Dr John Kubiak from Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities has a new publication 'Using Concept Mapping as a Learning Tool for College Students with an Intellectual DisabilityJuly 12th 2016

Dr John Kubiak has a new publication out in The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education. The article is titled: 'Using Concept Mapping as a Learning Tool for College Students with an Intellectual Disability'.
This article outlines how students with an intellectual disability (ID) used concept maps as a learning and research tool in a post-secondary education (PSE) program. Concept mapping is described as a graphical tool used for organizing and representing relationships between concepts and has been shown to have a positive impact on the quality of student learning, especially in higher education. This paper outlines how concept maps were used in one Irish university as a learning tool in an inclusive education college program for people with an ID. Examples are provided from a small group of students who used concept maps as 1) a learning tool for gaining a greater understanding of their own learning processes and 2) as a research tool for eliciting information and gathering data. Further research is needed to better understand how college students with an ID can be supported both individually and collaboratively to develop and progress their learning skills through the use of concept mapping.