Professor Brian Mc Ging
Fellow Emeritus, Classics
Email bmcging@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/bmcgingPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Iranian kings in Greek dress? Cultural identity in the Mithradatid kingdom of Pontus in, editor(s)T. Bekker-Nielsen , Space, Place and Identity in Northern Anatolia, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2014, pp21 - 37, [Brian C. McGing]Book Chapter, 2014
- Hermathena, 191 Winter 2011, (2015), 1 - 138p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2015
- Hermathena, 190 (Summer 2011), (2015), 1 - 150p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2015
- Hermathena, 189 (Winter 2010), (2014), 1 - 145p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2014
- Hermathena, 188 (Summer 2010), (2014), 1 - 111p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2014
- Hermathena, 187 (Winter 2009), (2013), 1 - 148p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2013
- Hermathena, 186 (Summer 2009), (2013), 1 - 127p, B. C. McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2013
- Revolting Subjects: empires and insurrection, ancient and modern in, editor(s)J. J. Collins, J. G. Manning , Revolt and Resistance in the Ancient Classical World and Near East, Leiden, Brill, 2016, pp139 - 153, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2016
- Guerilla warfare and revolt in 2nd century BC Egypt in, editor(s)B. Hughes, F. Robson , Unconventional warfare from Antiquity to the present day, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2017, pp219 - 230, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2017
- Brian McGing, Review of The Land of the Elephant Kings, by Kosmin, P. , Acta Classica, 59, 2016, p222-226Review, 2016
- Appian, the Third Punic War and Polybius in, editor(s)N. Miltsios, M. Tamiolaki , Polybius and his legacy, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018, pp341 - 356, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2018
- Egypt's specificity and impact on Hellenistic history in, editor(s)Katelijn Vandorpe , A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt, Wiley Blackwell, Wiley, 2019, pp565 - 572, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2019
- Appian Roman History volume 1, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp. xxliii + 407Critical Edition (Book), 2019
- Appian Roman History volume 2, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp.353Critical Edition (Book), 2019
- Appian Roman History volume 3, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp.393Critical Edition (Book), 2019
- Appian Roman History volume 4, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 539Critical Edition (Book), 2020
- Appian Roman History volume 5, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 429Critical Edition (Book), 2020
- Appian Roman History volume 6, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 341Critical Edition (Book), 2020
- B.C. McGing, A papyrus listing stolen (?) objects in the Library of Trinity College Dublin, Hermathena, 143, 1987, p73 - 81Journal Article, 1987
- B.C. McGing, Bandits, real and imagined, in Greco-Roman Egypt, Bulletin of the American Sociey of Papyrologists, 35, 1998, p159 - 183Journal Article, 1998
- B.C. McGing, Pontius Pilate and the Sources, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 53, 1991, p416 - 438Journal Article, 1991
- B.C. McGing, Synkrisis in Tacitus' 'Agricola', Hermathena, 1982, p15 - 25Journal Article, 1982
- B.C. McGing, The date of the outbreak of the 3rd Mithridatic War, Phoenix: the Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, 38, 1984, p12 - 18Journal Article, 1984
- Parke, H.W.; edited by McGing, B.C., Sibyls and sibylline prophecy in classical antiquity, London, Routledge, 1988, 236ppBook, 1988
- B.C. McGing, The foreign policy of Mithridates VI Eupator King of Pontus, Leiden, Brill, 1986, viii, 204ppBook, 1986
- B.C. McGing (editor), Greek papyri from Dublin (P.Dub.), Bonn, R. Habelt, 1995, xxviii, 203ppBook, 1995
- B.C. McGing, On the Fringes: Culture, history and the kingdom of Pontus, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii , 3, 1998, p97 - 112Journal Article, 1998
- B.C. McGing, Revolt Egyptian Style: Internal opposition to Ptolemaic rule, Archiv für Papyrus forschung und Verwandte Gebiete , 43, 1997, p273 - 314Journal Article, 1997
- List of Payments made through the Receiver Johannes in, editor(s)H. Melaerts , Papyri in Honorem Johannis Bingen Octogenarii , Leuven , Peeters, 2000, pp557 - 560, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2000
- Letter to the King (?) in, editor(s)T. Gagos, R.S.Bagnall , Essays and texts in honor of J. David Thomas , Oakville (CT.), American Society of Papyrologists , 2001, pp71 - 76, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2001
- News and Information in the Papyri from Greco-Roman Egypt in, editor(s)H. Morgan , Information, media and power through the ages, Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2001, pp29 - 45, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2001
- Population and Proselytism. How many Jews were there in the ancient world? in, editor(s)John R. Barlett , Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities, London, Routledge, 2002, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2002
- B.C. McGing, Appian, Manius Aquillius and Phrygia', Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies , 21, 1980, p35 - 42Journal Article, 1980
- Papyri in, editor(s)P. Fox , Treasures of the Library, Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy for TCD Library, 1986, pp29 - 37, [McGing, B.C. with Parke, H. W.]Book Chapter, 1986
- B.C. McGing, The governorship of Pontius Pilate : messiahs and sources , Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association , 10, 1986, p55 - 71Journal Article, 1986
- McGing, B.C., Lease of a linen-weaving workshop in Panopolis', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 82, 1990, p115 - 121Journal Article, 1990
- McGing, B.C., Melitian monks at Labla, Tyche, 5, 1990, p67 - 94Journal Article, 1990
- B.C. McGing, An unusual monastic agreement from Byzantine Egypt, Manuscripts of the Middle East, 5 , 1991, p20 - 25Journal Article, 1991
- B.C. McGing with T.C. Skeat, Notes on Chester Beatty Biblical Papyrus I, Hermathena, 150, 1991, p21 - 25Journal Article, 1991
- B.C. McGing, Appian's Mithridateios, Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II, 34.1, 1993, p496 - 522Journal Article, 1993
- B.C. McGing, Hellenism, Judaism and the Hasmonaeans, Simblos , 1, 1995, p57 - 74Journal Article, 1995
- B.C. McGing, The Ephesian Customs Law and the Third Mithradatic War, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 109, 1995, p283 - 288Journal Article, 1995
- B.C. McGing, Review of L'histoire des guerres mithridatiques vue par les monnaies , by F. de Callatay , Numismatic Chronicle , 160, 2000, p375-82Review, 2000
- B.C. McGing, Illegal salt in the Lycopolite nome, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete , 48, 2001, p42 - 66Journal Article, 2001
- Subjection and resistance: to the death of Mithradates in, editor(s)A. Erskine , A companion to the Hellenistic world, Oxford, 2003, pp71 - 89, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2003
- B.C. McGing, A royal oath from the Lycopolite nome, Papyrologica Florentina , 34, 2004, p149 - 152Journal Article, 2004
- B.C. McGing, Ptolemaic Thebarchs, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete , 50, 2004, p119 - 137Journal Article, 2004
- Syntaxis payment for the temple at Antaiou in, editor(s)B. Kramer, J. Cowey , Paramone. Editionen und Aufsätze von Mitgliedern des Heidelberger Instituts für Papyrologie, 2004, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Greece, Rome and the Revolutionaries of 1916 in, editor(s)Isabelle Torrance, Donncha O'Rourke , Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp43 - 59, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2020
- Brian McGing, The Beginning and End of Appian's Mithridateios, Classical Quarterly, 71, (2), 2021, p791 - 798Journal Article, 2021
- Papyrology in its second century, and the Chester Beatty in, editor(s)Garrick Allen et al , The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2023, pp7 - 17, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2023
- Papyri in, editor(s)P. Fox , Treasures of the Library, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 1986, pp29 - 37, [McGing, B. C., Parke H. W.]Book Chapter, 1986
- Mithradates, Pharnaces, Ariarathes, Ariaramnes, Oxford Classical Dictionary, ed 3, Oxford, 1996, [McGing, B.C.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1996
- Parke, Stanford, Smyly, Tyrrell, Purser, R. Todd, Biographical Dictionary of British Classicists 1500-1960, 2004, [McGing, B.C.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2004
- Pontus, Mithradates, Ehsan Yarshater, Encyclopaedia Iranica, 2005, [McGing, B.C.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2005, URL
- B.C. McGing, Review of Cato the Censor (1978), by A.E. Astin , Hermathena, 129, 1980, p80-82Review, 1980
- B.C. McGing, Review of Political and Social Life in the Great Age of Athens (1978), by J. Ferguson, K. Chisholm , Hermathena, 129, 1980, p82-83Review, 1980
- B.C. McGing, Review of A Historical Commentary on Polybius vol 3 (1979), by F.W. Walbank , Hermathena, 132, 1982, p58-60Review, 1982
- B.C. McGing, Review of The Attalid Kingdom (1983), by R.E. Allen , Hermathena, 140, 1986, p87-8Review, 1986
- B.C. McGing, Review of Life in Egypt under Roman Rule (1983) and Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt (1988), by N. Lewis , Hermathena, 144, 1988, p114-20Review, 1988
- B.C. McGing, Review of Near Eastern Royalty and Rome 100-30 BC (1990), by R.D. Sullivan , Phoenix, 47, 1993, p170-4Review, 1993
- B.C. McGing, Review of Alexander the Great: An Exercise in the Study of History (1992), by K.B. Leyton-Brown, R. L. Cleveland , Classical Review, 43, 1993, p450-1Review, 1993
- B.C. McGing, Review of Stylometric Authorship Studies in Flavius Josephus and Related Literature (1992), by D.S. Williams , Journal of Hellenic Studies, 114, 1994, p213-14Review, 1994
- B.C. McGing, Review of Studien zu Sertorius, 123-83 v. Chr. (1992), by K.G. Rijkhoek , Classical Review, 45, 1995, p473-4Review, 1995
- B.C. McGing, Review of Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World (1993), by L.H. Feldman , Journal of Hellenic Studies, 116, 1996, p224-5Review, 1996
- B.C. McGing, Review of Judicial Reform and Land Reform in the Roman Republic (1992), by A. Lintott , Classical Review, 46, 1996, p377-8Review, 1996
- B.C. McGing, Review of The Byzantine Papyri of the Greek Papyrological Society (1993), by B.G. Mandilaras, P. Sta. Xyla , Classical Review, 46, 1996, p393-4Review, 1996
- B.C. McGing, Review of Josephus Contra Apionem. Studies in its character and context (Leiden 1996), by L.H. Feldman, J.R. Levison , Journal of Hellenic Studies, 120, 2000, p161-2Review, 2000
- Papyri in, editor(s)E. Bispham, T. Harrison, B. Sparkes , The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2006, pp238 - 250, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2006
- B.C. McGing, Judith Mossman, The Limits of Ancient Biography, The Classical Press of Wales, 2006, xix + 447ppBook, 2006
- Philo's adaptation of the Bible in his Life of Moses in, editor(s)Brian McGing, Judith Mossman , The Limits of Ancient Biography, The Classical Press of Wales, 2006, pp117 - 140, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2006
- Introduction in, editor(s)Brian McGing, Judith Mossman , The Limits of Ancient Biography, The Classical Press of Wales, 2006, ppix - xx, [Brian McGing, Judith Mossman]Book Chapter, 2006
- B.C. McGing, Review of Les Revoltes Egyptiennes. Recherches sur les troubles interieurs en Egypte du regne de Ptolemee III a la conquete romaine., by A.-E. Véisse , Archive fur Papyrusforscgung und verwandte Gebiete, 52, 2006, p58-63Review, 2006
- Introduction in, editor(s)Tom Griffith , Jewish Antiquities. Flavius Josephus, Wordsworth Classics of World Literature, 2006, ppvii - xviii, [McGing, B.C.]Book Chapter, 2006
- B.C. McGing, Review of Imperialism and Jeweish Society, 200 B.C.E. to 640 CE. , by S. Schwartz , Journal of Roman Studies, 95, 2005, p271-273Review, 2005
- B.C. McGing, Review of Les Papyrus de Genève, Premier volume 2e édition , by P. Schubert, I. Jornot (eds) , Classical Review, 55, 2005, p327-329Review, 2005
- B.C. McGing, Review of Appien. Histoire romaine Tome VII, Livre XII. La Guerre de Mithridate, by P. Goukowsky , Classical Review, 53, 2003, p319-321Review, 2003
- B.C. McGing, Review of Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt: a sourcebook, by J. Rowlandson , Classical Review, 50, 2000, p542-543Review, 2000
- B.C. McGing, Review of Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt. The structure of land tenure, by Manning, J. G. , Classical Review, 57, 2007, p160-163Review, 2007
- B.C. McGing, Review of The Cambridge History of Judaism. Vol 2, The Hellenistic Age (1989) and Jews and Hellenistic Cities in , by Davies, W. D., Finkelstein, L; Kasher, A. , Journal of Hellenic Studies, 112, 1992, p206-8Review, 1992
- Register of sequestrated property in, editor(s)A.J.B.Sirks, K.A. Worp , Papyri in memory of P.J.Sijpesteijn (P.Sijp), American Society of Papyrologists, 2007, pp216 - 218, [B. C. McGing]Book Chapter, 2007
- How to become Higher Commander of the Order of the Phoenix: the academic career of W. B. Stanford in, editor(s)J. V. Luce C. Morris C. Heywood , The Lure of Greece, Dublin, Hinds, 2007, pp101 - 110, [B. C. McGing]Book Chapter, 2007
- Mithridates VI Eupator: victim or aggressor? in, editor(s)J. M. Hojte , Mithridates VI and the POntic Kingdom, Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, 2009, pp203 - 216, [Brian C. McGing]Book Chapter, 2009
- Brian McGing, Review of Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome, by J. S. Edmondson, S. Mason, J. Rives , Journal of Roman Studies, 98, 2008, p193-195Review, 2008
- Brian McGing, Polybius' Histories, Oxford Approaches to Classical, New York, Oxford University Press, 2010, . xvi + 270ppBook, 2010
- Hermathena, 184 (Summer 2008), (2009), . 130p, Brian McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2009
- Hermathena, 183 (Winter 2007), (2008), . 181p, Brian McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2008
- Hermathena, 182 (Summer 2007), (2008), . 193p, Brian McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2008
- Hermathena, 181 (Winter 2006), (2007), . 257p, Brian McGing, Mark Humphries, [eds.]Journal, 2007
- Hermathena, 180 (Summer 2006), (2007), .150p, Brian McGing, [ed.]Journal, 2007
- Hermathena, 179 (Winter 2005), (2006), . 226p, Brian McGing, Mark Humphries, [eds.]Journal, 2006
- Introduction and notes in, editor(s)Translated by Robin Waterfield , Polybius The Histories, Oxford, OUP, 2010, ppvii-xliii; 447-477 , [Brian MGing]Book Chapter, 2010
- Polybius and Herodotus in, editor(s)Christopher Smith and Liv Yarrow , Imperialism, cultural politics and Polybius, Oxford, OUP, 2012, pp33 - 49, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2012
- Hermathena, 185 (2008), (2012), 7 - 175p, Brian McGing, [eds.]Journal, 2012
- Revolt in Ptolemaic Egypt: nationalism revisited in, editor(s)P. Schubert , Actes du 26e Congres international de papyrologie, Geneva, Droz, 2012, pp505 - 516, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2012
- Brian McGing, Review of The Poison King. The life and legend of Mithradates, Rome's deadliest enemy, by Mayor, A. , Classical Review, 61, 2011, p542-544Review, 2011
- Order to pay in, editor(s)D, Minutoli , Ineditie offerti a Rosario Pintaudi per il suo 65 compleanno, Firenze, Gonnelli, 2012, pp193 - 197, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2012
- Youthfulness in Polybius: the case of Philip V of Macedon in, editor(s)Bruce Gibson, Thomas Harrison , Polybius and his world, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp181 - 199, [Brian McGing]Book Chapter, 2013
Research Expertise
My main research interests are : the history of Asia Minor in the Hellenistic period; Greek historiography; papyrology and the history of Greco-Roman Egypt; Jews and Judaism in Hellenistic and early Roman times; Apart from articles on various matters of papyrology and ancient history, I have the following major research projects: 1. Publication of a book on Polybius for Oxford University Press. 2. Publication of 1st century AD papyri in Chester Beatty Library. 3. Retranslation of Loeb edition of Appian.
TitleMediterranean and Near Eastern StudiesSummaryResearch Project Leadership: Mediterranean and near Eastern Studies Since 1998 I have been Principal Investigator for Trinity College's Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies project (MNES), a joint initiative by the Departments of Classics and of Religions and Theology. We have been successful in attracting financial support from the Higher Education Authority under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions. In the first round of funding we received £276,000 for three years, and in PRTLI 3, Euro 1.27 million for another five years. The primary subject is the study of cultural encounter in the ancient world between east and west, and particularly in the region of the eastern Mediterranean and Levant. Our biggest expenditure has been on the support of five postgraduate students and three postdoctoral fellows; and on the Centre for the Study of the Platonic Tradition, an integral part of MNES. We have also held over 100 seminars with resident scholars and visitors from all over the world. Eight international workshops have been, or are in the process of being, prepared for publication, and we have supported the further publication of articles and books. We ran a popular series of evening lectures for the general public in 2002 and 2003, the latter, 'Egypt from the Pharaohs to Muhammed', attracting a regular audience of between 200 and 600 people. Another public course on Egypt was held in 2007.Funding AgencyPRTLI
- Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 1989
- Junior Fellow, Trinity College, Toronto 1976-1978
- Foreign Member, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium 2008
- Junior Fellow, Massey College, Toronto 1975-1978
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Heidelberg 1991-1993
- Connaught Fellowship, Toronto 1975-1976
- Open Fellowship, Toronto 1976-1978
- Elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy 2004
- External examiner in Latin, University of Manchester 1990-1994
- Royal Irish Academy, member Greek and Roman Committee 2006-
- External examiner in Ancient History, University of Warwick 1997-2000
- Editor, Hermathena 1986-
- Royal Irish Academy, member National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1984-1991
- Editorial circle, Archiv fur Papyrologie und verwandte Gebiete 2009
- Royal Irish Academy, Secretary National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1988-1991
- Royal Irish Academy, member National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1996-1999