Professor Louis Brennan
Fellow Emeritus, Trinity Business School
An award winning international researcher and inspirational teacher, Dr Louis Brennan has made a unique and enduring contribution to the fields of Operations and International Business. He is especially recognised for his exceptional international research leadership in the area of emerging economy multinationals and their outward investment. In recognition of his outstanding record of research publication, he received the Trinity Business School inaugural Research Excellence Award in 2016. Dr Brennan has been awarded over 1.6 million euro in research funding and has led research teams within Trinity College as well as at national, European and Global levels attracting the participation of some of the leading scholars in the world. He has published scores of articles in leading international journals including 40 in ABS ranked journals alone and six books with leading international publishers including the seminal work on the Business of Space which has been featured on prime-time coast-to-coast US TV. Dr Brennan is one of the leading scholars engaged in transdisciplinary research that involves integration across several disciplines beyond the business discipline with a unique record of high impact outputs. In addition to publishing in his core areas of expertise, he has published in the fields of Economics, Engineering, Geography, International Relations, Law and Political Science. He is a leader in curriculum design having developed and taught seven new courses at undergraduate, graduate and executive levels. Dr Brennan has supervised 13 PhD students and 10 Masters Research students to completion. Dr Brennan has delivered exceptional service to the College serving in leadership roles at School, Faculty and College levels including serving for many years as an elected member of University Council, as well as Director of the Institute for International Integration Studies and a number of School level Directorships. Dr Brennan has led a number of high level global initiatives related to the SKA project, Emerging Multinationals and the development of a global accreditation standard for programmes in Purchasing and Supply Management. He has organised and chaired dozens of international conferences and delivered invited keynote addresses at high level events around the world. He serves on the boards of a number of international journals and has acted as PhD extern examiner in Ireland, the UK, Italy and Spain. His passion is around mediating and shaping the future and he is a frequent contributor to the global discourse.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Multinational companies at the intersection of home and host country foreign direct investment policies: an analysis of Chinese investments in Europe in, editor(s)Philippe Gugler and Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann , Handbook of International Business Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2024, pp262 - 276, [Filip De Beule and Louis Brennan]
Evolving Dynamics of the Spanish Space Sector: Institutional Influence in the Spanish New Space Economy in, editor(s)Arto Ojala and William W. Baber , Space Business: Emerging Theory and Practice, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp141 - 167, [Louis Brennan and Natalia Utrero-Gonzalez]
Louis Brennan, Viktor Eszterhai and Shaowei He, The Chinese electric vehicle industry"s FDI in Hungary: A challenge for European policymakers, Columbia FDI Perspective, (395), 2024, p3
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan, The investment development path literature: a review and research agenda, Management Review Quarterly, 73, (4), 2023, p1825 - 1872
Brennan, L. and A. Vecchi, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Evolution of the Irish Space Sector from an Institutional Perspective, Space Policy, 64, (May), 2023, p15
Three out-of-this-world lessons for remote working: The NASA way in, editor(s)Adrian Zicari and Tom Gamble , The Employee and the Post-Pandemic Workplace: Towards a New, Enlightened Working Environment, London, Routledge, 2023, pp33 - 37, [T. Jain and L. Brennan]
Breinbauer, Andreas, Brennan, Louis, Jager Johannes, Nachbagauer, Andreas, G. M. and Andreas Nolke, Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa Herausforderungen und Strategien, First, Springer, 2023, 1 - 305pp
Managing Globalisation to National Advantage: The Case of Ireland in, editor(s)Amitendu Palit , Globalisation Impacts: Countries, Institutions and COVID19, Springer Nature, 2022, pp127 - 144, [Louis Brennan]
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan , Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Home Country Economic Growth in the case of Indonesia, 48th AIB-UKI Annual Conference, Reading, April, 2022, edited by Davide Castellin and Rajneesh Nartula , 2022, pp41
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan , The Investment Development Path Theory: Evidence from Indonesia, Academy of international Business Annual Meeting, Miami, July, 2022, edited by Andrew Delios , 2022, pp41
Eimear Nolan, Xiaoning Liang, Louis Brennan and Mairead Brady, A comparative study of the teaching of cross-cultural management: face-to-face vs. online delivery, Journal of International Business Education, 17, (2), 2022, p5 - 28
Alessandra Vecchi and Louis Brennan, Two Tales of Internationalization - Chinese Internet Firms' Expansion into the European Market, Journal of Business Research, 152, 2022, p106 - 127
Xianwu Zhang, Na Fu and Louis Brennan, Professional Service Firms from Emerging Markets: Managing the National and International Paradox, Academy of international Business Annual Meeting, Miami, July, 2022, edited by Andrew Delios , 2022, pp31
Xianwu Zhang, Na Fu and Louis Brennan, Internationalisation of PSFs from Emerging Markets: A Longitudinal Case Study of Chinese Law Firm Dacheng, Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, August, 2022, edited by Sonia Taneja , 2022, pp6
Emerging Market (Southern) Corporations, D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu and R. Marston, The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, 2nd, London, Wiley Blackwell, 2022, pp6 , [Padraig Carmody and Louis Brennan]
Tanusree Jain and Louis Brennan, What Space Missions Can Teach Us About Remote Work, Sloan Management Review, (November), 2021, p5
投资激励的整体分析 in, editor(s)Anna Teresa Tavares-Lyman, Feng Jun and Wu Suilong , 重新思考投资激励:趋势和政策选择, 中国上海, 上海人民出版社, 2021, pp159 - 177, [Louis Brennan and Frances Ruane]
Farhad Ahmed and Louis Brennan, A review of methodological diversity within the domain of international entrepreneurship, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 19, (2), 2021, p256 - 299
Louis Brennan and Alessandra Vecchi, The European Response to Chinese Outbound Foreign Direct Investment - Introducing a Dynamic Analytical Framework, Development and Change, 52, (5), 2021, p1066 - 1089
Kadek Sawitri and Louis Brennan , Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the Indonesian Manufacturing Sector, 47th EIBA Annual Conference, Madrid, December 2021, edited by Isabel Álvarez , 2021, pp54
Kadek A. Sawitri and Louis Brennan, The Investment Development Path Literature: A Review and Research Agenda, 48th Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter Conference, Greenwich, London, April, 2021, edited by Spiros Batas , 2021, pp60
Leveraging Business Model Innovation in the International Space Industry in, editor(s)Mehdi Khosrow-Pou , Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications , Hershey PA, IGI Global, 2020, pp625 - 643, [Louis Brennan and Alessandra Vecchi]
Louis Brennan and Alessandra Vecchi, The Orbital Circular Economy Framework: Emblematic Evidence from the Space Industry, Kindai Management Review, 8, 2020, p81 - 93
Jain, T., Brennan, L. and Van Buren, H.J, Leading in a Troubled World: Lessons from COVID-19, California Management Review, (August), 2020, p1 - 3
Xianwu Zhang, Na Fu and L. Brennan, Integrating IB and IHRM: A Two-Decade Review of PSFs Internationalisation Research, 2020 Irish Academy of Management Conference, August 2020, edited by M. Heffernan , 2020, pp35
Breinbauer, Andreas, Brennan, Louis, Jager, Johannes, Nachbagauer, Andreas. and Andreas Nolke, Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies, Springer, 2020, 279pp
Jain, T. and L. Brennan, The Future of Back to Work Requires a Hybrid Systems Thinking, California Management Review, (November), 2020, p4
Kadek A. Sawitri and Louis Brennan, A Performance Analysis of the Investment Development Path Literature, 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business,, July 2020, edited by Rebecca Piekkari , 2020, pp22
Farhad Ahmed and Louis Brennan, The Impact of Founder's Human Capital on Firms' Extent of Early Internationalisation: Evidence from a Least-developed Country, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36, (3), 2019, p615 - 659
Louis Brennan, Upravlenije globalizatsijej v interesah natsional'noj ekonomiki: opyt Irlandii, Scientific Works of the Free Economic Society of Russia, 218, (4), 2019, p320 - 327
P. Lyons and L. Brennan, Assessing Value from Business to Business Services Relationships: Tangibility, Temperament, Temporality and Tradeoffs, Journal of Service Research, 22, (1), 2019, p27 - 43
Farhad Ahmed and Louis Brennan, An Institution-based View of Firms' Early Internationalization: Effectiveness of National Export Promotion Policies, International Marketing Review, 36, (6), 2019, p911 - 954
X. Zhang, N. Fu and L. Brennan, Investigating Chinese Law Firms' Internationalization Strategy: How Dacheng Became the World's Largest Law Firm in Seven Years, 22md Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, 28-30 August, 2019, edited by V. Byers , IAM, 2019, pp39
Farhad Ahmed and Louis Brennan, Performance Determinants of Early Internationalizing Firms: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 17, (3), 2019, p389 - 424
Louis Brennan, How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years, Harvard Business Review, (October ), 2018, p9
Louis Brennan, Loizos Heracleous and Alessandra Vecchi, Above and Beyond: Exploring the Business of Space, 1st, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, 1 - 192pp
Establishing How MNCs are Defined Over Time: a Response to the in, editor(s)Davide Castellani, Rajneesh Narula, Quyen Nguyen, Irina Surdu and James Walker , Contemporary Issues in International Business:, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp235 - 250, [Louis Brennan, Lisa Spencer and Jim Stewart]
L. Brennan, L. Spencer and J. Stewart, Establishing How MNCs are Defined Over Time, a Response to the Regional/Local Debate, 44th AIBUKI and 6th Reading IB Conference, Reading, UK, April 6-8, 2017, edited by J. Walker and R. Narula , 2017, pp27
R. Verma and L. Brennan, Emerging-economy firms' FDI motivations: the case of Indian pharmaceutical firms in Ireland, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 10, (1), 2017, p21 - 53
Phoebe Collison, Louis Brennan and Ruth Rios-Morales, Attracting Chinese Foreign Direct Investment to Small, Developed Economies: The Case of Ireland, Thunderbird International Business Review, 59, (3), 2017, p401 - 419
Transnationalizing Smart Specialization Strategy in, editor(s)Radosevic, Slavo, Curaj, Adrian, Gheorghiu, Radu Andreescu, Liviu and Imogen Wade , Advances In Theory and Practice Of Smart Specialization Policy, Elsevier, 2017, pp250 - 268, [Louis Brennan and Ruslan Rakhmatullin]
Emerging market (southern) corporation in, editor(s)Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston , The International Encyclopedia of Geography: , New York, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017, pp6 , [Padraig Carmody and Louis Brennan]
Leonie Kaphahn and Louis Brennan, Reassessing the Risk Conditions for Political Instability in the Light of the Arab Spring, Journal of Risk Research, 20, (11), 2017, p1497 - 1515
F. Wolf and L. Brennan, Exploring the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Innovation: A Sudy of Multinational Subsidiaries, 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, Belfast, Aug 30-Sept 01 2017, edited by G. Simmons and K. Miller , 2017, pp18
Rios-Morales, Ruth, Louis Brennan and Max Schweizer, An Assessment of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Switzerland, Uluslararasý Ýliþkiler (Journal of International Relations), 13, (49), 2016, p85 - 105
Louis Brennan and Caner Bakir, Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 2016, 1 - 260pp
Louis Brennan and Alessandra Vecchi, International Manufacturing Strategy in a Time of Great Flux, Switzerland, Springer, 2016, 1 - 233pp
Louis Brennan and Ruslan Rakhmatullin, Examining the Role of Global Value Chains in the Context of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3), PICMET '16: Technology Management for Social Innovation, Hawaii, September 2016, edited by Dundar F. Kocaoglu , 2016, pp22
Frauke Wolf and Louis Brennnan, Examining the Relationship Between Organisational Culture and Innovation in the Irish ICT Sector, 23rd International Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Glasgow, June 2016, edited by Nuran Acur and Susan Hart , 2016, pp19
Mikhail Shengeliya and Louis Brennan, Evaluating the Impact of Labor Market Flexibility on FDI into Europe, 58th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, New Orleans, June 2016, edited by Charles Dhanaraj , Academy of Intenrational Business, 2016, pp26 pages
A Holistic Approach to Investment Incentives in, editor(s)Ana Therese Tavares Lehmann, Perrine Toledano, Lise Johnston and Lisa Sachs , Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, New York, Columbia University Press, 2016, pp179 - 203, [Louis Brennan and Frances Ruane ]
Introducing Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe in, editor(s)Louis Brennan and Caner Bakir , Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 2016, pp3 - 8, [Louis Brennan and Caner Bakir]
A Holistic Approach to Investment Incentives in, editor(s)Ana Therese Tavares Lehmann, Perrine Toledano, Lise Johnston and Lisa Sachs , Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options, New York, Columbia University Press, 2016, pp179 - 203, [Louis Brennan and Frances Ruane]
Louis Brennan and D.R. Phelan, Editorial introduction to the China-EU Law Journal special issue on the EU-China Investment Treaty in Interdisciplinary Perspective, China-EU Law Journal, 5, (1), 2016, p1 - 3
Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe - What have we Learnt in, editor(s)Louis Brennan and Caner Bakir , Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 2016, pp249 - 256, [Caner Bakir and Louis Brennan]
Louis Brennan and Ruslan Rakhmatullin, Global Value Chains and Smart Specialisation Strategy: Thematic work on the understanding of global value chains and their analysis within the context of smart specialisation, Brussels, Publications Office of the European Union, December , 2015, p1 - 40
Innovating the Business Model: The Case of Space in, editor(s)Alexander Brem and Eric Viardot , Adoption of Innovation: Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation, Switzerland, Springer, 2015, pp155 - 180, [Vecchia, A. and L. Brennan]
Louis Brenan and Philo Murray, Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, UK, Routledge, 2015, 1 - 432pp
Brennan, L., K. Fedrows, J. Godsell, R. Golini, R. Keegan, S. Kinkel, J. Srai and M. Talyor , Manufacturing in the World - Where Next, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35, (9), 2015, p1253 - 1274
Frauke Wolf and Louis Brennan, Exploring the Impact of Organisational Culture on Innovation:Preliminary Findings from the Irish ICT Sector, 18th Annual Irish Academy of Management, Galway, Ireland, September, 2015, edited by Alma McCarthy , 2015, pp34 pgs
L. Brennan, The Challenges for Chinese Investment in Europe, Columbia FDI Perspectives, 142, (March ), 2015, p3
Introducing Drivers of integration and regionalism in Europe and Asia in, editor(s)Louis Brennan and Philo Murray , Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, UK, Publisher, 2015, pp3 - 16, [Louis Brennan and Philo Murray]
International business as a driver of regional integration in Asia in, editor(s)Louis Brennan and Philo Murray , "Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, 2015, pp199 - 213, [Louis Brennan]
The comparative study of drivers of regionalism and integration in Asia and Europe - towards a new research agenda in, editor(s)Louis Brennan and Philo Murray , Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, 2015, pp407 - 425, [Philo Murray and Louis Brennan]
Fernando Alonso, Caner Bakir, Louis Brennan, Carlos Cunha, Erzsébet Czakó, Filip Debeule, Stefano Elia, Daniel Diaz Fuentes, Francoise Hay, Per Heum, Andreja Jaklic, Christian Milelli, Andreas Nölke, Lucia Piscitello, Armando José Garcia Pires, Jajgjit Singh Srai and Nukhet Vardar, Emerging Market Multinationals: Opportunity Or Threat for Europe, Brussels, June, 2014, p1 - 8
R. Rios-Morales, L. Brennan, D. Gamberger and M. Schweizer, Ex-ante Assessment of an EU-China Free trade Agreement, 7th Annual Euromed Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Kristiansand, Norway, September, 2014, edited by D. Vrontis, Y. Weber and E. Tsoukatos , 2014, pp1523 - 1534
F. Ahmed and L. Brennan, Entrepreneurial Orientation as an Impetus for International, 17th Annual Irish Academy of Management, Limerick, September 2014, edited by Michelle O'Sullivan and Christine Cross , 2014, pp34
F. Wolf and L. Brennan, Framing the Impact of Organisational Culture on Innovation, 17th Annual Irish Academy of Management, Limerick, September 2014, edited by Michelle O'Sullivan and Christine Cross , 2014, pp30
P. Lyons and L. Brennan, A typology and meta-analysis of outsourcing relationship frameworks, Strategic Outsourcing: an International Journal, 7, (2), 2014, p135 - 172
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, An Analysis of Chinese Acquisitions of Made in Italy Firms in the Luxury Sector, Chinese Business Review, 13, (3), 2014, p192 - 208
Foreword in, editor(s)Andreas Nolke , Multinational Corporations from Emerging Markets:, Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, ppxi-xii , [L. Brennan]
M. Shengeliya and L. Brennan, Labor Market Flexibility and FDI Attractiveness , Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Vancouver, edited by Klaus Meyer and Tunga Kijak , AIB, 2014, pp30
R. Rakhmatullin and L. Brennan , Motivation behind researchers' participation in formal networking research projects funded by the European Union, Journal of Knowledge Economy, 5, (2), 2014, p305 - 329
Leveraging Business Model Innovation in the International Space Industry in, editor(s)Byran Christiansen , Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities, Hershey PA, , Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), 2014, pp131 - 149, [Alessandra Vecchi and Louis Brennnan]
R. Rakhmatullin and L. Brennan, Facilitating innovation in European Research Area through pre-competitive EU-funded COST Actions, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship , 3, (6), 2014, p20
F. Ahmed and L. Brennan, The Impact of Founder's Human Capital on the Accelerated Internationalization of Firms: Evidence from a Least Developed Country, 40th Annual European International Business Association Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, December, 2014, edited by Rian Drogendjk , 2014, pp34
R. Rios-Morales, D. Gamberger, L. Brennan and M. Schweizer, Institutional Environment Features and Swiss Foreign Direct Investment, Global Business and Economics Review, 15, (2/3), 2013, p196 - 209
Ireland: Outward FDI and its policy context, 2013 in, editor(s)Karl P. Sauvant, Padma Mallampally and Geraldine McAllister , Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center, 2013, pp306 - 317, [Louis Brennan and Rakhi Verma]
An Analysis of the Macroeconomic Determinants of Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment in, editor(s)M.A. Marinov and S.T. Marinova , Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis, Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hanpshire, UK, Palgrave Macmillian, 2013, pp137 - 163., [Rakhi Verma and Louis Brennan]
Quality Management: An Evolutionary Cross-Cultural Perspective in, editor(s)Bryan Christiansem, Ekaterina Turkina and Nigel Williams , Cultural and Technological Influences on Global Business, USA, Business Science Reference, 2013, pp468 - 492, [Alessandra Vecchi and Louis Brennan]
R. Rios-Morales, L. Brennan and M. Schweizer, The Impact of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Switzerland, 6th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Estoril,Cascai, Portugal, Sept 23-24, 2013, edited by D. Vrontis, Y. Weber and E. Tsoukatos , Euromed Press, 2013, pp1901 - 1921
Europe's Response to Non-Traditional Sources of Investment in, editor(s)Louis Brennan , in Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplianry Perspectives on International Integration, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, Plagrave Macmillan, 2013, pp298 - 311, [Louis Brennan and Tae Hoon Kim]
R. Rios-Morales, L. Brennan, M. Schweizer and A. Flores, Foreign Direct Investment As A Means of Economic Development, 6th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Estoril, Cascais, Portgual, Sept 23-24, 2013, edited by D. Vrontis, Y. Weber and E. Tsoukatos , Euromed Press, 2013, pp2745 - 2746
Inward FDI in Ireland and its policy context, 2012, Karl P. Sauvant , Columbia FDI Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, 2013, pp14 , [L. Brennan and R. Verma]
Ireland: Inward FDI and its policy context, 2012 in, editor(s)Karl P. Sauvant, Padma Mallampally and Geraldine McAllister , Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center, 2013, pp290 - 305, [Louis Brennan and Rakhi Verma]
Louis Brennan, Enacting Globalization: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on International Integration, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 1 - 330pp
Outward FDI in Ireland and its policy context, Karl P. Sauvant , Columbia FDI Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, 2013, pp13 , [L. Brennan and R. Verma]
Verma, R., Brennan, L., An analysis of the macroeconomic determinants of Indian outward foreign direct investment, Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis, 2012, p137-153
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, FDI from Emerging MNCs and their impact on the European Luxury Sector, International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Milan, December 4-5, 2012, edited by A. Brun et al, , 2012, pp11
From Terrestrial to Extraterrestrial Supply Chain Networks in, editor(s)John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher and Roya Javadpour , Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management , UK, Wiley, 2012, pp397 - 398, [Louis Brennan]
GCC Sovereign Wealth Funds: Challenges, Opportunities and Issues Arising from Their Growing Presence on the Global Landscape in, editor(s)M.A. Ramady , The GCC Economies: Stepping Up To Future Challenges, New York, Springer, 2012, pp237 - 250, [R. Morales, M.A. Ramady and L.Brennan]
W. Chen, L. Brennan and D. Zeng, Exploring Supply Chain Collaboration: Evidence from China, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 32, (No.2), 2012, p5 - 27
Assessing the Impact of the Crisis on Sino-Irish Flows in, editor(s)Bernadette Andreosso Callaghan and Peter Herman , Transformation Of Asia In A Global Changing Environment, , New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2012, pp123 - 144, [Louis Brennan and Nick McIlroy]
µÚÆßÕ£º°®¶ûÀ" 2010 ÄêFDI Á÷ÈëÇé"ö"°ÆäÕþ²ß±³"° in, editor(s)Karl P. Suavant et al , FDI Á÷¶¯Çé"ö ¹ú±ð"ÅÀÀ, New York, Vale Columbia , 2011, pp130 - 143, [Louis Brennan and Rakhi Verma]
Verma, R. and L. Brennan, An Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants of Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment, 37th EIBA Conference, Bucharest, Dec 8-10, 2011, edited by Liviu Voinea , 2011, pp26
The influence of exports on outward foreign investment: The case of India in, editor(s)Hutson, E. Sinkovics, R. and Berrill, J. , Firm-Level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation , Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp113 - 125, [R. Verma and L. Brennan]
Introducing Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe in, editor(s)L. Brennan , in The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp1 - 10, [L. Brennan]
Wenjie Chen, Louis Brennan and Deming Zeng, Modelling Supply Chain Collaborative Innovation-a System Dynamics Approach, 14th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, Dublin, Aug 31-Sept 02, 2011, edited by J. Hill and C. Darcy , 2011, pp23 pages
Louis Brennan, Alessandra Vecchi, The future, The business of space, 2011, p125--161
Rakhi Verma, Louis Brennan, The Influence of Exports on Outward Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of India, Firm-Level Internationalization, Regionalism and Globalization, 2011, p113--125
Louis Brennan, The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe , Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, Palgrave MacMillan , 2011, 1 - 387pp
R. Verma and L. Brennan, The Investment Development Path Theory: Evidence from India, International Journal of Emerging Markets , 6, (1), 2011, p74 - 89
Louis Brennan, The Emergence of Southern Multinationals, 2011
Southern Multinationals and Their Impact on Europe: What Have We Learnt? in, editor(s)L. Brennan , The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp367 - 377, [L. Brennan]
R. Rios-Morales, M. A. Ramady and L. Brennan, SWFs and the global economy: the impact of the Gulf Oil Producers, EuroMed Journal of Business , 6, (2), 2011, p206 - 226
Ireland Inward FDI and its policy context, 2010 in, editor(s)K. P. Sauvant, T. Jost, K. Davies and Ana-Maria Poveda Garces , Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, 2011, pp130 - 142, [L. Brennan and R. Verma]
Rakhi Verma, Louis Brennan, The investment development path theory: evidence from India, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 6, (1), 2011, p74--89
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, Quality Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective based on the GLOBE Framework, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31, (5), 2011, p527 - 553
Louis Brennan and Alessandra Vecchi, The Business of Space: The Next Frontier of International Competition, 1st, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 1-174pp
Louis Brennan, Alessandra Vecchi, The main country players, The business of space, 2011, p74--124
The Emergence of SWFs and the European Perspective in, editor(s)L. Brennan , The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp242 - 257, [R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan]
Customers' acceptance of new service technologies: The case of RFID in, editor(s)Gunasekaran, A., and Sanduh, M. , Handbook of Information Business Systems, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2010, pp431 - 456, [Vecchi, A., Brennan, L., & Theotokis, A. ]
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, RFID supply chain implementation challenges for short-life products, International Journal of RF Technologies, 2, 2010, p117 - 134
R. Verma and L. Brennan, The influence of exports on outward foreign investment: The case of India, Academy of International Business UK-Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, April 2010, edited by C. Kearney , The Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2010, pp27
Rios-Morales, R., Brennan, L., The emergence of SWFs and the European perspective, The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe, 2010, p242-257
L. Brennan, P. O'Dwyer and C. O'Riordan, The Role of Collaborative Innovation in Trade Facilitation, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 38, (Summer), 2010, p49 - 74
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, Conceptualizing the business of space: A globalization perspective., Academy of International Business UK-Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, April 2010, edited by C. Kearney , Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2010, pp17
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, The emergence of Chinese investment in Europe, EuroMed Journal of Business, 5, (2), 2010, p215 - 231
L. Brennan, Researching the Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe: A COST Action, Academy of International Business UK-Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, April 2010, edited by C. Kearney , Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland chapter), 2010, pp13
R. Rakhmatullin and L. Brennan, Exploring Formal Programmes Supporting Pre-Competitive Research Collaboration in Science & Technology in European Research Area, PCIMET '10 , Phuket, Thailand, July 2010, edited by Dundar F. Kocaoglu, Timothy R. Anderson and Tugrul U. Daim , Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, 2010, pp182 - 193
Mojtaba Rouholamin, Louis Brennan, The Impact of Regulation on the Emergence of the Bubble, SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010
A. Vecchi, L. Brennan and A. Theitokis, RFID Acceptance Amongst Customers: A Cross-Cultural Framework Based on Hofstede, International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 4, (3), 2010, p228 - 251
L. Brennan, P. O'Dwyer and C. O'Riordan, The role of collaborative innovation in trade facilitation, 2009 Global Forum for Business as an Agent of World Benefit, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2009, edited by David Cooperrider , 2009, pp52
N. McIlroy and L. Brennan, Trade Winds and Turning Tides: Sino-Irish Flows, 2nd Annual Conference of the Association of Chinese Studies in Ireland, Dublin, February, 2009, 2009
Louis Brennan, Innovation and Internationalization, Research in International Business and, 23, (2), 2009, p117 - 119
Vecchi, A., and Brennan, L., A Cultural Perspective of Innovation, Research in International Business and Finance, 23, (2), 2009, p181 - 192
R. Rakhmatullin and L. Brennan, Formal Research Projects in European Research Area: Networking for Results, American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Orlando, November, 2009, 2009
Brennan, L., Garvey, D., The role of knowledge in internationalization, Research in International Business and Finance, 23, (2), 2009, p120-133
L. Brennan, D. Garvey, The Role of Knowledge in Internationalisation, Research in International Business and Finance, 23, (2), 2009, p120 - 133
Vecchi, A., Brennan, L., A cultural perspective on innovation in international manufacturing, Research in International Business and Finance, 23, (2), 2009, p181-192
Vecchi, A., and Brennan, L. , Quality Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal, 16, (2), 2009, p149 - 164
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Global Financial Player, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Commerce Exterieur et l'Eonomie - Les Cahiers de Recherche, 12, 2009, p111 - 128
Quality priorities, practices and performance: A cultural perspective in, editor(s)Laugen, B.T. and Boer, H. , The International Manufacturing Strategy Survey - A Global Report, Norway, Continuous Innovation Network, 2009, pp33 - 38, [A. Vecchi and L. Brennan]
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, Supply chain innovation for short life products: A preventive assessment of RFID deployment and implementation, Journal of International Business Innovation and Research, 3, (5), 2009, p535 - 554
R. Riois-Morales and L. Brennan, The Emergence of Sovereign Wealth Funds as Contributors of Foreign Direct Investment, 2009 Oxford Business & Economics Conference, Oxford, June 2009, edited by A. Gupta , 2009, pp20
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, Ireland Innovative Governmental Policies Promoting Internationalisation, Research in International Business and Finance, 23, (2), 2009, p157 - 168
R. Verma and L. Brennan, The Investment Development Path Theory: Evidence from India, 2009 Academy of International Business Annual Conference, San Diego, June, 2009, edited by T. Pedersen and T. Kiyak , 2009, pp24
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Countries into Europe, 2nd EuroMed Annual Conference, Salerno, 2009
D. Garvey and L. Brennan, The Role of Psychic Distance in the Internationalisation of Technology Firms, Irish Academy of Management 12th Annual Conference, Galway, September, 2009, edited by Noel Harvey , 2009, pp31
Vecchi, A & Brennan, L., RFID acceptance amongst customers: A cross-cultural framework., Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 3-5 September 2008, 2008, pp26
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, The Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Global Economy, Business and Economics Society International Conference, Lugano, July, 2008, 2008, pp12
R. Verma and L. Brennan, A theoretical and empirical analysis of outward foreign investment from India , Irish Academy of Management 11th Annual Conference, Dublin, September, 2008, 2008, pp14
L. Brennan, Manufacturing Retention in High Cost Environments, 3rd World POMS Conference, Tokyo, August, 2008, 2008
Vecchi, A. & Brennan, L., Supply chain for short life products: Issues in RFID implementation., the International Conference on Flexible Supply Chains in a Global Economy, University of Molde, Molde, Norway, 16-18 July 2008, 2008, pp22
L. Brennan, The Globalization of Chinese Firms, Irish Institute of Chinese Studies Annual International Conference, Cork, November, 2008, 2008
M. Brady, J. Murray, L. Brennan and C. Armstrong, The Business Case for RFID: Challenges and Opportunities, 9th International Business Information Management Conference (9th IBIMA), Marrakech, January, edited by Khalid S. Soliman , 2008, pp120 - 129
Vecchi, A. & Brennan, L, Supply chain innovation for short life products: RFID deployment and implementation, 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Groneningen, The Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008, edited by T.van der Vaart, D. P. van Donk, W. van Wezel, G. Welker and J. Wijngaard , 2008, pp11
T. McNichols and L. Brennan, Avoiding Inertia in Collaborative Supply Chain Systems: The Decision Makers' Role, 16th European conference on Information Systems (ECIS2008), Galway, June, 2008, edited by W. Golden, T. Acton, K. Conboy, H. van der Heijden and V.K. Tunnainen , 2008, pp12
L. Luo, L. Brennan, C. Liu and Y. Luo, Factors Influencing FDI Location Choice in China's Hintherland, China and World Economy, 16, (2), 2008, p93 - 108
L. Brennan and P. Coughlan, Site role trajectories and ownership change, 15th International Annual EurOMA conference, Groningen, Holland, June, 2008, edited by T.van der Vaart, D. P. van Donk, W. van Wezel, G. Welker and J. Wijngaard , 2008, pp11
A. Vecchi and L. Brennan, Quality Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Based on the GLOBE Framework, 13th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM Conference , Subang, Malaysia, March, 2008, edited by Samuel K. M. Ho , 2008, pp97 - 98
D. Garvey and L. Brennan, The importance of context in the internationalization of Irish software technology firms, Irish Academy of Management 11th Annual Conference, Dublin, September 2008, 2008, pp32
L. Brennan, T. McNichols, "An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Impact of Collaboration on Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 25, (1), 2007, p23 - 42
L. Brennan, D. Crowe, Environmental Considerations within Manufacturing Strategy: an International Study, Business Strategy and the Environment, 16, (4), 2007, p266 - 289
L. Brennan, The Contribution of International Business to Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Ireland, Academy of International Business Frontiers conferernce, Miami, Nov/Dec , 2007, pp23
Ruth Rios-Morales, Louis Brennan, Ireland's Foreign Direct Investment Competitive Advantage and Japanese Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Asia Pacific Business Review, 13, (2), 2007, p201--231
L. Brennan, A. Vecchi, S. O'Riordain, The SMART Project-Intelligent Integration of Supply Chain Processes and Consumer Services: A Retail Perspective, SIMPOI POMS Conference, Rio de Janeiro, August 2007, 2007, pp15
L. Brennan, C. Liu, FDI in China's Interior: Western China's Socioeconomic Competitiveness at the Provincial Level, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, June 2007, 2007, pp33
D.Crowe, L.Brennan, A. Vecchi and P.Coughlan, Manufacturing Strategy and Innovation in Indigenous and Foreign Firms: An International Study, International Journal of Manufacturing and Technology Management, 11, (1), 2007, p3 - 27
R Morales and L. Brennan, Ireland's Competitive Advantage and Japanese Outward Investment", Asia Pacific Business Review, 13, (2), 2007, p1 - 31
T. McNichols and L Brennan, "Internet-Enabled Supply Chain Systems: Drivers of Inhibitors of Collaboration?", 15th European Conference on Information Systems, Switzerland, June 2007, edited by H. Osterle, J. Schelp and R. Winter , St Gallen University, 2007, pp1790 - 1801
McNichols, T., Brennan, L., Internet-enabled supply chain systems: Drivers or inhibitors of collaboration?, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007, 2007, p1790-1801
L. Brennan and R. Rios-Morales, FDI Flows from the Rapid Developing Economies into Europe: The case of China, 12th Annual International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambrdige, September, edited by M. Gregory and Y. Shi , 2007, pp18
L. Brennan and R. Rios-Morales, Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Economies: Chinese Investment in Latin America, 9th International Decision Sciences Institute conference, Bangkok, July, 2007, pp19
P. Coughlan, L. Brennan et al, Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME Practice and Performance, European Operations Management Association Annual conference, Glasgow, June, edited by K. Mendibil and A. Shamsuddin , 2, 2006, pp139 - 146
T. McNichols and L. Brennan, An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Impact of Collaboration on Buyer-Supplier Relationships, IMP(Industrial Marketing and Practice) 2006 conference, IMP(Industrial Marketing and Practice) 2006 conference, Milan, September, 2006, pp8
Vecchi, A., and Brennan, L, A Multi-country Comparison of Quality Practices, Priorities and Performance in Indigenous and Foreign Firms, 11th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Hong Kong, April 2006, 2006
Achieving an Effective 3PL Relationship: Best Practice in Forming a Long-term Relationship Between an Outsourcing Company and a Third Party Logistics Provider in, editor(s)S. Croom , Creating And Managing Value in Supply Networks, San Diego, 2006, pp8 , [N. Delaney and L. Brennan]
K. Phillips Connolly, L. Brennan, Alignment of International Supply Networks with Industry Strategy, 11th Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, September, 2006, pp10
D. Garvey and L.Brennan, The Internationalisation of Indigenous Irish Software Companies - an Exploratory Study, Irish Journal of Management, 26, (2), 2006, p81 - 108
Brady, M., Brennan, L., Wickham, J., and Vecchi, A. , Business as a conduit for globalisation, Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 2006, 2006
A New Taxonomy for Display Selection, Waldemar Karwowski, International Encyclopedia of Ergonmics and Human Factors, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2006, pp1468 - 1477, [Bead Rigby and Louis Brennan]
D. Garvey and L. Brennan, The Use of a Single Case in the Study of the "Born Global" Phenomenon, Irish Academy of Management Annual conference, Cork, September, edited by B. McCarthy , 2006, pp10
L. Brennan, An Industry Perspective of Global Supply Chains, WCO Education Series in Globalisation, Brussels, May 31-June 2, 2006, pp5
T. McNichols, L. Brennan and R. Middel, Facilitating Collaboration in e-Supply Chain Systems: An Action Learning-Based Approach, 14th ECIS conference, Gothenburg, June 2006, edited by J, Ljungberg and M. Andersson , 2006, pp12
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, The Emergence of China as a Source of FDI Flows to Latin America, 33rd Academy of International Business UK Conference, Manchester, April, edited by R.R. Sinkovics and M. Yomin , 2006, pp8
Coughlan, P., Brennan, L., O'Riordain, S., Steward, J., Vecchi, A., Fynes, B., Ledwith, A., Keegan, R. and Roche E., Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME Practice and Performance, 17th International Annual Conference of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS), Boston, USA, April 2006, 2006
Shifting Patterns of Supply Chains in, editor(s)F. Litton, T. Farmer and F. Scott Lennon , Ideas At Work, Dublin, 2006, pp66 - 83, [L. Brennan]
M. Brady, L. Brennan, A Research Network Researching Networks: Challenges and Implications: An Irish Perspective, Irish Marketing Review, 18, (1 & 2), 2006, p69 - 76
Louis Brennan, Learning to Collaborate along the Supply Chain, ChAINA Supply Chain Summit, Shanghai, November 2006, China Supply Chain Council, 2006, pp5
Brady, M. and Brennan, L.,, A Research Network Researching Networks, Irish Marketing Review, 1, (1), 2006, p69 - 76
Louis Brennan, Supply Chain Collaboration, Supply Chain Management Forum VI, Helsinki, October, 2006, 2006, pp5
T. McNichols and L. Brennan, Evaluating Partner Suitability in Collaborative Supply Networks, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 3, (2), 2006, p220 - 237
Coughlan, P., Brennan, L., O'Riordain, S., Steward, J., Vecchi, A., Fynes, B., Ledwith, A., Keegan, R. and Roche E., Made in Ireland II - Benchmarking Irish SME Practice and Performance, the European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, June 2006, 2006
Implementation of Just-In-Time Methodology in a Small Company in, editor(s)Ed Rhodes, James Warren and Ruth Carter , Supply Chains and Total Product Systems: A Reader, MA, USA, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, pp459 - 467, [L. Brennan, S.M. Gupta]
Development of a New Taxonomy for Display Selection, Waldemar Karwowski, International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2nd, London, Taylor and Francis, 2006, pp1406 - 1423, [Brad Rigby and Louis Brennan]
R. Middel, D. Coghlan, P. Coughlan, L. Brennan and T. McNichols, Action Resarch in Collaborative Improvement, International Journal of Technology Management, 33, (1), 2006, p67 - 91
L. Brennan and A. Vecchi, A Multi-country Comparison of Quality Practices, Priorities and Performance on Indigenous and Foreign Firm, 11th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Hong Kong, April, edited by Sam K. M. Ho , 2006, pp6
L. Brennan, Leveraging technology at the customer interface, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 1, (1), 2005, p12 - 13
The Application of Action Learning and Action Research in Collaborative Improvement within the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise in, editor(s)S. Seuring, M. Muller, H. Kotzab, and G. Rainer, Springer , Research Methodologies for Supply Chain Management, New York, Heidelberg, 2005, pp365 - 380, [R. Middel, L. Brennan, D. Coghlan and P. Coughlan]
K. Phillips Connolly, E. Sullivan L. Brennan and J. Murray, Characterization of Gobalization, Regionalization and Localization at the Industry Level, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec, July 2005, 2005, pp14
K. Phillips Connolly, E. Sullivan, L. Brennan and J. Murray, International Supply Chain Management: A Walk around the Elelphant, Irish Journal of Management, 26, (1), 2005, p149 - 162
D. Garvey and L. Brennan, Measuring Knowledge Intensity and Internationalisation Knowledge Accumulation, Proceedings Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Galway, September, 2005
Brennan L., Vecchi A., Crowe D., Quality Practices, Priorities and Performance: An International Study, 10th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Shanghai, China, March 2005, edited by Sam K. M. Ho , 2005
L. Brennan, Alessandra Vecchi and Deirdre Crowe, Quality Practices, Priorities and Performance: An International Study, 10th International Conference on ISO9000 and TQM, Shanghai, March, edited by Sam K. M. Ho and X. F. Tang , 2005, pp8
K. Phillips Connolly, L. Brennan, J. Murray, and E. Sullivan, Industry Determinants of Locational Choice: Clusters, Proceedings 10th Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, September, edited by Mike Gregory and Yongjiang Shi , 2005
E. Sullivan, K. Phillips Connolly, L. Brennan and J. Murray, Supply Chain Management as a Global Resource within the Pharmaceutical Industry, Proceedings Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Galway, September, 2005
L. Brennan and C. Liu, Irish SMEs' Selection of Entry Modes into the Chinese Market: What lessons Can Be Learned from Taiwanese Firms?, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Galway, September, 2005, pp10
Coughlan, P, Brady,M and Brennan, L, The Art and Science Challenges within the Management of Product Development, Creativity and Innovation Management, 14, (4), 2005, p331 - 333
L. Brennan, K. Phillips Connolly, J. Murray, E. Sullivan, "International Supply Chain Management: A Walk Around the Elephant", Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dublin, September 2004, 2004
L. Brennan, R. Nolan, P. Coughlan, "Collaborative Information Systems Development in Supply Networks", Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dublin, September 2004, 2004
L. Brennan, D. Garvey, "The Internationalisation of Indigenous Irish Software Companies-an Exploratory Study", Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dublin, September 2004, 2004
Brennan, L. with Coghlan D and Coughlan P. , Organising for Research and Action: Implementing Action Researcher Networks, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17, (1), 2004, p37 - 49
L. Brennan with T. McNichols, Collaborative Supply Chain Systems: Assisting The Decision Making Process, Proceedings 34th Decision Sciences Institute Annual conference, Boston, November, 2004, edited by Julie E. Kendall , 2004, pp3881 - 3886
L. Brennan with T. McNichols, Evaluating e-Collaboration: Toward a Positioning Map for Supply Chain Integration, Proceedings 17th Bled eCommerce Conference, Bled, Slovenia, June 2004, edited by Yao-Hua Tan, Douglas R. Vogel, Joze Gricar and Gregor Lenart , 2004
Can Electronic Data Interchange Measure Up To A Collaborative Supply Chain? in, editor(s)Y. A. Hosni, T.M. Khalil , Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and developing regions of the World, Elsevier Science Ltd., 2004, pp27 - 43, [McNichols, T. and Brennan, L.]
L. Brennan with R. Nolan and P. Coughlan, Information Systems Development for Supply networks: a Comparison of Traditional, Web-Based and Collaborative Approaches , Proceedings, 11th International EurOMA Conference, Fontainebleau, France, 2004, edited by L. N. Van Wassenhove, et al. , 1, INSEAD, 2004, pp1075 - 1086
P. Coughlan, M. Brady and L. Brennan, Proceddings of the 11th International Product Development Management conference, Brussels, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 2004, 1 - 1361pp
L. Brennan, K. Phillips Connolly, J. Murray, E. Sullivan, "International Supply Chain Management: Assessing Industry Development", 9th Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, September 2004, edited by Mike Gregory, Yongjiang Shi , 2004, pp41 - 59
Nolan, R., Sorensen, B.V., Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Brennan, L., Lombard, F. and McNichols, T, Exploring the Barriers to Adoption of Portals in Collaborative Improvement Activities, Proceedings European Operations Management Association & Production and Operations Management Society Joint International Conference, Como Lake, Italy, June 2003, edited by G. Spina et al , 2003, pp197-206
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan and D. Hurley, Developing Process Equipment For A Disruptive Technology: The Case Of The Magnetic Annealing, Proceedings 10th International Product Development Management, Brussels, June 2003, edited by Tomas P. Hustad and Christer Karlsson , 2003, pp205-214
Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Brennan, L., Lombard, F., McNichols, T. and Nolan, R., Variations on a Theme: Advanced Implementation of the Nalp Action Learning Approach in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise, Proceedings of 10th International EurOMA Conference (Jointly with POMs), Lake Como, Italy, June, edited by G. Spina, et al. , Servizi Grafici Editoriali, 2003, pp757-766
Déirdre Crowe, L. Brennan and P. Coughlan, Manufacturing Strategy and Natural Environmental Management: An International Study, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dublin, 3-Sep, 2003
P Coughlan, D Coghlan, F Lombard, L Brennan, T McNichols, R Nolan, Managing Collaborative Relationships in a Period of Discontinuity, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23, (10), 2003, p1246-1259
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan and D. Coghlan, Developing Researcher Networks through Action Learning, European Academy of Management (Euram)Annual Conference, Milan, April 2003, 2003
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan et al, Variations on a Theme: Advanced Implementation of the NALP Action learning Approach in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise, Proceedings European Operations Management Association & Production and Operations Management Society Joint International Conference, Como Lake, Italy, June 2003, edited by G. Spina et al , 2003, pp755-757
Louis Brennan, D. Crowe et al, Innovation and Performance Improvement in Irish Manufacturing, Proceedings European Operations Management Association & Production and Operations Management Society Joint International Conference, Como Lake, Italy, June 2003, edited by G. Spina et al , 2003, pp303-312
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan et al, Enabling Collaborative Improvement in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise: Research Opportunities and Processes, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Dublin, 3-Sep, 2003
Louis Brennan and C. Comegys, Students' Online Behavior: A Dual-Country Perspective, Journal of Internet Commerce, 2, (2), 2003, p69-87
Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Brennan, L., Lombard, F., McNichols, T. and Nolan, R., Collaboration in High Technology Companies in Ireland: Three Case Studies, Irish Journal of Management, 23, (2), 2002, p19-29
McNichols, T. and Brennan, L., Can Electronic Data Interchange Measure Up to a Collaborative Supply Chain, Proceedings 11th International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, Florida, February, edited by Yasser Hosni and Tarek Khalil , International Association for Management, 2002, pp10
Louis Brennan and P. Coughlan et al, Managing Collaborative Relationships in a Period of Discontinuity: Implecations for High Technology Companies in Ireland, Operations Management and the New Economy, 9th International Conference of European Operations Management Association, Copenhagen, 2002, edited by John K. Christiansen, Harry Boer , 1, 2002, pp303 - 313
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan et al, Action Learning in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise: Towards an Advanced Implementation of the NALP approach, Continuous Innovation in Business Processes and Networks, Proceedings of the 4th International CINet Conference, September 2002, edited by Riitta Smeds , Helsinki University of Technology, 2002, pp197-207
Louis Brennan, D. Crowe et al, Competitive Performance in Irish Manufacturing: An Empirical Analysis, Proceedings 9th International Conference European Operations Management Association, Copenhagen, June 2002, edited by John K. Christiansen and Harry Boer , 2002, pp163-175
Louis Brennan and C. Comegys, Students' Online Shopping Behaviour: A Multi-Country Perspective, Proceedings Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Juan, March 2002, edited by Rhonda Aull-Hyde , 2002, pp96-99
L. Brennan, G. MacKechnie, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Supply Chains: A Strategic Management Perspective, Strategic Management Society 22nd Annual International Conference, Paris, September 2002, 2002
Louis Brennan, The Interaction of Trade Blocs and Global Supply Chains, Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association 2001 Annual Conference, Worcester, MA, Worcester State College, MA, 2001, pp15-17
Louis Brennan, Total quality management in A Research and Development Environment, Integrated Manufacturing Systems: The International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 12, (2), 2001, p94-102
D. Crowe and Louis Brennan, Aspects Of Competitiveness In A Small Open Economy, Proceedings 6th Asian-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI) Conference, Singapore, National University of Singapore, 2001, pp20
Louis Brennan and G. Vega, Performance Considerations In A Telecommuting Environment, Performance Measurement- Past, Present, and Future - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Performance Measurement, University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge, July 2000, edited by Andy Neely , Published by the Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield School of Management Cranfield Univ., 2000, pp633-640
Louis Brennan and G. Vega, Isolation and Technology: The Human Disconnect, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 13, (5), 2000, p468-481
M. Louis Brennan, G. Vega, Stoking the Engine: The Pressure Release Effect in Management Control, Journal of Research In Ethical Issues In Organizations, 2, 2000, p161 - 184
L. Brennan, G. Vega, Managing Telecommuting in the Federal Government: An Interim Report, Arlington, VA, PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for The Business of Government, June, 2000
R. Rios-Morales and L. Brennan, The Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Global Economy, Business and Economics Society International Conference, Lugano, July, 2008, 2000, pp12
Lean Manufacturing in, Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users Encyclopaedia, 2000, [M. Louis Brennan]
Louis Brennan and G. Vega, The Human Disconnect, Proceedings 9th International Conference on Management of Technology, February 2000, International Association for Management, 2000
Louis Brennan, F. Quinn and C. Rich-Duval, The Euro: An investigation of its initial impact on financial, marketing and management aspects in the global marketplace, Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association 1999 Annual Conference, Oakdale, NY, November 1999, Dowling College Press, 1999, pp11 - 13
Louis Brennan and G. Vega, The Pressure®Release Effect: An Interdisciplinary Taxonomy, Proceedings of IBAM7, Potsdam, NY, Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management, 1999, pp100-106
Louis Brennan, Y.J. Lee and R.F. Perry, Improved Performance using Statistical and Artificial Intelligence-Based Scheduling Approaches within a Dual Resource Constrained Environment, Proceedings of the POMS South Africa Meeting (Vol. II), Cape Town, South Africa, June 29-July 2, 1998, 1998
Louis Brennan and L.S. Wu, Total Quality Management In A Research And Development Environment, Proceedings 5th European Operations Management Association Conference, June 1998, 1998, pp105-110
Louis Brennan and J. Koziell, Religion: Its Influence on Convergence And Divergence in The G-7 Countries, Managing in a Global Economy VII - Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the Eastern Academy of Management, June 1997, 1997, pp522-525
Louis Brennan, K. Taleb and S.M. Gupta, Disassembly of complex products with parts and materials commonality, International Journal of Production Planning and Control, 8, (3), 1997, p255-269
L. Brennan, J. Koziell, "Promoting the Influences of Religion and Spirituality in Business Case Analysis", Interactive Teaching and Learning, World Association for Case Method Research and Applicaition, 1997, 1997, pp403 - 407
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, Combined Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty with Back-Ordering in a Multi-Level Product Structure Environment, International Journal of Production Planning and Control, 7, (1), 1996, p57-67
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, MRP Systems Under Supply and Process Uncertainty in an Integrated Shop Floor Control Environment, International Journal of Production Research, 33, (1), 1995, p205-220
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, Implementation of Just-In-Time Methodology in a Small Company, International Journal of Production Planning and Control, 6, (4), 1995, p359-364
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Customer Integrated Production Systems Analysis, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Twenty Third Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Apr-94, edited by M. Ebrahimpour , 1994, pp242-244
Louis Brennan, Human Considerations in Emerging Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the 12th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Volume 4 - Ergonomics and Design, Aug-94, 1994, pp111-113
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, The Operation of an Integrated Manufacturing System with Customer Access Via EDI, International Journal of Production Planning and Control, 5, (6), 1994, p543-551
M. Louis Brennan, S.M. Gupta and K. Taleb, Operations Planning Issues in an Assembly / Disassembly Environment, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14, (9), 1994, p57-67
The Formation of Structures, Roles and Interactions within Agile Manufacturing Systems in, editor(s)P.T. Kidd and W. Karwowski , Advances in Agile Manufacturing, IOS Press, 1994, pp60-64 , [M. Louis Brennan]
LOUIS BRENNAN, SURENDRA M. GUPTA, The operation of an integrated manufacturing system with customer access via electronic data interchange, Production Planning & Control, 5, (6), 1994, p543--551
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, Lead Time Uncertainty with Backordering in Multi-Level Product Structures, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 26, (2), 1994, p267-278
Surendra M. Gupta, Louis Brennan, The performance of materials management in multi-level product structures with demand uncertainty and back-ordering, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 25, (1-4), 1993, p89--92
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Uncertainty and Backordering in Multi-level Product Structures, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Twenty Second Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, March/April 1993, edited by A. Banerjee , 1993, pp328-330
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, A Structured Analysis of Material Requirements Planning under Combined Demand and Supply Uncertainty, International Journal of Production Research, 31, (7), 1993, p1689 - 1707
M. Louis Brennan, S.M. Gupta, A Knowledge Based System for Combined Just-In-Time and Material Requirements Planning., Computers and Electrical Engineering, 19, (2), 1993, p157-174
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, The Performance of Materials Management in Multi- Level Product Structures with Demand Uncertainty and Back-Ordering, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 25, 1993, p89-93
Surendra M. Gupta, Louis Brennan, A knowledge based system for combined just-in-time and material requirements planning, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 19, (2), 1993, p157--174
Gupta, S.M., Brennan, L., A structured analysis of material requirements planning systems under combined demand and supply uncertainty, International Journal of Production Research, 31, (7), 1993, p1689-1707
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, Lot Sizing and Back-Ordering in Multi-level Product Structures, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 33, (1), 1992, p27-35
M. Louis Brennan and S.M. Gupta, Heuristic and Optimal Approaches to Lot Sizing Incorporating Backorders: An Empirical Evaluation, International Journal of Production Research, 30, (12), 1992, p2813 - 2824
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Unraveling the Materials Management Process Using Simulation, Proceedings of the International Industrial Engineering Conference Institute of Industrial Engineers, May 1992, 1992, pp263-268
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Evaluation of the Influence of Combined Supply/Demand Uncertainties in Materials Management, Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Twenty first Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, April 1992, edited by A. Banerjee , 1992, pp340-342
Louis Brennan, S.M. Gupta and A. Kavusturucu, Modeling of Just-In-Time Systems Using a Rapid Modeling System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Just-In-Time Manufacturing Systems, Montreal, Oct-91, edited by A. Satir , Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991, pp141-148
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, A Structured Analysis of MRP Systems Under Supply Uncertainty, Proceedings of the First International Meeting of the Institute of Decision Sciences, Brussels, June 1991, edited by R. D. Reid , 1991, pp216-219
M. Louis Brennan, H. Cullinane et al., Quality Costs Determination On A Production Line, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering, 7, (3), 1990, p43-58
The Contribution of CAD to the Enhancement of the Ergonomist's role in the Design Process in, editor(s)W. Karwowski et al. , Computer-Aided Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis, 1990, pp501-511 , [M. Louis Brennan and E. F. Fallon]
M. Louis Brennan, F. Finnan and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Requirements for Smaller Companies in Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 10, (7), 1990, p57-68
Ergospec: A Prototype Expert System For Workstation Design in, editor(s)W. Karwowski , Computer Aided Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis, 1990, pp117-127 , [M. Louis Brennan, L. Farrell and D. NcGlennon]
The Human Dimension to Statistical Process Control within Advanced Manufacturing Systems in, editor(s)W. Karwowski et al. , Ergonomics Of Hybrid Automated Systems II, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp527-534 , [M. Louis Brennan]
Louis Brennan, J. Kim et al, An Intelligent Tutoring System for Engineering Design, Proceedings of the 1990 American Society For Engineering Education Annual Conference, Toronto, June, 1990, pp1640 - 1642
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Operating Characteristics of MRP Systems with Unstable Lead Times, Extended Summaries of Papers presented to the Tenth International Conference on Production Research, U.K., Aug-89, edited by P.F. McGoldrick , The University of Nottingham, 1989, pp60-61
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Designing a Materials Management Support System Using Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, Proceedings of the conference on the Practice and Theory of Operations Management Logistique '89 AFCET, Paris, December 1989, 1989, pp235-242
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Development of an Intelligent Advisor as a Decision Support System for the Materials Management Function in the Manufacturing Environment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Expert Systems and the Leading Edge In Production and Operations Management, University of South Carolina, May-89, edited by K.R. Karwan and J.R. Sweigart , 1989, pp303-310
Structure and Policy in Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Human Factors Implications in, editor(s)W. Karwowski, H.R. Parsaei and M.R. Wilhelm , Ergonomcs of Hybrid Automated Systems I, Elsevier, 1988, pp85-92 , [M. Louis Brennan]
Louis Brennan and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Manpower Trends in the Electronic Subassembly Industry, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, Belfast, September 1988, edited by A.S. Bahrani , The Queen's University of Belfast, 1988, pp704 - 723
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Simulation of Dependent Demand Items In a Multi-Product Inventory Environment, Proceeding of the 1987 S.C.S. Summer Simulation Conference Montreal, July, 1987, pp513-516
Louis Brennan and H. Kung, Simulation Analysis of Flexibility in Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the IXth ICPR , Cincinnati, August, 1987, pp308 - 314
M. Louis Brennan, W. Cahill and J. Sheil, A Decision Support System For Facility Acquisition, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 7, (3), 1987, p36 - 48
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Simulation Of Uncertainty And Product Structure In MRP, Proceedings of the 1987 SCS Multiconference- Computer Integrated Manufacturing And Robotics, San Diego, January 1987, 1987, pp39-43
Louis Brennan, E. Fallon, M.E.J. O'Kelly and T. Gallwey, Effect of Production Feedback on a Self Paced Assembly Line, Proceedings of the Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Miami, June, 1987, pp243 - 252
Louis Brennan, Some Aspects Of Robot Diffusion In A Small Economy, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Industrial Robots/8th International Conference On Industrial Robot Technology, Brussels, Sept./Oct. 1986, 1986, pp1027-1036
Louis Brennan and B.J. Davies, The Application Of Simulation Modeling To The Evaluation Of Short-Time Working In A Job-Shop Environment, Proceedings of the 1986 SCS Summer Simulation Conference, Reno, July, 1986, pp711 - 717
An Investigation Of The Effects Of Ergonomic Principles On Flowline Productivity in, Contemporary Ergonomics, Taylor And Francis, 1986, pp73-77 , [M. Louis Brennan, E.F.Fallon and T.J.Gallwey]
M. Louis Brennan, P. Claffey, J. Dineen and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Manpower Requirements Of The Electronic Sub-assembly Test Process, International Journal Of Manpower, 7, (4), 1986, p2 - 6
Louis Brennan, E. Fallon, M.E.J. O'Kelly and T. Gallwey, Simulation Modeling As A Tool In Human Factors Engineering, Proceedings 1986 SCS Summer Simulation Conference, Reno, Jul-86, 1986, pp689 - 695
Louis Brennan, E. Fallon, M.E.J. O'Kelly and T. Gallwey, Simulation Modeling As A Tool In Ergonomics, Proceedings Irish Manufacturing Committee Conference, September, 1986, pp672 - 692
Digital Simulation Modeling Of Production Systems in, Modeling Of Production Management Systems, North Holland Pub. Co., 1985, pp175 - 194 , [M. Louis Brennan, A. Coll And J. Browne]
Brennan, L., Browne, J., Davies, B.J., SHOP-FLOOR CONTROL IN A COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENT., Proceedings of the International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, 1985, p107-111
M. Louis Brennan, J. Browne And B.J.Davies, Work Scheduling In A Batch Manufacturing System, Journal Of Engineering Management International, 3, (3), 1985, p153 - 164
Louis Brennan, J. Browne & B.J. Davies, Shop-Floor Control In A Computer Integrated Manufacturing Environment, Proceedings of the 25th International Machine Tool Design And Research Conference, Birmingham, April -1985, Macmillan Press, 1985, pp107 - 113
Louis Brennan, F. Finnan and M.E.J. O'Kelly, The Development Of Automated Manufacturing Technology In Irish Industry, Proceedings Irish Manufacturing Committee Conference, September, 1985, pp560 - 569
M. Louis Brennan and B. J. Davies, The Planning Of Manufacturing Change In A Period Of Contraction, Management And Engineering Manufacture, 199, (B2), 1985, p101-110
Brennan, L., Davies, B.J., The planning of manufacturing change in a period of contraction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 199, (2), 1985, p101-110
Louis Brennan, The Design Of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings 2nd International Conference On Human Factors In Manufacturing And 4th Fraunhofer Institut Fur Arbeitswirtschaft Und Organisation Conference, Stuggart, Jun-85, IFS Publishers Ltd., 1985, pp259 - 266
Brennan, L., Koskossidis, D.A., Browne, J., Davies, B.J., TOWARDS A GENERALIZED JOB-SHOP CONTROL DIGITAL SIMULATION MODEL., 1984, p155-162
Louis Brennan, The Influence Of New Technology On The Allocation Of Functions Decision, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference On Human Factors In Manufacturing, London, 1984, pp79 - 86
On-Going Development Of A Job-Shop Simulation Model in, Research In Production And Operations Management, Gower Publishing Co, 1984, pp365 - 391 , [M. Louis Brennan, J. Browne & B.J. Davies]
Louis Brennan, With D. Koskossidis, J. Browne and B.J. Davies, Towards A Generalized Job-shop Control Digital Simulation Model, Proceedings International Machine Tool Conference, Birmingham, U.K., IFS. Ltd. And North Holland Publishing C, 1984, pp155 - 162
Louis Brennan, J. Browne and B.J. Davies, The Development Of An Interactive Simulation Model For Management Decision Making, Proceedings U.K. Simulation Council Conference On Computer Simulation, Bath, U.K., Butterworths Publishers, 1984, pp313 - 325
Brennan, Louis, INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE ROBOT AGE., Proceedings of the British Robot Association Annual Conference, 1983, p25-31
Louis Brennan, Management Strategies In The Robot Age, Proceedings 6th Annual British Robot Association Conference, Birmingham, U.K., North Holland Publishing Co., 1983, pp25 - 31
Louis Brennan, J. Browne, B.J. Davies, A.R.Gault and M.E.J. O'Kelly, An Analysis Of The Overtime Decision, International Journal Of Operations And Production Management, 2, (3), 1982, p19-36
Louis Brennan, The Implications of Robot Technology For Irish Industry, Proceedings 12th International Conference on Industrial Robots/6th Inter. Conf. on Industrial Robot Technology, Paris, IFS Ltd, 1982, pp43 - 49
Louis Brennan, J. Browne And M.E.J. O'Kelly, Automated Manufacturing In Ireland, Social Change And Technology In Europe, 10, 1982, p88 - 100
Louis Brennan, J. Browne And M.E.J. O'Kelly, The Robots Are Coming, Technology Ireland, 13, (3), 1981, p23-26
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Industrial policy, B. Joyce, Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Gill and Macmillan, 2003, pp517 - 517, [Frances Ruane]
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan and D. Coghlan, Researchers Transcending Boundaries: Developing Researcher Networks through Action Learning, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, 2-Aug, 2002
Louis Brennan, P. Coughlan et al, Collaboration and Improvement in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise, Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, San Francisco, 2-Apr, 2002
Louis Brennan and G. MacKechnie, A Contingency Theory of Global Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Orlando, March/April 2001, 2001
Louis Brennan, Artificial Intelligence-Based Scheduling for Dual-Resource Constrained Assembly Systems, EUOR/INFORMS Barcelona Conference, Barcelona, Jul-97, 1997
Grimson, J. et al., Quality manual, EU Telematics Applications for Health programme, HC1046, 1996
Louis Brennan, Impact of Producer/Customer Integration on the Performance of Multi-Stage Production Systems, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting , Boston, April 1994, 1994
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Research and Development in the Area of Disassembly Scheduling, TIMS XXXII Conference, Alaska, Jun-94, 1994
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Production System Performance in an Interactive Customer Environment, Production and Operations Management Society Conference, Boston, October 1993, 1993
Louis Brennan, Information Technology and the Materials Management Process, 1992 EURO XII/TIMS XXXI Conference, Helsinki, June/July 1992, 1992
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, A Framework for Analyzing MRP Systems Under Demand Uncertainty, 1991 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, November 1991, 1991
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Strategic Research Requirements in Manufacturing Materials Management, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Philadelphia, Oct-90, 1990
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Requirements of a Graphical Interface for Materials Management Simulation, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, New York, October 1989, 1989
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Demonstrating Manufacturing Strategies Via Simulation Modeling, CORS/TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Vancouver, May 1989, 1989
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, MRP Performance Under Combined Demand and Supply Uncertainty, TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Washington D.C., April 1988, 1988
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Simulation in Manufacturing: Myths and Realities, EURO-TIMS XXVIII Meeting, Paris, July 1988, 1988
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Effect of Product Structure on Lot Sizing In MRP, 11th IFORS International Conference on Operations Research Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug-87, 1987
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Service Level Performance with Multiple Component Requirements in MRP, TIMS/ORSA Meeting, New Orleans, May 1987, 1987
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Analysis Of Some Factors Affecting MRP Performance, Supplement to the Proceedings Fall IIE Conference, Boston, Dec-86, 1986
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Use Of Simulation In Developing CAD/CAM Implementation Strategies, XXVII International Meeting Of The Institute Of Management Sciences, Gold Coast City, Australia, 1986
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Effect of Product Structure On The Performance Of MRP In Probabilistic Environment, ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Miami Beach, October 1986, 1986
Louis Brennan and S. M. Gupta, Sensitivity Analysis of MRP Under Prababilistic Lead Times And Demands, TIMS/ORSA Meeting, Los Angeles, April 1986, 1986
Louis Brennan and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Research On Overtime Work In Ireland, The International Labour Organisation, 1985
Louis Brennan, F. Finnan and M.E.J. Kelly, Automated Manufacturing In Ireland, Report Submitted To E.E.C. European Pool, 1985
Louis Brennan, A. Coll and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Office Automation In Ireland, Report Submitted to E.E.C. European Pool, 1984
Louis Brennan, M.P. Fitzgerald and M.E.J. O'Kelly, Case Studies of Overtime and Work-Sharing, Galway, Ireland, Department of Industrial Engineering, Un, 1982
Louis Brennan, A.R. Gault and M.E.J. O'Kelly, A Study Of Overtime Working In Ireland, Brussels, E.E.C. Commission, 1980
Louis Brennan, The Employment And Training Implications Of MicroElectronic Technology, Dublin, AnCo-The Irish Industrial Training Autho, 1980
Research Expertise
Proposer/Chair of COST Action IS0905, 26 nation research network on "Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe".
Member of IFPSM China/Global Standard Advisory Group.
Member of UNCTAD World Investment Network.
Member of the Council of Institute of International Trade of Ireland.
Member of the Board of Transparency International Ireland.
Member of the Council of Association for Chinese Studies in Ireland.
Member of the Executive Council of Asia Studies Ireland Association.
National Co-ordinator International Manufacturing Strategy Survey.
Member editorial board of International Journal of Technology Marketing.
Book reviewer for several publishers including Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill, Palgrave Macmillan, Prentice Hall and Routledge and reviewer for international journals.
Chair of the Global Steering Committee on the non-Science Impacts of Large Scale Science Infrastructures.
Chair of the Workshop on the non-Science Impacts of Large Scale Science Infrastructures - the case of the Global SKA project.
Member of the Council of the Irish Association of Contemporary European Studies
Member of the editorial board of the Irish Journal of Management
Member of the editorial board of World Economy and International Relations
Member of the editorial board of Social Sciences
Reviewer for numerous leading scholarly journals
Member of UK Manufacturing Professors Forum
Awards and Honours
MAjo University of Dublin
Trinity Business School Research Excellemce Award
Trinity College Award for Excellence in Supervision of Research Students
Academy of International Business
European Operations Management Association
Production and Operations Management Society
Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors - registered member
Academy of Management
Decision Sciences Institute
American Institute of Industrial Engineers - Senior Member to 2002.
American Production and Inventory Control Society to 2002
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences to 2002