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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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NIID research Anti-Bullying Group

Anti-Bullying Advocacy Group

Preparing for Cape Town - August 2008

The Anti-Bullying Group has been preparing for our visit to the IASSID Conference in Cape Town. The members going to South Africa are Paul Alford, Stephen Curtis, Carol Hamilton, Stephen MacDermott, William Roberts and Marie Wolfe.

A poster has been made which tells the story of how the group was formed and what it does.

The poster is the result of 4 meetings of the group - 2 full monthly meetings and 2 meetings of those attending the conference.

Click on the picture of the poster to download a larger version - it will need your computer to have PowerPoint installed.

poster for Cape Town

For the final workshop, the delegates travelled to Galway where Marie hosted us.

Stephen Marie and Paul

Stephen, Marie and Paul

Once again, making the poster has been a great team effort. Well done everybody!

The delegates leave Dublin to attend the conference in late August.

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