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Frequently Asked Questions

Roles and responsibilities

What is the role of the module coordinator?

  • The module coordinator manages instances of academic misconduct for their respective module, which includes, completing the Academic Integrity Form, informing the DUTL/DTLP of the case, progressing the case through the different stages as required, and recording the outcome on SITS. The module coordinator may also attend the Academic Integrity Meeting.

Who can the DUTL/DTLP appoint as a designate?

  • An academic member of staff in the School who is not associated with the module/programme concerned can act as designate for the DUTL/DLTP.

When can the Tutor be involved in the process for undergraduate students?

  • Undergraduate students can consult their tutor for advice and guidance as soon as they have been advised by the module coordinator that they are suspected of academic misconduct. Postgraduate students can contact the Postgraduate Advisory Service.

Academic Integrity Form

Can markers complete the Academic Integrity Form?

  • The marker can complete the Academic Integrtiy Form to receive an indicative score, however they must discuss this with the module coordinator before formally submitting to the DUTL/DTLP.

What if the score arrived at through completion of the Form does not seem to match the severity of the breach of academic integrity?

  • Following the Academic Integrity Meeting the DUTL/DTLP should recommend to the Senior Lecturer/Dean of Graduate Studies for their approval a more serious consequence with an explanation of why this is appropriate.  

How can I determine whether there have been previous academic integrity decisions in relation to a student?

  • Please consult with colleagues in your School (including e.g. DUTL/DTLPG, Heads of Year and/or Programme/Course or Module Coordinators) and, where relevant, other Schools in which the student is or has been taking modules. Further information will follow regarding functionality in SITS to allow for visibility of any previous academic integrity decisions.

Academic Integrity Meeting

Can one of the two academic members of staff include the module coordinator?

  • No, the module coordinator has the role of presenting evidence of academic misconduct to the Academic Integrity Meeting if required.

Mandatory Academic Integrity Training

Who is the provider of the Mandatory Academic Integrity Training?

  • In the first instance, students who have breached academic integrity must retake the Academic Integrity Training module provided by the Library (Ready, Steady, Write tutorial) and submit a reflection on their learning to the module coordinator or Director of Teaching and Learning for review. The student may also be encouraged by the DUTL/DTLP to engage with Student Learning Development (SLD) on the development of their academic skills as appropriate.

Structured PhD programmes

How is the Academic Integrity Form completed for students enrolled on a PhD programme where a breach of academic integrity is suspected?

  • Where the breach of integrity is suspected to have occurred on a taught component undertaken by a PhD student, the module coordinator will follow the procedure as per a postgraduate taught student in year 2 of a programme. Where the breach of integrity arises within the body of the thesis this should be discussed in the first instance with the DTLP and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Structured PhD Credit-Bearing Modules and non-School Modules

How are suspected cases of academic misconduct on Credit-Bearing Modules managed?

  • If a student taking a Credit-Bearing Module is suspected of academic misconduct the module coordinator contacts the DTLP in the School that is delivering the programme in which the student is enrolled.

What happens when a unit other than a School is delivering a Credit-Bearing Module and there is a suspected case of academic misconduct?

  • If a student is taking a Category 4 (i.e., ‘Dean’s basket) Credit-Bearing Module, the person of the division/service with responsibility for the teaching of the module is deemed to be the module coordinator and will follow the procedure accordingly. The DTLP of the School delivering the programme on which the student is enrolled is contacted. A representative from the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) or designate (Head of division/service) is one of the academic colleagues who attends the Academic Integrity Meeting.