4-year PhD Position: "Social Inequalities, Child Development and Longitudinal Research"
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Sociology (Application Deadline: 31st March 2018)
The Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is seeking to appoint an outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidate at international levels with excellent qualifications and potential to write a strong PhD dissertation in Social Sciences. This is a full-time PhD position for the period of 2018 - 2022 (Ideal start: September 2018).
The stipend is of circa 1670 € per month (net of taxes) for a total of 48 months.
The successful candidate is expected to conduct an innovative and cutting-edge PhD dissertation on how social inequalities operate in children's lives and development from infancy to later stages of the life course. The successful candidate is expected to apply state-of-the-art theoretical models in social science by conducting advanced methodological techniques using longitudinal data. Candidates interested in life-course research, social inequalities or child development, with a completed MSc, MA or MPhil (by September 2018) in Sociology, Population Studies, Economics, Demography, Education, Psychology, Social Research, Social Policy or related fields, and a strong background and interest in quantitative and longitudinal methods, are particularly encouraged to apply.
Informal enquiries from interested applicants, referees or universities are most than welcome and can be made directly to Dr. Pablo Gracia (Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Sociology) (graciap@tcd.ie) and Prof. Richard Layte (Head of Department, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Sociology) (layter@tcd.ie).
The closing date is the 31st of March, 2018.
Applicants should provide the following documents:
(1) Motivation Letter (max. 2 pages)
(2) Curriculum Vitae
(3) Names and details of 2-3 referees
(4) At least one example of a written piece (expected in English) showing the candidate's analytical, writing and empirical skills
PhD Application Details: