A warm welcome to the Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC)
Welcome to Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) at Trinity College, Dublin. TRiCC was founded in 2017 and officially launched with a conference showcasing innovative and compelling interdisciplinary childhood research work at Trinity College Dublin. Our aim is to support and advance ground breaking research in children and childhood across Trinity and globally. Our centre provides a dynamic hub for researchers and students to come together, share ideas, collaborate, build alliances, and foster creativity and innovation. This coming together of different disciplinary lenses will strengthen and contribute to high quality research on childhood across the university and allow for much richer nuanced understanding of issues affecting children in our world today.
Learn more about the TRiCC governance structure

This new centre offers Trinity an exciting opportunity, providing a dynamic hub for researchers and students to come together, share ideas, collaborate, build alliances, and foster creativity and innovation. This coming together of different disciplinary lenses will strengthen and contribute to high quality research on childhood across the university and allow for much richer nuanced understanding of issues affecting children in our world today. I am delighted to be a part of TRiCC, and look forward to its continual development into the future.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to work together across the entire university campus. TRiCC connects researchers and students from diverse areas in order to improve the lives of children. Interventions in childhood have a huge impact not just in the early years but through out life. Therefore we can harness the expertise in the university institutes and schools to advocate for children.

Our research at TRiCC gives voice to children's and young people's experiences and perspectives across a wide range of topics. We seek to bridge the gaps between academic research, policy and practice, so that our findings have real-world application and significance. I look forward to future collaborations with research colleagues, policy-makers, and services concerned with supporting children, their families, and their communities.