Des Aston

Des Aston serves as the Outreach Officer at the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID) within the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin (TCD). He lectures on the Certificate in Arts, Science, and Inclusive Applied Practice [ASIAP], a ground-breaking Level 5 Certificate University programme designed for learners with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, Des contributes as a thesis supervisor on the Masters in programmes within the School of Education at TCD.
Des holds a Masters Degree in Applied Social Research from TCD’s School of Social Work and Social Policy. His master’s dissertation, titled ‘Pathways to Post-Secondary Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland,’ delved into secondary school faculties’ perceptions of the readiness of students with intellectual disabilities for life after school, both academically and socially.
With research interests spanning inclusive education, inclusive post-school education, and employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and the policies involving these topics. Des is currently pursuing his PhD within the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin. His research focuses on the experiences of students with intellectual disabilities participating in a university programme through a social constructivist lens.
Des was notably the inaugural Chairperson of the Inclusive National Higher Education Forum (INHEF) from 2018 – 2023, a significant national interest group representing higher education institutions offering inclusive education programs to students with intellectual disabilities across Ireland.
Appointed by the Minister of State for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD, Des joined the Disability Stakeholder Group (DSG) on January 1st, 2022. This voluntary group comprises individuals with expertise and lived experience of disability, tasked with monitoring the Government of Ireland’s disability policy and strategies.
Recent Publications
- La inclusión universitaria de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual en Irlanda in, editor(s)Odet Moliner García , Democratizar la universidad Retos de la educación inclusiva en la formación postsecundaria de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, Spain, Octaedro, 2024, [Donatella Camedda, Des Aston], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED "
- Denise De Souza, Zelinna Pablo, Michael Shevlin, Maria Theresa von Fürstenberg, Jennifer Banks, Debashis Sarker, Alejandra Rios Urzua, Donatella Camedda, Des Aston, Preconditions influencing the development of post-secondary training programs in universities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 48, (3), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
- Falling between Two Stools? Post-secondary Transition Planning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Kate Scorgie, Chris Forlin , Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education., Bingley, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp143-158 , [Joanne Banks, Des Aston, Michael Shevlin], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED DOI
- Des Aston, Transitions to Adulthood: A Case Study of Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities , LEARN, 43, 2022, p7-29 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
- Kubiak J, Aston D, Devitt M, Ringwood B, University Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Empowerment through Voice, Empowerment through Voice. Education Sciences, 11, (571), 2021, p1 – 12, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
- Des Aston, Joanne Banks, Michael Shevlin, Post-School Transitions for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED TARA – Full Text
- Effective Practices for Helping Students Transition to Work in, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, 2020, [Shevlin, M., Kubiak, J., O’Donovan, M., Devitt, M., Ringwood, B., Aston, D., & McGuckin, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED TARA – Full Text DOI