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Dr. Joanne Balfe
Clinical Senior Lecturer in Dev. General, Paediatrics

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Delamere Tara, Balfe Joanna, Fraser Lorna K, Sheaf Greg, Smith Samantha, Defining and quantifying population-level need for children†s palliative care: findings from a rapid scoping review, BMC Palliative Care, 23, (1), 2024, p212- Journal Article, 2024 DOI URL

S Mccormack, J. Balfe, A Mahony, A Collins, S. Kelleher, L. Baker, N. Allen, D. McDonald, Prevalence of severe neurological impairment in Ireland " A study of national in-patient point prevalence data, Dev Med Child Neurol, 65: 48-86., European Association of Childhood Disability, Ljubljana, 2023, pp48-86 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

S McCormack, J Balfe, A Mahony, A Collins, A Mahony, N Allen, D McDonald, Developing a Common Dataset for Children with Severe Neurological Impairment " a Scoping Review of Relevant Variables., 5-79.EACD: (2023), Oral presentations. Dev Med Child Neurol, 65: 5-47., European Association of Childhood Disability, Ljubljana, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Lagan NC and Mc Grane F and Huggard D and Sharkey J and Purcell C and Balfe J and Molloy E, Implementation of a health surveillance clinic for children with Down syndrome., Archives of disease in childhood. Education and practice edition, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Niamh Lagan, Dean Huggard, Fiona Mc Grane, Timothy Ronan Leahy, Orla Franklin, Edna Roche, David Webb, Aengus O'Maricaigh, Des Cox, Afif Elkuffash, Peter Greally, Joanne Balfe, Eleanor J Molloy, Multiorgan involvement and management in children with Down Syndrome, Acta Paediatrica, (1), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Whitla L, Devins M, Molloy EJ, Twomey M, O'Reilly M, Balfe J, Children's Palliative Care; the identified Learning Needs of Paediatricians., Irish medical journal, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Dean Huggard, Lynne Kelly, Emer Ryan, Fiona McGrane, Niamh Lagan, Edna Roche, Joanne Balfe, T. Ronan Leahy, Orla Franklin, Derek G. Doherty, Eleanor J. Molloy, Increased systemic inflammation in children with Down syndrome, Cytokine, 127, 2020, p154938 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Joanne Balfe and Joanne Balfe, An Assessment of the Learning Needs in Paediatric Palliative Care, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 DOI

Balfe J, Curtis E, O"Neill C, Permanent Childhood Hearing Loss in Ireland: Diagnostic Yield from Aetiological Evaluation in a Paediatric Clinic, Irish medical journal, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Lagan, N, Kelly, S, McDonald, Balfe J , Timing is everything; initiating advance care discussions in children with severe neurological impairment., Pallaitive Medicine , European Association of Palliative Care , Berlin, May 2019 , 33, (1), SAGE, 2019 Poster, 2019

Joanne Balfe and Joanne Balfe, Polypharmacy in Children with Life-limiting Conditions; Benefit or Burden?, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 DOI

Lagan, N, Kelly, S, Delahunt A, McDonald, Balfe J, Streamlining the patient journey through the complex needs clinic, Archives of Disease in Childhood , RCPCH , Birmingham , May 2019, 104, (Suppl 2 ), 2019 Poster, 2019

Huggard D, Koay WJ, Kelly L, McGrane F, Ryan E, Lagan N, Roche E, Balfe J, Leahy TR, Franklin O, Moreno-Oliveira A, Melo AM, Doherty DG, Molloy EJ., Altered Toll-Like Receptor Signalling in Children with Down Syndrome., Mediators of inflammation, 2019, 2019, p4068734 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Joanne Balfe and Joanne Balfe, Implementation of a \textquotedblleftSterile Cockpit\textquotedblright to Improve Medication Safety in a Children{', 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 DOI

Balfe J, Whitla L, Devins M, Molloy E , Challenges experienced by paediatricians providing care to children; a thematic analysis. , Archives of Disease in Childhood, RCPCH, Birmingham, May 2019, 104, 2019 Poster, 2019

M Alsaffar, J Balfe, S Quinn, N Gadelsayd, EJ Molloy, Coeliac Dseae in Children with Down Syndrome in Ireland, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL

C Purcell1, C Martins1, J Balfe1, EJ Molloy, paediatric pitstop' general academic paediatric research workshop , Archives of Diseases in Childhood, RCPCH AGM, March 2018, 2018 Published Abstract, 2018

J Balfe, M Cassidy, A Booth, Development of symptom assessment service at a children's hospice , Archives of Diseases in Childhood, RCPCH AGM, Birmingham, March 2018, 2018 Published Abstract, 2018 URL

Lagan NC, Balfe J, Question 2: Does heavy metal chelation therapy improve the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder., Archives of disease in childhood, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

JM Balfe, D Waldron, N van der Spek, National survey of the aetiological assessment service of permanent childhood hearing impairment in ireland , Archives of Diseases in Childhood, RCPCH AGM, March 2018, 2018 Published Abstract, 2018 URL

Balfe J, Van Der Spek N, Waldron D, National Survey Of The Aetiological Assessment Service Of Permanent Childhood Hearing Loss In Ireland, Irish medical journal, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Huggard D, McGrane F, Lagan N, Roche E, Balfe J, Leahy TR, Franklin O, Moreno A, Melo AM, Doherty DG, Molloy EJ, Altered endotoxin responsiveness in healthy children with Down syndrome., BMC immunology, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

J Balfe, A Booth, B Ritchie, Problematic symptoms in children attending for short breaks at a children's hospice; are we missing an opportunity for symptom assessment and management?, Archives of Diseases in Childhood, RCPCH AGM, May 2017, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017 URL

Ling J, O'Reilly M, Balfe J, Quinn C, Devins M, Children with life-limiting conditions: establishing accurate prevalence figures., Irish medical journal, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

SA Jaleel, J Balfe, E Curtis, D McDonald, Status dystonicus presenting in an acute setting in association with viral illnesses, RCPCH AGM, April 2015, 2015 Published Abstract, 2015 URL

Balfe, J, Meehan J, An exploration of Medical Student's Understanding of Paediatric Palliative Care and the Educational Value of a Short Teaching Programme in a Children's Hospice , J Palliative Care Medicine , 2nd Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care; A Global Gathering , Rome , Nov 2014, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

J Balfe, Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs: "Personhood" and Moral Standing in Community, Archives of Diseases in Childhood , RCPCH AGM , Birmingham , June 2013, 98, 2013, ppA53 - A54 Published Abstract, 2013 URL

Boyle, M, Bolton S Balfe J, , To Test or Not to Test- What bloods are done at the Developmental Clinic, Pediatric Research , European Academy of Paediatric Societies , 68, 2010 Poster, 2010

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Balfe J , McKiernan A, Promoting Psychosocial Care for Children and Their Families that is integrated and evidence based. , Cancer Professional , 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Joanne Balfe , Understanding Children's Palliative Care , GP Ireland; Journal of the National Association of General Practice , 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Joanne Balfe, Caring for short and precious lives. , Irish Medical Times , 2017 Journal Article, 2017



Fellow of Royal College of Physicians in Ireland ( FRCPI) 2020 – current

Fellow of Faculty of Paediatrics RCPI ( FFPaed) 2015 – Current