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NIID Research projects

Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities Research Projects

Current research projects

Click here for a full list of our current research projects, and more in-depth information on them all.

Past research projects

Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities has undertaken a number of research projects since its founding in 2004.

Inclusive education: a tertiary experience and transferable model? Lessons learned from the Certificate in Contemporary Living Programme. (2007-2008)

This report was funded by the National Disability Authority (NDA) and explored what students with intellectual disabilities saw as the benefits and challenges of attending a programme within a third level setting and what family members saw as the benefits and challenges of their sons and daughters with intellectual disabilities attending a programme within a third level setting as well as for themselves, and identified what lessons can be learned for the future development of supporting students with intellectual disability to gain access to third level education.

The research was undertaken by Dr. Patricia O'Brien, Dr. Michael Shevlin (School of Education, TCD), Molly O'Keeffe, Dr. Mairin Kenny, Stephanie Fitzgerald; Stephen Curtis, Sonia Edwards & Amy O'Shea.

The full report is available as a PDF file. Click here to download a copy.

Transitions from Compulsory Schooling: possibilities for young people with intellectual disabilities. (2007-2008)

Dr Patricia O'Brien, Dr Máirín Kenny and Dr Philip Curry won a contract from the National Council for Special Education to investigate transition from compulsory schooling for people with intellectual disabilities.

Resources required for implementation of the provisions of the 2004 Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act, regarding Individual Education Plans. (2005-2006)

Dr. Patricia O'Brien, Dr. Máirín Kenny, and Dr. Karen Mahoney won a contract to provide an overview of the IEP provision for children with special education needs in Ireland, quantify the current level of provision of IEPs and where good practice exists, and evaluate existing IEP provision and how this compares with the provisions of the Act.

Allied Research Projects

The NIID is proud to work in collaboration with a number of other research centres, both here in Trinity College, and further afield. Here are some details of these projects.

2008 Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College, Dublin - Talking About Bullying

Stephen Curtis, Dr Carol Hamilton in collaboration with the Anti Bullying Group, Ireland, will work with Dr Patricia O'Brien, recipient of the Trinity College Benefaction Fund, to research and document the preparation and outcomes of anti bullying workshops.

2007 Health Research Board, Ireland's Networking Grant for Global Health Research Awards

Dr Hasheem Mannan and Dr Malcom MacLachlan won a networking grant to facilitate a meeting among potential research partners from Namibia, Sudan, Malawi and South Africa in developing research proposal on universal access to health care with specific focus on people with disabilities.

2007 Enterprise Ireland's Proposal Preparation Support for Coordinators Award

Dr Malcolm MacLachlan, Eilish McAuliffe and Dr Hasheem Mannan gained this award to coordinate and prepare European Union Framework 7 Research Application under the health theme with a focus on people with disabilities.