ESD Fellows
The Fellows, with well-established academic careers in their respective disciplines and with particular expertise and interest in ESD, work in partnership with the Centre for Academic Practice and Trinity Sustainability to lead the development of an ESD Strategy and Implementation Plan for Trinity.
Dr. Sarah-Jane Cullinane
ESD Fellow Lead
Dr Sarah-Jane Cullinane joined the ESD fellows from the Trinity Business School where her work has evolved through areas spanning from HRM, Organisational Behaviour and Wellbeing, to the Climate and Ecological Crises, developing transdiciplinary modules with colleagues along the way. As an experienced mindfulness teacher and facilitator, Sarah-Jane is particularly interested in creating supportive spaces for students and colleagues to explore their relationship with the natural world, to grieve for its unfolding destruction, and to cultivate their collective resilience and agency for deep transformation. -
Dr. Cicely Roche
ESD Fellow
Dr. Cicely Roche is Associate Professor in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and is a Trinity Education Fellow/Academic Developer with the Centre for Academic Practice. Her key expertise is the design of curriculum to drive development of moral reasoning competencies, i.e. abilities underpinning decision-making through ambiguity in an ethically defensible manner. Her research also explores professinal identity formation, ePortfoliio for experiential learning, and developmental approaches to curriculum design in pharmacy-specific interprofessional and/or cross-institutional contexts. Her role with Academic Practice addresses staff development in Reflection and Programme focussed approaches to assessment. -
Dr. John Gallagher
ESD Fellow
Dr. John Gallagher (@EnvDrJohnG) is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Systems Modelling from the Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering. John’s research expertise lies in the evaluation and development of passive engineering and nature-based solutions to improve environmental quality conditions in the built environment. His teaching focuses on pollution mitigation, and the life cycle and circularity design of engineering systems for undergraduate and postgraduate students. -
Dr. Carlos Rocha
ESD Fellow
Dr. Carlos Rocha (@OneBreathDoc) is an Associate Professor in Environmental Change at the School of Natural Sciences. After graduating in Technological Chemistry in 1991, he earned a PhD in Marine Sciences (Chemistry and Bioegochemistry) in 1997. Carlos studies how chemicals transported by water flow through the living earth and how they behave in transit in order to understand the plasticity of aquatic ecosystems to environmental and climate change. The outcomes of this research reveal the magnitudes, rates, and pathways to pollution of surface water, the pace of natural mitigation of contaminants in sedimentary environments and support better management of natural ecosystems. Currently, he teaches aspects of earth system science at undergraduate and postgraduate level and leads the Bioegochemistry Research Group at Trinity College.