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Micro-credential Proposal - Resources

Resources to support the development of your proposal

Academic Affairs would like to thank Academic Practice, Trinity Careers Service and the Programme Director: Micro-credentials for their input into the following resources.


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Developing your Micro-credential Descriptor: Pedagogic Considerations

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HCI Pillar 3 Pilot Project - Developing your Micro-credential Proposal: This video brings the proposal writer through the micro-credential proposal document and focuses on the three key sections. Text of the video is available here.

Key Section: Industry/Professional Need

    It is important to articulate the need for your micro-credential within the relevant industry or public sector area. Partnerships with employers are encouraged. It can be helpful to engage with industry to create a suitable micro-credential.

  1. Clearly identify industry sectors/professional areas that this micro-credential targets.

  2. What 3-4 skills (specialist/practical/soft) will target learners' development?

  3. What evidence is there that this micro-credential addresses a current/future skill need in these sectors/areas? - Sectoral/Government skills strategies/reports/surveys; Professional registration requirements; Collaboration with specific company/organisation; Projected workforce requirements/growth; Upskilling/reskilling to meet new/evolving work practices

  4. How will the delivery of this micro-credential facilitate industry/professional staff participation? Consider varied delivery types to suit all needs.

Key Section: Learning Outcomes

    Ensure learning outcomes are at an appropriate level (e.g. Level 9 should focus more on analysis and application than knowledge acquisition) and satisfy the industry need.

  1. What is the overall aim of your micro-credential?

  2. Who are your potential learners and what are their specific learning needs?

  3. Micro-credentials are awarded at Level 9 on the NFQ framework. What knowledge and skills do you expect your learners to achieve?

  4. Write your learning outcomes in the future tense using explicit and clearly expressed language.

  5. Use accessible verbs such as those linked to Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives when writing learning outcomes (see suggestions from Fresno State University).

Key Section: Assessment and Teaching Strategies

    Make sure that assessment reflects the learning outcomes and that it is suitable for the clientele – perhaps a work-based project would be preferable to an essay.

  1. Keep your learning outcomes in mind when designing your teaching and learning strategy and assessments (see backward-design methodologies within Pedagogic Considerations).

  2. Use assessments that are known to be effective in measuring the types of learning outcomes used (see Linking Assessment Methods with Learning Outcomes using Bloom's Taxonomy).

  3. Be sure to assess each learning outcome, but do not over-assess - map learning outcomes to assessments.

  4. Consider your students and their needs (which may relate to their workplace) and consider how they can use the assessments going forward (e.g. workplace project).

  5. Select teaching and learning methods that effectively suppport learners in achieving learning outcomes.

  6. Use teaching strategies known to support achievement of learning outcomes (see p.4 Pedagogic Considerations).

Previously Approved Micro-credentials

Micro-credential proposals that have successfully gone through the approval process can be viewed here