Migration, Remittances, and Information
- Researchers:
Gaia Narciso and Catia Batista
- Partners:
Norface Research Programme on Migration
- Location:
- Sample:
1,500 migrants living in Greater Dublin Area
- Timeline:
- Theme:
- Description:
This project investigates financial flows generated by international migrants. It implements a randomized control trial to quantitatively assess the role of communication between migrants and their contacts abroad on the extent and value of remittance flows. The aim of the project is to measure how this experimental variation in information flows between immigrants and their networks outside of Ireland affects remittance flows. The project has been presented in numerous seminars and prestigious conferences in Europe and North America.
Publication: Batista, Catia and Gaia Narciso, forthcoming. “Migrant Remittances and Information Flows: Evidence from a Field Experiment,” World Bank Economic Review.