Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Sylvie Kleinman, Revolutionary Commemoration and the Mythologisation of History, Studies 1916 Birth Pangs of a Nation? Studies , 105, (417), 2016, p31 - 41Journal Article, 2016
- Sylvie Kleinman, 'Where Crown met Town The Presence of Lay Catholics, and the Uncrowned Monarch of Ireland in the Chamber, c. 1795-1845', in Myles Campbell & William Derham, eds., Making Majesty The Throne Room at Dublin Castle a Cultural History (Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2017), 160-199. in, editor(s)Myles Campbell & William Derham , Making Majesty The Throne Room at Dublin Castle a Cultural History , Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Irish Academic Press, 2017, pp160 - 199, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2017
- Sylvie Kleinman, 'Practice before policy : Translation and translators in French military strategy on Ireland 1792-1804', Parallèles, 29, (1), 2017, pDOI 10.17462/para.2017.01.02Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, 'From logistics to liberation: Theobald Wolfe Tone, Irish revolutionary and translator in exile (1796), Translation and Revolution La Questione Romantica, 9, (1-2), 2018, p49 - 63Journal Article, 2018
- Matty and the Daffs: The family life of Theobald Wolfe Tone in exile in, editor(s)Mary Hatfield, Jutta Kruse & Ríona Nic Congáil , Historical perspectives on parenthood and childhood in Ireland , Dublin, Arlen House, 2018, pp23 - 43, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2018
- 'In the Service of Two Masters: Irish translators as power mediators and nationalist agitators in Revolutionary France, 1792-1798' in, editor(s)Jean-Philippe Genêt , Traduction et Culture: France et îles Britanniques , Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2018, pp203 - 224, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2018
- Sylvie Kleinman, Review of Un Irlandais à Paris. John Patrick Leonard, au coeur des relations franco-irlandaises (1814-1889), by Janick Julienne , H-France, 19, (June Nr 99), 2019Review, 2019, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, Book Review, L. Colantonio, L'Homme nation Daniel O'Connell et le laboratoire politique irlandais, Review of L' Homme-nation Daniel O'Connell et le laboratoire politique Irlandais, 1775-1847, by Laurent Colantonio , Irish Historical Studies, 48, (173), 2024, p188-9Review, 2024, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, A Democrat from the start: Theobald Wolfe Tone, emblematic founder of Irish republicanism, anti-monarchism, and the baneful influence of England, RANAM Recherches anglaises & nord américaines, 58, 2024, p43 - 63Journal Article, 2024, URL
- La Paix au château? L'Occupation française de l'Irlande en 1798 : communication, traduction, perceptions de l'autre' in, editor(s)Jean-François Chanet, Annie Crépin & Christian Windler. , Le Temps des hommes doubles. Les arrangements face à l'occupation, de la Révolution à la Guerre de 1870 , Rennes (France), Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, pp213 - 230, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2013
- Amidst clamour and confusion': Civilian and Military Linguists at War in the Franco-Irish Campaigns Against Britain (1792-1804) in, editor(s)Hilary Footitt & Michael Kelly , Languages and the Military Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building , Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan Languages at War, 2012, pp25 - 46, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2012
- Libérer ou exploiter ? L'Irlande dans la stratégie diplomatique et militaire de la France, 1792-1804' in, editor(s)Frédéric Dessberg & Éric Schnakenbourg , Les Horizons de la politique extérieure française Périphéries et espaces seconds XVIe - XXe siècles , Berne, Peter Lang, 2011, pp283 - 296, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2011
- Un brave de plus: Theobald Wolfe Tone, alias Adjudant-general James Smith, French officer and Irish patriot adventurer, 1796-8' in, editor(s)Natalie Genêt-Rouffiac & David Murphy , Franco-Irish Military Connections 1590-1945, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2009, pp163 - 188, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter, 2009
- Sylvie Kleinman, Ambassador incognito and Accidental Tourist: Cultural Perspectives on Theobald Wolfe Tone's Mission to France, 1796-8', Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies , 2, (1), 2008, p101 - 122Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, Un brave de plus': la carrière militaire de Theobald Wolfe Tone, héros du nationalisme irlandais et officier francais, 1796-1798, Revue Historique des Armées France-Irlande, 253, 2008, p55 - 65Journal Article, 2008, URL
- 'Paris, 1796: Birthplace of the first Irish Republic? Tone's mission to France and Irish Sovereignty' in, editor(s)Pierre Joannon Kevin Whelan , Paris, Capital of Irish Culture France, Ireland and the Republic 1798-1916, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2017, pp77 - 90, [Sylvie Kleinman]Book Chapter
- Sylvie Kleinman, Iconic & Irish 1829-2019 Daniel O'Connell in Visual History: A Revisit for the 190th Anniversary of Catholic Emancipation, Dublin Festivel of History, National Library Ireland, 8 October , 2019, National Library of IrelandInvited Talk
- Sylvie Kleinman, The Motive power of a devoted spirit: Assessing the legacy of Madeleine ffrench-Mullen, hospital secretary, and much much more (1919-1944), St Luke's Symposium RCPI Heritage Day, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, 17 October, 2019, RCPI Heritage CentreInvited Talk, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, Georgian Dublin Behind the Façade , Dublin Swift Festival, EPIC Emigration Museum, 21 November , 2019, Epic and Swift FestivalInvited Talk
- Sylvie Kleinman, Framing The Irish Republic, 1796-2016: Revisiting Tone's exile in France for the Decade of Commemorations, West Cork History Festival, Liss Ard, co. Cork, 10 August, 2019, West Cork History FestivalInvited Talk
- Sylvie Kleinman, De Gaulle in Ireland When France's 'Long Fella' found his roots , 2019, - 8-9Miscellaneous
- Sylvie Kleinman, Review of Valentine Lawless Lord Cloncurry 1773-1853 From United Irishman to Liberal politician, by Karina Holton , History Ireland, 27, (1), 2019, p63Review
- Dr Sylvie Kleinman, The 1916 prison diary of Madeleine ffrench-Mullen (1880-1944): when silences speak volumes. , History Research Seminar, Maynooth University, 5 March, 2020, Professor Marian LyonsInvited Talk
- Sylvie Kleinman, Spinning the Legacy of the French Revolution, Platform., 2020, - 12-13Miscellaneous
- Dr. Sylvie Kleinman, Cataloguing Tone Manuscripts Whyte's Auction Catalogue July 2020, 2020, - 11-19Miscellaneous
- History Ireland and Tommy Graham, 'Henry Grattan 200 Years on A Misunderstood Legacy?', History Ireland Hedge School, Ireland, Wordwell, 2020, -Broadcast, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, Ireland and the '£20 millions swindle Irish names in the British Legacy of Slavery database, History Ireland, 29, (3), 2021, p26-29Journal Article, URL
- Christine Casey, David Dickson, Tommy Graham, James Kelly, Sylvie Kleinman, 'Conceived in Controversy - 230 Years of The Custom House', History Ireland Hedge School, Dublin, Ireland, History Ireland / Wordwell, 2021, -Broadcast
- History Ireland Hedge School, 'Ulysses in history History in Ulysses', Dublin, Wordwell Ltd, 2022, -Broadcast
- RTE Radio 1, 'Was Wolfe Tone murdered? Liveline The Joe Duffy Show', Tuesday 20 June 2023, Dublin (Donnybrook) D4 EIRE, 2023, -Broadcast, URL
- Sylvie Kleinman, `When I am writing...' Theobald Wolfe Tone's egodocuments, literary fame, and projecting Enlightenment mindfulness into Irish historical literature, Eighteenth Century Ireland Society Annual Conference, St. Patrick's College DCU Drumcondra, co. Dublin EIRE, 16-17 June 2023Conference Paper
- Yellow Asylum Films and X-Press Feeders, 'The United Irishmen', The United Irishmen Remembered, Disremembered, Imagined, Misremembered., Ireland, Yellow Asylum Films, 2023, -Bibliography, filmography, etc.
- Sylvie Kleinman, Theobald Wolfe Tone, founding father of Irish republicanism?, 2023, -Miscellaneous
- Sylvie Kleinman, `My opinion as to priests": The United Irishmen and religion in Theobald Wolfe Tone"s writings: anti-clericalism, or enlightened vision of secular democracy?, 2023, -Miscellaneous
- Sylvie Kleinman, My Opinion as to Priests: The United Irishmen and religion in Theobald Wolfe Tone"s writings: anti-clericalism, or enlightened vision of secular democracy?, 2023, -Miscellaneous
- Sylvie Kleinman, Who was Theobald Wolfe Tone, 2024, -Miscellaneous
- Sylvie Kleinman, Feelings and `literary fame?: Tone's self-writings and the reader experience, History Ireland, 2023, p44-50Journal Article
- Maddock Visiting Research Fellowship, Marsh's Library July 2021
- Irish Research Council Postoctoral Fellowship 2007