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All we want to say

All We Want to Say

'All we Want to Say'- A national survey of people with intellectual disabilities.

The All We Want to Say project is the first national research study conducted in Ireland with people with intellectual disabilities. In the All We Want to Say Project, researchers with intellectual disabilities work in collaboration with researchers at the NIID. This project started in 2008 funded through the Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Actions. This project aims to answer the questions: how life is like in Ireland for people with intellectual disabilities and how life could be better. Previously, as part of this project, researchers with intellectual disabilities and NIID researchers selected the research questions, collected the data using focus groups and analyzed the data.

What did we find out?

We found that people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland wanted to have control, choice and support in a variety of areas such as: employment, relationships, housing, money management, citizenship, and self-advocacy.

Dissemination of findings

June-July 2010 - Dissemination of the All We Want to Say Research Findings

The research findings of the All We Want to Say project were presented from the 24th of June to the 2nd of July of 2010 by co-researchers with intellectual disabilities and their supporters in:

DARA Residential, Kildare, June 24th

DARA presentation

Presentation by Derek Murphy, Paul O'Neill and Michael Ward (co-researchers), and Mary McNamee (supporter), DARA Residential, Kildare, June 24th 2010.

Galway Radisson Hotel, June 29th

Galway preentation

Presentation by Martin Doher, Padraic McDonagh, Ann Mahon, Marie Wolfe

(co-researchers) and Geraldine Bane and Josephine Flaherty (supporters), Radisson

Hotel, Galway, June 29th 2010.

West County Hotel, Clare, July 1st

Clare presentation

Presentation by Ger Minogue and Kathleen Ryan (co-researchers) and Rob Hopkins

(supporter), West County Hotel, Ennis, July 1st 2010

Walkinstown Association, Dublin, July 2nd

Walkinstown presentation

Presentation by Darren Broderick, Paul Duff, Margaret Keogh, and Jacinta Moran

(co-researchers) and Susan Wade (supporter), Walkinstown Association, Dublin, July 2nd 2010.

The four groups of co-researchers and supporters participating in the All We Want to Say project organized the dissemination of the findings and showed the All We Want to Say DVD. Additionally, two groups used drama and two used power point presentations to emphasize their message. Family members, politicians, CEOs, managers and staff of disability services and organisations, researchers and other people with intellectual disabilities attended the presentations. In total, almost 200 people attended the presentations.

After the presentations, the co-researchers invited people in the audience to join committees and asked them to discuss how change could be achieved regarding the different findings presented. Thus, a total of 15 committees were formed, four committees discussed 'being a money manager', three discussed respectively 'being a house owner, flat mate' and 'being a paid employee', two discussed respectively 'being a partner in relationships' and 'being a respected citizen' and one committee discussed 'being a self-advocate'. Each of these committees set at least one goal to advance towards change in these issues. Many goals involved getting information about the issues, forming new groups, and more education. The committees' actions will be followed up until September of 2010.

The NIID staff, co-researchers, and supporters thank the audience participants for their active engagement in discussing and working on issues that are critical for people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland to live better lives.

December 2009 - Launch of 'All we Want To Say' DVD and report

On Monday, 14th December 2009, the co-researchers and supporters who worked on the 'All We Want to Say' project launched their findings in 2 formats: A DVD produced with the help of DCTV, and in the form of a report.

all we want to say group launch Biill speaking to launch

Members of the 'All We Want to Say' project presenting at the DVD & executive summary launch

group shot

The executive summary report is available here.
All We Want to Say Report 2009

You can watch the video online by clicking here.

July-December 2009 - Developing presentations of the All We Want to Say research findings

The National Institute for Intellectual Disability started a new phase of the All We Want to Say project on July 1st, 2009. In that phase, four groups of researchers and supporters around the country developed presentations of these findings using video, radio, and arts for the general public in Ireland, their organisations and communities.

In July 2009, co-researchers and supporters met at the NIID for a one-day training workshop on the 'All We Want to Say' research findings and how to develop presentations. A total of 19 co-researchers and five supporters formed five research groups. Each group decided on two or three research themes to present, selected the media to develop their presentation (video, photography, drama, collage, etc.), and selected a target audience to present to and advocate for change (e.g., organization where they work, general public, politicians).

July 2009 - September 2009: The research groups worked on their presentations. NIID staff met with four groups to support them at least once.

September 2009: A research meeting was organized at the NIID for the groups to share their presentations. Five groups attended the meeting including 6 supporters and 14 co-researchers. The groups presented on the following research topics: being a self-advocate (2 groups), being a house owner (3 groups), being a money manager (2 groups), being a partner in a relationship (1 group), being a good communicator (2 groups), and being a paid employee (1 group).

The NIID established a partnership with Dublin Community TV to film the meeting and develop a DVD on the research findings through the presentations of the different groups.

What next?

July-September 2010: Follow-up on Committees' actions

For more information, contact Dr. Edurne Garcia-