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TCPID Graduate Kai Tiernan receives a permanent contract with Grant Thornton

Our graduate Kai Tiernan has just received a permanent contract working with Grant Thornton.

Kai completed the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice in June 2020. He started working in Grant Thornton in March of this year, orginally on a 6 month internship which was then further extended. Kai found out last week that he is to receive his first ever permanent contract. He was absolutely thrilled with this amazing news!

Here is a short interview with Kai, along with some quotes from his family and from his Grant Thornton Manager Jillian O Sullivan.

Kai Tiernan

What do you enjoy most about working in Grant Thornton?

I enjoy the work that I am given. I enjoy that I come to work in Dublin City. I am happy to be learning new skills.

How do your colleagues support you and make you feel included?

My colleagues give me extra time to do work. They invite me to the company events. They are there for me if I have problems.

Were you surprised when you heard that you were being made permanent?

Yes I was. It was a complete shock. I didn’t expect this to happen.

How do you feel now that you have received your first ever permanent contract?

I am very relieved and excited.

What are your hopes for the future?

I would like to keep going working and learning.

Is there anything else that you would like to say about your time as a student in Trinity College, or about your team in Grant Thornton?

Trinity is a brilliant university to go to and as an intellectually disabled person. The ASIAP course is really a great course and I am glad that Trinity is inclusive for people with disabilities. I would highly recommend this course for new students with disabilities. I really appreciate the help that Marie and my tutors have given me. Also I’m very happy that I made some good ole friends.

I would really like to thank Jillian, who is my manager in Grant Thornton because I don’t think that I would have this opportunity if it wasn’t for her. Grant Thornton is a great place to work.

I'd also like to thank Marie and Barbara for helping me find work placements and the support they have given me while I've been in Grant Thornton.

From Kai's Manager Jillian O'Sullivan:

Kai has been a fantastic addition to the Grant Thornton team since he joined us earlier this year. He has worked extremely hard and is always keen to learn more and to help out wherever he is needed. We are delighted to be able to offer him a permanent role as we can't imagine our team without him with now.

From Kai's Mum:

I am so happy and immensely proud of Kai. To say I am grateful to his mentors in Trinity feels like a gross understatement. I've been amazed at the support and guidance they provide to the students long after they have finished the course. It truly is invaluable and should be the model for how we educate and support our young people with disabilities. It is a great relief to me that Kai has found a workplace that is inclusive and supportive of him and I am very thankful for the opportunity he has been given by Grant Thornton in offering him a permanent contract. Kai speaks very highly of Jillian, his mentor and of other staff that he works with. It is such a thrill to witness his achievements and I am really excited for this next chapter.

From Kai's Grandad:

Congratulations Kai, on your appointment to a permanent job at Grant Thornton. Well done. As you know, they are a brilliant company to work for and I’m sure that you will be happy there in your career. They will give you lots of help with your work and they will appreciate your talents and your friendly personality. Again, well done Kai and best wishes for your future. From your proud granddad.