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Erasmus and Study Abroad Exchanges

Trinity Joint Honours students and Single Honours students who have picked up a New Minor Subject are provided with opportunities to participate in Erasmus/Study Abroad exchanges during their third year of study. Depending on the degree award pathway you would like to follow, you will need to follow specified structures on your Erasmus/Study Abroad exchange in order to meet your degree requirements. You will also need to have your study abroad learning agreement reviewed and approved by the UCAO and your Exchange Coordinator(s) to ensure you will meet these requirements in order to progress to your final year of study.

UCAO Student Information Document

Please read the following important student information document which provides information on requirements relevant to your programme below:

Year 1 and Year 2- Planning your Exchange

We would recommend that Junior Fresh (Year 1) students begin planning their exchange. This includes researching where they would like to go on exchange and what exchanges are possible with their subject combination and pathway. Normally students will be expected to study both of their subjects while abroad.
Students can apply to go on either an:

  • Erasmus exchange through either one or both of your Subjects
  • International/Study Abroad College exchange through Trinity Global
  • Other Exchanges such as Coimbra, ELAN and School-based exchanges.


Each of your Subjects will have exchange partnerships agreed with various host universities. Students apply through their Subject's Department for the exchange(s) they wish to go on. You can apply to either one or both of your Subjects exchanges. The host university does not have to have a partnership with both of your subjects, you just need to be able to study both subjects there. Students can check what exchanges each Subject has here: Erasmus Exchange Destination List. A number of helpful places to start your research is below:

  • Trinity Study Abroad Erasmus webpage
  • List of Exchange Coordinators for each Subject – enquire about each deadline- usually around Semester 1 in your Year 2
  • Trinity Partner University Information - This document provides, what we hope is helpful, information on some Erasmus host universities that have partnerships with subjects in the Trinity Joint Honours programme. Please note this list is not exhaustive of all the possible exchange destinations, these are universities that completed a survey providing the information on their exchanges.

International/Study Abroad

International Exchanges, or ‘College-wide’ exchanges, are open to all eligible students at Trinity. They are exchanges in universities, outside Europe, in the USA, in Canada, in China, Hong Kong, Singapore or other such destinations. A number of helpful places to start your research is below:

  • Trinity Study Abroad & Exchange Outbound International Exchanges - provides information you might need on partner universities and how to apply for exchange, as well as FAQs and information on how to prepare for travelling and returning from abroad.
  • List of Exchange Coordinators for each Subject.
  • Check deadlines for application – usually early in Semester 1 of your SF Year 2.

Students who previously went on Erasmus/International Study Abroad Exchanges

Please find a list of TJH and SHwNMS students who have previously gone on exchange. If you would like to contact these students with any queries or questions please email us with their Student Number and we will send you their contact details.

Other Exchanges

There are other exchanges available to students. While a majority of TJH and SHwNMS students participate on Erasmus or International exchanges we are aware students can avail of other exchanges. Non-Trinity approved exchanges cannot be supported at this time.

Please be aware that you still need to comply with your pathway and submit your Learning Agreement to UCAO if on any of the following exchanges:

  • School-Based Exchange
  • COIMBRA - Coimbra Group’s Student Exchange Network
  • ELAN - European Liberal Arts Network

Year 2 - Organising Your Exchange

  • Students will apply for their exchange while in their Senior Fresh (Year 2) year. Students can research where they would like to go on exchange and what exchanges are possible with their subject combination and pathway. Normally students are expected to study both of your subjects while abroad, unless you are on the Single Honours pathway.

    Students can apply  to go on either an :

    • Erasmus exchange through either one of both of your Subjects
    • International/Study Abroad College exchange through Trinity Global
    • Other Exchanges such as Coimbra, ELAN and School-based exchanges.
    Please see 'Year 1 and Year 2- Planning your Exchange' link above for information on Exchanges.



  • Year 3 - Participation

    Students participate in their exchange in their Junior Sophister year for either a full year or one Semester exchange. Students will need to ensure their Learning Agreement is approved and complies with their pathway requirements.

    Transcript of Results

    Please upload your Transcript of Results via this online Transcript of Results upload form. Deadlines for submitting are:

    • Semester 1 Exchange - Return by 22 March 2024- Results will be published at the Annual Assessment Session
    • Semester 2 or Full-Year Exchange by 26 July 2024 - Results will be published at the Reassessment Session

    As always please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and we will do our best to help you!


    Erasmus/Study Abroad FAQ

    Do I have to study both subjects while on Exchange?

    Student you are normally expected to study both subjects while abroad. You can apply to go on an Erasmus exchange through either one of both of your Subjects. You can also apply to go on an International exchange through Trinity Global.

    Where do I start planning to research what exchanges I can go on?

     In order to start your research, I would advise you to contact the Exchange Coordinators in both of your subjects to enquire about Universities they have partnerships with. Then you will need to ensure you can take modules in both of your subjects in your exchange university. For information please see:

    • Erasmus Exchanges above, under heading 'Planning your Exchange' and please see here for  Erasmus Exchange Destination List
    • International Exchanges
    • Information on pathways degree choices and how they can impact your exchange
    • Outbound Trinity website
    • TJH Partner University Information - This document provides, what we hope is helpful, information on some Erasmus host universities that have partnerships with subjects in the Trinity Joint Honours programme. Please note this list is not exhaustive of all the possible exchange destinations, these are universities that completed a survey providing the information on their exchanges.

    I am on a Single Honour pathway. Am I required to take Open Modules/Trinity Electives while on exchange?

    Open Modules and Trinity Electives do not need to be replicated abroad as the requirement for breadth of learning will be fulfilled on the basis of what Erasmus/ non-EU exchanges achieve towards a diverse experience of education. You may opt to take additional modules while abroad as breadth but are not required to do so.

    If I'm on a Single Honours and New Minor Subject Major with Minor pathway would I be expected to take modules in my Minor subject while abroad?

    Yes, you are expected to study both of your subjects while abroad. Please read the Student Advise Document for Single Honours students on a Major with Minor Pathway to find out who many credits you will need in each subject.

    Does my year abroad count towards my degree?

    Yes - Year 3 year is worth 30% of your degree and Year 4 is worth 70% of your degree.

    I’m doing a major minor pathway, can I study abroad for the whole year or just one semester?

    You can study abroad for either a full year or half year if you choose the Major with Minor pathway Option A, where you continue your minor subject in year 4.
    If you choose the Major with Minor pathway Option B, where you finish your minor subject in Year 3, it is not possible to go on a full year exchange. It may be possible to go on a half year exchange in Semester 1 only, this is not possible with every subject, you should speak to your Exchange Coordinators about this.

    I would really like to go on Erasmus/International exchange; however, very few host universities teach one of my subjects. What should I do?

    In this case it would be very important to link in with both of your exchange coordinators and departments – in this case it may be possible to take only one Subject's modules while abroad and then take all of your other Subject's modules in Trinity. Please be aware that not all Subjects can offer this. In this case you must obtain permission from both of your subject's Departments to do this and send these permissions to

    Can I go on exchange if I am on the Major with Minor Option B pathway (Finish studying the Minor in Year 3)

    The College has a requirement that students do not achieve their award while outside of Trinity and as a result students can only go on exchange in Semester 1 if they choose the Major with Minor Option B pathway and must be able to take both subjects while away.

    Can I avail of a Grant if I go on Exchange?

    There is an Erasmus Grant available, you apply for this through Trinity Global. You must complete all the paperwork that you will be send in an information pack before departure by Academic Registry. All completed documentation must be sent to Trinity . Please visit their Erasmus webpage for full information.

    If you are going on a non-EU exchange there will be funding opportunities provided for International Exchanges through the Global Mobility Bursary.

    Can I contact previous students who have gone on Exchange on my programme?

    Yes, please find a list of TJH and SHwNMS students who have previously gone on exchange. If you would like to contact these students with any queries or questions please email us with their Student Number and we will send you their contact details.

    Where can I view my published Erasmus or International Exchange results on the portal?

    • Go to My Student Record
    • Go to View My Academic History
    • Select the relevant year eg 2023/24
    • You should be able to see the ‘NONTCD1 STUDY OUTSIDE TCD - MODULE 1’ which is your exchange result

    What name should I enter on the OLA (Online Learning Agreement) platform?

    • Sending Responsible Person: You can enter the UCAO office, using the name, Elaine Denehan and email address  as this is the person that approves the OLA. The UCAO will seek approval from both Exchange Coordinators before signing the OLA.
    • Sending Admin responsible person: Can be the Trinity Erasmus/Global Mobility office using the email address – this contact gets copied on the OLA that is sent to the sending responsible person.