TCPID Graduate Luke Campion now a permanent employee of EY
In a good news story during these difficult times, Luke Campion, one of our most recent TCPID graduates has just been offered a permanent contract working with EY.
Luke has been working with EY since finishing his course in Trinity College in June 2019. Luke has had a hugely positive impact on his team in EY since he started there and we are all very proud of him!
Below is an interview with Luke and and with some of his EY colleagues about his time as a student in Trinity College and his experience working in EY.
Luke Campion
Can you tell us about yourself and your background?
My Name is Luke. I live in Dublin with my parents and three of my four brothers.
Why did you decide to come to Trinity College Dublin to complete the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice?
My Keyworker Zoe encouraged me to apply. I went to the open day and I really liked the sound of the course.
What did you enjoy most about the ASIAP course?
I enjoyed making new friends and learning new subjects.
What did you find difficult?
I found sign language very difficult but with the help of my teachers and student tutors I managed to pass.
What would your advice be to to other students who might be considering applying for the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice?
Tell them to go for it!
Tell us about your role and your team in EY?
I am an intern in EY. I really enjoy the work and all the team that I am working with.
What do you enjoy the most about working in EY?
Alannah and all the team have really welcomed me. I feel that I am doing something useful.
What new skills have you learnt during your time in EY?
I have learnt skills in filing, organising, photocopying and lots of other things.
How did you feel when you were told that you had been made permanent in EY?
One word........ Delighted!!
What are your goals for the future?
I want to continue working for EY and I want to learn more new skills.
Luke's EY Colleagues: Jan Smullen and Alannah McMahon
How has Luke settled in to his role in EY since he started with you?
Luke has settled in really well to our talent team at EY, from the beginning he has had no qualms about approaching everybody on the team. It was not a case of having to introduce Luke to our colleagues, Luke made sure he introduced himself. Since then he has become a Thursday fixture and everyone has a part to play in his timetable. He is a proud team member and the team is incredibly proud of Luke.
Has he changed or developed additional skills during the time that he has been in EY?
Luke has a fantastic aptitude for analytical tasks and he has been a great help across our Student Recruitment, New Joiner and Talent development teams with filing and preparing packs for inductions and training courses. He has also developed his public speaking skills having given talks to some of our work placements and Transition Year students about his experience at Trinity and joining EY. Luke took great pride in telling the transition year class that if they worked hard they too could go to Trinity. Luke has recently received a laptop and will be working on some spreadsheets and data related tasks with our new joiner and reward teams in the coming months. The HR business partner team have also got work lined up for Luke and we think it is key that he gets experience with all parts of the team.
How has Luke had an impact on your team and on EY in general?
Luke has had a tremendous impact on our team, you just have to look at the smile on everyone’s faces when he arrives in on a Thursday morning. Luke has an amazing ability to make you live in the moment, something that we are all told we should do but rarely achieve. My favourite time of the week is meeting Luke on a Thursday morning for our ritual coffee catch up and hearing him put in his order
'the usual thanks Cormac', while we do the weekly riddle at reception – which Luke flies through and which he attempts to explain to me! It’s clear that the rest of the team feel the same and are delighted to spend time with him. The positive impact on our people that Luke and his fellow TCPID grads have made cannot be measured. It’s not a coincidence that Thursday morning is the one morning of the week, where seats are at an all time premium.
Why did you decide to offer Luke a permanent role?
Simple, we couldn’t imagine our Talent team without him. Luke has made such a positive impact to our team both in terms of his dedicated work ethic and never faltering can do attitude. From day one, his potential was clear to all and we as a team are delighted he’s staying with us long term. He’s a great asset to the team and to EY.
Some additional quotes from Luke's team:
Personally, my favourite part of working with Luke is chatting with him over a cup of tea and finding out about his week, maybe catching up on the latest movies he’s seen or the goings on at Liverpool FC. Billy Sheehy
Luke has blossomed into a confident, integral part of our team. Not only is the work he does key but so is his sunny humour and infectious cheery mood. He puts a smile on each and every face here in EY and we are so delighted to welcome him to a permanent position. Holly Perry
Luke’s very presence has an obviously immediate uplifting impact on the HR Talent team. It’s impossible to leave a conversation with Luke without a smile on your face. We are truly blessed to have Luke as a member of our team. Kathlynn Garry
I think Luke’s enthusiasm and willingness to give anything a go has a huge impact on our team. I remember the day everyone came back to the office after the Christmas holidays – he was absolutely delighted to be back and excited to start his next project. Everyone was having a bit of the holiday blues and he completely changed the atmosphere in the room. Aoife Tomkins
You hear him long before you see him and instantly you can’t stop smiling because you know Luke is on his way. Beyond thrilled to welcome him as a permanent member of our team. Alannah Mc Mahon
I think Luke brings a lot of joy to the office, I think everybody looks forward to him coming in.
He helps you take a step back on a bad day, and appreciate the chats and coffee with him.
I really think he adds a lot to the team. Lauren Connolly