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Game Theoretic Formulations and Solution Methods for Transport Network Reliability and Robust Network Design

- Project Team:
- Principal investigators: Wai Yuen Szeto and Prof. Margaret O’Mahony
- Research Student: Liam O’Brien
- Description:
The contribution of the project is to significantly enhance the non-data driven deterministic framework of the game theory approach for analysing the network reliability. In doing so, superior models of risk-averse behaviour in route choice have been and will continue to be developed. These enhanced models will in turn be used in conjunction with the reliability measures developed to accurately capture the upper and lower bounds of the network reliability. This approach will be particularly suitable for the cases where there is little or no data on previous incidents in the network (which is very often the case). Furthermore the models of risk-averse behaviour developed in the thesis will be used to produce robust and reliable transport network design. Finally the project will provide a significant contribution to knowledge through the development of suitable solution algorithms which will allow for ease of implementation in practice.
- Publications:
Journal Publications:
O'Brien, L., Szeto, W.Y., O'Mahony, M. (2007) Time-Dependent Discrete Network Design Problem, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society of Transport Studies (EASTS), Vol. 6.
Szeto, W.Y., O'Brien, L., O'Mahony, M (2006) Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demands: NCP Formulation and Solution Method for Assessing Performance Reliability, Networks and Spatial Economics, 6, (3-4), 2006, p313 – 332.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings:
O’Brien, L., Szeto, W.Y., and O’Mahony, M.(2006) Transport Network Design Under Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment: A Game Theory Approach, The Extra Euro Conference Handling Uncertainty in Transportation: Analyses, New Paradigms, Applications and Comparisons, 2006, pp494 – 502
O'Brien, L., Szeto, W.Y., O'Mahony, M. (2007), Time-Dependent Discrete Network Design Problem, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society of Transport Studies.
Book Chapter:
Szeto, W.Y., O’Brien, L. and O’Mahony, M. (2007) Generalisation of the Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment in, editor(s) Michael G H Bell, Benjamin G Heydecker and Richard Allsop , Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007: Papers selected for presentation at ISTTT17, a peer reviewed series since 1959, Elsevier Limited.
Papers Presented:
O’Brien, L. (2007) Discrete Network Design: The Time-Dependent Approach. Presented at the Institute of Civil Engineers (Republic of Ireland Branch) Graduates and Students Paper Competition. (1st Runner up).
- Funding Agency:
- Project Duration: