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eHUBS project | Advancing Sustainable and Accessible Transportation Options within Cities

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  • Project Team:
    • Prof Margaret O'Mahony (TCD), Prof Brian Caulfield (TCD), Dr. Keyvan Hosseini (TCD).
    • Darren Feisser (ESB), Geraldine Moloney (ESB), Akash Kajal (MOBY Bikes), Robbie McCarthy (Bleeper).

  • Location:
    • 10 pilot cities in Europe including Dublin.

  • Themes:
    • Shared Mobility, Electric Mobility, Micro Mobility.

  • Description:
    • The eHUBS project is dedicated to advancing sustainable and accessible transportation options within cities. By establishing on-street eHUBs, these locations provide a variety of shared electric mobility services, offering an alternative to private car usage. With the participation of ten partner cities, the project aims to develop best practices and a replicable blueprint for other urban areas. This initiative is expected to result in reduced emissions, improved mobility, and a growing market for commercial shared e-mobility providers, thereby setting an example for cities across Europe and facilitating a widespread transition towards sustainable transportation systems.

      Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, is addressing traffic congestion and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by promoting sustainable transport options. Local authorities have set a target of reducing carbon emissions by 40% by 2030, with a key strategy being the promotion of cycling as an alternative to private transport. To support this strategy, ESB eBikes, a pilot eBike rental scheme, will provide an affordable, shared, and low-carbon mobility service to Dublin commuters. Working closely with local authorities, ESB is identifying suitable sites for eHUBs along primary commuter routes, encouraging commuters to choose eBikes over private cars, especially for longer distances.

      Dublin’s participation in the eHUBS project offers an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of eBikes in reducing private car usage and alleviating congestion in highly congested cities. By embracing sustainable transportation solutions, Dublin aims to create a greener and more efficient urban mobility landscape.

  • Expected Project Benefits:
    • Emission Reduction: By promoting shared electric mobility and reducing private car usage, the project aims to significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, leading to improved environmental conditions.

    • Enhanced Mobility: The availability of diverse shared electric mobility services through eHUBS will improve transportation options, reduce congestion, and increase accessibility, particularly in busy urban areas.

    • Health and Well-being: Encouraging active transportation modes like cycling can promote physical activity, reduce sedentary behaviour, and improve public health and well-being.

    • Economic Opportunities: The growth of shared e-mobility services can create jobs in transportation and maintenance sectors, as well as support the development of local businesses related to electric mobility infrastructure.

    • Knowledge Sharing: The project aims to develop best practices and a replicable blueprint that can be shared with other cities, facilitating the adoption of sustainable transport solutions globally.

    • Social Equity: By offering affordable and accessible shared electric mobility services, the project aims to improve transportation equity and ensure that sustainable options are available to all segments of the population.