The Centre uses a number of transport modelling software packages including:
ALOGIT is used for multinomial logit modelling. The software is used extensively in models for estimating travel behaviour and in stated preference studies.
ARCADY (Assessment of Roundabout Capacity and Delay) is used for predicting capacities, queue lengths, delays (both queuing and geometric) and accident risk at roundabouts.
COBA estimates the effects of highway improvements, in terms of time, vehicle operating and accident costs on the users of the road system. These user cost changes are compared with the construction and maintenance costs over the appraisal period.
DYNAMEQ is used to evaluate congested network scenarios with dynamic equilibrium. Dynameq's equilibrium traffic assignment results represent user optimal network conditions that are immediately useful as an upper-bound on network performance.
The FHWA TNM is a computer program used for predicting noise impacts in the vicinity of highways. It is used to improve upon the accuracy and the ease of modeling highway noise, including the design of effective, cost-efficient highway noise barriers.
OSCADY (Optimised Signal Capacity and Delay) is a software package for predicting capacities, queue lengths and delays (both queuing and geometric) at isolated signal controlled junctions. It can optimise signal timings to minimise delay or maximise capacity. The program is an aid in designing new signalised junctions as well as assessing the effects of modifying existing designs.
PICADY predicts accident rates, capacities, queue lengths and delays (both queuing and geometric) at non-signalised major/minor priority junctions.
QUADRO estimates the effects of road-works in terms of time, vehicle operating and accident costs on the users of the road primarily in rural areas. Individual road-works jobs can be combined to produce the total cost of maintaining the road over time.
SOLVER is a software program for Microsoft Excel to solve the full range of optimization problems using, using Linear, Quadratic, SOCP and Mixed-Integer Programming techniques.
STAMP is an Ox-Metrics module designed to model and forecast structural models such as Kalman filtering.
STATA is a statistical package that offers a broad range of statistical analysis tools to professional researchers in many disciplines.
TRANSYT is an off-line computer program for determining and studying optimum fixed-time coordinated traffic signal timings in any network of roads for which the average traffic flows are known.
VISSIM is the leading microscopic simulation program for multi-modal traffic flow modeling. With its unique high level of detail it accurately simulates urban and highway traffic, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorized vehicles.