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Academic Misconduct Procedures

In June 2023 the University Council approved new regulations for academic integrity, including new Procedures in Cases of Suspected Academic Misconduct. The below resources have been developed with funding from the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement to support academic staff in understanding the new process.

This page provides guidance and resources to support academic and professional colleagues with Trinity's policies and procedures relating to academic integrity.

Flowchart of academic misconduct procedure

The flowchart below shows the procedure that Schools must follow in cases of suspected misconduct, as outlined in the Procedures in Cases of Suspected Academic Misconduct.

Click on the image for fullscreen.


DGS Dean of Graduate Studies
DTL Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergradute or Postgraduate)
MC Module Coordinator
SL Senior Lecturer

Note: If at any stage in the process the School does not feel the case can be dealt with through the above process, they may contact the Junior Dean.

  • Academic Integrity Form
  • Academic Misconduct: What happens next?

    Click through the different levels to understand the procedure depending on the indicative score.