Dr. Bernard Meehan

Dr. Bernard Meehan

Visiting Research Fellow, History

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Bernard Meehan, Outsiders, insiders and property in Durham around 1100, Studies in Church History, 12, 1975, p45 - 58Journal Article, 1975
  • Bernard Meehan, The siege of Durham, the battle of Carham and the cession of Lothian, Scottish Historical Review, 55, 1976, p1 - 19Journal Article, 1976
  • Bernard Meehan, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Prophecies of Merlin: New Manuscript Evidence, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 28, 1978, p37 - 46Journal Article, 1978
  • Bernard Meehan, A note on the Dublin Apocalypse (Trinity College Dublin MS. 64, Scriptorium, 38, 1984, p82 - 83Journal Article, 1984
  • The manuscript collection of James Ussher in, editor(s)Peter Fox , Treasures of the Library, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 1986, pp97 - 110, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 1986
  • Durham twelfth-century manuscripts in Cistercian houses in, editor(s)D. Rollason, M. Harvey and M. Prestwich , Anglo-Norman Durham, Boydell Press, 1994, pp439 - 449, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 1994
  • Notes on the Preliminary Texts and Continuations to Symeon of Durham's Libellus de exordio in, editor(s)D. W. Rollason , Symeon of Durham. Historian of Durham and the North, Stamford, Lincs, Paul Watkins, 1999, pp127 - 137, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Lost and found: a stray of the thirteenth century from Trinity College Library in, V. Kinane and A. Walsh , Essays towards a history of TCD Library, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1999, pp116 - 119, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Symeon of Durham (fl. c.1090-c.1128), Benedictine monk and historian, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, [Bernard Meehan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2004, URL
  • Bernard Meehan, Manuscript accessions in Trinity College Library Dublin, 1982-2003, Part 1, Long Room, 48, 2003, p38 - 55Journal Article, 2003
  • Bernard Meehan, Conrad on Olmeijer: An Unpublished Letter of 1914, The Conradian, 29, (1 (Spring)), 2004, p139 - 143Journal Article, 2004
  • Bernard Meehan(ed.), Archives and Copyright: papers read at a conference of The Irish Region of the Society of Archivists, Belfast, 1982, The Irish Region of the Society of Archivists, 1983Proceedings of a Conference, 1983
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Kells, London, Thames & Hudson, 2012, 266ppBook, 2012
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Durrow. a medieval masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Colorado, Town House and Country House; Roberts Rinehart, 1996, 94ppBook, 1996
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Kells: an illustrated introduction to the manuscript in Trinity College Dublin, London, Thames & Hudson, 1994, 95ppBook, 1994
  • Denis Casey and Bernard Meehan, Brian Boru and the Book of Armagh, History Ireland, 22, (2 (April)), 2014, p28 - 29Journal Article, 2014
  • Bernard Meehan, '"New" Narrative Scenes in the Book of Kells', Making Histories. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Insular Art, York, 2011, edited by Jane Hawkes , Shaun Tyas, 2013, pp242 - 245Conference Paper, 2013
  • The text and decoration of the Book of Kells: fos 179v-180r in, editor(s)W.E Vaughan , The Old Library Trinity College Dublin 1712-2012, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2013, pp18 - 27, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Kells and the labour of writing, Confluence, 2010-2011, 2011, pII - IIIJournal Article, 2011
  • Bernard Meehan, Looking the Devil in the eye: the figure of Satan in the Book of Kells folio 202v, Making and Meaning in Insular Art. Proceedings of the Fifth International conference on Insular art, Dublin, 2005, edited by Rachel Moss , 2007, pp268 - 274Conference Paper, 2007
  • Bernard Meehan, The Faddan More Psalter , Archaeology Ireland. Special Supplement: The Faddan More Psalter. A Medieval Manuscript Discovered in County Tipperary, Ireland, 20 July 2006, 77 Special Suppl., (Autumn), 2006, p11 - 13Journal Article, 2006
  • Book satchels in medieval Scotland and Ireland' in, editor(s)Anne Crone and Ewan Campbell , A Crannog of the First Millennium AD, Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2005, pp85 - 92, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 2005
  • The Book of Kells and the Corbie Psalter (with a note on Harley 2788) in, editor(s)Toby Barnard, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, Katharine Simms , 'A Miracle of Learning': studies in manuscripts and Irish learning : essays in honour of William O'Sullivan, Ashgate, Scholar Press, 1998, pp29 - 39, [Bernard Meehan]Book Chapter, 1998
  • Bernard Meehan, 'A melody of curves across the page': art and calligraphy in the Book of Armagh, Irish Arts Review , 14, 1998, p91 - 101Journal Article, 1998
  • Bernard Meehan, The St Cuthbert Gospel. Studies on the Insular Gospel of John , 2015Book, 2015
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Mulling (Trinity College Dublin MS 60): Bindings and "Blurrings"', Proceedings of the Seventh International Insular Art Conference, Seventh International Insular Art Conference, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Kells: narrative and comment, Loyola Institute, TCD, 1st April, 2015Invited Talk, 2015
  • Bernard Meehan, he St Cuthbert Gospel, John, and the Irish 'pocket' Gospels', Seventh International Insular Art Conference, NUI Galway, July 2014;Conference Paper
  • Susan Bioletti, Rory Leahy, John Fields, Bernard Meehan and Werner Blau , The examination of the Book of Kells using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 40, (8), 2009, p1043 - 1049Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • L.Burgio, S.Bioletti, B.Meehan, Non-destructive in-situ analysis of three early medieval manuscripts from Trinity College Library, Dublin. Codex Usseranius Primus, Book of Durrow and the Book of Armagh, Making Histories. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Insular Art, York, 2011, edited by Jane Hawkes , Shaun Tyas, 2013, pp42 - 49Conference Paper, 2013
  • Bernard Meehan, The Book of Kells, Artonview, 21, 2000, p4 - 8Journal Article


  • CERL, European Manuscript Librarians Group
  • Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections
  • National reporter for Ireland: CERL, European Manuscript Librarians Group
  • Chairman of AMARC (Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections)