home: the outcome of a baseline study., 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, Trinity College, Dublin, 4th & 5th November , 2010, pp44 - 44 Meeting Abstract, 2010

Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M. Begley, T., Educating the Children's Nurse: The Irish Transformation, The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies EAPS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-26 October 2010, 2010, pp6- Meeting Abstract, 2010

Doyle, C. , Voluntary Services Provided for Children with an Intellectual Disability , 29th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, RCSI, Dublin, 25th February 2010, 2010 Poster, 2010

Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., and Dolye, C., Methodology in family nursing - some issues for discussion and consideration before 'entering the field'., 9th International Family Nursing Conference , Reykjavik, Iceland, 2nd - 5th June, 2009, pp110 - 110 Conference Paper, 2009

Murphy, M., Hollywood, E., Begley, T. and Doyle,C. , Measuring Clinical Competence in a Post Registration Children's Nursing Programme: A Challange for Clinical and Academic Staff, 28th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Conference; Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice and Performance in Modern Healthcare Systems, RCSI, Ireland, 26th Feb 2009, 2009, pp99- Poster, 2009

Nursing people with profound and multiple learning disabilities in, editor(s)M Jukes , Learning Disability Nursing Practice, London, Quay Books, 2009, pp275 - 297, [C Griffiths and C Doyle] Book Chapter, 2009

Doyle, C., Murphy, M.,Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H. and Begley, T., Irish undergraduate children's nurse education: developing new curricula to emphasise family centred care, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, , June 2-5 , 2009, pppp126-- Poster, 2009

Nicholl, H., Begley, T., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Methodology in Family Nursing Research - Symposium(Overcoming Challenges: accessing the voluntary sector), 9th International family nursing conference, Reykavik, Iceland, June 2-5th 2009, edited by University of Iceland , 2009 Meeting Abstract, 2009

Doyle, C., Murphy,M., Hollywood, E., Nicholl, H. and Begley, T. , Irish undergraduate children's nurse education: developing new curricula to emphasise family centred care, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2-5 , 2009, pp126- Poster, 2009

Doyle, C., Provision of Services for children with an intellectual disability - the voluntary role., 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference 2008, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, 5th November 2008, 2008 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Hollywood, E. and Begley, T. , Measuring Clinical Competence: A Challenge for clinical and academic staff, 8th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork, 10th October , 2008 Poster, 2008

Doyle, C., Murphy, M., Begley, T., King, C.B., Education of children's nurses in Ireland: an update., Paediatric Nursing, 20, (8), 2008, p41 - 45 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Doyle, C., Irish Voluntary Organisations in the Provision of Services for Children with an Intellectual Disability, Children and families: cutting edge or on the edge?, Cheltenham, 20th September , 2008, pp43 - 44 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Doyle, C., Voluntary Provision of Services for Children with Intellectual Disability., Catherine McAuley School of Nursing & Midwifery 8th Annual Research Conference, University College Cork, 10th October 2008, 2008 Poster, 2008

Murphy, M., Doyle, C., Begley, T., King, C., Children's nursing and educational change in Ireland, Nursing & Midwifery Practice Development: Meeting the Challenges. 27th International Nursing and Midwifery Research conference, RCSI, Dublin, Feb 20th & 21st, 2008, pp120 - 120 Poster, 2008

Begley,T. Murphy,M., Hollywood,E., Doyle,C.,King C. , The Changing Face of Children's Nursing Registration in Ireland. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd Sept , 2007, 63- Poster, 2007

Doyle, C. Begley,T., Murphy,M., King,C., Hollywood,E. , Educating the Irish Hand that Rocks the Cradle: The Radical Transformation of Irish Children's Nurse Education. , 18th Annual International Participative Conference, Education in Healthcare. , Univeristy of Cambridge, 4th-6th September 07, 2007, pp168 - 169 Meeting Abstract, 2007

Murphy,M., Doyle,C., Hollywood,E., Begley,T. , The Design and Implementation of a Clinical Competency Tool for a Postgraduate Children's Nursing Programme. , RCN- Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People. , Newcastle, 20-22nd September , 2007, pp73 - 73 Poster, 2007

Doyle, C., "Playing the Game: A Child with Disability Can Play Too"., Navigating a world of change with children and young people., Newcastle Upon Tyne, 21-22 September, 2007 Poster, 2007

King, C., Doyle,C., Begley,T. Murphy,M. , Overcoming the Complexities of Developing and Implementing the First Irish Integrated Children and General Nursing Undergraduate Programme. , 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology. , Trinity College Dublin. , 7- 9th Nov 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

Doyle, C. , The Value of Action Research as a Learning Tool for the Novice Lecturer, Practice Development, Action Research and Reflective Practice 6th International Conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19 October 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Doyle, C., Methods of Continuing Professional Education Preferred by Irish Paediatric Nurses, Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing., 11, (2), 2006, p90 - 99 Journal Article, 2006

Doyle, C., Continuing Professional Education of Registered Children's Nurses in Ireland, Nurse Education Tomorrow - 16th Annual International Participative Conference, University of Durham, United Kingdom, 6th September 2005, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Doyle, C., Louw, J., Shovlin, A., Dowd, L., Kavanagh, M. , Adopting blended feeding with gastrostomy fed children - a scoping review, 'The trend to blend" Innovations in gastrostomy feeding for children - adopting real food, Online webinar , 10th November , 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Whelan, E., Doyle C., Louw, J. , Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer (P2P) vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting. , IPCI Annual National Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, 19th May 2023, 2023 Poster, 2023

Fintan Sheerin, Carmel Doyle, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Francesca Wuytack, 'A systematic literature review of medicines management in intellectual disability services.', PROSPERO , 2018, - Protocol or guideline, 2018 URL

Doyle C. , Impact of Research for Childhood Disabilities, TCD Bio Soc - Childhood Disability, Trinity College, Dublin, 10th March , 2017, TCD Bio Soc Invited Talk, 2017

Fleming S. & Doyle C. , Nursing Frameworks of Care for Intellectual Disability Nursing - An Overview, Frontline, (99), 2015, pOnline Journal Article, 2015

Carmel Doyle, the Complexities of Parents Managing Medications for their Child with Life Limiting Illness in the Home - Research Evidence, Priorities in Medication Management for Children with Life Limiting Illness, Laura Lynn Children's Hospice, 12th March, 2014, Louise Neary , n/a - n/app Invited Talk, 2014

Griffiths C. & Doyle C. , The Fourteenth Healthcare and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin. , Frontline, 93, 2013, p9 Journal Article, 2013

Nicholl H, Lawlor A., Malone H., Begley T., Murphy M & Doyle C., Developing and Information leaflet on 22Q Deletion Syndrome, 6th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products, MCE Centre Brussels, 23-25 May, 2012 Poster, 2012

Doyle, C., Book Review, Review of Beating Dyspraxia with a Hop, Skip and a Jump, by Platt, G. , Learning Disability Practice, 15, (3), 2012, p8 Review, 2012

Nicholl H.,Begley T.,Doyle C.,Murphy M., Lawlor A & Malone H., , Developing a Parent to Professional Information Leaflet on 22q11Deletion Syndrome(22q11DS) What information do professionals require?,, 22Q11 Ireland Annual Conference, Red Cow Hotel Dublin, 22nd October , 2011 Poster, 2011

Doyle, C. , Review of Not Stupid, by Anna Kennedy , Learning Disability Practice, 11, (10), 2008, p24 Review, 2008

Doyle, C., Review of Supporting Victims, by Hollins, S. et al , Learning Disability Practice, 11, (2), 2008, p24 Review, 2008

Doyle, C. , Review of Small Steps Forward, by Sarah Newman , The Frontline of learning Disability, 73, 2008, p35 Review, 2008

Doyle, C., Review of Joey Goes to the Dentist, by Vittorini, C. & Boyer, S. , Learning Disability Practice, 10, (5), 2007, p24 Review, 2007

Doyle, C., Process or Product? - Getting to grips with curriculum models., 26th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, 22nd February 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

Doyle, C., The Clinical Learning Environment - Towards a Definition, Sharing Best Practice 2007, Galway Bay Hotel, 15th February 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

Doyle, C., The Fun with Food Programme: Book Review., by McCurtin Arlene , Learning Disability Practice, 10, (9), 2007, p27 Review, 2007

Doyle, C. , Review of Meeting the Needs of Children with Disabilities: Families and professional facing the challenge together, by Helen K. Warner , The Frontline of Learning Disability, (70), 2007, p31 Review, 2007

Doyle, C., Playing the Game: A Child with Disability Can Play Too, RCN - Navigating a World of Change with Children and Young People, Newcastle, 20-22nd Sept., 2007 Poster, 2007

Doyle, C. , Continuing Professional Education - What do you mean?, 6th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Reserach Conference, University College Cork, 22nd September 2006, 2006 Poster, 2006

Doyle, C, Reaching Full Potential, World of Irish Nursing, 14, (11), 2006, p45 - 46 Journal Article, 2006

Doyle, C., PEG feeding and the child with ID, World of Irish Nursing, 14, (4), 2006, p27 - 28 Journal Article, 2006

Doyle, C., Analysis of Teaching Sessions in the Practice Environment, Practice Development, Action Research and Reflective Practice 6th International Conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th October 2006, 2006 Poster, 2006

Doyle, C., The Clinical Learning Environment - A Concept Analysis, 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Reserach, Education and Technology, Trinity College, Dublin, 8,9,10 November 2006, 2006 Poster, 2006

Doyle, C., A Clinical Competency Tool for a Post Graduate Paediatric Nursing Programme, Sharing Best Practice, Galway Bay Hotel, Galway, 23rd February 2006, 2006 Poster, 2006

Doyle, C., Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Childhood, World of Irish Nursing, 13, (7), 2005, p44 - 45 Journal Article, 2005

Doyle, C., Review of Planning for Life - Involving Adults with Learning Disabilities in Service Planning, by Concannon, L. , 2005 Review, 2005

Doyle, C., Frontline Reviews, The Frontline of Learning Disability, 64, 2005, p31- Journal Article, 2005

Doyle, C., The Design and Implementation of a Clinical Comptency Tool for a Post Graduate Paediatric Nursing Programme, 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 4, 5, 6 th November, 2005 Poster, 2005

Doyle, C., Health Research Round Table, The Frontline of Disability Nursing, 61, 2005, p6 - 6 Journal Article, 2005

Doyle, C. , A Descriptive Study of the Continuing Professional Education of Registered Sick Children's Nurses in Ireland, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2004 Thesis, 2004

Doyle, C, The use of evidence based care plans when caring for the child and family, The Greatest Challenge: Caring - The Greatest Challenge, Meath Foundation, AMNCH, Tallaght, Dublin 24, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Research Expertise


. Nurse Education. . Continuing Professional Education. . Reflective Practice. . Intellectual Disabilities. . Paediatrics. . Children with Severe/Profound Complex and Special Needs. RESEARCH COMPLETED TO DATE: . A Descriptive Study of the Continuing Professional Education of Registered Sick Children's Nurses in Ireland.


  • Title
    • Literature review on the causes, prevention and management of crisis situations among young disabled people
  • Summary
    • Multiple factors are likely to underlie challenging behaviour in children and young people with autism and intellectual disability. Therefore, understanding what causes and prevents crisis situations is paramount. Exploring the range of supports offered and how these evidence-based management strategies are implemented is essential. This literature review is important in informing the field and establishing a basis for further research.
  • Funding Agency
    • National Disability Authority
  • Date From
    • 2nd April 2024
  • Date To
    • 2nd August 2024
  • Title
    • Evidence-based QUality Improvement and Patient Safety (EQUIPS) research network
  • Summary
    • EQUIPS will bring together stakeholder groups, researchers and knowledge users to advance Quality and Patient Safety (QPS) research and create a better understanding among patients and the public about the value and impact of QPS research. The network will provide a forum to debate and determine research priorities, support the development of a critical mass of research activity, and position Ireland to engage internationally to ensure we are at the forefront of best international practice when it comes to patient safety research and its application into practice. The team includes 22 co-applicants and 28 collaborators with experience in QPS research spanning a range of disciplinary backgrounds including Health Systems, Implementation Science, Medical Education, Psychology, Human Factors and Behavioural Science.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB and HSE
  • Date From
    • 2024
  • Date To
    • Dec 2028
  • Title
    • Literature review on the causes, prevention and management of crisis situations among young disabled people
  • Summary
    • Multiple factors are likely to underlie challenging behaviour in children and young people with autism and intellectual disability. Therefore, understanding what causes and prevents crisis situations is paramount. Exploring the range of supports offered and how these evidence-based management strategies are implemented is essential. This literature review is important in informing the field and establishing a basis for further research.
  • Funding Agency
    • National Disability Authority
  • Date From
    • 2nd April 2024
  • Date To
    • 2nd August 2024
  • Title
    • HEA COVID 19 Costed Extensions Fund
  • Summary
    • Service innovation funding for 6 months
  • Title
    • Technological application for sensory regulation of children with ASD in different natural contexts
  • Funding Agency
    • ERA-NET Neuron
  • Title
    • Gravitate Health Project
  • Summary
    • This unique public - private strategic partnership is co-led by the University of Oslo (public partner coordinator) and Pfizer (industry lead). Trinity is one of 40 leading partners from civil society, academia and industry in 15 countries have joined forces to develop novel, patient-focussed healthcare information tools. The project aims to improve citizens timely access to trustworthy, relevant information about medicines and ensure a better understanding of health information, for safe use of medicines, risk minimization and improved quality of life.
  • Funding Agency
    • IMI/Horizon 2020
  • Date From
    • Nov 2020
  • Date To
    • Nov 2025
  • Title
    • Service Improvement Innovation
  • Summary
    • The importance of facilitating and overcoming the barriers to nurse-led practice-orientated research have been recognised. Equally, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) academic staff in the School of Nursing and Midwifery continuously seek to engage effectively with clinical sites with the objective of merging academic skills and clinical experience to promote and facilitate the development and implementation of evidence based care in practice. As a result, a partnership research capacity building programme was established in August 2018 between three Services namely Muiriosa Foundation (intellectual disability), Peamount Healthcare (intellectual disability and general services), Stewarts Care (intellectual disability) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery.
  • Funding Agency
    • NMPDU
  • Date From
    • October 2020
  • Date To
    • October 2021
  • Title
    • Assessment of barriers to the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine through a peer-to-peer vaccination program within an Intellectual Disability setting.
  • Date From
    • Jan 2020
  • Date To
    • Sept 2020
  • Title
    • The Patient's Experience of Nitrous Oxide for Sedation and Relief of Pain During Botulinum Toxin Injection Treatment for Muscle Spasticity in Children
  • Date From
    • Sept 2019
  • Date To
    • Jan 2021
  • Title
    • Perspectives of parents / guardians and nurses of respite services for children with complex care needs in CHO1
  • Summary
    • This study will identify what families in CHO1 need in terms of respite care, their preferences when it comes to types of respite (in home or out of home), and what characteristics of respite care are most important to them. It will also seek the perspectives of nurses caring for these families.
  • Funding Agency
    • HSE
  • Date From
    • September 2019
  • Date To
    • 2020
  • Title
    • Service Improvement Innovation
  • Summary
    • The importance of facilitating and overcoming the barriers to nurse-led practice-orientated research have been recognised. Equally, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) academic staff in the School of Nursing and Midwifery continuously seek to engage effectively with clinical sites with the objective of merging academic skills and clinical experience to promote and facilitate the development and implementation of evidence based care in practice. As a result, a partnership research capacity building programme was established in August 2018 between three Services namely Muiriosa Foundation (intellectual disability), Peamount Healthcare (intellectual disability and general services), Stewarts Care (intellectual disability) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery.
  • Funding Agency
    • NMPDU
  • Date From
    • September 2019
  • Date To
    • September 2020
  • Title
    • An exploration of the role of voluntary organisations in the provision of services for children with an intellectual disability
  • Funding Agency
    • TCD Start up funding 5,500
  • Date From
    • September 2007
  • Date To
    • July 2008
  • Title
    • Service Improvement Innovation
  • Summary
    • The importance of facilitating and overcoming the barriers to nurse-led practice-orientated research have been recognised. Equally, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) academic staff in the School of Nursing and Midwifery continuously seek to engage effectively with clinical sites with the objective of merging academic skills and clinical experience to promote and facilitate the development and implementation of evidence based care in practice. As a result, a partnership research capacity building programme was established in August 2018 between three Services namely Muiriosa Foundation (intellectual disability), Peamount Healthcare (intellectual disability and general services), Stewarts Care (intellectual disability) and the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery.
  • Funding Agency
    • NMPDU
  • Date From
    • September 2018
  • Date To
    • September 2019
  • Title
    • A Descriptive Study of the Continuing Professional Education of Registered Sick Children's Nurses in Ireland.
  • Funding Agency
    • Self Funded
  • Date From
    • Sept 2003-Sept 2004
  • Title
    • The identification of the type of technology used by children with complex needs who are receiving care at home
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Hospice Foundation
  • Date From
    • April 2010
  • Date To
    • December 2011
  • Title
    • Development of an Information Leaflet on 22q11 deletion syndrome from the Perspective of parents with Children Diagnosed with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome.
  • Funding Agency
    • Martha McMenamin
  • Date From
    • January 2011
  • Date To
    • September 2011
  • Title
    • Developing, implementing and evaluating an interdiscpilinary module in children's palliative care for health professionals
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Hospice Foundation 70,000 euro
  • Date From
    • September 2010
  • Date To
    • September 2012
  • Title
    • Mothers' experiences of 'giving medicines' to children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities
  • Funding Agency
    • Self Funding
  • Date From
    • September 2013
  • Date To
    • July 2019
  • Title
    • Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing In Ireland
  • Funding Agency
    • HSE
  • Date From
    • February 2014
  • Date To
    • March 2015
  • Title
    • Exploring the Challenges Experienced by People with Muscular Dystrophy Living Independently
  • Summary
    • The aim of this study is to investigate the issues that impede indivduals with MD from independent living.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • January 2015
  • Date To
    • January 2016
  • Title
    • Medication management in children's nursing: a review of NIQA scores over a five year period in one children's services centre.
  • Funding Agency
    • Adelaide Society
  • Date From
    • May 2016
  • Date To
    • May 2017
  • Title
    • Medication Management in Intellectual Disability Settings
  • Funding Agency
    • HSE
  • Date From
    • March 2018
  • Date To
    • July 2018
  • Title
    • Anglo Irish Oral History of Intellectual Disability Nursing
  • Funding Agency
    • INMO/RCN
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • May 2019
  • Title
    • Improving patient access, understanding and adherence to healthcare information - an integrated digital health information project
  • Summary
    • Gravitate health
  • Funding Agency
    • H2020


Adult & Continuing Education; Child centred research questions, study design, data analysis; Children's Nursing; Children's nursing. Neonatal nursing. Family-centered care. ; Children, health and disability; Clinical learning environment in nursing; Continuing Professional Development; INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES; Intellectual Disability; International children's research; International Education/Training; Learning Disabled Education; Lifelong Learning; Nursing Education; Play; Promotion of child centred research; Undergraduate Education



Educational Consultant for Special Olympics Ireland March 2007 to date

Personal College Tutor for Undergraduate students Sept 2007 to Sept 2009

Member of Intellectual Disability Discipline September 2004 to date

Ethics Advisor on School of Nursing & Midwifery Research Ethics Advisory Committee Sept 2005 to Sept 2008

School of Nursing and Midwifery representative on Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Committee Sept 2007-Dec 2007

Head of Discipline (Intellectual Disability Nursing) 2015-2018


Inclusion Ireland

International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities

All Ireland Society for Higher Education

All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care 2012 – to date