Dr. Brendan O'Connell
Assistant Professor, English
Email oconneb2@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2597http://people.tcd.ie/Publications and Further Research Outputs
- O'Connell, Brendan, '"Struglyng Wel and Myghtily": Resisting Rape in the Man of Law's Tale', Medium Aevum, 84, (1), 2015, p16 - 39Journal Article, 2015
- Brendan O'Connell, Geoffrey Chaucer, Oxford Bibliographies in British and Irish Literature, 2016Journal Article, 2016, URL
- The Erkenwald Poet in, editor(s)Elizabeth McCarthy and Bernice M. Murphy , Lost Souls of Horror and the Gothic: Fifty-Four Neglected Authors, Actors, Artists and Others, Jefferson, NC, McFarland and Company, 2016, pp76 - 79, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2016
- Brendan O'Connell, Putting the Plowman in His Place: Order and Genre in the Early Modern Canterbury Tales, Chaucer Review, 53, (4), 2018, p428 - 448Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Chaucer's 'beast group' and 'Mother Hubberds Tale' in, editor(s)Rachel Stenner, Tamsin Badcoe and Gareth Griffith , Rereading Chaucer and Spenser: Dan Geffrey with the New Poete, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp189 - 211, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2019
- Brendan O'Connell, ""Le Bone Florence of Rome": A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale", Review of ""Le Bone Florence of Rome": A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale", by Jonathan Stavsky , Medieval Feminist Forum, 55, (2), 2020, p212-14Review, 2020, URL
- Brendan O'Connell, Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the "Canterbury Tales,, Review of Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the "Canterbury Tales,, by Frederick M. Biggs , Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 40, 2018, p447-50Review, 2018
- Brendan O'Connell, David Aers, Beyond Reformation?, Review of Beyond Reformation?: An Essay on William Langland's Piers Plowman and the End of Constantinian Christianity, by David Aers , Spenser Review, 46, (1.5), 2016Review, 2016
- Brendan O'Connell, Teaching Literary Responses to the Black Death During the COVID 19 Pandemic, All-Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 12, (2), 2020, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Brendan O'Connell, 'Think of All the Differences!': Mixed Marriages in Transcultural Adaptations of Chaucer's 'Man of Law's Tale', Adaptation, 15, (1), 2022, p7 - 21Journal Article, 2022, URL
- 'Beaten Down and Built Anew': Saint Erkenwald and Old St. Paul"s in, editor(s)Hannah M. Bailey, Karl Kinsella, and Daniel Thomas , Architectural Representation in Medieval Textual and Material Culture, Amsterdam, ARC Humanities Press, 2023, pp79 - 97, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Late Medieval and Early Modern English in, editor(s)Paul F. Bandia, James Hadley and Siobhán McElduff , Translation and the Classic, New York, Routledge, 2024, pp38 - 54, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2024, URL
- Brendan O'Connell and Alexandra Colby, Collaborative Teaching and Creative Assignments Using Contemporary Adaptation, New Chaucer Studies: Padagogy and Profession, 4, (2), 2023, p64 - 74Journal Article, 2023
- O'Connell, Brendan, '''Adam Scriveyn" and the Falsifiers in Dante's Inferno: A New interpretation of Chaucer's "Wordes'", The Chaucer Review, 40, (i), 2005, p39 - 56Journal Article, 2005
- The Poetics of Fraud: Jean de Meun, Dante and Chaucer in, editor(s)Gerald Morgan , Chaucer in Context: A Golden Age of English Poetry, Bern, Peter Lang, 2012, pp261 - 278, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2012
- Chaucer's Counterfeit Exempla in, editor(s)Cliodhna Carney and Frances McCormack , Chaucer's Poetry: Words, Authority and Ethics, Dublin, Four Courts, 2013, pp134 - 145, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2013
- Karen Hodder and Brendan O'Connell (eds), Transmission and Generation in Medieval and Renaissance Literature: Essays in Honour of John Scattergood, Dublin, Four Courts, 2012Book, 2012
- Culture and Dispute in Dialogus de Scaccario in, editor(s)Karen Hodder and Brendan O'Connell , Transmission and Generation in Medieval and Renaissance Literature: Essays in Honour of John Scattergood, Dublin, Four Courts, 2012, pp52 - 64, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter, 2012
- 'Ignotum per ignocius': alchemy, analogy and poetics in Fragment VIII of the Canterbury Tales in, editor(s)Kathy Cawsey and Jason Harris , Transmission and Transformation in the Middle Ages: Texts and Contexts, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, pp131 - 156, [Brendan O'Connell]Book Chapter
- Hoccleve Society
- Piers Plowman Society
- Early English Text Society
- New Chaucer Society