Empowering Youth in Bolivia through Training and Mentoring
- Researchers:
Manuela Puente Beccar (Bocconi), Selim Gulesci, Diego Ubfal (World Bank)
- Partners:
Save the Children
- Location:
- Sample:
600 youth
- Timeline:
- Theme:
Training and Mentoring for Disadvantaged Youth
- Description:
We are collaborating with Save the Children to evaluate a program that aims to help vulnerable youth aged 15-18 find a job, improve their working conditions and strengthen their income generation capacity. In order to achieve these goals, the program provides youth with soft-skills and vocational training, mentoring and support in finding a job or starting a business. The package the program offers includes courses on personal and economic empowerment, sexual and reproductive health, and training on vocational skills.
Link for further information about this research: https://www.socialscienceregistry.org/trials/4836