Professor Imelda Coyne is a Professor & Director of the Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC). She is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin (FTCD), Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science (FEANS), and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
She is Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal of Adolescent Health and Medicine, De Gruyter and Associate Editor, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, Taylor and Francis Group, USA.
She has held the Alva Myrdal Visiting Professorship at Mälardalen University, Sweden. External examiner at Manchester University, University of Malta and expert member of the Nuffield Council of Bioethics, UK.
In 2017, Imelda led the consultation with young children aged 3-5 years to inform the Irish Government national strategy 'First 5 Early Years'
In 2011, Imelda led the consultation with children and young people to inform the Irish Government children's policy framework 'Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures'
Since 2009, Imelda has been an Ambassador for the Children's Participation Hub, Irish Government, wherein she promotes the importance of children's participation and voices in policies that affect children's lives.
Imelda has obtained >5 million grant funding for research. The central theme underpinning her programme of research is valuing children's and young people's voices and promoting their participation in matters that affect their lives. Her research focuses on: child participation rights, shared decision-making, child and family centred care, technological interventions for chronic illness management and transition from child to adult services.
Imelda has published >200 peer-reviewed articles, 6 books, 19 chapters, conducted international workshops and delivered keynote addresses at several national and international scientific conferences. Her journal articles span many top-ranking journals in her own discipline and in interdisciplinary journals, indicative of the broad intellectual scope and appeal of her work. Citation impact may be seen in: Scopus h-Index is 43 with 6224 citations; Web Of Science h-Index 47 with 8166 citations; Google scholar h-index 54 and i10-index 102 with 15353 citations.
Imelda has held significant leadership roles in nurse education including: Director of Nursing and Midwifery Degree programme (TCD), Head of Children's Discipline (TCD), Director of Professional and Academic Affairs (TCD), Director of International Cooperation (Erasmus, TCD), Director of Undergraduate Nursing degree (DCU), Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing (DCU) and Director of Bachelor in Nursing Studies (DCU).
In 2015, Imelda led the development and writing of the Undergraduate nursing and midwifery curriculum, in response to Trinity Education Project (TEP) and the revised Standards and Requirements for Registration Education Programmes in Nursing. She led the preparation for the site visit by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, 2017.
Imelda is passionate about supporting students to develop their potential in clinical practice and research and has helped undergraduate students to publish in peer-reviewed journals and postgraduate students to obtain funding for their studies.
From 2013-2016, Imelda chaired the Nursing & Midwifery category for the Undergraduate Awards programme.
Imelda teaches and coordinates modules on the BSc Children & General Nursing undergraduate degree, the Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing, MSc in Child Health, MSc Nursing, and the MSc in Translational Oncology.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sleath, Betsy, Thomas, Kathleen C., Carpenter, Delesha M., Annis, Izabela E, Tudor, Gail, Coyne, Imelda, Garcia, Nacire, Adjei, Abena A., Leslie, Laurel K., Provider use of a participatory decision-making style with youth with ADHD and their caregivers and visit satisfaction, Patient Education and Counseling, 2025, p108714
Deciding with Children: What is the evidence? in, editor(s)Professor John Massie, Dr Georgina Hall and Professor Lynn Gillam , Deciding with Children in Pediatrics: Children's participation in healthcare decision making., UK, Elsevier., 2025, pp37 - 52, [Coyne I]
Sleath B., Beznos B., Carpenter D., Thomas K., Annis I., Tudor G., Garcia N., Adjei A., Anastopoulos A., Leslie L., Coyne I., A pre-visit video/question prompt list intervention to increase youth question-asking about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder during pediatric visits, Patient Education and Counseling, 127, 2024
Sleath B, Coyne I et al., Provider use of a participatory style during ADHD pediatric visits and satisfaction, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli, Zaragoza, Spain, 9th " 13th September, 2024
Coyne I, Promoting child-centred communication in healthcare: what is important to children and how can we make it better?, Listening to children"s voices : Promoting child-centred care through research and practice", Dundee Dental Hospital and School, University of Dundee, Scotland, 22nd May 2024, 2024, Dr Siyang Yuan
Coyne I, INVITED KEYNOTE Patient and family empowerment in pediatric and adult congenital cardiology., 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC 2024), Porto, Portugal, 8-11th May, 2024, Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC)
Kirwan K & Coyne I, Care provision for adolescents with mental health difficulties in the acute paediatric setting: exploring the challenges and facilitators, TheCONF2024, School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD, 2024
Coyne I, Shared decision-making in healthcare: how can we make it better ?, 23rd The International European Society for Immunological Disorders ESSID / INGID / IPOPI Conference, Marseille, France, 16th-19th October, 2024, ESID
Participatory Research: Does it genuinely extend the sphere of Children"s and Young People"s Participation in, editor(s)Coyne I & Carter B. (editors).2nd edition. , Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Knowledge Using Creative, Digital and Innovative Techniques, Switzerland., Springer Nature, 2024, pp255 - 265, [Carter B and Coyne I.]
Flórez A, Vicho de la Fuente N, Rodríguez-González R, Coyne I, Sheaf G, Martínez_Santos AE., Cuidados de enfermería ante el impacto psicosocial de la dermatitis atópica en los adolescentes: una revisión sistemática [Nursing care for the psychosocial impact of atopic dermatitis in adolescents: a systematic review]., 2024 GEIDAC Meeting (, 69 Reunion GEIDAC2024 (Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology), Granada, Spai, 19-21st September, 2024
I. Coyne, B. Sleath, J. Surdey, S. Pembroke, C. Hilliard, K. Chechalk, S. Rafferty, S. Rogerson, M. Hughes M, M. Murphy, D. Cody, E. Roche,, Intervention to promote adolescents" communication and engagement in diabetes clinic encounters: A pilot randomized controlled trial, Patient Education and Counseling,, 126, (108322,), 2024, p1 - 8, p1-8
Sleath B, Coyne I et al., Creating a health empowerment website with teens: Information for the Evolving Teenager (, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli, Zaragoza, Spain, 9th " 13th September, 2024
Coyne Imelda, Pembroke Sinead, Sleath Betsy, Brenner Maria, Roche Edna F., Hilliard Carol, Cody Declan, Adolescents, parents, and providers' experiences of triadic encounters in paediatric diabetes clinics: A qualitative study, Health Expectations, 27, (1), 2024, pe13916-
Coyne I, Shared decision-making in healthcare: how can we make it better ?, Symposium on shared decision making with children., Willem-Alexander Children"s Hospital/Dep of Pediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands., October 31 2024, 2024, Dep of Pediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Coyne I & Carter B., Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Knowledge Using Creative, Digital and Innovative Techniques., 2nd editions, Switzerland., Springer International Publishing,, 2024, 1 - 198pp
Helen Malone and Imelda Coyne, Providing Clarity on Bayesian Statistical Techniques for Novice Researchers: Bayesian Model Comparison and Bayesian Estimation, THEConf2024 New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 5 - 7th March, 2024
Coyne et al., Promoting adolescents" question asking and engagement in clinic encounters: Results from a pilot RCT,, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli, Zaragoza, Spain, 9th " 13th September, 2024
Coyne I, Ensuring a smooth transition to adult health services: are we nearly there yet ?, 23rd The International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) European Regional Conference, Copenhagen,, 10-11 October 2024, 2024, IAAH
Apriyanti E, Kirwan L, Sheaf G, Coyne I., Parents" experiences and needs of their child's admission to a PICU: A mixed methods systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (theconf2024) `New Horizons in healthcare: Global impact, local relevance', Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March, 2024
Vicho-de-la-Fuente N., Martinez-Santos A.-E., Rodriguez-Gonzalez R., Florez A., Sheaf G., Coyne I., Impact of Atopic Dermatitis on Adolescents and Families: A Mixed-Method Systematic Review, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2024
Participatory Research in the Past, Present and Future. in, editor(s)IN Coyne I & Carter B. (editors). 2nd edition. , Being Participatory: Researching with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Knowledge Using Creative, Digital and Innovative Techniques., Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2024, pp1 - 14, [Coyne I and Carter B.]
Vicho de la Fuente N, Martínez_Santos AE, Rodríguez-González R, Coyne I, Sheaf G, Flórez A., Impacto y cuidados en la familia de adolescentes con dermatitis atópica: una revisión sistemática [Impact of atopic dermatitis on adolescents and families: a mixed-method systematic review]., XVII Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Dermatológica, Dermatocosmética y Heridas 1º Simposio Iberoamericano de cuidados de la piel Cuidar la piel, el camino para la salud.[XVII National Congress of Dermatological Nursing, Dermatocosmetics and Wounds 1st Ibero-American Symposium on Skin Care Taking care of the skin, the path to health], Santiago de Compostela Espana, 23 -24 May 2024., 2024
Coyne I., Supporting children"s participation in healthcare communication encounters: The RESPECT model,, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli, Zaragoza, Spain, 9th " 13th September, 2024
Coyne I, INVITED KEYNOTE. Transition from Pediatrics to Adult Services for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: What are the Challenges and How Can We Make It Better?, 10th International Nursing Conference on Child and Adolescent Cancer Survivorship, Children"s Hospital Philadelphia, USA, April 4-5 2024, 2024, Children"s Hospital Philadelphia
Knock M., Carpenter D.M., Thomas K.C., Lee C., Adjei A., Lowery J., Coyne I., Garcia N., Sleath B., Disseminating a health information website to teens using a three-pronged approach with social media outreach, PEC Innovation, 4, 2024
Flórez A, Vicho de la Fuente N, Rodríguez-González R, Coyne I, Sheaf G, Martínez_Santos AE, Cuidados de enfermería ante el impacto psicosocial de la dermatitis atópica en los adolescentes: una revisión sistemática [Nursing care for the psychosocial impact of atopic dermatitis in adolescents: a systematic review]., GEIDAC Meeting 2024 ( (Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology),, 69 Reunion Granada, Spain, 19-21st September 20, 2024
Alsaggaf, Fatimah, Coyne, Imelda, Participation in everyday life for young people with chronic pain in Saudi Arabia: you feel lacking in life and you feel that time is flying by., Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4, 2023
P DeCosta, D Grabowski, I Coyne, 'Theoretical Foundations of Child-Centred Care in Healthcare', OSF, OSF, 2023, -
Helen Evelyn Malone, Imelda Coyne, Bayesian Analysis for Nurse and Midwifery Research: Statistical, Practical and Ethical Benefits, Nurse Researcher doi: 10.7748/nr.2023.e1852, 2023
Coyne I, Surdey J, Rafferty S, Hughes, M et al., Insights from a process evaluation of a communication intervention for adolescents with diabetes., Patient Education and Counseling, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Caledonian University, Glasgow, 5-9th September,, 109, (Suppl), Elseveir, 2023, pp32 - 32
Sleath B, Beznos B, Carpenter D, Thomas K, Annis I, Lee C, Garcia N, Tudor G, Adjei A, Knock M, Coyne I., Your Opinion Matters: How to Make the Most Out of Talking to Health Care Providers., The Duke Endowment and The Eshelman Institute for Innovation, 28 August, 2023
Foster M, Al-motlaq M, Carter B, Neill S, O"Sullivan T, Quaye A, Majamanda M, Abdullah K, Hallstrom I, English C, Vickers A, Adama E, Morelius E, Coyne I., Seeing Lockdown Through The Eyes Of Children From Around The World: Reflecting On A Children's Artwork Project,, 16th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC16),, Dublin City University, Dublin, June 20 - 23,, edited by submission id 150, 2023. , 2023
Apriyanti E, Lisa Kirwan L, Sheaf G, Coyne I, 'Experiences and needs of parents following their child's admission to a PICU: a mixed methods systematic review', PROSPERO, 2023, -
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, (2023), Coyne I (editor-in-chief), [eds.]
Foster M, Blamires J, Neill S, Coyne I, Kristjánsdóttir G, Feeg V, Paraszczuk Am, Al-Motlaq, M., The long-term impact of COVID-19 on nursing: An e-panel discussion from the International Network for Child and Family Centred Care., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 00, 2023, p1 - 12
Coyne I, INVITED KEYNOTE: Family centred care for children in hospital., International Scientific and Academic Research Congress., Karamano"lu Mehmetbey University, Karaman, Türkiye., August 23-25, 2023
Coyne I, Child and Family Centred Care: What"s working well and not so well- the evidence., National Children"s Nursing Network (NCNN), Sheraton Hotel, Athlone., 1st June, 2023
Coyne I, Surdey J, Rafferty S, Hughes, M., Insights from a process evaluation of a communication intervention for adolescents with diabetes., Patient Education and Counseling, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, Caledonian University, Glasgow,, 5-9th September,, 109, (Supplement), Elseveir, 2023, pp32 - 33, pp
Wright Megan, Thomas Kathleen , Carpenter Delesha, Lee Charle, Coyne Imelda, Garcia Nacir, Adjei Aben, Sleath Bets, Co-designing a website with and for youth, so they can better manage their health, PEC Innovation, 2, 2023, p100164-
Nursing Children and Young People. RCN Publishing Company, London, UK, RCN Publishing Company, [eds.], 2023
Betz, C L., Coyne, I, Hudson, S M., Health Care Transition: The Struggle to Define Itself, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 46, (3), 2023, p162 - 172
Lisa Kirwan, Efa Apriyanti, Imelda Coyne, Greg Sheaf., 'Experiences of care for adolescents with mental health difficulties in the acute paediatric care setting: A mixed methods systematic review', PROSPERO, 2023, -
Coyne, I, Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Supporting children's agency in their own treatment., 'Just' play? A symposium on play in children's healthcare., Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge., 23 March, 2023, Starlight Children"s Foundation & and Research Centre on Play in Education, Development and Learning (PEDAL), University of Cambridge.
Claire Gorry, Laura McCullagh, Helen O'Donnell, Sarah Barrett, Susanne Schmitz, Michael Barry, Kay Curtin, Eamon Beausang, Rupert Barry, Imelda Coyne, Neoadjuvant treatment for stage III and IV cutaneous melanoma, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023, (1), 2023, p1 - 102
Coyne I, Person centred care, child centred care, family centred care " same or different?, AEPC 2023 - 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Convention Centre, Dublin, April 26-29, 2023, AEPC
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, Lausanne Switzerland, Frontiers, [Editor Special Edition: Participation in Everyday Life for Children and Young People with Long Term Health Conditions; Influences on Participation, Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation.], 2023-2024
Coyne I, INVITED KEYNOTE. Transition in care: From principles to practice, 4th European Symposium on Transition 2023, Centrale Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Hoogstraat 110 3011 PV Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 21-22, 2023
Nursing & Health Sciences, Australia, Wiley, [eds.], 2023
Alsaggaf F & Coyne I., Using multiple embedded case study design to explore adolescents' chronic pain across hospital and school settings in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and solutions., Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 'Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement'., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8-10th March, 2022
Coyne I, Reframing the focus from a family-centred to a child-centred care approach., CHILD AND ADOLESCENT NURSING SYMPOSIUM, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, 15th November 2022, 2022
Malone H, Coyne I, Compelling reasons (inter alia) why nurses and midwives should include a Bayesian analysis alongside null hypothesis significance testing, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022): 'Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement, Virtual Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery,Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 8 -10 March , 2022
Coyne I, Lost in Transition: How to Close the Care Gap for Childhood Cancer Survivors. Blog on World Cancer Day ,, 2022, p1-2
Pembroke S., Rogerson S., Coyne I., Conducting a randomised controlled trial of a psychosocial intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes during COVID-19: recommendations to overcome the challenges complicated by inconsistent public health guidelines on research, Trials, 23, (1), 2022
Pembroke, Sinead, Cody, Declan, Roche, Edna F, Sleath, Betsy, Hilliard, Carol, Brenner, Maria, Coyne, Imelda, Encouraging adolescents participation during paediatric diabetes clinic visits: Design and development of a question prompt list intervention, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 190, 2022, p109985
Rafferty, S., Surdey J, Hughes, M., & Coyne I, Examining the use of a question prompt list for young people with Type 1 diabetes at clinic visits: a process evaluation, Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 'Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement'. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. , 8-10th March , 2022
Children and adolescents' participation in information-sharing and healthcare decision-making. in, editor(s)Deirdre Horgan and Danielle Keenan , Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research , Abingdon Oxon UK, Routledge, 2022, pp103 - 116, [Coyne I and Martins A]
Coyne I, Surdey J, Sleath B, Rafferty S, Chechalk, K, Hughes M, Murphy M, Pembroke S, Rogerson S, Burke V, Brenner M, Hilliard C, Cody D, Roche E., Promoting adolescents' engagement in diabetes clinic encounters: results from an RCT., Pediatrics Diabetes, ISPAD 48th Annual Conference,, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 13-16 2022, 23, (Special Issue), John Wiley & Sons, 2022, pp66 - 67
Coyne I, Surdey J, Sleath B, Hughes M, Murphy M, Rafferty S, Pembroke S, Rogerson S, Burke V, Brenner M, Hilliard C, Cody D, Roche E. , Acceptance of a pre-clinic visit intervention to engage and empower adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus in clinic encounters with doctors, Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, EAPS 2022: "Shaping the Future of Child Health"., Barcelona Spain., 7-11th October 2022, 2022
Pembroke S, Surdey J, & Coyne I. , An integrative review: measuring self-management behaviour in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes. , Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference 'Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement'. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. , 8-10th March , 2022
Alsaggaf F & Coyne I , Chronic pain experience among adolescents in Saudi Arabia: "Pain is affecting my life", 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, EAPS 2022, Barcelona, Spain , 7-11th October 2022, Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2022
Davis S.A., Coyne I., Carpenter D.M., Thomas K.C., Lee C., Garcia N., Sleath B., Adolescent Preferences Regarding a Web Site to Empower Adolescents to Talk With Their Healthcare Providers, Journal of Adolescent Health, 68, (3), 2021, p629 - 631
Lundberg V, Eriksson C, Lind T, Coyne I, Fjellman-Wiklund A. , How children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis view participation and communication in healthcare encounters: A qualitative study. , Pediatric Rheumatology , 19, (156), 2021, p10
Foster M, Al-motlaq M, Carter B, Neill S, O'Sullivan T, Quaye A, Majamanda M, Abdullah K, Hallstrom I, English C, Vickers A, Adama E, Morelius E, Coyne I. , Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children from around the world: Reflecting on a children's artwork project. , Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Professional Nursing , 37, (3), 2021, p104 - 115
Saurbrey Pals R.A. Coyne I., Skinner T., Grabowski D., A delicate balance between control and flexibility: Experiences of care and support among pre-teenage children with type 1 diabetes and their families, Sociology of Health and Illness, 43, (2), 2021, p369 - 391
Holohan R & Coyne I, Interagency Working and Dual Diagnosis; Perspectives of professionals supporting young people, Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9-11th March, 2021
Martinez-Santos A-E, Fernandez-De-La-Iglesia JdC, Sheaf G and Coyne I, A systematic review of the educational experiences and needs of children with cancer returning to school, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77, (7), 2021, p2971 - 2994
Coyne I , Developing and evaluating an adolescent-centred intervention to promote adolescents' communication and engagement in diabetes clinic encounters. , CRI Seminar Series in Collaboration with Child and Adolescent Health Group at the Cecil G Sheps Center for Health Services Research., Children's Research Institute & University of North Carolina, 11th May , 2021, Children's Research Institute & University of North Carolina
Malone H & Coyne I, Adding value to research results: consider including a Bayes factor alongside a p-value, Trinity Health and Education International Conference (THEconf2021), Virtual Conference: School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, The University of Dublin, Ireland, 9-11 March , 2021
Alsaggaf F & Coyne I., Overcoming the challenges in recruiting participants from a hospital and several schools in Saudi Arabia during Covid-19 pandemic., Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, . 9-11th March, 2021
Al-Motlaq M., Neill S., Foster M.J., Coyne I., Houghton D., Angelhoff C., Rising-Holmstrom M., Majamanda M., Position statement of the international network for child and family centered care: Child and family centred care during the COVID19 pandemic, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 2021, p140 - 143
Abdullah, K; Adama, E; Al-Motlaq, M; Arabiat, D; Carter, B; Castor, C; Cavusoglu, H; Coyne, I; English, C; Quaye, A; Ford, K; Foster, M; Hallstrom, I; Majamanda, M; Mediani, H; Morelius, E; Neill, S; O'Sullivan, T; Paraszczuk, M; Smith, J; Vickers, A. The , The International Network for Child and Family Centred Care Children's COVID-19 Artwork. , 15th International Family Nursing Conference (in virtual format): Family Nursing Throughout the Lifecourse. , Online, 2021
Coyne I , Nurse education over the years: Reflections on the past and meeting the challenges of the future. , Ireland's Education Yearbook 2021, 2021, p288 - 291
Pembroke S, Roche EF, Sleath B, Brenner M, Hilliard C, Cody D, Coyne I , Developing a video intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes clinic encounters: the Promoting Adolescents Communication and Engagement study, Patient Education and Counseling, 104, (9), 2021, p2170 - 2176
Coyne I, Mallon D & Chubb E , Research with young children: exploring the methodological advantages and challenges of using hand puppets and draw and tell. , Children & Society , 35, (5), 2021, p813 - 830
Alsaigh R & Coyne I., Doing Gadamerian Hermeneutic Phenomenology Research: An analytical framework to facilitate data analysis., International Journal of Qualitative Methods., 2021
Quaye A.A., Castor C., Coyne I., Soderback M., Hallstrom I.K., How are children's best interests expressed during their hospital visit?"An observational study, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021
Alsulimani M, Alsaggaf F, Coyne I , The impact of COVID-19 on children's health and wellbeing in Saudi Arabia (SA) , "Supporting children during the recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic" Virtual Annual Conference. UCD CHiLD Research Centre & Children's Research Network & Trinity Research in Childhood Centre., Online, 10th December, 2021
Arnold OM, Coyne I., Brief report on a systematic review and meta-analysis of early childhood educational programming and teenage pregnancy prevention., Journal of Adolescence, 84, 2020, p149 - 155
Coyne I, Children should be seen and heard. , Children's Readers Digest , 6, (2), 2020, p4 - 8
Coyne I, Covid-19: How it is affecting children and what nurses can do to help. , Nursing Children and Young People Journal , 32, (3), 2020, p12 - 12
Pembroke S, Brenner M, Hillard C, Lagoda N, Cody D, Roche E, & Coyne I., Developing an intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits: the PACE study. , Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference. , Online, 3-5th March , 2020
INVITED KEYNOTE Transition for youth from pediatric to adult-oriented healthcare: A smooth crossing or muddling through the swampy lowlands ?., The 12th Annual Health Care Transition Research Consortium (HCTRC) Virtual research symposium & 25th Chronic Illness and Disability Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 28th October , 2020, Health Care Transition Research Consortium
Coyne I , (editorial). Children should be seen and heard., Children's Research Digest., 6, (2), 2020, p4 - 8
Nursing initiatives and future directions for transition practice and research. in, editor(s)Betz C L & Coyne I. , Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Services for Adolescents and Young Adults with Long-term Conditions: An International Perspective on Nurses Roles and Interventions. , Switzerland , Springer Nature , 2020, pp319 - 336, [Coyne I & Betz CL]
Coyne I, Pembroke S, Brenner M, Hillard C, Cody D & Roche E, Participatory design of an intervention to improve adolescents' engagement during diabetes visits: The PACE Study. , Book of Abstracts , International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). , Online, September 9-11th , 2020, pp88 - 89
Malone H & Coyne I, Complementing the p-value from Null Hypothesis Significant Testing with a Bayes Factor from null-hypothesis Bayesian Testing , Nurse Researcher , 2020
Betz C and Coyne I , Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Services for Adolescents and Young Adults with Long-term Conditions: An International Perspective on Nurses Roles and Interventions. , 1st , Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2020, 1 - 240pp
Kenny, M., Darcy-Bewick, S., Martin, A., Eustace-Cook, J., Hilliard, C., Clinton, F., Storey, L., Coyne, I., Murray, K., Duffy, K., Fortune, G., Smith, O., Higgins, A., Hynes, Geralyn., You are at rock bottom: A qualitative systematic review of the needs of bereaved parents as they journey through the death of their child to cancer, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology , 38, (6), 2020, p761 - 781
O'Connor S, Brenner M, Coyne I., Family-centred care of hospitalised children and young people from the perspective of the child and parents receiving care and the nurses delivering or co-ordinating care: A literature review., Trinity Health & Education International Research Conference., Online, 3-5th March , 2020
Saurbrey Pals R A, Coyne I, Grabowski D., 'I don't feel that I can complain about my brother's diabetes': Siblings' participation in diabetes care., Children's Readers Digest, 6, (2), 2020, p39 - 44
Alsaggaf F., Coyne I., A systematic review of the impact of chronic pain on adolescents' school functioning and school personnel responses to managing pain in the schools, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76, (8), 2020, p2005 - 2022
Health Care Transition: An Overview and Introduction IN Betz C L & Coyne I. in, editor(s)Betz C L & Coyne I. , Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Services for Adolescents and Young Adults with Long-term Conditions: An International Perspective on Nurses Roles and Interventions. , Springer Nature , 2020, pp1 - 18, [Betz C L & Coyne I. ]
Callinan J & Coyne I. , Arts-based interventions to promote transition outcomes for young people with long-term conditions: A review. , Chronic Illness., 16, (1), 2020, p23 - 40
Alsaigh R & Coyne I. , Constant uncertainty: Mothers' experiences of caring for children receiving growth hormone treatment (GHT). , 'Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference,, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March, 2019
Coyne I , INVITED KEYNOTE: Creating a better model of care for children and adolescents in our healthcare system , 8th SEHA International Nursing, Midwifery, and Allied Health Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 24-26th September, 2019, SEHA
Stålberg A, Sandberg A, Coyne I, Larsson T, & Söderbäck M, Using an interactive communication tool in healthcare situations: Patterns in young children's use of participation cues. , Journal of Child Health Care , 23, (4), 2019, p613 - 625
Coyne I. , How can we promote better care for children with cancer ? Discussion of a child- and family-centred care approach for each stage of the child and families treatment journey. , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 9th Europaediatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, , 13 -15 June. , 104 , ((Suppl 3) ), BMJ Group , 2019, ppA300 - A300
Coyne I , Creating more inclusive spaces for young children's participation: Issues of power, agency and representation., Danish Diabetes Academy, Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Meeting the bio-psycho-social challenges, Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-10th December, 2019, Danish Diabetes Academy
Alsaigh R & Coyne I, Mothers' experiences of caring for children receiving Growth Hormone Therapy. , Journal of Pediatric Nursing , (49), 2019
Coyne, I Pembroke S, Lagoda N, Hillard C, Cody D, Roche E & Brenner M. , Determining adolescents, parents and professionals' views concerning the educational needs of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes and content preferences for short self-management videos and a question prompt sheet., , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 9th Europaediatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, , 13 -15 June. , 104 , ((Suppl 3) ), BMJ Group , 2019, ppA252 - A253
Coyne I, Mallon D, Chubb E. , Children will be seen and heard: A national consultation with children (aged 3-5 years). , Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) Trinity Week 2019 Research Showcase on Silence 29th April - 3rd May, Arts Building Concourse, Trinity College Dublin Ireland, 1st May , 2019
Callery P & Coyne I. , Supporting children and adolescents inclusions in decisions and self-management: What can help ? , Patient Education and Counseling , 102, (4), 2019, p605 - 606
Alsaggaf F & Coyne I. , Impact of chronic pain on adolescents' school functioning: A systematic review. , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 9th Europaediatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, , 13 -15 June. , 104 , ((Suppl 3) ), BMJ Group , 2019, ppA211 - A212
McCann, E., Keogh, B., Doyle, L. & Coyne, I. , The experiences of youth who identify as trans* in relation to health and social care needs, Youth & Society, 51, (6), 2019, p840 - 864
Malone, H and Coyne I, Decision-tables for choosing commonly applied inferential statistical tests in comparative and correlation studies, Nurse Researcher, 27, (4), 2019, p29 - 35
Al-Motlaq, M A, Carter B, Neill S, Hallstrom IK, Foster M, Coyne I, Darbyshire P, Feeg V & Shields L. , Toward developing consensus on family-centred care: an international descriptive study and discussion. , Journal of Child Health Care , 23, (3), 2019, p458 - 467
Arnold O & Coyne I. , Early Childhood Interventions to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. , Nursing Research , 68, (2), 2019, p181 - 182
Edwards S & Coyne I. , A Nurses Survival Guide to Children's Nursing. , First Updated edition , Edinburgh, Elsevier, 2019, 1 - 495pp
Helen Malone, Susan Biggar, Sheila Javadpour, Zai Edworthy, Greg Sheaf, Imelda Coyne, Review Findings: Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis , Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) Trinity Week 2019 Research Showcase 29th April - 3rd May, Arts Building Concourse, Trinity College Dublin Ireland, 2019
O'Connor S, Brenner M, Coyne I, Family-centred care of children and young people in the acute hospital setting: a concept analysis, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28, 2019, p3353 - 3367
Quaye AA, Coyne I, Soderback M, Hallstrom I, Children's active participation in decision-making processes during hospitalisation: an observational study. , Journal of Clinical Nursing. , 28, (23-24), 2019, p4525 - 4537
Coyne I, Sheehan A, Heery E & While A. , Health care transition for adolescents and young adults with long-term conditions: Qualitative study of patients, parents and healthcare professionals' experiences in Ireland., , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 9th Europaediatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, , 13 -15 June. , 104 , ((Suppl 3) ), BMJ Group , 2019, ppA83 - A83
Coyne I, Sheehan A, Heery E, While A. , Health care transition for adolescents and young adults with long-term conditions: Qualitative study of patients, parents and healthcare professionals' experiences. , Journal of Clinical Nursing. , 28, 2019, p4062 - 4076
Coyne I , Unravelling the complexities of shared decision-making in pediatrics: children's, parents' and healthcare professionals' perspectives. , November Grand Rounds, Centre for Clinical and Translational Science & Training, UC Medical Sciences Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, US. , 1st November , 2019, Professor Richard F Ittenbach
Pembroke S, Lagoda N, Brenner M, Hilliard C, Cody D, Roche E, Coyne I , How do you measure self-management behaviour in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus? an integrative review of self-management measurement instruments, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 103, (Suppl 3), 2019
Coyne I, Pembroke S, Sleath B, Lagoda N, Hillard C, Cody D, Roche E & Brenner M. , Exploring adolescents', parents' and providers' views on triadic diabetes clinic encounters: the Promoting Adolescents Communication and Engagement study. , Medical Encounter , 2019 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). , Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California, USA. , 27-30th October , American Academy of Communication in Healthcare , 2019
Alsaigh R & Coyne I. , Constant uncertainty: Mothers' experiences of caring for children receiving growth hormone treatment (GHT). , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 9th Europaediatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, , 13 -15 June. , 104 , ((Suppl 3) ), BMJ Group , 2019, ppA276 - A277
Malone H, Biggar S, Javadpour S, Edworthy Z, Sheaf G, Coyne I. , Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (Review). , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , (5), 2019, p1-20
Malone H and Coyne I, Choosing a statistical test: Decision making framework for comparative and inferential studies , Trinity Health and Education International Conference (Theconf2019), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March, 2019
Malone H, Biggar S, Javadpour S, Edworthy Z, Greg Sheaf, Coyne I. , Review of interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March, 2019
Flood C & Coyne I. , A literature review of the psychological status of asylum-seeking children: implications for nursing practice. , British Journal of Nursing , 28, (7), 2019, p461 - 466
Stålberg A, Sandberg A, Larsson T, Coyne I & Söderbäck M. , Curious, Thoughtful and Affirmative - Young children's meanings of participation in healthcare situations when using an interactive communication tool. , Journal of Clinical Nursing., 27, (1-2), 2018, p235 - 246
Sleath B, Carpenter DM, Coyne I, Davis SA, Hayes Watson C, Loughlin CE, Garcia N, Reuland DS, Tudor GE., Provider use of a participatory decision-making style with youth and caregivers and satisfaction with pediatric asthma visits., Patient Related Outcome Measures, 10, (9), 2018, p147 - 154
Participatory Research: Does it genuinely extend the sphere of Children's and Young People's Participation. in, editor(s)Coyne I and Carter B , Being participatory: Researching with children and young people: Co-constructing knowledge using creative techniques. , Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2018, pp171 - 178, [Carter B and Coyne I ]
Malone H, Susan Biggar, Shila Javadpour, Zai Edworthy, Greg Sheaf, Imelda Coyne, Protocol:Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis, Children's Research Symposium, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2nd May, 2018
Coyne I, Chubb E & Mallon D. , First 5: A National Consultation with Young Children on A Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families, Dublin, Ireland , Government of Ireland , December , 2018, p1 - 60
Participatory Research in the Past, Present and Future in, editor(s)Coyne I and Carter B. , Being participatory: Researching with children and young people: Co-constructing knowledge using creative techniques. , Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp1 - 15, [Coyne I and Carter B ]
Gorry C, McCullagh L, O'Donnell H, Barrett S, Schmitz S, Barry M, Curtin K, Beausang E, Barry R, Coyne I. , Neoadjuvant Treatment for malignant and metastatic melanoma. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. , (3), 2018
Coyne I, Malone H, Chubb E, While AE., Transition from paediatric to adult healthcare for young people with cystic fibrosis: Parents' information needs, Journal of Child Health Care, 22, (4), 2018, p646 - 657
Transition for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer in, editor(s)Olsen P and Smith S , Nursing Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer, Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2018, pp173 - 198, [Coyne I ]
Neill SJ & Coyne I., The Role of Felt or Enacted Criticism in Parents' Decision Making in Differing Contexts and Communities: Toward a Formal Grounded Theory., Journal of Family Nursing , 24, (3), 2018, p443 - 469
Coyne I and Carter B. , Being participatory: Researching with children and young people. Co-constructing knowledge using creative techniques, 1st , Springer Nature, 2018, 1 - 178pp
Malone H, Zai Edworthy, Susan Biggar, Sheila Javadpour, Greg Sheaf, Imelda Coyne, Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis, Temple Street Children's University Hospital, Research, Clinical Audit and QI Day, Dublin, 22nd June, 2018
Malone H, Sheila Javadpour, Susan Biggar, Zai Edworthy, Greg Sheaf, Imelda Coyne, Review findings: Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis, 8th Annual OLCHC Research and Audit Conference, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland, 25th May, 2018
Brenner M, Kidston C, Hilliard C, Coyne I, Eustace-Cooke J, Doyle C, Begley T, Barrett M.J. , Children's complex care needs: a systematic concept analysis of multidisciplinary language. , European Journal of Pediatrics , 177, (11), 2018, p1641 - 1652
Coyne, I Holmström, I Söderbäck, M, Centeredness in Healthcare: A Concept Synthesis of Family-centered Care, Person-centered Care and Child-centered Care, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, 2018, p45 - 56
Shields L, Arabiat D, Ben-Sefer E, Carter B, Coyne I, Foster M, Kalembo F & Zgambo M. ;on behalf of the International Research Network for Child and Family Centred Care. , International commentary on Phiri et al. Registered nurses' experiences of family involvement in care of hospitalised children in Malawi', Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 2018
Coyne I , Invited Keynote "Family-centred care for children in haematology and oncology" The Nordic Society of Paediatric Oncology Nurses VILNIUS, Lithuania, VILNIUS, Lithuania, 4th June, 2018
Malone H, Susan Biggar, Sheila Javadpour, Zai Edworthy, Greg Sheaf, Imelda Coyne, Protocol:Interventions for promoting shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis, 12th Annual Cochrane Ireland Conference. Cochrane Challenges to Evidence based Healthcare, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway , 26th May , 2017
Gray N, Christie D, Coyne I, Fonseca H, Philippe C, Sawyer S, Tuchman L, & Versnel J. , Position Paper: The Use of Medication by Adolescents and Young Adults. , Journal of Adolescent Health , 61, (3), 2017, p396 - 399
Malone H, Imelda Coyne, Aisling Sheehan, Anne Lawlor, Tululope Alugo, Fiona McNicholas, Mental Health issues: views and concerns of parents caring for a child or young adult with cystic fibrosis, 7th Annual OLCHC Research & Audit Conference, Book of Abstracts page 51, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland, May , 2017
Martin A, Kenny M, Besani C., Clinton F, Eustace-Cook J, Coyne I, Higgins, A, Storey L, Hynes, G, Fortune G, Social support interventions for parents of children with cancer: A systematic review protocol., Psycho-Oncology, 26, 2017, p117-118
Alugo T, Malone H, Coyne I, Sheehan A, Lawlor A, McNicholas F, Development of a 22q11DS Psycho-educational Programme: Exploration of the views, concerns and educational needs of parents caring for children or adolescents with 22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) in relation to mental health issues, Child: Care Health and Development, 43, (4), 2017, p527 - 535
Malone H, Biggar S, Javadpour S, Edworthy Z, Sheaf G, Coyne I. , Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis , (Issue 3. ), 2017
Holmström R M, Häggström M, Audulv Å, Junehag L, Coyne I, Söderberg S. , To integrate and manage diabetes in school: Youth's experiences of living with diabetes type 1 in relation to school - A qualitative study. , International Diabetes Nursing , 14, (2-3), 2017, p46 - 51
Coyne I, Heery E, Sheehan A, While A. , Improving transition to adult healthcare for young people with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review, Journal of Child Health Care , 21, (3), 2017, p312 - 330
Coyne I , ' "Family-centred care for children with long-term conditions', The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, London, UK, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, 2017, -
While A, Heery E, Sheehan A & Coyne I , Health-related quality of life of young people with long-term illnesses before and after transfer from child to adult healthcare. , Child: Care, Health and Development. , 43, (1), 2017, p144 - 151
Higgins A, Doyle L, Walsh S, Keogh B, McCann E, Coyne I. , A consultation with gender and non-conforming children and young people. , Trinity College Dublin, 2017
Malone H, Coyne I, Sheehan A, Lawlor A, Alugo T, McNicholas F. , Mental Health issues: Views and Concerns of parents caring for a child with 22q11DS. , 7th Annual OLCHC Research and Audit Day, , Dublin , 19th May, 2017, pp51 - 51
Kirwan L & Coyne I, Use of restraint with hospitalized children: A survey of nurses' perceptions and practices., Journal of Child Health Care, 21, (1), 2017, p46 - 54
Malone H & Coyne I. , A review of commonly applied statistics in Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, (8), 2017, p1771-1773
Malone H & Coyne I. , A review of commonly applied statistics in JAN., Journal of Advanced Nursing , 73, (8), 2017, p1771 - 1773
Malone HE & Coyne I, Editorial - A review of software applications and non-software approaches in JAN, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, (12), 2017, p2785 - 2791
Malone H & Coyne I, Countries publishing in Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, (12), 2017, p2792 - 2795
Byrne M, O'Connell A, Egan, A M, Dinneen S F, Hynes L, O'Hara M C, Holt R I G, Willaing I, Vallis M, Hendrieckx,C & Coyne, I, A core outcomes set for clinical trials of interventions for young adults with type 1 diabetes: an international, multi-perspective Delphi consensus study, Trials, 18, (1), 2017, p602 - 610
Addressing the Ethical Challenges for Young Adults, from a Rights-Based Perspective in, editor(s)Bleyer, A., Barr, R., Ries, L., Whelan, J., Ferrari, A. , Cancer in adolescents and young adults: Pediatric oncology, New York, Springer Science & Business Media, 2017, pp765 - 778, [Gibson F & Coyne I ]
McNamara N, Coyne I, Ford T, Paul M, Singh S & McNicholas, F, Exploring social identity change during mental healthcare transition. , European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, (7), 2017, p889 - 903
Gorry C, McCullagh L, Barry M & Coyne I. , Neoadjuvant treatment for malignant and metastatic melanoma-preliminary research from a Cochrane review. , 10th International Cancer Conference: New Frontiers in personalised cancer care. , Trinity Biomedical Science Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland , 17-18th October, 2016, pp25 - 26
Coyne I, Finding a way to support children and young people in shared treatment decision-making in paediatric oncology: the Spirit Framework. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin, Ireland , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), SIOP , 2016, pp372 - 372
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A & While A., Participatory design of an e-health communication intervention to support young people with long-term illnesses transitioning to adult healthcare., Medical Encounter, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), New Orleans, USA, 25-28th Oct, 30, (1), 2016, pp2 - 2
Vindrola-Padros C, Martins A, Coyne I, Bryan G & Gibson F , From informed consent to dissemination: Using participatory visual methods with young people with long-term conditions at different stages of research. , Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 11, (5-6), 2016, p636 - 650
Coyne I, Gibson F, Shields L, Sheaf G, Leclercq E, O'Mathúna D. , Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making (SDM) for children with cancer: Update of a Cochrane review. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), Wiley, 2016, pp1
Coyne I, O'Mathúna DP, Gibson F, Shields L, Leclercq E, Sheaf G. , Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer. , Cochrane Database Systematic Review , 11, (Art. No.: CD008970. ), 2016
Coyne I , Developing a framework for involving adolescents in shared treatment decision making in healthcare. , Medical Encounter, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH),, New Orleans, USA, 25-28th Oct, 30, (1), American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, 2016, pp63 - 63
Coyne I, Kiernan G, Amory A, Gibson F. , Finding a way to promote shared decision-making when options are limited: doctors and nurses' strategies. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), Wiley, 2016, pp1
Coyne I, Amory A, Gibson F & Kiernan G. , Information-sharing between healthcare professionals, parents and children with cancer: more than a matter of information exchange. , European Journal of Cancer Care , 25, (1), 2016, p141 - 156
Coyne I, Comiskey C, Lalor J, Higgins A, Elliott N, Begley C., An exploration of clinical practice in sites with and without clinical nurse or midwife specialists or advanced nurse practitioners, in Ireland, BMC Health Services Research, 16, (1), 2016, p151-
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A, Malone H, While AE. , An e-health intervention to support the transition of young people with long-term illnesses to adult healthcare services: Design and early use. , Patient Education and Counseling., 99, (9), 2016, p1496 - 1504
Coyne I on behalf of the Nuffield Council Expert Working Party. , Protecting through research rather than from research: supporting children and young people's participation in clinical research. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin, Ireland , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), SIOP, 2016, ppS224-S224
Gibson F & Coyne I , What are the current ethical issues encountered by professionals who care for young people ?, Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, , Dublin, Ireland , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), Wiley, 2016, pp211 - 211
Coyne I. , 'Why it is important to involve children and adolescents in treatment decision-making (video 2). ', "Ask the Expert" for the leading patient video channel Patient Power ( , London, UK, Video Journal of Hematological Oncology, Brandcast Media, UK , 2016, -
Coyne I & Connolly L & Murphy M. , Empowering parents of young people transitioning with cystic fibrosis: Meeting information needs, Abstract Book , 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), University of Heidelberg, Germany, 7-10th September, EACH , 2016, pp43 - 43
Smith J, Swallow V & Coyne I, Involving parents in their child's care - where next ? , Nursing Children and Young People, 28, (4), 2016, p60 - 61
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A & While A, Advantages and challenges with co-developing an ehealth intervention with young people for transition to adult healthcare services. , The European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS), Utrecht, The Netherlands., 22nd January , 2016, The European Academy of Nursing Science Scientific committee , 1 - 10pp
Scott K, Hayden PJ, Will A, Wheatley K, Coyne I. , Bortezomib for the treatment of multiple myeloma., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews., (Issue 4), 2016
Coyne I, Sheehan A , Heery E & While A , A Systematic Review Of Outcomes And Experiences Of Transition From Paediatric To Adult Healthcare Services For Young People With Cystic Fibrosis. , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. , 39th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Basel, Switzerland , 8-11th June , 15, (Suppl 1), Elsevier, 2016, ppS106 - S106
Coyne I, Gibson F, Shields L, Sheaf G, Leclercq E, O'Mathúna D. , Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making (SDM) for children with cancer: , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin, Ireland , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), SIOP, 2016, pp1063 - 1063
Coyne I, Hallström I & Söderbäck M , Reframing the focus from a family-centred to a child-centred care approach for children's healthcare. , Journal of Child Health Care , 20, (4), 2016, p494-502-
Coyne I , Children's and adolescents' participation in shared decision-making. , 2016 European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) Meeting , Valencia, Spain. , 3-6th April , 2016, European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)
Malone H, Coyne I, Alugo T, Sheehan A, McNicholas F. , Exploration of the views, concerns and educational needs of parents caring for children and adolescents with 22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) in relation to mental health issues. , Trinity College Dublin: Dublin , 2016
Preparing a research proposal in, Glasper A and Rees C , Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance. , Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, pp38 - 40, [Coyne I ]
Coyne I, Kiernan G, Amory A, Gibson F. , Finding a way to promote shared decision-making when options are limited: doctors and nurses' strategies , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin, Ireland , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), SIOP, 2016, pp249 - 249
Malone H & Coyne I, What type of Statistics are Nurses and Midwives using for research data?, Health Interdisciplinary Research Conference (HIRC) , School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 9 & 10 November , 2016
Coyne I , Parenting support in Europe , Stakeholders Workshop on Parenting Support.County Council Västmanland & Västerås Municipality , Mälardalen University, Sweden, 25th October , 2016, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Malone H, Nicholl H & Coyne I , Fundamentals of Sample Size Estimation. , Nurse Researcher., 23, (5), 2016, p21 - 25
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A , What do Irish teenagers, parents and professionals say about transition ?. , The 16th Killarney National Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Meeting. , The Conference Centre, Malton Hotel, Killarney, Co Kerry, 4-5th February , 2016
Coyne I & Connolly L & Murphy M. , Empowering parents of young people transitioning with cystic fibrosis: Identifying and supporting information needs through the provision of online resources. , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. , 39th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Basel, Switzerland , 8-11th June , 15, (Suppl 1), Elsevier, 2016, ppS105 - S105
Coyne I. , 'Why children should be offered choices in their treatment plans (video 1). ', "Ask the Expert" for the leading patient video channel Patient Power ( , London, UK, Video Journal of Hematological Oncology, Brandcast Media, UK , 2016, -
Coyne I , Protecting through research rather than from research: Supporting children and young people's participation in clinical research. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin , October 19-22nd , 63, (3), Wiley , 2016
Coyne I , Finding a way to support children and young people in shared treatment decision-making in paediatric oncology: the Spirit Framework. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. , Dublin , 19-22nd October , 63, (3), Wiley, 2016, pp1
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A, Transitioning of young people (with longterm illnesses) from child to adult healthcare services,, Journal of Adolescent Health , Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), Los Angeles, USA, March 18-21st , 56, (2S1), Elsevier, 2015, pp1 - 129
Hanafin S & Coyne I , Child health policy and practice in times of recession: Findings from Ireland, International Journal Of Occupational Health and Public Health Nursing,, 2, (1), 2015, p5 - 10
Smith J, Fenton G, Coyne I, Swallow, V. , G223 Implementing and evaluating models of family centred care or children with long term conditions - where next? , Archives of Disease in Childhood , RCPCH/RCNYP 2015 Annual Conference , Birmingham, UK. , 100, (Suppl 3), BMJ Publishing Group & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2015, pp216 - 216
Coyne, I , Families and health-care professionals' perspectives and expectations of family-centred care: hidden expectation and unclear roles., Health Expectations: An International Journal Of Public Participation In Health Care And Health Policy. , 18, (5), 2015, p796 - 808
Coyne I , Child-centred care: a position paper., Child Health Nurse Researchers Network Meeting., Stockholm, Sweden, 4-5th November, 2015, Child Health Nurse Researchers, 1 - 10pp
Coyne I, McNamara N, Healy M, Beattie C, Sarkar M & Mc Nicholas F, Adolescents' and parents' views of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Ireland., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22, (8), 2015, p561 - 569
Coyne I & Ferris M E , Transition From Child to Adult Services: Current Research, Theory and Practice, Journal of Pediatric Nursing., 30, (5), 2015, p635 - 637
Smith J, Swallow V & Coyne I , Involving parents in managing their child's long-term condition - a concept synthesis of family-centred care and partnership-in-care. , Journal of Pediatric Nursing., Jan-Feb 30, (1), 2015, p143 - 159
McNicholas F, Adamson M, McNamara N, Gavin B, Paul M, Ford T, Barry S, Dooley B, Coyne I, Cullen W, Singh SP, Who is in the Transition Gap? Transition from CAMHS to AMHS in the Republic of Ireland., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 32, (1), 2015, p61 - 69
Coyne I , Child and family-centred care: promotion of person-centred care. , The National Association of Children's Nurses 40th Jublilee Conference. , Stockholm, Sweden. , 5-6th November , 2015, The National Association of Children's Nurses, 1 - 6pp
Sheehan A, While A & Coyne I , The experiences and impact of transition from child to adult healthcare services for young people with Type 1 diabetes: a systematic review. , Diabetic Medicine. , 32, (4), 2015, p440 - 458
Coyne I , Importance of listening to and seeking children's views. , Barnbladet , 3, (xl), 2015, p28 - 29
Smith J, Swallow V & Coyne I. Family-centred care and partnership-in-care: A concept synthesis(ed.), 12th International Family Nursing Conference, , Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts , Odense, Denmark, , August 18-21s, 2015
Malone H., Nicholl H. & Coyne I. , How good is your Estimated Sample Size Getting the essential Parameters into Focus , RCSI Dublin, 19 February , 2015
Scott K, Hayden PJ, Howman A, Wheatley K, Will A & Coyne I. , Bortezomib for the treatment of multiple myeloma. , Haematologica, 20th Congress of European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, June 11-14th , 100, (1), Ferrata Storti Foundation , 2015, pp516 - 517
Heery E, Sheehan A, While A & Coyne I , Experiences and outcomes of transition from pediatric to adult healthcare services for young people with congenital heart disease: a systematic review., Congenital Heart Disease., 10, (5), 2015, p413 - 427
Coyne, I , Transition from Child to Adult Health Services: key importance for optimal disease management, European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) Winter Summit , Athens, Greece, 22-23rd January , 2015, EANS scientific committee, 1 - 15pp
Malone H, Nicholl H, Coyne I, How good is your Estimated Sample Size: Getting the essential Parameters into Focus, 34th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Royal College of Surgeons. 'Advancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice: Linking National and International Perspectives', RCSI, Dublin, 19 February, 2015
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A & While A, Development of an e-health intervention to provide information and prepare young people (with longterm illnesses). , 12th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). , Amsterdam, 28th Sept-1 Oct 2014, 2014
Neill S & Coyne I , Felt or enacted criticism: Impact on parents' interactions with health care in differing contexts and communities. , RCPCH Annual Conference. Towards better outcomes for children's health. , Birmingham, UK. , 8-10th April. , RCPCH, 2014
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A & While A , Developing an e-health intervention to prepare and support young people (with long-term illnesses) for transition to adult healthcare services. , Association for Common European Nursing Diagnosis, Interventions & Outcomes (Acendio) Newsletter , Summer, 2014, p24 - 25
Coyne I & Scott P , Alternatives to restraining children for clinical procedures, Nursing Children & Young People , 26, (2), 2014, p22-27
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A , Transition from Child to Adult Health Services: Diverging Expectations and Discordant Roles, Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts , 11th Annual Psychology, Health, and Medicine Conference, Mary Immaculate College & University of Limerick, Limerick , 28th May 2014 , 2014, ppp17
SmithJ, Fenton G, Bekker H, Brettle A & Coyne I , Instruments measuring collaborative processes for use with children & families for long-term conditions: a scoping review , Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference,, Glasgow, Scotland , 2-4th April ,, 2014
Neill S & Coyne I , Felt or enacted criticism: its' role in parents' decision making in differing contexts and communities. , UK Association of Chief Children's Nurses (ACCN) International Children's and Young People's Nursing conference. Building the evidence base for practice. , Jersey (Channel Islands) , 4th -5th September , 2014
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A , Facilitators and barriers to successful transition from child to adult healthcare services: Informing the development of healthcare services, Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts , Improving Children's Lives: An International Interdisciplinary Conference , Queens University Belfast. , 20-22nd February , 2014, ppp79
Coyne I , Children's rights to participation in decision-making. , 46th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology , Toronto, Canada, October 22-25, 2014, International Society of Paediatric Oncology
Neill S & Coyne I , Felt or enacted criticism: its' role in parents' decision making in differing contexts and communities. , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 6th Europaediatrics & RCPCH Annual Conference, Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 5-8th June , 98, (Suppl 1), BMJ Publishing Group & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health , 2014, pp1 - 112
Coyne I , Designing and developing an e-Health intervention for young people with long-term illnesses. , 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Health, wellbeing and Innovation: Recent advances in research, practice and education. Trinity College Dublin 4th November,, Trinity College Dublin, 4-6th November 2014, 2014
Coyne I, O'Mathúna D, Gibson F, Sheaf G & Shields, L. , Promoting Children's Participation In Shared Health Decision-Making: A Cochrane Review Of Interventions , Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts , 11th Annual Psychology, Health, and Medicine Conference, , Mary Immaculate College & University of Limerick, Limerick , 28th May 2014 , 2014, ppp36
Coyne, I., Amory, A., Kiernan, G., Gibson, F., Children's participation in shared decision-making: Children, adolescents, parents and healthcare professionals' perspectives and experiences, European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18, (3), 2014, p273-280
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A, Transitioning of young people (with longterm illnesses) from child to adult healthcare services , 12th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). , Amsterdam, 28th Sept-1 Oct 2014, 2014
Higgins, A., Begley, C., Lalor, J., Coyne, I., Murphy K., Elliott, N, Factors influencing advanced practitioners' ability to enact leadership. A case study within Irish healthcare, Journal of Nursing Management, 22, (7), 2014, p894 - 905
Coyne I, Beattie C, McNamara N, Healy M, Sarkar M & Mc Nicholas F , Evaluation Of Adolescents' And Parents' Experiences Of Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) In Ireland. , 24th Saint John of God Annual Research and Evaluation Study Day. , Saint John of God Hospital, Dublin., 21st November , 2014
Coyne I, Amory A, Gibson F, Kiernan G , Children and adolescents' involvement in shared decision-making: Parents, children, professionals' views and experiences. , 9th International Cancer Conference. , Trinity Biomedical Science Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland , 17-18th September , 2014, pp47 - 48
McNamara N, McNicholas F, Ford T, Paul M, Gavin B, Coyne I, Cullen, W, O'Connor K, Ramperti N, Dooley B, Barry S, Singh S, Transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services in the Republic of Ireland: An investigation of process and operational practice. , Early Intervention in Psychiatry , 8, (3), 2014, p291 - 297
Coyne I, Transition from child to adult healthcare services: Informing the development of healthcare services for young people with cystic fibrosis , Cystic Fibrosis Ireland Annual Conference, Galway Bay Hotel, Galway, 28-30th March, 2014
Coyne I , Child-centred care- how do we promote it ? , Child Health Researchers Network , Lund University, Sweden, December 3rd , 2014, Prof Inger Hallstrom
McNicholas F, Adamson M, McNamara N, Singh S., Paul M Gavin B, Ford TJ, Barry S, Dooley B, Coyne I, Cullen W , Itrack: Transition From CAMHS to AMHS in the Republic of Ireland: A Process Evaluation , American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 61st Annual Meeting. , San Diego, California, USA, October 20-25th , 2014
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A & While A , Developing an eHealth Intervention to prepare and support young people for transition to adult healthcare services, Children's Research Digest - Capturing the voice of the child , 1, (1), 2014, p38 - 40
Comiskey C, Coyne I, Lalor J, Begley C., A national cross-sectional study measuring predictors for improved service user outcomes across clinical nurse or midwife specialist, advanced nurse practitioner and control sites, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 70, (5), 2014, p1128-37
Coyne I, Gibson F, Sheaf G, Shields L, O'Mathúna D (ed.), 9th International Cancer Conference. , Trinity Biomedical Science Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland , 17-18th September , 2014, 47-48 p
Kirwan L & Coyne I , Investigation of nurses' experiences of using restraint in the clinical setting. , 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Health, wellbeing and Innovation: Recent advances in research, practice and education. Trinity College Dublin 4th November,, Trinity College Dublin, 4-6th November 2014, 2014
Coyne I, Amory A & Gibson F , Treatment decision-making in an oncology unit: children, young people, parents, and healthcare perspectives. , 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference,. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15-16th April , 2013
Coyne I & While A , Developing an eHealth intervention to support children and young people's (with chronic illnesses) transition to adult healthcare services, E-Health and Nursing: Innovating for the future, 9th Biennial European Conference of the Association for European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO)., Dublin, Ireland, 22-23rd March 2013 , edited by Sheerin A, Sermeus W, Ehrenberg, A , ACENDIO, 2013, pp90 - 98
Begley C., Elliott N., Lalor J., Coyne I., Higgins A. & Comiskey C.M. , Differences between clinical specialist and advanced practitioner clinical practice, leadership, and research roles, responsibilities, and perceived outcomes (the SCAPE study), Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (6), 2013, p1323 - 1337
McNamara, N. McNicholas, F. Coyne, I. Gavin, B. Barry, S. Dooley, B. Cullen, W. Singh, S. Paul, M. Ford, T. , Service providers' accounts of transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services in Ireland. , European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , 15th International Congress of ESCAP -European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Dublin, Ireland , 6th - 10th July , 22, (2), Springer Nature, 2013, pp92 - 93
Coyne I , 'Involving children and young people with cancer in decisions. ', Birmingham Uk , ChildCancer CCLG, 2013, -
Coyne I, Murphy M, Costello T, O'Neill C & Donellan C., A Survey of Nurses' Practices and Perceptions of Family Centered Care in Ireland. , Journal of Family Nursing, 19, (4), 2013, p469 - 488
Coyne I, Amory A, Kiernan G & Gibson F. , Challenges with involving children & adolescents in medical oncology decision-making. , Archives of Disease in Childhood , 6th Europaediatrics & RCPCH Annual Conference, , Glasgow, United Kingdom, , 5-8th June, 98, (1), BMJ Publishing Group & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health , 2013, pp1 - 112
Igoe, F, New website for transition to adult services., Irish Medical News, 2013, pp9
Higgins A, Begley C, Lalor J, Coyne I, Murphy K, Elliott N, Factors influencing advanced practitioners' ability to enact leadership: a case study within Irish healthcare, Journal of Nursing Management, 22, (4), 2013, p410 - 422
Lalor, J Casey, D Elliott, N Coyne, I Comiskey, C Higgins, A Coyne I, Murphy K, Devane D, Begley C, Using case study within a sequential explanatory design to evaluate the impact of specialist and advanced practice roles on clinical outcomes: The SCAPE Study, BMC Medical Research Methodology , 2013, p13:55-
Coyne I, Beattie C, McNamara N, Healy M, Sarkar M & Mc Nicholas F , Evaluation of young people and parents' experiences of child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland, 2nd Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference.Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Impact on outcomes for children and young people. , Dublin, 10th December 2013, 2013
Coyne I , The concept of fear in children in the acute setting- what supportive measures can nurses provide ?. , Pediatric Care Symposium , Lucerner Kantonsspital Luczern,Switzerland. , November 12th, 2013
Coyne I , Giving children a say in decisions about their healthcare. In Picture of Health 2013 A snapshot of HRB-funded research. , Dublin, The Health Research Board,, December , 2013, p20 - 21
Elliott, N; Higgins A; Begley,C; Lalor,J; Sheerin, F; Coyne,I; Murphy, K , The identification of clinical and professional leadership activities of advanced practitioners. Findings from the Specialist Clinical and Advanced Practitioner Evaluation study in Ireland. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (5), 2013, p1037 - 1050
Coyne, I , Children and young people's participation in healthcare decision-making. , Astrid Janzon symposium, School of Health Sciences in Jönköping, Linköping University and the Red Cross University College in Stockholm, November 29th, 2013
Coyne I , Involving Children and Young People in Decision Making : Trying to Find a Balance, CCLG Family and Friends 2013, Birmingham , Jun 4, 2013, 2013, CCLG
Coyne I & Martins, A , Helping hospitalised children to have their voices heard through the use of participatory techniques, 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference,. , School of Nursing & Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing, 15-16th April , edited by Conference, , 2013
Dempsey O, Comiskey C, Coyne I, Life as a child and young person in Ireland, CRNINI Conference: Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Impact on Outcomes for Children and Young People, Dublin , 10th December 2013, 2013
Coyne I, Sheehan A & While A , Transition from paediatric to adult care for young people with chronic illness: Findings from a participative stakeholder conference., 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway. , 15-16th April , NUIG Galway , 2013
Scott K, Hayden PJ, Howman A, Wheatley K, Coyne I. , Bortezomib for the treatment of multiple myeloma , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010816. , (Issue 11. ), 2013
Sheehan A & Coyne I, The role of transition readiness in making a successful transition from paediatric to adult healthcare services for young people with chronic illness., 10th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, School of Nursing and Human Sciences, Dublin City University , 1st May 2013, Book of abstracts , DCU, 2013, pp31
Coyne I., O'Mathúna D.P., Gibson F., Shields L., and Sheaf G, Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer [review], Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6), 2013
Smith, J., Brettle, A., Fenton, G., Bekker, H, Coyne, I. , Instruments measuring collaborative practice for use with children, young people and families for long-term conditions: a scoping review, International Shared-Decision Making Conference, Lima, Peru , June 16-19, 2013
Coyne I, While A, Prizeman G & While A, eHealth information preferences of young people (with chronic illnesses) for transition from child to adult healthcare services., on-line abstracts , 4th International Nursing & Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway. , 15-16th April , 2013
Suresh, P., Matthews, A., Coyne, I , Stress and stressors in the clinical environment: a comparative study of fourth-year student nurses and newly qualified general nurses in Ireland., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, (5-6), 2013, p770-779
Coyne, I., Murphy M.,Costello T, O'Neill, C & Donellan C, A survey of nurses' practices and perceptions of family centred care in Ireland. , Journal of Family Nursing, 19, (4), 2013, p469 - 488
Coyne, I, Children's fears in hospital, 2013 Thema: Umgang mit der Angst bei Kindern im Spital - welche Unterstützung kann die Pflege leisten?, Luzern, Switzerland, 12th November , 2013
Coyne I., O'Mathúna D.P., Gibson F., Shields L., and Sheaf G, Review of interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer, 9th Biennial European Conference of the Association for European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO), Dublin, 22-23 March, edited by Sheerin A., Sermeus W. and Ehrenberg A. , 2013, pp348 - 350
Rabbitt, A and Coyne, I, Childhood obesity: children's nurses have a role to play in addressing the obesity epidemic. , British Journal of Nursing, 20 , (12), 2012, p672-76
Coyne I, Martins A, Lambert V & Kiernan G, Investigation of children's and young people's participation in healthcare decisions., Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2012, 1, 190
Coyne I, Dempsey I & While A. , A systematic review of the transition process for young people with cystic fibrosis. , Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 35th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference , Dublin , 6-9th June , 11, (1), 2012, pp139 - 139
Coyne I, O'Mathúna D, Gibson F, Sheaf G & Shields L. , Review of interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer, Pediatric Blood and Cancer , 44th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), London, UK, October 4-8th , 59, (6), Wiley, 2012, pp1127 - 1127
Coyne I., Martins, A., Kiernan, G., Lambert, V (2012) Empirical study of professional-parent-child interaction in healthcare decision-making. (ed.), 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 22-27th July , 2012
Coyne I., Martins, A., Kiernan, G., Lambert, V (2012) , Involving children in healthcare decision-making: A framework for understanding triadic interactions , International Conference On Communication In Healthcare (EACH), University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK (poster), 4-7 September , 2012
Imelda Coyne , Review of Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery, 2012, -
Coyne I., Amory, A., Kiernan, G., Gibson, F (ed.), International Conference On Communication In Healthcare (EACH), Shared decision-making (SDM) in oncology care: children, parents and healthcare professionals perspectives. , University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK , 4-7 September , 2012, 45 p
Coyne I, T, Martins, A., Kiernan, G., Lambert, V , Doctor-child-parent roles in triadic decision-making: Patient perceptions of the barriers and facilitators. , The 2nd Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics & Child Health , Moscow, Russia, 17-20 May, 2012, ppp49
Coyne I , Invited keynote - Professional-parent-child interaction in healthcare decision making, Challenges in Pediatric Care: Innovations through Advanced Nursing Practice in Pediatric Care Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 12th January, 2012
McNamara N, McNicholas, F, Singh S, Paul M, Ford T, Gavin B, Barry S, Dooley B, Coyne I, Cullen W, Ramperti N, O'Connor K. , An Investigation of Inter-Agency Collaboration During Transition From Child and Adolescent to Adult Mental Health Services in Ireland. , American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 59th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, October 23-28, 2012
Coyne I., Amory A., Kiernan, G., Gibson, F (2012) Power, participation and decision-making: a critical discourse analysis of triadic decision-making in oncology care. (ed.), 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, 22-27th July , 2012
Rabbitt, A., Coyne, I., Childhood obesity: Nurses' role in addressing the epidemic, British Journal of Nursing, 21, (12), 2012, p731-735
Kiernan, C, Fhearail, A & Coyne, I , Nurses' role in managing alcohol misuse in adolescents, British Journal of Nursing , 21, (8), 2012, p474 - 478
Hill, K and Coyne, I, Palliative care nursing for children in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland, British Journal of Nursing , 21, (5), 2012
Coyne I & Gibson F. , Truth telling: is it the best approach in cancer care ? , Pediatric Blood & Cancer , 44th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), London, UK, 59, (6), Wiley, 2012, pp284 - 284
Coyne I , Review of Successful grant writing: Strategies for health and human service professionals. LN Gitlin, KJ. Lyons, third ed. Springer Publishing, New York (2008) , Nurse Education in Practice, 12, (1), 2012, ppe4
Coyne I, T & Martins, A, Enabling active participation of hospitalised children in research through the use of participatory techniques. , The 2012 International Nursing Research Conference. , London, 23-25th April, 2012, ppp76
Coyne I, T. Salantera, S & Hallstrom, I , Symposium on children's psycho-social health in Europe: participation in shared decision making. , Scientific Meeting European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) , Barcelona, 19-20th January 2012, EANS, 2012
Coyne I, Dempsey O & Comiskey C, Life as a child and young person in Ireland: Report of a National Consultation. , Dublin , Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Government Publications,, November, 2012, p1 - 98
Coyne I & Martins, A (2012) Enabling active participation of hospitalized children though the use of participatory techniques. (ed.), 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa , 22-27th July , 2012
Coyne I, Amory A., Gibson F, Kiernan G , Truth telling in cancer care: Children, parents and healthcare professionals' communication preferences, International Conference On Communication In Healthcare (EACH), University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, 4-7 September , 2012, pp48
Edwards, S & Coyne, I , A Survival Guide to Children's Nursing, 1st , Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. , 2012, 1 - 496pp
Coyne, I and Kirwan, L, Ascertaining children's wishes and feelings about hospital life, Journal of Child Health Care, 16, (3), 2012, p293 - 303.
Sharon Ní Chonchúir , Am i pretty or ugly?, 2012, -
Coyne, I., Murphy, M., O'Neill, C., Costello, T., O'Shea, R, A national survey of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland. , 10th International Family Nursing Conference , Kyoto Japan , 25-27th June , 2011
Coyne, I, Delivering family centred care: some practical solutions. , National Conference on Hospitalized Children, , Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain, 13th May, 2011, Nuria Serrallonga Tintore
Nixon, E., Greene, S., Coyne, I., Lawler, M., Doyle, E and Nugent, K , Mother Infant Co-sleeping Practices as a Window into Parental Ethnotheories Among Irish, Polish & Nigerian Mothers in Ireland , Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial meeting, , Montreal, Canada,, March 31st- April 2, 2011
Coyne I, O'Neill C, Murphy M, Costello T & O'Shea R, What does family-centered care mean to nurses and how do they think it could be enhanced?, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 67, (12), 2011, p2561 - 2573
Coyne I., Kiernan, G., Amory, A., Gibson, F., Breatnach, F , SDM for special populations: Children with cancer, their parents and attending healthcare professionals' perspectives of SDM., ISDM , 6th International Shared Decision Making Conference, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Maastricht, The Netherlands , 19-22nd June , School for Public Health and Primary Care, 2011, pp23 -
Coyne I., Martins, A., Kiernan, G., Lambert, V , A qualitative study of professional-parent-child interaction in healthcare decision-making, Book of abstracts, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology Trinity College Dublin , Trinity College Dublin , 4-5th November , 2011, pp29
Harder, M., Christensson, K., Coyne, I and Söderbäck, M , Five-year-old Children's Tuning-in and Negotiation Strategies in an Immunization Situation. , Qualitative Health Research, 21, (6), 2011, p818 - 829
Coyne I., Amory, A., Gibson, F., Kiernan, G., Breatnach, F , Family involvement in care-giving for children with cancer: Working out participation in decision making., 10th International Family Nursing Conference , Kyoto Japan , 25-27th June , 2011
Coyne, I and Gallagher, P , Participation in communication and decision making: Children and young people's experiences in a hospital setting. , Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, (15-16), 2011, p2334 - 2343
Coyne I., O'Mathúna D.P., Gibson F., Shields L., and Sheaf G., Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer [protocol], (2), 2011
Coyne, I and Harder, M , Children's participation in decision-making: Balancing protection with shared decision-making using a situational perspective , Journal of Child Health Care, 15, (4), 2011, p312 - 319
Coyne, I., Doyle, T, Healy, M., Beattie, C, O'Hanrahan, S, Sarkar, M McNicholas, F. , Adolescents, young people and parents' experiences of attending Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) , ACAMH Annual Research Day. Current Research Evidence Relevant to CAMHS,, National Children's Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin, 12th September, 2011
Children's experiences of hospitalisation and their participation in healthcare decision-making in, editor(s)Brykczyñska G and Simons J , Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Nursing Children and Young Children. , Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp127 - 143, [Coyne, I]
Coyne I., Nixon, L., Greene, S., Doyle, E., Hadfield, K., Carey, L., Lawler, M., Nugent, K. , The influence of parental ethnotheories on mother infant co-sleeping practices: Implications for health promotion. , 10th International Family Nursing Conference , Kyoto Japan , 25-27th June , 2011
Coyne, I., O'Neill, C., Costello, T., O'Shea, R and Murphy, M. , What does family-centred care mean to nurses and how do they think it could be enhanced in practice. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67, (12), 2011, p2561 - 2573
Söderbäck, M., Coyne, I., Harder, M , The importance of including both a child perspective and the child's perspective within health care settings to provide truly child centred care. , Journal of Child Health Care , 15, (2), 2011, p99 - 106
Coyne I., Amory, A., Kiernan, G., Gibson, F., Breatnach, F , Children with cancer: children, parents, and health professionals' perspectives on children's participation in shared decision making. , Dublin, Cancer Research Ireland, July, 2010, 1, 149
Coyne, I, T, Accessing children as research participants: Examining the role of gatekeepers. , Child Care Health and Development, 36, (4), 2010, 452 - 454
Coyne, I, Neill, F & Timmins, F , Clinical skills in children's nursing, 1st , Oxford , Oxford University Press, 2010, 1 - 496pp
Amory, A., Coyne, I., Kiernan, G, Exploration of parents preferences for information shraing with children with cancer, Book of abstracts, 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5th November, Trinity College Dublin, 2010, pp8-
Introduction to core principles in children's nursing. in, editor(s)Coyne, IT., Neill, F., Timmins, F , Clinical skills in children's nursing., Oxford: , Oxford University Press., 2010, pp7 - 31, [Coyne, I and Livesley, J]
Coyne, I., McNicholas, F., Healy, M., Buckley, S., Beattie, C, Sarkar, M , Children, young people and parents' views and experiences of attending Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). , 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5th November, Trinity College Dublin, 2010, pp38-
Amory A, Kiernan G, Gibson F & Coyne I. , Explorations of parents' preferences for information-sharing with children with cancer. , Pediatric Blood and Cancer , International Society of Pediatric Nursing , Boston USA, 21-24th October , edited by Arceci, R J , 55, (5), Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp965 - 965
Coyne, I, T., Research with children and young people: The issue of parental (proxy) consent, Children & Society, 24 , 2010, p227 - 237
Coyne I., Costello T., Murphy M., O Neill C., O Shea R , Irish nurses' self-reported current and necessary practices of family-cantered care. , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2010, 1, 36
Amory, A., Coyne I., Gibson, F., Kiernan, G., Breatnach, F , Exploration of parents preferences for information sharing with children with cancer. , The Irish Psychologist , The Psychological Society of Ireland, 40th PSI Annual Conference , Athlone, Co Westmeath , 11-14th November, edited by Guerin, S., Nixon, L., Ryan, D , 37, (1), Psychological Society of Ireland, 2010, pp25-
Coyne I, Practicing family centred care: problems and solutions. , International Congress on Academic Pediatric Nursing , Berne, Switzerland , 3- 4the June , 2010, pp25 - 26
Buckley, S., Coyne, I, Transition from child to adult care for young people with mental health problems: A process of transition, The 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 23-26, 2010
Varley J, Norman Delanty, Charles Normand, Imelda Coyne, Louise McQuaid, Claire Collins, Michael Boland, Jane Grimson, Mary Fitzsimons, Epilepsy in Ireland: Towards the primary-tertiary care continuum, Seizure, 19, (1), 2010, p47 - 52
Begley C, Murphy K, Higgins A, Elliott N, Lalor J, Sheerin F, Coyne I, Comiskey C, Normand C, Casey C, Dowling M, Devane D, Cooney A, Farrelly F, Brennan M, Meskell P, MacNeela P. , An Evaluation of Clinical Nurse and Midwife Specialist and Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioner Roles in Ireland (SCAPE), Dublin, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland, December, 2010, 1-467
Coyne I., Amory, A., Gibson, F., Kiernan, G., Breatnach, F , Children with cancer: children, parents, and health professionals' perspectives on children's participation in decision making. , The Irish Psychologist , The Psychological Society of Ireland, 40th PSI Annual Conference , Athlone, Co Westmeath , 11-14th November, edited by Guerin, S., Nixon, L., Ryan, D , 37, (1), Psychological Society of Ireland, 2010, 29-
Suresh, P., Matthews, A., Coyne, I , Stress and stressors in the clinical environment: a comparative study of fourth-year student nurses and newly qualified general nurses in Ireland. , 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, , Trinity College Dublin , 4-5th November, Trinity College Dublin , 2010, pp120-
Introduction to clinical skills for children's nursing. in, editor(s)Coyne, I., Neill, F., Timmins, F , Clinical skills in children's nursing, Oxford, Coyne, I., Neill, F., Timmins, F , 2010, pp3 - 6, [Coyne, I., Neill, F., Timmins, F ]
Raftery S., Clynes M., O'Neill C., Ward E., Coyne I. , Problem-Based Learning in Children's Nursing: transcending doubts to exceeding expectations. , Nursing Education Perspectives,, 31, (4), 2010, p210 - 215
Coyne I., Amory, A., Gibson, F., Kiernan, G., Breatnach, F , Children with cancer: children, parents, and health professionals' perspectives on children's participation in decision making., Pediatric Blood & Cancer, International Society of Paediatric Oncology , Boston, USA, 21-24th October, edited by Arceci, R J , 55, (5), Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp809 - 810
Hanafin, S., Brooks, A-M, McDonnell, F., Rouine H, Coyne, I , Development of an Assessment Guide Based on a Whole Child Perspective to Evaluate Support for Child Development in Early Childhood Care and Education Settings. , Community Practitioner , 82, (10), 2009, p22 - 25
Coyne, I T., Murphy, M., O Neill, C., O Shea, R and Costello, T (2009) , A national survey of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland. , RCN Conference: Back to the future: a celebration of 25 years of children and young people's nursing,, Liverpool, England, 11-12th September , RCN, 2009, pp90 - 91
Gaynor K, Quirke K, Coyne I, A birthday for Ben (A story about children with hearing difficulties). , Dublin, Special Stories Publishing , 2009, 1 - 26pp
Coyne, I., Hayes, E., Gallagher, P, Research with hospitalized children: Ethical, methodological and organisational challenges. , Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research. , 16 , (3), 2009, p413 - 429
Coyne, I T., Murphy, M., O Neill, C., O Shea, R and Costello, T , A national survey of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland. , 10th Annual International Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5th November 2009, 2009, pp34-
Coyne, I, Family-centred care in the NICU - how do we do? , Family-Centred Care conference. Interdisciplinary Neonatal Conference, Folk Highschool, Hillerød, Denmark., 18th September, 2009, Janne Weis
Coyne, I T., Murphy, M., O Neill, C., O Shea, R and Costello, T (2009) A national survey of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices in children's units in Ireland.(ed.), RCN Conference: Back to the future: a celebration of 25 years of children and young people's nursing, Liverpool, England, , 11-12th September, 2009, 90-91 p
Gaynor K, Murphy A, Coyne I , Freddie's super summer (A story about a child with Down Syndrome). Series 2., Dublin, Special Stories Publishing, 2009, 1 - 30pp
Gaynor K, Byrne E, Coyne I , Tom's special talent (A story about Dyslexia/Learning difficulties). Series 2., Dublin, Special Stories Publishing, 2009, 1 - 28pp
Murphy., M., Coyne., I, O Neill., C., O Shea., R and Costello., T., An investigation of registered nurses' practice and perceptions of family-centered care practices, 9th International Family Nursing Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, , June 2-5 , 2009, pp67 - 67
Gaynor K, Sweeney C, Coyne I, A friend like Simon (A story about a child with autism). Series 2. , Dublin, Special Stories Publishing., 2009, 1 - 28pp
Coyne, IT , Bearing the burden of family centred care: evidence from two empirical studies. , 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Paediatrics, Nice, France,, 24-28 October, 2008
Coyne, I, T & Costello, T , Nurses' knowledge of mouth care practices., British Journal of Nursing. , 17 , (4), 2008, p264 - 268
Coyne, I , Model for enhancing hospitalised children's participation in shared decision-making. , 9th Annual International Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology"., Trinity College Dublin , 5-7th November, 2008, pp68 - 68
Coyne I T, Involving children in decision-making: shared consensus or contested domain? , Archives of Disease in Childhood , Second Congress of the European Academy of Paediatrics. , Nice, France , October 24-28th , 93, (Suppl 2), BMJ Publishing Group & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2008, pp471 - 472
The examination process. in, Redmond, R and Curtis, L , Research Success in Nursing and Health Care: A Guide to Doing your Higher Degree , Oxford, Blackhall Publishing Ltd, 2008, pp241 - 252, [Coyne, I ]
Coyne IT , Containing acute childhood illness within family life: a grounded theory. , Archives of Disease in Childhood , Second Congress of the European Academy of Paediatrics. , Nice, France , October 24-28th , 93, (Suppl 2), BMJ Publishing Group & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2008, pp7 - 7
Coyne, I, T , Commentary on Lee, P. (2006)What does partnership in care mean for children's nurses ?., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, (10), 2008, p1395 - 1396
Coyne, IT., Hayes, E, Gallagher, P, Regan, G , Chronically ill children's participation in consultation and decision-making: stories of exclusion. , Chronic illness management 13th Research Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers , Vienna, Austria, 2nd-5th September , 2008
Chest drain care in, editor(s)Kelsey, J & McEwing G , Clinical Skills in Child Health Practice , Edinburgh , Churchill Livingstone Elseveir, 2008, pp227 - 232, [O' Neill, C and Coyne, I,T ]
Gaynor K, Murphy A, Coyne I, The Bravest Girl in School (It is a story about a child with Diabetes) Series 1, Dublin , Special Stories Publishing, 2008, 1 - 27pp
Clynes, M., Raftery, S., O'Neill, C., Ward, E and Coyne, IT , Problem-based learning in children's nursing: from transcending doubts to exceeding expectations. , 9th Annual International Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology". , Trinity College Dublin, 5-7th Nov, 2008, pp52-
Tracheostomy care in, editor(s)Kelsey, J & McEwing G , Clinical Skills in Child Health Practice , Edinburgh , Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008, pp221 - 227, [Raftery, S and Coyne, I,T ]
Coyne, IT , 'Giving children a voice': Hospitalised children's experiences of participation in consultations and decision-making., 10th International Paediatric & Child Health Nursing Conference , Darwin, Australia, 29th April- 2nd May, 2008
Care of a stoma in, editor(s)Kelsey, J & McEwing G , Clinical Skills in Child Health Practice, Edinburgh, Elsevier , 2008, pp328 - 333, [Coyne, I ]
Coyne, I, T., Children's participation in consultations and decision-making at health service level: a critical review of the literature. , International Journal of Nursing Studies , 45 , (11), 2008, p1682 - 1689
Gaynor K, Keating R, Coyne I , The famous hat: Volume 1 (A story about children with cancer) Series 1, Dublin , Special Stories Publishing, 2008, 1 - 28pp
Coyne, I, T., Hayes, E, Gallagher, P, Regan, G , Children's participation in consultations and decision-making in healthcare: Stories of inclusion and exclusion. , 9th Annual International Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology", Trinity College Dublin , 5-7th November, 2008, pp67-
Coyne, I, T , Disruption of parent participation: Nurses' strategies to manage parents on children's wards., Journal of Clinical Nursing., 17, ( 23), 2008, p3150 - 3158
Coyne I, Review of Doing research with children by Greig A, Taylor J, and McKay T (editors), Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60, (6), 2007, p708-709
Coyne, I , T , Critical engagement with practice: Being a human caring presence for children and their parents., Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing , 1, (6), 2007, p298 - 299
Coyne IT, Model for enhancing hospitalized children's participation in shared decision-making, Acta Paediatricia , 48th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Research, , Prague, Czech Republic , Oct 6-8th, 96, (456), Wiley, 2007, pp217 - 217
Coyne, I, T , Commentary on Mok, E. and Foon, L, S. (2005) Nurses as providers of support for mothers of premature infants. , Journal of Clinical Nursing., 16, (8), 2007, p1584 - 1586
Coyne, I and O'Shea, R , Children's nurse education in Ireland: Current status and challenges ahead., Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing. , 1, (7), 2007, p1 - 5
Clynes, M., Barron, C and Coyne, I , Breaking new ground in Ireland: Development of a professional development module on caring for children with asthma., Paediatric Nursing , 19, (7), 2007, p34 - 36
Coyne, I, T , Inclusion and exclusion: Is children's participation more rhetoric than reality?, Research and Development Bulletin, Institute of Child Health , 14, (3), 2007, p7 - 8
Coyne, I T and Cowley, S. , Challenging the philosophy of partnership with parents: A grounded theory study. , International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44, 2007, p893 - 904
Coyne, I, T and Conlon, J , Children's and young people's views of hospitalisation: 'It's a scary place'., Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing , 1, (1), 2007, p16 - 21
Raftery, S., Clynes, M., O'Neill, C., Ward, E and Coyne, IT , Problem-based learning: Transcending doubt to exceeding expectation. , 8th Annual International Research Conference Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology". , Trinity College Dublin, Nov 7-9th, 2007
Coyne, I, T , Consultation with children in hospital: Children, parents' and nurses' perspectives, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15 , (1), 2006, p61 - 71
Coyne, I, T and Conlon, J, Feasibility study into the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Child & Adolescent Mental Health., HSE, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Co Louth., 2006, p1 - 42
Coyne IT, Response to Jolley's comments. , Journal of Clinical Nursing., 15, (6), 2006, p794
Coyne, I, T , The 'good' family syndrome: Social and cultural issues in community and family health. , Contemporary Nurse , 23, (2), 2006, p12 - 14
Coyne, I, T , Children's experiences of hospitalisation., Journal of Child Health Care , 10, (4), 2006, p326 - 336
Coyne, I, T and Cowley, S. , Using grounded theory to research parent participation., Journal of Research in Nursing, 11, (6), 2006, p501 - 515
Shields, L and Coyne, I, T, Commentary on Hopia, H, Tomlinson, P, S., Paavilainen, E and Astedt-Kurki, P (2005) Child in hospital: family experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health. , Journal of Clinical Nursing , 15, 2006, p111 - 113
Coyne, I, T., Hayes, E., Gallagher, P , "Giving Children A Voice" Investigation of children's experiences of participation in consultation and decision making within the Irish healthcare setting. , Department of Health and Children, Office of the Minister for Children (formerly the National Children's Office):, September, 2006, p1 - 82
Coyne IT, Walking a tightrope: Balancing higher education values with professional values, All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Inaugural Conference "Mapping the Landscape of Higher Education in Ireland" , Trinity College Dublin., September 2-3rd, 2004
Coyne IT. , Disrupted lives: Finding a balance in the children's ward., Irish Social Policy Association "Families, Children and Social Policy - Ten Years On From the Year of the Family"., Croke Park, Dublin., September 17th, 2004
Coyne I , Review of Paediatrics at a glance. Miall, L., Rudolf, M and Levene, M. , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 48, (1), 2004, p108
Coyne I, Review of Towards a sociology for childhood: Thinking from children's lives by Berry Mayall., Journal of Child Health Care, 8, (3), 2004, p244-246
Coyne, I, Review of Facing death: Cancer in young adults through parents' eyes., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44, (1), 2003, p108
Coyne, I, Review of Study skills for nurses by Whitehead, E and Mason, T., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43, (2), 2003, p216
Coyne I, Review of The Nature of Qualitative Evidence by Morse, J, Swanson, J & Kuzel, A, J. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40, (1), 2002, p122
Coyne, I , Review of Learning to Theorize: A Four Step Strategy by Mithaug, D, E, Journal of Advanced Nursing, , 37, (4), 2002, p402
Coyne I, Review of Theory and Practice in Human Services by Thompson, N, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32, (5), 2000, p1311-1312
Coyne I, Review of Paediatric Oncology: Acute Nursing Care by Gibson, F & Margaret, E. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, , 32, (1), 2000, p261-262
Coyne, I, T , Researching children: Some methodological and ethical considerations, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 7, (5), 1998, p409 - 416
Coyne, I, Review of Explorations in family nursing by Whyte, D, A. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, , 27, (2), 1998, p440
Coyne I, Review of Pediatric home care, 2nd edition, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27, (6), 1998, p1327
Coyne, IT., Relationship between adult and childhood health states: the case of asthma., Journal of Community Pharmacy, 1997, p8-10
Coyne, I, T , Sampling in qualitative research. Purposeful and theoretical sampling: merging or clear boundaries?, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26, (3), 1997, p623 - 630
Coyne I, Methodological and ethical considerations of researching children., Journal of Advanced Nursing , 25, (3), 1997, p652 - 654
Coyne, IT, Meningitis in children, Journal of Community Pharmacy, 1997, p4-6
Coyne, I, T , Chronic illness: the importance of support for families caring for a child with cystic fibrosis, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 6, (2), 1997, p121 - 129
Coyne, IT. , Obesity - Nature or nurture? , Journal of Community Pharmacy, 1997, p10-12
Coyne, I, T , Parent participation: a concept analysis, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, (4), 1996, p733 - 740
Coyne, I.T., Sudden infant death syndrome and baby care practices, Paediatric Nursing, 8, (10), 1996, p16 - 18
Coyne I , Review of Advancing King's Systems Framework and Theory of Nursing by Frey, M, A & Sieloff, C, L., Journal of Advanced Nursing., 23, (2), 1996, p417
Coyne I, Review of Armfuls of time: The psychological experience of the child with a life-threatening illness by Sourkes, B, M., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24, (4), 1996, p878
Coyne, I, T , Parental participation in care: a critical review of the literature., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21, (4), 1995, p716 - 722
Coyne I , Review of Nursing Theories - The base for professional nursing practice by George, JB 4th edition, Journal of Advanced Nursing,, 22, (5), 1995, p1015
Coyne, I, T, Partnership in care: parents' views of participation in their hospitalised child's care, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 4, (2), 1995, p71 - 79
Coyne, I, Review of The Roy Adaptation Model in Action by Akinsanya, J et al, Journal of Advanced Nursing,, 20, (6), 1994, p1584 - 1586, p1177
Coyne I, Nursing Theory: Analysis, application, evaluation by Stevens Barnum, B J. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20, (2), 1994, p347
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Lisa Kirwan, The experiences of care for adolescents with mental health difficulties in the acute paediatric setting in Ireland, Research Blitz, School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD, Boston Connell College School of Nursing, December 2023, 2023
Coyne I , The importance of transition from paediatric to adult healthcare for adolescents with chronic illnesses., Adolescent and Young Adult Palliative Medicine HST Training Day, Ireland, Online, 21st June 2022 , 2022
Coyne I, The importance of transition from paediatric to adult healthcare for adolescents with chronic illnesses. , Children Hospital Ireland Grandround. International Adolescent Health Week (IAHW). , Online. , March 25th , 2022, Children Hospital Ireland
Coyne I , Transitioning from child to adult healthcare services: How to prepare youth for transition., IFNA UK-Ireland chapter Webinar seminar.[Online] , Online, 5th of December 202, 2022
Coyne I , INVITED KEYNOTE Participation of Children and Adolescents in information-sharing and healthcare decision-making., 3rd International Mediterranean Pediatric Nursing Congress. , Ankara, Turkey, October 12-15 -2022,, 2022
Coyne I , Voices of Young Children. , Voices of Young Children. , Dublin, Ireland , 19th November, 2018, Department of Children and Youth Affairs
Coyne I , Child centred care: exploring the importance of centredness. , Child Health Nurse Researchers Network Meeting., Bastad, Sweden , 4-5th October , 2018, Professor Inger Hallstrom
Coyne I , INVITED TALK. The development and progression of the Undergraduate Nursing Programme 1967-to -2017. , St James's Hospital 50 years celebration of Nursing Education and Training. , Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin. , 24th March , 2017, CEO, St James Hospital
Helen Malone & Imelda Coyne, Study Day: Mental Health and 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, Lucena Clinic, Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6, 30th May , 2017
Coyne I , Children's health across Europe from a multidisciplinary perspective. , Open Lecture. , Mälardalen University, Sweden., 16th May, 2016
Coyne I , INVITED TALK Advantages and challenges with co-developing an ehealth intervention with young people for transition to adult healthcare services. , EANS Scientific meeting , Utrecht, Netherlands, 21st January , 2016, European Academy of Nursing Science
Coyne I , Person-centred care: new paradigm or Emperor's new clothes? , Research Day. , School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University, Sweden. , 23rd November , 2016, Prof. Maja Soderback
Coyne I , Staff attitudes to Family-Centred Care in a neonatal unit, Family-Centred Care Study Day, Castleford, West Yorkshire, 02 October, 2015, Supporters of Families and Babies, 1 - 23pp
Coyne I , How should children's autonomy be recognised in the research context ? , Research Support & Education Day, , School of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 10th March , 2015
Thursday 22 May 2014- Health Research Board, HRB-funded projects win health literacy awards. , 2014, -
06 JANUARY 2014 -Irish Independent, Website steps up to plate for hockey star, Irish Independent, 06 JANUARY 2014, 2014
Coyne I, While A, Sheehan A & Prizeman G., Using participatory research to co-design and develop an e-health intervention for young people., Research Support and Education Day,, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. , April 1st , 2014
Coyne I , Priorities for paediatric nursing research- international perspective, Child Health Researchers network , Lund University, Sweden, 02 December , 2014, Professor Inger Hallstrom
Tuesday, 15th April, 2014- Laura Ryder , Rhode native shortlisted for national award, 2014, -
Tuesday 3rd June 2014- Michelle McDonagh , The transition years: moving up from children's hospitals - Stepping Up website offers new resource to chronically ill patients moving from children's to adult health services, 2014, -
22 May 2014 - Sheila Wayman , Abrupt move to adult system can have lasting effects on young people, 2014, -
Friday November 15, 2013- Heart Children, is a new website that will provide information for children and young people (aged 13-18 years approx.) who are preparing to make the move from child to adult healthcare services. , 2013, -
Coyne I, Prizeman G, Sheehan A, While A, 'Transition website 'Stepping Up'', RTE Morning Edition, RTE, 2013, -
Coyne I , Invited keynote "Children's fears in hospital" , Pediatric Care Symposium on The concept of fear in children in the acute setting- what supportive measures can nurses provide ?. , Lucerner Kantonsspital Luczern, Switzerland., 21st November , 2013, Lucerner Kantonsspital Luczern
Coyne I , Children are the future: research priorities for Europe. , EANS Winter Scientific meeting, , Aarhus University, Denmark. , January 18th , 2013, European Academy of Nursing Science.
Deborah Condon, Help for teens moving to adult health services, 2013, -
Health Research Board 3 December 2013, Stepping up - Ireland's first website to help young people move from child to adult services, 2013, -
Finger Lakes Health , Study Finds Kids Want More Info About Their Hospital Care, 2011, -
Coyne I , Invited keynote- Delivering family centred care: some practical solutions. , National Conference on Hospitalized Children. , Barcelona, Spain., 13th May , 2011
Coyne I , Disruption of parent participation: challenges for children's nurses , Children's Hospital Yorkhill Hospital Trust., 15th June , 2005
Coyne I , Disruption of parent participation: a grounded theory study, Department of Nursing, Lund University, Sweden, 2005
Coyne I , Keynote speaker at the national launch of the Irish Association of Children's Nursing (IACN). , Launch of the Irish Association of Children's Nursing (IACN)., The Education Centre, National Children's Hospital, Dublin , 20th April , 2004, IACN
Research Expertise
My research programme focuses on the participation of children, adolescents and young adults in shared decision-making and chronic illness management. Current projects are focused on interventions to promote adolescents with chronic conditions participation in self-management, medication adherence, health literacy and clinic interactions. Previous research focused on transition of youth to adult healthcare services; psychosocial support for children with cancer; consultation on early years provision; transition for adolescents with mental health needs; experiences of CAMHS; outcomes for diabetes management; parents of children with Cystic Fibrosis information needs and interventions to promote young children's participation in healthcare encounters.Projects
- Title
- HRB Irish Network for Children's Clinical Trials (In4kids)
- Summary
- Prof. Geraldine Boylan (PI) & Prof Eleanor Molloy (Co-PI) The HRB Irish Network for Children's Clinical Trials (In4kids) aims to support researchers in Ireland to develop and deliver a portfolio of high quality clinical trials that will benefit children's health.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2026
- Title
- Promoting child-centred psychosocial care for young children with Type 1 diabetes: Development and testing of a play-based communication
- Funding Agency
- Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy
- Date From
- September 2023
- Date To
- September 2025
- Title
- Your Opinion Matters: How to Make the Most Out of Talking to Health Care Providers
- Summary
- Nearly a third of adolescents in the United States suffer from at least one chronic condition, many of which require prescription medications for effective management. Research has shown that youth have questions about their chronic conditions but often do not ask their providers these questions. Active involvement, including question-asking, is important because interactive discussions with providers can help adolescents learn how to self-manage their symptoms, treatment regimens, and health. Self-management can lead to better health outcomes and a reduction in emergency room visits, unplanned physician visits, and reduced risk of disability over time. Adolescents have reported several barriers to asking questions during office visits, including feeling intimidated, forgetting questions, and having parents dominate the conversation with the provider. We plan to develop an intervention for youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Although youth search for health information on-line, there are no good health websites with videos in the U.S. that encourage youth with chronic health conditions to be more involved in their health care and communicate with their health care providers so that they can learn how to better self-manage their conditions. This program's purpose is to: (a) develop and evaluate a brief ADHD question prompt list/video intervention for use by youth and parents during pre-visit wait time to empower them to be more actively involved during visits and (b) create a website with youth that provides tips and videos on how youth can raise issues and ask questions when talking to health care providers.
- Funding Agency
- Duke Endowment
- Date From
- 01 Jan 2019
- Date To
- 01 Jan 2022
- Title
- Young adults with a rheumatic diagnose; their experiences of participation in pediatric care and of the transition to adult care
- Summary
- Dr. Veronica Lundberg (PI), Dr Catharina Eriksson, Torbjörn Lind, Dr. Anncristine Fjellman-Wiklund, Prof. Imelda Coyne, Purpose The overall purpose of the project is to make it easier for children and young people with long-term illness to communicate with healthcare professionals and participate in issues related to their illness during healthcare encounters, and to facilitate the transition from child and adolescent healthcare to adult healthcare. Specific purposes 1. To explore the experiences young adults with a rheumatic disease have from communicating and cooperating with healthcare professionals as children and young people, and being involved in healthcare encounters. 2.To explore young adults' experiences of the transition from child and adolescent healthcare to adult healthcare. 3. To design an intervention that makes it easier for children and young people to be involved and to be able to communicate more easily with healthcare professionals during healthcare encounters, and to facilitate the young people's transition from adolescent healthcare to adult healthcare
- Funding Agency
- Norrbacka Eugenia.
- Date From
- 01/06/2021
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- Investigation of the impact of a telephone intervention for children with low von Willebrand Factor and their parents/guardians.
- Funding Agency
- National Children's Research Centre
- Date From
- 01 March 2019
- Date To
- 31 Feb 2022
- Title
- Intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits.
- Summary
- Research involves focus groups with youth and parents and professionals. Then to develop an intervention to improve youth with diabetes question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits.
- Funding Agency
- National Children's Research Centre
- Date From
- 01/10/18
- Date To
- 31/09/21
- Title
- Family-centred Care of Children: Developing an Irish Children's Nursing Model of Care.
- Funding Agency
- National Children's Hospital, Tallaght.
- Date From
- 01/10/17
- Date To
- 31/09/21
- Title
- Supporting Public and Patient Involvement in Research.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/10/17
- Date To
- 31/09/2020
- Title
- Systematic Review of Neoadjuvant Treatments for malignant and metastatic melanoma
- Summary
- Cochrane review of Neoadjuvant Treatments for malignant and metastatic melanoma. Award code: CTF-2016-1864.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/01/2017-
- Date To
- 01/01/2019
- Title
- Systematic Review: Interventions for Promoting Participation in shared decision-making for Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis.
- Summary
- Malone Helen & Prof. I Coyne (Supervisor). Biggar S, Javadpour S, Edworthy Z, Sheaf G Award: CTF-2016-1856
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/11/2016
- Date To
- 31/10/2018
- Title
- Health visits with children of foreign origin in the Swedish child- and school health care
- Summary
- Dr Maria Harder, Prof I Holmström, School of Health Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalens University, Sweden. Dr Marie Golsäter, Prof. Mats Granlund, Jönköping University, Prof I Coyne.
- Funding Agency
- Mälardalens University,
- Date From
- 01/09/2016
- Date To
- 01/09/2019
- Title
- Identifying a core outcome set for clinical trials of interventions targeting young adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Protocol for a Delphi Study
- Summary
- Byrne, M (PI), O'Connell A, Egan A, Dineen S, Hynes L (Galway University) Holt R (Southampton), Willaing I (Steno Diabetes Centre), Vallis M (Canada), Hendrieckx C (Australia), Coyne I
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 01/03/2016
- Date To
- 31/03/2017
- Title
- An exploration of the experiences, concerns and needs of transgender identified children and young people.
- Summary
- The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, concerns and needs of transgender identified children and young people and to prepare a report on both the process and outcome of the consultation to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). The objectives of the study are to: 1. Identify the things that make their lives easy and the things that make life hard for transgender identified children and young people 2. Identify the things that work well for transgender identified children and young people 3. Identify the things that transgender identified children and young people consider needs to change to enhance their lives.
- Funding Agency
- Department of Children and Youth Affairs
- Date From
- February 2016
- Date To
- February 2017
- Title
- Katie Nugent Project: A Support Needs Analysis for Supporting Parents of Children from the Haematology/Oncology Service
- Summary
- The study seeks to address the well acknowledged emotional, social and practical support needs of parents whose children are receiving/ have received care from the oncology team in our lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin. The focus of this study is on the needs of all parents whose children are receiving treatment from the service.
- Funding Agency
- Lord and Lady Nugent
- Date From
- March 2016
- Date To
- Current
- Title
- Arts based interventions to promote transition to adult services for children and adolescents with chronic conditions.
- Summary
- Prof Imelda Coyne & Joanne Callinan (RA) in collaboration with Helium
- Funding Agency
- Helium
- Date From
- 01/10/15
- Date To
- 31/07/16
- Title
- Early Years Strategy Children's Consultation
- Summary
- Research with children aged 3-5 years to inform the Early Years National Strategy
- Funding Agency
- Department of Children and Youth Affairs
- Date From
- 01/10/15
- Date To
- 01/04/16
- Title
- Investigation of parents' informational needs for their child's transition to adult healthcare services. (PINCH-CF)
- Summary
- To investigate parents' (of children with CF) information needs regarding the transition of their child from paediatric to adult healthcare services and to use these identified needs to inform the development of information resources which will be accessible on the Cystic Fibrosis Ireland website. Professor I Coyne (PI) & Ms Leona Connolly (RA) in collaboration with Cystic Fibrosis Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 01/06/2015
- Date To
- 31/06/2016
- Title
- Developing an eHealth intervention to support children and young people's (with chronic illnesses) transition to adult healthcare services.
- Summary
- Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) targeted call for project linked to the TRYCIS project: Transition from child to adult care for young people with chronic illness (TRYCIS): a study of policies, process, and patients, parents, and healthcare professionals' perspectives. Team: Prof. I Coyne (PI); Prof. A While, Kings College London
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- December 2012
- Date To
- December 2013
- Title
- Investigation of nurses' experiences of using child restraint in the clinical setting.
- Summary
- Kirwan L & Coyne I
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- June 2013
- Date To
- July 2013
- Title
- Proteasome Inhibitor Treatment for Multiple Myeloma
- Summary
- Dr Kathleen Scott & Prof. I Coyne
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board (CTF/2012/11)
- Date From
- 12/11/2012
- Date To
- 11/11/2014
- Title
- Transition from child to adult care for young people with chronic illness (TRYCIS): a study of policies, process, and patients, parents, and healthcare professionals' perspectives.
- Summary
- Coyne, I (PI); While, A (Kings College London), Lambert, V (DCU)
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- December 2010
- Date To
- December 2014
- Title
- What are the respite needs and experiences of family's caring for a child with a life-limiting condition requiring palliative care?
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/10/13
- Date To
- 31/09/16
- Title
- Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children with cancer.
- Summary
- Coyne, I (Fellowship award); O'Mathuna, D (Dublin City University); Gibson, F (Institute of Child Health, London); Shields, L (Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia)
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Ireland
- Date From
- January 2009
- Date To
- December 2011
- Title
- Aiding and assisting healthcare policy for school children: An investigation of the family's role on the health of the disadvantaged child.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/10/07
- Date To
- 31/09/14
- Title
- An appraisal of instruments that measure collaborative practice and an evaluation of their suitability for use with children, young people and families in the context of long-term conditions
- Summary
- Team: Dr Joanna Smith (PI), Senior Lecturer in Children and Young People's Nursing, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Salford. Dr Alison Brettle, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Salford. Dr Hilary Bekker, Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds. Prof. I Coyne. Ms Gaynor Fenton, Lecturer in Children and Young People's Nursing, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Salford.
- Funding Agency
- Unfunded
- Date From
- January 2013
- Date To
- December 2015
- Title
- Investigation of children's participation in decision-making in healthcare: Children, parents and healthcare professionals' perspectives.
- Summary
- Coyne, I (PI) Kiernan, G (Dublin City University) & Lambert, V (Dublin City University)
- Funding Agency
- HRB Research General Project Grant.
- Date From
- October 2008
- Date To
- November 2011
- Title
- Children and Adolescents Experiences of Deliberate Self-Harm.
- Funding Agency
- Department of Children and Youth Affairs
- Date From
- 01/10/08
- Date To
- 31/09/10
- Title
- Life as a Child and Young person in Ireland: Report of a National Consultation
- Funding Agency
- Department of Children & Youth Affairs (DCYA)
- Date From
- 01/01/11
- Date To
- 31/12/12
- Title
- Transition from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services in an Irish Setting (ITRACK): A Study of Service Organisation, Policies, Process and User and Carer Perspectives.
- Summary
- Team: Prof. F McNicholas (PI) and Dr B Gavin (UCD School of Medicine and Lucena Clinic Rathgar); Dr B Dooley (College of Human Science, UCD); Prof. I Coyne, (TCD); Dr T Ford (Peninsula Medical school, UK); Dr M Paul (Warwick Medical School, UK); Prof. S Singh (Health Sciences Research Institute, University of Warwick, UK) Collaborators: Prof. P McGorry (University of Melbourne, Australia); Dr W Cullen (Graduate Medical School, University of Limerick); Dr S Barry (Cluain Mhuire Adult Mental Health Services); J Hastings (Bodywhys)
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2010
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- Parental Ethnotheories among Immigrant and Irish Parents of Infants in Ireland.
- Summary
- Dr. Elizabeth Nixon (PI) (School of Psychology & Senior Research Fellow, Children's Research Centre, TCD); Professor Sheila Greene, Director of Children's Research Centre & Chair of Childhood Research (Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin) Professor I Coyne, (Associate Professor and Head of Children's Nursing & Research Associate of Children's Research Centre Trinity College Dublin); Professor K Nugent, (Professor of Child and Family Studies, University of Massachusettes, Director of the Brazelton Institute at Children's Hospital in Boston, and Faculty Member of the Harvard Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Harvard, USA)
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- October 2008
- Date To
- October 2010
- Title
- An evaluation of client satisfaction with the Child and adolescent Mental Health services-a multicentre survey.
- Summary
- Dr. Manas Sarkar, Locum Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. Professor Fiona McNicolas, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Lucena Clinic. Professor Imelda Coyne, Head of Children's Discipline, TCD and Ms Carla Beattie, Research student
- Funding Agency
- none
- Date From
- January 2009
- Date To
- September 2011
- Title
- Investigation of registered nurse's practice and perceptions of family-centred care.
- Summary
- Imelda Coyne, PI (DCU/TCD) & Mr Thomas Costello & Ms Rita O'Shea (Director of Nursing, Children's University Hospital, Temple Street) & Ms Colleen O'Neill (DCU) & Ms Maryanne Murphy (TCD).
- Funding Agency
- Trinity College Dublin
- Date From
- June 2007
- Date To
- June 2009
- Title
- Children, parents, and health professionals' perspectives on children's participation in shared decision-making
- Summary
- Coyne I., Amory, A., Gibson, F., Kiernan, G., Breatnach, F
- Funding Agency
- Cancer Research Society
- Date From
- 1/5/2008
- Date To
- 31/5/2010
- Title
- Evaluation of the roles of CNS/CMS and ANP/AMP in Ireland
- Summary
- Professor Cecily Begley (PI), Professor Imelda Coyne, Professor Agnes Higgins, Dr Joan Lalor, Dr Fintan Sheerin, Dr Naomi Elliott, Professor Charles Normand and Professor Catherine Comiskey in partnership with a group from NUIG including Professor Kathy Murphy (PI), Dr Declan Devane, Dr Dympna Casey, Ms Adeline Cooney, Ms Frances Farrelly, Dr Maura Dowling and Ms Miriam Brennan. July 2008-July 2010
- Funding Agency
- The National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery
- Date From
- November 2008
- Date To
- November 2010
- Title
- Survey of qualified Irish nurses' knowledge of oral care practices.
- Summary
- Coyne I (PI), Costello T (undergraduate student).
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/06/06
- Date To
- 01/09/06
- Title
- An investigation of children's experiences of participation in consultation and decision making within the Irish healthcare setting.
- Summary
- I Coyne (PI) & Dr. P Gallagher & Ms E Hayes (DCU) & Ms G Regan (Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin).
- Funding Agency
- Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
- Date From
- June 2004
- Date To
- June 2005
- Title
- Children, parents and nurses: A qualitative study of their experiences of participation in hospital care in Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Dublin City University
- Date From
- Jan 2003
- Date To
- Dec 2006
- Title
- Feasibility study into the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Child & Adolescent Mental Health.
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- 01/01/2005
- Date To
- 31/01/06
Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health (IJAHM) Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
Associate Editor, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, Taylor and Francis Group, USA
Expert member of Quality Review Panel. External assessment of Mid Sweden university"s research and third-cycle courses and study programmes of Faculty of Nursing Science and the Faculty of Health Sciences, Mitt University, Sundsvall & Ostersund campuses, Sweden.
Member of the Transition of Care to Adult Services (Children and Young People) Working Group, HSE. Chair: Dr Ciara Martin, National Clinical Advisor & Group Lead for Children and Young People, Clinical Design & Innovation, Health Service Executive Ireland. The role of the Working Group is to provide expert advice and strategic leadership and collaborate to develop a national framework to guide transition of care to adult health services.
Oversight Group Member for the Steering Committee for the following project: NIHR156314 - OPTICAL: Optimising Paediatric Transition to Intensive Care for AduLts.
Academic Expert on the Academic Consultative Group. Hub Na N'Og: Young voices in decision-making. DCEIDY Purpose is to promote and support collaboration between Hub na nÓg and the third level sector in the development of education, training and research for children and young people's participation in decision-making. The network is comprised of academic experts with strategic responsibility for education and research in children and young people's participation in decision-making.
Member, National Clinical Care Programme (NCCP) Children's Adolescents/Young Adults (CAYA) Cancer Clinical Leads Group The purpose of the National CAYA Clinical Leads Group is to ensure that the National Children"s Cancer Service and associated hospitals build on robust local clinical governance arrangements, in order to operate as a cohesive national clinical network for the purpose of sharing of good practice, problem solving and clinical audit, in relation to Children and Adolescent/Young Adults cancer. Chair: Professor Owen Smith, National Clinical Lead for CAYA, NCCP, HSE
Irish Universities Association Representative on National Steering Committee for Children's Nursing in Ireland (CHI)
International member of Editorial Board, Nursing Children and Young People (NCYP), UK.
International Member of Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (DDEA) Grant review Committee, Denmark Member of the Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (DDEA). Invited member of the international Committee for Talent Development under the auspices of the DDA. As a member of the committee I am part of an international review panel that will perform a professional peer review evaluation of applications received by the DDA in relation to PhD scholarships, postdoctoral fellowships and visiting professorships.
Member of the International Network on Family & Child Centred Care (INFCC). International network of multi-disciplinary global experts within academia, practice, research and leadership to explore, critique and build on the present state of the science for child- and family-centred models of care, reflecting an international perspective.
International Member of Editorial Board, Nursing & Health Sciences, Wiley, Japan.
Review of grant proposals for Children's Health Foundation as part of the HRCI HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2022.
Member of the National Clinical Programme for Paediatrics and Neonates Transition Group, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Member of the Board for CanCare4Living
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing: Mark Allen Publishers
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN), Wiley
Review of application for Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Canada Research Chairs Program, Canada
Review of senior promotion, Department of Maternal & Child Health. College of Nursing - Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Review of Senior promotions for Department of Maternal and Child Nursing, School of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Review of Faculty promotion and tenure reviews. The University of British Columbia, Canada
Review of Academic for promotion to Associate Professor in Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Review of Academic for promotion to Associate Professor, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Review of Academic for Tenure application, University of Calgary, Canada
Review of Academic for promotion to Reader (Teaching and Scholarship). Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health, University of Manchester.
Review of application for Personal Chair, Division of Population Medicine, Cardiff University, Wales
Reviewer of Senior promotions for Department of Maternal and Child Health Nursing, School of Nursing, The University of Jordan, Jordan
Review of senior promotion, Yong Loo Lin School Of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Reviewer of Cochrane protocols and reviews
Review of research grants, Pushing frontiers in health research II application, Versus Arthritis, UK
Review of research grants, Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), UK
Reviewer of research grants, Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust
Member of the Irish Council of Professors, Deans and Heads of Nursing and Midwifery
Member of the Board of the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS)
Member of Research Development Advisory Group, Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA)
Member, Working Party on Children and Clinical Research. Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Academy of Medical Sciences, London, UK.
Member of the Bishop's Bioethics Committee
Member of the Steering Group for Irish Association of Children's Nursing (IACN)
Chair of Fellows Selection Committee, European Academy of Nursing Science
Chair of the Nursing & Midwifery category for adjudication of the Undergraduate Awards programme. UA is a prestigious and international academic awards programme, which is pan-discipline.
Member of the National Committee for Nutritional Sciences, Royal Irish Academy (Dublin City University representative)
External Examiner for the Masters in Nursing, University of Malta
External Examiner for the Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing & Masters of Science in Nursing programme (Waterford Institute of Technology)
External Examiner for the undergraduate nursing degree programme at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College University of Dublin
External examiner for the child branch on the undergraduate nursing degree programme (B Nurs), University of Manchester, England
Host of European Academy of Nursing Science Winter scientific meeting, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin
Reviewer of journal articles for: Journal of Advanced Nursing; International Journal of Nursing Studies; Patient Education and Counseling; Journal of Adolescent Health; Health Expectations; Psycho-Oncology; Supportive Cancer Care Journal; BMC Pediatrics; European Journal of Pediatrics; European Journal of Oncology Nursing; Journal of Family Nursing; Journal of Clinical Nursing; Child: Care, Health and Development; Children and Society; Cancer;Journal of Child Health Care; American Journal of Bioethics; Pediatrics; Childhood; British Journal of Nursing; Journal of Research in Nursing; Western Journal of Nursing; International Nursing Review; Nursing and Health Sciences
Member, Scientific Review Panel Health Research Board, Summer Student Scholarship
Awards and Honours
Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
Elected Fellow European Academy of Nursing Science (FEANS)
Personal invite by President Michael D Higgins to celebrate 'Women in the Sciences' on International Women's Day. Áras an Uachtaráin
Alva Myrdal Visiting Professorship Mälardalen University, Sweden
Albert College Fellowship Award, Dublin City University
MA (jure oficii)
Cochrane Fellowship Award, Health Research Board
Best Paper 'Children's complex care needs: a systematic concept analysis of multidisciplinary language ' selected as the winner in the Clinical strategy & programmes category of the HSE Open Access awards for 2018.
Featured as Leading Researcher for International Nurses Day 2018, in partnership with ICN.
Best Hospital Project for the website and materials I created '' 2014 Crystal Clear MSD Health Literacy Awards.
Best abstract, European Academy of Nursing Science Scientific Meeting
Best conference abstract from 200 oral presentations, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, New Orleans, USA
Article selected as the "Editor's Choice" Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(12):2561-2573.
Best conference poster, Saint John of God Hospitaller Ministries perpetual trophy -Evaluation Study Day
Best Lecturer for Katie Hill, Gold Medal Winner of the Nursing & Midwifery, Irish Undergraduate Award
Best overall oral presentation, 23rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
Best conference paper in "Innovation in Practice" category, 23rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
Best undergraduate thesis (Distinction), Royal College of Nursing
Cow and Gate Paediatric Nursing Scholarship, UK.
English National Board Scholarship, UK
Health Savings Association Bursary Award (HAS), UK
Member, International Network for Child and Family Centred Care
Member Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland (CRNINI)
Member of the International Chapter of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM)
Member, International and Interdisciplinary Health Care Transition Research Consortium
Member of the European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH)
Member of the Children's Research Network
Member Youth Participation Special Interest Group, Children's Research Network
Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (ACENDIO)
European School of Oncology (ESO)
Member of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) affiliate of the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI)
Research Inventory for Child Health in Europe (RICHE)
Child Health Nurse Researchers, UK
Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe (PNAE)
Cochrane Community
Nursing and Midwifery Board Ireland
Royal College of Nursing (RCN)