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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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NIID Research projects

Including students with an intellectual disability on 3rd level undergraduate programmes.

This research builds upon a pilot study conducted at Trinity College in 2005 - 2006. The success of this small scale project is being replicated with a larger group of students with an intellectual disability who are currently enrolled in the Certificate of Contemporary Living (CCL students).

CCL students were matched with a volunteer mentor who supported them to attend three mainstream courses on the Trinity campus. Lecturers volunteered to be part of this research project and undertake to support the CCL student to attend class.

The outcomes of this process were captured through the facilitation of focus groups, interviews, administration of questionnaires and observation schedules and the collation of field notes.

This research will build on the body of literature to better support students with intellectual disability to attend third level educational programmes along with the wider student body. It will increase the capacity of Trinity College to respond to the ongoing personal and professional development of a group of students whose development is overlooked.

For more information, contact John Kubiak by email at