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Next generation traffic control

- Project Team:
- Project Leader: Vinny Cahill
- Description:
Building on the Distributed Systems Group’s experience in mobile distributed computing and wireless communication, the UTC-NG project explored the design of future Urban Traffic Control (UTC) systems. Current traffic control systems operate with relatively little information, typically coming from traffic loops located at junctions together with traffic cameras providing journey-time estimations.
In the future, the information available to UTC systems will increase due to a rapid increase in the number of sensors/actuators (such as GPS devices, wireless communication, electronic signs, etc) in use.
The increased availability of such information will have a significant impact on next generation UTCs. Future UTCs will be able to respond in real-time to actual traffic conditions both locally and globally across the system. In addition, this information could be used to allow the creation of new applications such as smart roads, in-car guides, etc.
This project will undertake the design of a next generation UTC system capable of exploiting the available information to support existing and to build new traffic-related applications. Modeling this new and sensor rich information will be an important part of the design. Communicating the relevant information to the appropriate end user will be another key design issue.
- Funding Agency: