TRiCC News and Events
We are excited to share with you news, events and opportunities related to children and childhood hosted by TRiCC and across Trinity College Dublin. If you are involved in child or youth-related studies around Trinity - and would like us to promote your news or upcoming event, please contact us.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held on Thursday 13th February at 1pm. Chaired by Dr Jane Carroll, and presented by Dr Yvonne Lynch, Assistant Professor in Speech and Language Pathology, and Jane Sheridan, research assistant, the seminar will discuss the findings from the Research Ireland funding ‘Enhancing Speech and Language Therapy through Artificial Intelligence’ Research project. This project explored the barriers and opportunities in children’s speech and language therapy. This is an online event. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held on Monday 2nd December at 1pm. Presented by Dr Christian Connell from Pennsylvania State University, the seminar will give an overview of the formation and development of the Pennsylvania State University Child Maltreatment Solutions Network, an interdisciplinary unit of the university’s social science research institute. This is a hybrid event. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held via Zoom Friday 8th November at 1pm. Presented by Dr Lorraine Swords, Assistant Professor, School of Psychology and Lami Tadjine, research assistant at the Trinity Institute of Neuroscience, the seminar will explore the intergenerational effects of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

Child Health Research Festival in Trinity College Dublin
You are invited to the upcoming Child Health Research Festival 2024, taking place in Trinity College Dublins historic Front Square from 3-7pm on 25 September 2024. Find out how Trinitys researchers are improving healthcare for children and adolescents. Get hands on with an exciting evening of interactive exhibits, activities and displays which showcase the latest research into child health. Booking not required. Suitable for all the family

Fully funded PhD available to seek improved outcomes for children with cerebral palsy
Funded PhD available, closing date for applications May 30th, 2024. The study will examine function and participation, life experience and priorities for children with cerebral palsy, and the relationship with health, multiorgan function and inflammatory processes. A medical degree required to apply. Send CV and cover letter to or

Irelands National Consultation With Young People
More than 100 children aged 3-5 contributed to Irelands National Consultation With Young People in 2016 to inform the development of a whole-of-government strategy for babies, young children and their families. TRiCC Director Professor Imelda Coyne was the consultation’s lead author. Read more about this important research from Ireland that focuses on young children’s health and wellbeing, their learning and development, and the services which benefit them

Tell Me About Public Lecture Series 2024
TRiCC Director, Prof Imelda Coyne will deliver the third lecture in the School of Nursing and Midwiferys Tell Me About Public Lecture Series on Thursday 25 April, 1.15pm-2pm. The lecture will be held via Zoom and will focus on promoting a child-centred care approach in healthcare. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2023-2024 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2023/24 seminar series. The next seminar will be held via Zoom Friday 24th November at 1pm. Presented by Dr Aoife Lynam, Assistant Professor, School of Education, the seminar will focus on grieving children: the role of educators. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2023-2024 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2023/24 seminar series. The first seminar will be held via Zoom Thursday 28th September at 1pm. Presented by Prof Eleanor Molloy, the seminar will focus on persistent inflammation in newborns extending to childhood and beyond. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

Prof Eleanor Molloy Awarded SFI Research Grant
Congratulations to Prof Eleanor Molloy who was awarded a research grant through the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme on 30th May. Prof Molloys research aims to tackle the significant impacts of intestinal infection in premature babies by developing new tests to help predict their responses to treatment. This project, thePLATYPus project: Preterm infant immunomoduLAtion to Treat sepsis and brain injurY Prevention, is fully funded by the Children’s Health Foundation

Child Health Research Excellence Report launch presentations now available
Trinitys child health excellence has been captured in a new report launched on Thursday 4th May in TBSI. All of the presentations from the launch are now available online for anyone who missed the event.

Children’s Literature Summer School 2023 - online, June 6th-10th
Now in its sixth year, the annual children’s literature summer school, led by lecturers and researchers in the School of English, gives you the chance to deepen your knowledge and enhance your appreciation of children’s literature. Digital lectures and presentations as well as reading materials and resources will be available throughout the five days allowing participants to work at their own pace. Each of the sessions will come with a dedicated discussion forum. Course tutors will be taking part too and there will be some live sessions that all learners can join. Registration: €30/€20

New publication by Prof. Imelda Coyne and co-authors
Congratulations to Prof. Imelda Coyne and co-authors on the publication of their article in PEC Innovation journal, Co-designing a website with and for youth, so they can better manage their health which has just been published. The work is a collaboration with Prof Betsy Sleath and her team from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This research project was inspired by their website codesigned with youth to prepare them for transition to adult services.

Child Health Research Excellence Report 2023
Trinitys child health excellence has been captured in a new report launched on Thursday 4th May in TBSI. The report which outlines the extensive and life-changing range of child health research taking place across multiple disciplines in Trinity College was launched as part of an exploration event to look towards Trinitys Vision for Child Health 2040.

2023 Seminar Series - Innovations in Child and Family Health
The School of Nursing and Midwifery invites you to join our monthly online seminar series: Innovations in Child & Family Health. The next seminar in the series will be hold via Zoom on Tuesday 30th May (1pm to 2pm). Chaired by Tracey O Neill, the seminar will focus on participatory research techniques with school-aged children. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

2023 Seminar Series - Innovations in Child and Family Health
The School of Nursing and Midwifery invites you to join our monthly online seminar series: Innovations in Child & Family Health. The next seminar in the series will be hold via Zoom on Tuesday 18th April (1pm to 2pm). Chaired by Dr. Mary Hughes, the seminar will focus on exploring LGBT inclusive healthcare on sexuality and sexual health for young people. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

2023 Seminar Series - Innovations in Child and Family Health
The School of Nursing and Midwifery invites you to join our monthly online seminar series: Innovations in Child & Family Health. The next seminar in the series will be hold via Zoom on Tuesday 14th March (1pm to 2pm). Chaired by Prof. Imelda Coyne, the seminar will focus on working with youth advisory boards to design a website and materials to empower them to be actively involved in medical visits to improve outcome. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

2023 Seminar Series - Innovations in Child and Family Health
The School of Nursing and Midwifery invites you to join our monthly online seminar series: Innovations in Child & Family Health. The first seminar in the series will be hold via Zoom on Tuesday 14th February (1pm to 2pm). In the seminar, we will talk about innovations in children’s nursing skills: Diabetes Ketoacidosis (DKA) clinical simulation. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

We Need To Talk About Mother And Baby Insitutions In Ireland
We were delighted to host the first of our TRiCC webinar series, ‘We need to talk about…. Mother and Baby Institutions in Ireland’, on Thursday 20th May 2021.

2021 Seminar Series - Re-imagining Child Health
The Child and Family Health Research Group in the School of Nursing and Midwifery is delighted to announce a new seminar series focusing on the Covid pandemic and how it has altered how healthcare is delivered. The webinars will be held in February, April and then September, October, November, and December. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

Children’s Literature Summer School 2020 - online July 24th–31st
The annual children’s literature summer school, led by lecturers and researchers in the School of English at Trinity College Dublin, gives you the chance to deepen your knowledge and enhance your appreciation of children’s literature. Digital lectures and presentations as well as reading materials and resources will be available throughout the week allowing participants to work at their own pace. Each of the sessions will come with a dedicated discussion forum. Course tutors will be taking part too and there will be some live sessions that all learners can join. Registration: €30/€20

2020 Growing Up in Ireland Conference - 22nd October. Call for Abstracts now open
The Growing Up in Ireland team invites abstracts for papers from researchers working on Growing Up in Ireland data. Data from the quantitative or qualitative Growing Up in Ireland archives must be a core feature of the research being presented. Methodological and theoretical papers based on Growing Up in Ireland will also be considered. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted via the GUI abstract submission form by 29th July. (This event expected to be online).

TCD School of Education WEBINAR - Communicating effectively with parents: supports for schools. TUESDAY, 16 JUNE 2020, 3–4PM
The school shutdown has put intense pressure on schools to support continuity of learning for their students. This puts extra demands on schools to communicate clearly and effectively with parents. TCD School of Education has brought together experts for this special webinar to provide supports for schools and teachers in planning their communications to parents.

Kids Science: Coronavirus. TUESDAY, 9 JUNE 2020, 12 – 12:40PM
An interactive, online workshop for kids (age 7 - 9) designed to explain viruses in a fun way. Kids will be drawing and doing an experiment. Run by Niamh and Caoimhe O’Boyle from the TCD School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Spaces limited

Lecturer’s work in art psychotherapy for unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum in Ireland wins award
Dr Rachel Hoare, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, is the winner of this year’s Registrar’s Civic Engagement Award. Dr Hoare’s work in art psychotherapy assisting unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum in Ireland was singled out by the review panel, not only for its direct impact in working with the children in this situation, but also for the many ways in which the learnings from the work and experience are shared; through the development of professional training, teaching, academic dissemination and participation in creative arts projects. View a video of the conversation between Dr Rachel Hoare, and Trinity College Dublin Registrar, Professor Paula Murphy.

CLOSED: Call now open for funded full-time and part-time PhD scholarships at the School of Nursing and Midwifery for intake in September 2020
The 2020-2030 Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery PhD Scholarship programme is now open. We are offering a combination of funded full-time and part-time scholarships for entry into the PhD programme in September 2020. Apply by 30 June 2020

Two funded PhD Positions at the Dept of Sociology for researchers with strong analytical and quantitative skills in the social sciences.
The Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is seeking to appoint two outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidates with excellent qualifications, strong quantitative skills and potential to write an excellent PhD dissertation in Social Sciences. Both PhD positions are full-time for the 2020/24 (48 months). The stipend of each position will be of 20,000 € per annum.

TRiCC Special Seminar by Visiting PhD Researchers, 10am-12pm, Thursday 12th March 2020, TRiSS Seminar Room
We were delighted to host a TRiCC international PhD seminar on Thursday 12th March in the TRiSS seminar room. We had presentations from Hamide Elif Üzümcü, University of Padova, Italy; Sibel Korkmaz, Stockholm University, Sweden; and Amy Stapleton, TRiCC. Each presentation stimulated many questions and much discussion.

February 2020: The School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin is seeking to recruit a research assistant to join an established team. The researcher will assist with a research project to evaluate an intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits. This position will appeal to anyone with an interest in healthcare research and who wishes to develop their research career and profile.

TRiCC is delighted to host the 2019 Children’s Research Network 2019 Conference: Children Should be Seen AND Heard, 5th December 2019
The conference is the CRN’s flagship annual networking event. This year the conference involved more than 60 speakers, The welcome speech was delivered by TRiCC co-Director Professor Imelda Coyne and the keynote delivered by Dr Conor O’Mahony, Special Rapporteur on Child Protection. More information on the event on the CRN website

TRiCC 2019 Annual Lecture presents paediatrician and expert in neuroscience and child development, Professor Neil Marlow - "Young adult preterm: fit for the future?", in conjunction with the Children’s Research Network, 4th December 2019
The TRiCC annual lecture is an important part of our mission. The remit is to stimulate thought, challenge preconceived ideas and provoke us to consider how we might best work together as researchers to produce innovative and impactful research with potential to transform children’s lives.

Department of Economics Seminar - Samuel Berlinski (Inter-American Development Bank) presents "Remedial Education: Evidence from a Sequence of Experiments in Colombia." 18th October 2019
This seminar discusses effectiveness of an intervention aimed at improving the reading skills of struggling elementary school students in Colombia. Samuel Berlinski is Principal Economist at the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank, where his research focuses on the evaluation of public policy, with an emphasis on education, health and labour markets. He is involved in extensive projects oriented around improving childhood and adolescent outcomes, including in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, The Dominican Republic and Uruguay. TRiSS Seminar Room 12:30-14:00

HRB Summer Student Scholarship winner, TCD Medical Student Alison Bell undertakes critical paediatric research under the supervision of Dr Cormac V Breatnach
Dr Cormac V Breatnach (Senior Clinical Lecturer with Trinity College Dublin and Consultant Paediatric Intensivist for CHI at Crumlin) supervised Alison Bell (TCD medical student) for her HRB Summer Student Scholarship. Title of the project was "Predictive value of a lung biopsy, in the paediatric Down Syndrome population, for determining the utility for cardiac surgical repair"

The Children’s Research Network (CRN) and National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), in association with Trinity Research in Childhood Centre, Trinity College Dublin, hosted a one-day PhD Symposium on August 28th 2019 for doctoral students from all over the island of Ireland who are currently undertaking or have just completed research related to children and young people.
A major focus of this annual Symposium is to facilitate dissemination and discussion of PhD research related to children and young people. It offers an exciting opportunity to share research, meet and learn from other researchers and academics and exchange ideas in a friendly and supportive environment. It features keynote presentations from experts from the field of children and young people’s research. More information on the CRN website

TCD School of English presents the Children’s Literature Summer School - lectures, workshops, and hands-on sessions across two days: June 21st & 22nd 2019
Teachers, students, librarians, educationalists and children’s literature enthusiasts: A opportunity to examine key aspects of children’s literature, to deepen your knowledge, and enhance your appreciation of texts for young readers. Programme includes a special tour of Trinity’s old library, and a hands-on session with the Pollard Collection of Children’s Literature – involving over 10,000 children’s books. Register now, Tickets €150/€100

The Lived Experiences of Youth Migration - Global Perspectives. 23rd May 2019
This event explored the complexity of youth migration, drawing from scholars whose work relates to vastly differing contexts and circumstances but who share a common focus on youth experiences in the realities of migration globally. The event was organised by School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin, in association with Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC), Trinity International Development Initiative (TIDI), and Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS).

NEW TRiCC Research Partnership Masterclass series started 14th May 2019
Prof Trevor Spratt and Dr Tracey Monson discussed the research partnership between Schools of Social Work/Social Policy and Psychology, Trinity College Dublin and the Daughters of Charity Child and Family Services. This event commenced a new series in association with the Children’s Research Network

TRiCC presents a Conversation with Sarah Crossan, Laureate na nÓg, 7th May 2019
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre was delighted to present Sarah Crossan, Laureate na nÓg, for a conversation with Dr Jane Carroll (School of English) about children’s books, the joys of reading and writing poetry, and Sarah’s theme as Laureate na nÓg — #WeAreThePoets

On 1st May, children took over the Trinity Arts Block for the TRiCC Children’s University event
The theme of Trinity Week 2019 was Silence, but we know Children Should be Seen and Heard! Throughout Trinity Week 29th April - 3rd May, we celebrated such research, as well as children in general. Find out more!

School of Nursing and Midwifery Public Lecture, Tue, 16 April 2019 12:00-13:00: Technology-based interventions to improve inhaler technique, by Dr Delesha Carpenter, Assistant Professor, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina.
The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy is ranked number one in USA, while Dr Carpenter comes with ten years of experience working with adolescents and children with asthma. She has developed several technology-based interventions to improve clinical outcomes for youth. Register your attendance!

Upcoming TRiCC lunchtime seminar by Richard Ittenbach, Ph.D., 1pm, Thursday 18th April 2019, TRiSS Seminar Room
TRiCC is delighted to welcome Dr Richard Ittenbach who will deliver a lunchtime seminar entitled: Improving Informed Consent through Better Measurement, Better Science, and Better "Understanding". Register your attendance!

TRiCC becomes the new home of the Children’s Research Network!
The Trinity Research in Childhood Centre will soon become the new home of the Children’s Research Network (CRN). This is the result of an 18-month sustainability drive by its previous host the Centre for Effective Services (CES). TRiCC and CES are working together to ensure a smooth transition in early 2019. Learn more about Professor Trevor Spratt’s vision for this new partnership.

Children in Care Research Forum: Sharing Research on Children in Care, Care Leavers, and Carers. 8th November, Long Room Hub, Trinity College.
Prof Robbie Gilligan and Assistant Professor Eavan Brady are delighted to host the 4th Children in Care Research Forum on Thursday 8th November in Trinity College’s Long Room Hub. Two international speakers, Prof Janet Boddy and Dr. Aoife O’Higgins, will present across the morning and afternoon sessions. You are welcome to attend one or both parts of the event. Admission is free, and no registration is required.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. POSITION HAS REOPENED
The School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin is seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to assist with a project to develop and evaluate an intervention to improve youth question-asking and provider education during paediatric diabetes visits. New application Deadline: 31st October 2018

Children’s Research Network’s 7th Annual Conference ‘Growing Up in the Digital Environment’ Thursday 6th December 2018
Thought provoking keynotes, inspiring presentations and insights into how research is critical to understanding the positive and negative impacts of the digital environment on children’s lives. The day includes lunch, tea and coffee & mulled wine complemented by mince pies

Trinity College Dublin Translational Paediatric Research Symposium, 26th October 2018
Anyone with an interest in research to improve children’s health is invited to attend. Learn more and register for this free event.

TRiCC Visiting Researchers
TRiCC is pleased to promote Visiting Researchers to Trinity, and facilitate connections and collaborations both within disciplines and across disciplines. We welcome Sara Serrate Gonzalez from the University of Salamanca

Call for Participants: PhD Research study of Irish Sign Language and Families with d/Deaf Children
Caitríona O’Brien, PhD student in the Centre for Deaf Studies, Trinity College Dublin explores Irish Sign Language (ISL) and families with a deaf child (or deaf children). If you are a parent in such a family, or an ISL teacher with such families - please get in touch!

Children’s Literature Summer School, 8th & 9th June 2018
The Children’s Literature Summer School, led by lecturers and researchers in the School of English at Trinity College Dublin, gives you the chance to deepen your knowledge and enhance your appreciation of children’s literature.

Children’s Nursing Symposium, 2nd May 2018
Trinity’s School of Nursing and Midwifery invites you to attend the upcoming “Children’s Nursing Symposium” on 2nd May 2018. The symposium will present research on supporting child-centred care in a technological era. Register for this free event.

Department of Sociology 4-year PhD Position - ‘Social Inequalities, Child Development and Longitudinal Research’
The Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is seeking to appoint an outstanding and highly motivated PhD candidate to explore how social inequalities operate in the lives and development of children from infancy to later stages of the life course. This is a full-time PhD position for the period of 2018 - 2022. Read more

TRiCC Inaugural Annual Lecture by Sir Michael Marmot - ‘Austerity, Health and Children’
On 5th February 2018, Sir Michael Marmot delivered the inaugural Annual Lecture. Read more and download the lecture slides

TRiCC lunchtime seminar by Dr Sinead Hanafin on Friday 2nd February at 1pm
At our next TRiCC lunchtime seminar on Friday 2nd February at 1pm Dr Sinead Hanafin will speak on the topic of "Health equity in early intervention: Universal and targeted approaches"

17th February 2017: Official Launch of Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC)
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) was officially launched with a conference showcasing innovative and compelling interdisciplinary childhood research work at Trinity College Dublin.