Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Michelle D'Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya, Ola Olsson, Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Long-Run Cross-Country Panel, Journal of Political Economy, 132, (11), 2024, p3785 - 3826
Michelle D'Arcy, Demographic Regulation and the State: Centering Gender in Our Understanding of Political Order in Early Modern European States, American Political Science Review., 118, (2), 2024, p1053 - 1057
Marina Nistostskaya & Michelle D'Arcy, No taxation without property rights: formalization of property rights on land and tax revenues from individuals in sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Institutional Economics, 19, (3), 2023, p444 - 457
Michelle D'Arcy and Marina NIstotskaya, A taxing issue: the constraining effects of historical state capacity on European property taxes today, Journal of European Public Policy, 29, (5), 2022, p689 - 707
Michelle D'Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya & Michael Sharry, Birth and the Leviathan: Information Capacity and the Ideology of Demographic Power, 19, (3), 2022, pp444 - 457
State Capacity, Quality of Government, Sequencing and Development Outcomes in, editor(s)A. Bågenholm, M. Bauhr, M., M. Grimes and B. Rothstein , The Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp757 - 780, [Michelle D'Arcy and Marina Nistotskaya]
Michelle D'Arcy & Marina Nistotskaya, No taxation without property rights: Formalization of property rights on land and tax revenues from individuals in sub-Saharan Africa, 2021
Michelle D'Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya and Ola Olsson, Land Property Rights, Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Panel 1000-2015 CE, 2021
Devolution and County Government in Kenya in, editor(s)N. Cheeseman, K. Kanyinga and G. Lynch , The Oxford Handbook on Kenyan Politics, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp251 - 270, [Michelle D'Arcy]
Big Men and Poor Voters: Political Corruption and Elections in Kenya in, editor(s)Inge Amundsen , Political Corruption and Development. Extraction, Power Preservation and Donor Responses, Edward Elgar, 2019, [Michelle D'Arcy]
Michelle D'Arcy and Marina Nistotskaya, Intensified local grievances, enduring national control: the politics of land in the 2017 Kenyan elections, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 13, (2), 2019, p294 - 312
The Irish Tax State and Historical Legacies: Slowly converging capacity, persistent unwillingness to pay in, editor(s)Douglas Kanter and Patrick Walsh , Taxation, Politics, and Protest in Ireland, 1662-2016, Plagrave Macmillan, 2019, [Michelle D'Arcy and Marina Nistotskaya]
Michelle D'Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya & Robert Ellis, Mapping the state: Measuring infrastructural power through cadastral records, Proceedings of the International Federation of Surveyors' Working Week, International Federation of Surveyors Annual Conference, Hanoi, 2019, 2019, pp1 - 23
Getting to Sweden: The Origins of High Tax Compliance in the Swedish Tax State in, editor(s)Sven Steinmo , Leap of Faith: the historical and institutional roots of tax compliance, Oxford University Press, 2018, pp30 - 45, [Marina Nistotskaya and Michelle D'Arcy]
D'arcy, M., Nistotskaya, M., The early modern origins of contemporary European tax outcomes, European Journal of Political Research, 57, (1), 2018, p47-67
Michelle D'Arcy and Marina Nistotskaya, The Early Modern Origins of Contemporary European Tax Outcomes, European Journal of Political Research, 57, (1), 2018, p47 - 67
Michelle D'Arcy and Marina Nistotskaya, State First, then Democracy: Using Cadastral Records to Explain Governmental Performance in Public Goods Provision, Governance, 30 (2), 193-209, (2), 2017, p193 - 209
Michelle D'Arcy and Agnes Cornell, Devolution and Corruption in Kenya: Everyone's Turn to Eat?, African Affairs, 115, (459), 2016, p246 - 273
Rulers and their Elite Rivals: How democratization has increased incentives for corruption in sub-Saharan Africa in, editor(s)Carl Dahlström and Lena Wängnerud , Elites, Institutions, and the Quality of Government, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, [Michelle D'Arcy]
Agnes Cornell & Michelle D'Arcy, Plus ça Change? County Level Politics after Devolution, Journal of East African Studies, 8 , (1), 2014, p173 - 191
D'Arcy, Michelle, Credible Enforcement before Credible Commitment: Exploring the Importance of Sequencing, 2013
D'Arcy, Michelle, Non-state actors and universal services in Tanzania and Lesotho: state-building by alliance, Journal of Modern African Studies, 51, (2), 2013, p219 - 247
D'Arcy, Michelle, Food Security and Elite-Ruler Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the impact of democracy on public goods provision, 2012
D'Arcy, Michelle, 'Taxation, Democracy and State-Building: how does sequencing matter?' , 2012
D'Arcy, Michelle, Why do citizens assent to pay tax? Legitimacy, taxation and the African State, 2011
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Michelle D'Arcy & Marina Nistotskaya, State Capacity, Democracy and Public Goods, 2018
Agnes Cornell & Michelle D'Arcy, Devolution and Development in Kenya, International Centre for Local Democracy Working Paper series, 2014
Research Expertise
- Title
- Credible Enforcement before Credible Commitment:Exploring the Consequences of Institutional Sequencing
- Summary
- This projects explores the consequences for development of different pathways of institutional sequencing, asking specifically if democratizing before the state has become strong leads to the same outcomes as democratizing after. The project draws on both historical data on how Western states developed, and contrasts this with contemporary developing countries. A range of methodologies, from qualitative case studies to psychological experiments are used to test the theories developed.
- Funding Agency
- Swedish Research Council
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2018
- Title
- Do Local Elections Foster Local Democracy? - Party Strategies in the First Elections at the Country Level in Kenya
- Summary
- On March 4th 2013 Kenyans voted, for the first time, to elect governors at the sub-national level. This project investigates the mobilization strategies adopted by candidates for governor in order to understand how devolution is likely to impact on Kenyan politics. In doing so, the project aims to examine the conditions under which local democracy becomes a vehicle for increased accountability and when it does not.
- Funding Agency
- Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy
- Date From
- 2013
- Date To
- 2015
Board Member of the Armed Conflict Location and Event Database (ACLED), one of the most widely used and respected large-scale databases on conflict
Board member, Editorial Advisory Board of the Development Studies Association of Ireland Working Paper series
Member, African Politics Conference Group, which promotes recognition within professional associations of the theoretical and methodological contributions to the discipline of political scientists whose research and professional interests center largely or in part upon sub-Saharan Africa.
Conference Organizer, Conference on Devolution and Local Development in Kenya, Nairobi
Journal Reviewer American Journal of Political Science
Journal Reviewer, American Political Science Review
Journal reviewer, Journal of Politics
Journal reviewer, World Development
Journal reviewer, Perspectives on Politics
Journal reviewer, American Political Science Review
Journal Reviewer, European Journal of Political Research
Journal reviewer - Perspectives on Politics
Journal Reviewer - Political Geography
Journal Reviewer - Governance
Journal Reviewer - Comparative Politics
Journal Reviewer, African Affairs
Journal reviewer, Comparative Political Studies
Journal Reviewer - Geoforum
Journal Reviewer - Policy Studies
Journal Reviewer - Journal of Institutional Economics
Journal Reviewer - Journal of Modern African Studies
Journal Reviewer - Global Environmental Politics
Journal Reviewer - Journal of Development Studies
Journal Reviewer - South African Journal of Economics
Book Proposal Reviewer - OUP
Text book Proposal Reviewer - Routledge
Awards and Honours
Trinity Creative and Visual Arts Fund Award
Equality Fund Award
Provost's PhD Award
Political Science Association of Ireland Prize for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Provost's Teaching Award, Early Career Award
American Political Science Association
Development Studies Association of Ireland
European Consortium for Political Research
Political Studies Association of Ireland
African Politics Conference Group
World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research
Southern Political Science Association